Chapter 57
Wu Lang was indeed brought to this world of cultivating immortals in order to pass on his Tao.

But the previous dog licking inheritance, that's all.
No matter how things go wrong with the good boy, even if he is chased and killed by countless immortal sects because of his good-looking smile, or even becomes the public enemy of the entire Liangzhou cultivating world, it will definitely not affect me here across thousands of rivers and mountains.

But what about this?

He was really afraid of himself, if he messed with the Jedi knights now, he would be caught and paraded in the streets, and he would end up like this.

"I'm at such a risk!"

He looked a little melancholy, and the more he thought about it, the more sad he became.

But he really felt that he couldn't survive the day, so he took out this special skill of pressing the bottom of the box and used it on the goblins.

He sees his situation clearly:

The evil disaster broke out, and I was only in the early stage of Qi training, and I became a wild mixed-blood monster with no background, avoiding wars on the mountain, and the sect could not support me, so I could only rely on raising goblins to cultivate a group of Jedi warriors, see See if you can get some chance.

Wu Lang continued to study the goblins, ignoring their screams of panic, and muttered, "Cleaning up, I don't really think about such things."

"Although when I was a child, I saw the process of the uncle's capon next door in the countryside, but still."

"However, their intelligence is very low, only the IQ of a Teddy dog ​​equivalent to a five or six-year-old child. Let me see if I can find a way to trick them into using their arrears of IQ to make me come."

After all, they do their own work, have enough food and clothing, and only after they have broken their six clean roots can they wear cassocks and take refuge in our sect.

But this time.

"This immortal came to this world only to pass on the lost tradition of that overlord, to save this troubled world? To quell the disasters of this eternal world! For the benefit of the common people?"

Xu Xinying was in a daze when he heard this.

She began to savor these words, and her body began to tremble uncontrollably when she saw the master who was constantly studying the mountain spirit.

When she was a girl, her parents were killed by mountain spirits. She hid in the closet and watched the cruel and bloody scene in horror. That kind of hatred made her start practicing martial arts, entered the bodyguard bureau, guarded various caravans, and accompanied them on mountain roads. In order to kill the mountain spirits intercepted on the road.

Day after day, year after year, she mechanically killed nothing but hatred. Her hands were stained with blood, but she was angry that she could not kill these monsters. After dissecting, chasing, and researching, she discovered that their fertility and reproduction ability were fundamental. It's not that you can kill them all by yourself.

It was this kind of instinctive killing that allowed her to survive the encirclement and suppression of more than a dozen goblins at the third level of qi training, fighting back and forth.

The disaster that erupted from the goblins was a common problem in Jingzhou.

Countless immortals and monks can't solve it, can't kill them all, can't kill them all, just like those ants, but they can't think of such a way.

Killing is not the best policy.

——Stop war with benevolence, and love non-aggression.

Let them change by themselves.

Hold up the torch of civilization, bring them hope, teach them etiquette, integrity, and shame, and let them eliminate the root of their disasters instead of using brute force. The answer to this stubborn disease "animal disaster" undoubtedly lies in the eight-character mantra: Sexuality causes disasters , Cut to Yongzhi.

She felt that this was a fateful encounter!
Let myself meet this holy figure like a fairy, so that I can really look directly at this hatred.

Seeing the figure of this handsome young man under the sun, there is a feeling that the years are quiet and he can't bear to disturb him any more.

This leisurely scene, like a fairyland, suddenly feels so beautiful!

Xu Xinying favorability +3
Xu Xinying favorability +3

Wu Lang cast a glance at her.

Still, the favorability of female disciples is easy to brush.

Wu Lang still didn't care too much, and comforted himself: "I shouldn't be so unlucky, let them go out to seduce souls, as long as they are not too sloppy, they should not be discovered."

From the outside, it looks like an ordinary goblin.

Apart from having special hobbies, who would take off goblin pants for a normal monk! !
He sighed, and began to concentrate on his work. He focused his eyes on the experiment in front of him, and said in his heart: "Remember the Jedi Knight, the operation path of the exercises, and the formula of the medicinal bath, and the spiritual materials, respectively."

For the next few days.

Wu Lang started to work overtime.

While cultivating, while studying new errands, I even found time to go back to the Seventh Peak at night to have a look.

Of course, he also brought this cheap new disciple back to the Seventh Peak, ordered some things, and left her alone.

Her qualifications are not good.

At the very least, none of the various exercises I know is very suitable for her, and her two fates are not compatible.

Accepting her is a real shortage of people, so we can only temporarily recruit strong men.

I need a person to mix into various cities to help me find out the news and know the current outbreak of the war in the catastrophe.

After all, with my appearance, if I went to a human city and met a monk, I would be courting death!
"Is this the Immortal Gate?" At this time, this disciple, following him to the sect, was even more frightened when he saw everything about the Netherworld Sect.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

Wu Lang continued to hide in a cave on a barren mountain, keeping himself safe.

Occasionally, a monk flew with his sword in the sky, as if he was rushing to a war somewhere.

And Wu Lang was originally in the Qi refining stage, and with the Qi Condensation Formation, no one could find himself.

This area is full of goblins, and his aura is not much stronger than that of goblins, so he is a ghost if he can find himself.

Concentrate on practicing!

Concentrate on practicing!

Every day is like that.


On this day, Wu Lang took a deep breath. Now that he had reached the fourth floor of Qi training, he finally breathed a sigh of relief seeing that his medicinal formula was ready.

"Fortunately, the initial first-level practice formulas are basically very common medicinal materials."

"After all, the big guy back then was originally an ordinary goblin. He asked for help online, and the big guys helped him design it. Naturally, he has it all around him."

After he got everything done, he returned to the seventh peak.

After a long absence, I looked at the information log on the big disciple's side.

【Your eldest disciple, he helped widows with cooking cakes and gained goodwill. 】

[Your eldest disciple married Qu Lianer, a widow, and took over as Qu Qiang's stepfather. He worked hard every day, his wife began to be dissatisfied day by day, and gradually cursed, and his son beat him violently. As a result, his cultivation base greatly increased, and his heart and nature were in line. He reached the sixth level of Qi training Consummation. 】

【Your disciple lacks cultivation resources, so he secretly explored a secret place on the pretext of sending cooking cakes to the next county, fought with others, and was seriously injured in cultivation, but returned with a rewarding experience. 】

【Your disciple was seriously injured and came back to sell cooking cakes. 】

[Your disciple suffered domestic violence, was stabbed with needles crazily, was covered in bruises, and his cultivation base skyrocketed. 】

Is your wife Rong Nai?
Wu Lang looked at the wonderful life of his good apprentice Liu Ping, and his expression became a little bit exciting.

"After going down the mountain soon, I never went back to the seventh peak. I came back to visit my teacher once. It turns out that the fun has been so exciting recently." Wu Lang was speechless.

But it's normal.

Ordinary monks are reincarnated, and they will inevitably usher in a period of rapid growth. How can they have time to come back and take a look?
Come back casually like this, the main body in the "sleep" is not only unsafe, but also easy to expose itself.

That is to say, a great monk like Xing Hanhan, who has his own cave, has a stable cultivation base, and has been in seclusion for several years at every turn, will be so idle.

call! !

"Hey boy, the souls of the county town that hooked him have already been assigned to his territory, and he can be regarded as having continuous income over there."

Wu Lang confirmed that Liu Ping was developing in secret, so he stopped talking to him and started to get down to business.

Goblin's errands can basically be started at any time.
So, now is to let this temporary tool apprentice go to a nearby city to explore the news of the evil disaster, so as not to lose sight of it.

So, he summoned his apprentice on the seventh peak.

"Disciple, I called you here today because there is a method to teach you." Wu Lang said slowly, and said with a smile: "If you have cultivated this method, you can also set foot on your own path of cultivation."

Xu Xinying was excited.

She has been waiting for this moment for a long time!

The existence of the one in the story broke his own destiny and opened up a path, which is really amazing.

I don't know what kind of exercises Master will teach me to break my miserable fate and knots in my heart?
She was full of anticipation.

(End of this chapter)

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