I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 58 See through the demons, know the fate and cultivate one's life

Chapter 58 See through the demons, know the fate and cultivate one's life

Seventh Peak.

In the courtyard, a girl knelt down and was very polite.

Wu Lang sat on a high chair, observed her for a while, and said in his heart: "Obviously, this is a son and daughter of the rivers and lakes who live on the blade. A swordsman on the battlefield."

But fortunately.

This exercise I taught myself.
It's not a sand sculpture.

It belongs to the later generations of Huangquan sect, one of the popular backbone exercises, and the concept of practice is close to the classic traditional immortal method, so if you let her out by yourself, you are not afraid of being paraded in the street.

Although it is not against the sky, this mediocrity is actually a kind of relief for the current Wu Lang. It is best to be safe and peaceful without causing trouble. I still want to live for two more years.

Now, she is the hope of the whole village!

I also count on her to go down the mountain, as my eyeliner, to help me in the Seventh Peak of Huangquan, scout out the enemy situation, travel around the various sects, and know all kinds of real information on the battlefield of the evil disaster, so that I can fish in troubled waters and seduce people after the battle.
at this time.

Wu Lang didn't speak, he was still drinking tea while sitting on a chair, his thoughts seemed to drift far away.

And Xu Xinying at the bottom felt baffled.

Didn't this celestial being teach me the exercises?

She was puzzled in her heart, but she didn't dare to make a sound, and just knelt like that.


Minutes passed by.

Wu Lang continued to drink tea, ignored her, and even started to practice his own kung fu, drawing formations on the table to forge his fate.

Below, Xu Xinying looked respectful and patient.

Six hours passed.

Xu Xinying's demeanor remained unchanged, she still looked resolute.

Fourteen hours passed, and Wu Lang went to see the goblin ghosts kept in captivity on the mountain. After studying for several hours, he came back and sat down again.

Xu Xinying, who was kneeling, still showed no change in expression.

But he was obviously exhausted, suffering from a dull torment, and his eyes were not bright.

Seventeen hours passed.

24 hours have passed.

Wu Lang was still practicing on the chair, as if there was no one below, and even a voice came from the bottom of the mountain, laughing loudly: "Junior brother, I'm here to get the flowers from the other side again."

Recently, Xing Hanhan often comes to his Seventh Peak to chat.

According to normal development, Wu Lang must be very busy at this time. At the beginning of his descent from the mountain, he was laying the foundation as a child in the Immortal Gate. This is the most closely supervised growth period, and he dared not enter the Netherworld Sect at all.
But now Wu Lang is very idle.

"I'm in!"

It is rare for Xing Hanhan not to bring his apprentice with him now. When he was taken up the mountain, he glanced at Xu Xinying who was kneeling, "Oh, recruiting newcomers again?"

"Yes." Wu Lang nodded.

"Will she smile like that?" she wondered.

Wu Lang shook his head.

She was a little disappointed immediately, and changed the subject again: "By the way, you have arrived in Jingzhou, I was on your seventh peak, and I saw the mountain spirit over there, and you surrounded him, you plan to arrest him Well?"

Shanjing is a special product of Jingzhou.

Wu Lang didn't hide where he was reincarnated.

What's more, there is no way to hide it.

Now Huang Quanzong, there are only three peaks, just look at the wandering souls on Huangquan Road, and you will know which continent the new wandering souls come from.

"I caught the wandering spirits of these mountain spirits, and I went to the seventh peak to study them." Wu Lang just replied.

Xing Hanhan was thoughtful.

Knew it!
With the kind and nosy character of my junior brother, seeing this kind of thing, killing the common people and attacking villages everywhere, I must not bear it!

It is even something he must do to capture and study.

So, she was not suspicious, took the flower seedlings of the other side flower and the soul mud nutrition bricks, and did not leave, but sat by the side and watched silently.

She has great eyesight!
This kneeling rookie was exhausted. He didn't know how long he had been kneeling. If it wasn't for his soul, he would have been unable to hold on long ago.

And someone like Junior Brother, who tortured people well, must have something to do.

There must be a good show to watch!
She decided to stay and watch the play, and even sat down by herself, drinking tea with her legs crossed beside her, looking familiar.

Wu Lang glanced at her.

This person's curiosity is exuberant, her degree of difficulty is exaggerated, and she likes to pretend to be a lady of literature and art. It's not that she has never seen her before, so she just ignored her.

However, my Jingzhou is so dangerous, and the evil disaster broke out, but you are fishing for fish, and it is peaceful. It is really difficult for me.

But this big guy couldn't come across the sea to help him, so he could only come here to chat.


34 hours have passed.

Wu Lang was still practicing Qigong down-to-earth, but Xing Hanhan was already yawning, bored.

However, Xu Xinying's expression gradually changed.

A kind of irritability kept growing in my heart, and gradually I couldn't suppress it.

In fact, she has a very impatient personality, but she hides it very deeply. Others even think that she is easy to talk and friendly. In fact, she is patient and trying to get along with others.

But at this moment, her flammable and explosive character has reached the limit, that kind of nameless anger hidden in the depths is gradually squeezing her chest, her brain is constantly congested, and the extreme emotions seem to break down the levee in her heart, turning into a The monstrous flood completely overwhelmed her sanity.

Suddenly, she stood up in anger, pointed at Wu Lang's nose and cursed:

"What are you going to do?"

"Trample on my dignity, torture me? Is this the fairy gate!?"

Xing Hanhan next to him gloated.

This new apprentice is so irritable and fierce, pointing his nose and cursing.

On the contrary, Wu Lang slowly closed the pages of the book in his hand, sat on the chair without being angry or annoyed, and said calmly, "Have you finally learned to speak? Have you finally learned to be angry?"


Xu Xinying's furious expression froze for a moment, and she was a little dumb.

"Xu Xinying, do you know that the first time I saw you, I knew you were an impulsive and irritable person, but you often hide your true face, suppress your irritability, and suppress your true heart."

Wu Lang's voice was not loud, but it exploded in her mind.

I'm irritable?
She couldn't deny this at all.

She is indeed an extremely violent person. When she was 13 years old, she hacked a street bully pork guy more than 70 knives who bullied her. When she came back to her senses, there was blood all over the place, and she was wanted by the entire yamen. Only by fleeing to a distant town can he hide again.

Since then, she has become a murderer and always loses her mind when she is extremely angry. She wants to suppress her inexplicable irritability and never wants to become a person who loses her mind.

But Master, it seems that he has already seen through his disguise and knows who he really is.
"Why do I have that inexplicable anger?" She suddenly couldn't help asking, this was her long-standing doubt.

Wu Lang glanced at her, and just said lightly: "It's just a long-term illness. It's because of your childhood experience that your anger has been suppressed for too long, and it has become a demon in your heart. Remember what I said What have I cultivated in this vein?"

"Know your fate and cultivate your fate." She murmured suddenly.

Of course, I still remember the story of the goblin monster king, the roar of that man, knowing the fate of his own race, and eager to fight for his own fate.

As I said at the time, this is also the path of their lineage.

"In that case, do you know who you are?" Wu Lang asked again.

"Of course I am me." She opened her mouth, and answered instinctively, but who is she who is angry?

She even felt that she was strange sometimes, and when she got angry, she seemed to be a different person, lost her mind, and turned into a wild beast.

That kind of self is like a goblin, only instinctive beasts are left to invade and kill.

"When you scolded me just now, I thought that you no longer had that impulsive anger in your heart!" Wu Lang still had a gentle expression, and said with a smile, "How is it? Did you feel much happier?"

"It's much more comfortable." She didn't refute.

"Only by enduring it will you know the pain."

"Being angry, Fang feels free and easy."

"Your anger just now gave you an emotional release."

Wu Lang's voice was calm, but there seemed to be a thunderbolt, and he began to read the chicken soup article from his previous life, "In your heart, there lives an angry ape."

Xu Xinying remained silent, fully understanding that her "angry fate" was formed by childhood shadows.

At that time, she was hiding in the closet to face the massacre, hating herself for being cowardly, hating herself for not daring to rush out, covering her mouth, tears, and heart.

After that, the anger and unwillingness to rush out of the closet was suppressed and completely dusted, until it ushered in an explosion when I was 13 years old.

"To break your life, you need to break your heart."

Another indifferent voice came again, breaking her bowed contemplation.

"I will force you to be angry and reveal your true nature." Wu Lang said, "But fortunately, you have suppressed it for so long, and you still have that anger in your heart."

"You need to know that if you want to cultivate, you must see through this demon in your heart."

Wu Lang looked at her coldly,

"For the rest of your life, don't restrain yourself anymore. You have to be angry and not afraid of things! You have to be angry and not afraid of death! You have to just follow your heart! Just like you just did not fear death, scold me, yell at me, and even Just like killing me, regardless of the consequences, just follow your heart."

Follow the anger in your heart?

Anger is not afraid of things.

Anger is not afraid of death.

As Xu Xinying listened, her expression gradually changed, as if struck by lightning in a trance.

These words seemed to cut open her heart with a knife, gouged out her bloody flesh, and made her look directly at her real self. She woke up from countless nightmares at night, and she was all regretting her cowardice and timidity.

She regretted countless times back then that she should rush out of the closet, even if she was killed and left like her parents, she would not have to be haunted by regret for the rest of her life. That anger at no cost is the person she truly desires to be in her heart.

That was her heart block, and it also turned into her destiny.

So, this is the fate I long for?

She suddenly laughed nervously.

Know your fate and cultivate your fate.

Ha ha ha ha! !
"So that's it, that's it!! I've always been angry that I'm a coward, I'm avoiding myself." Xu Xinying's heart suddenly brightened.

"Thank you, Master, for teaching me to enter the Tao."

She suddenly restrained her expression, returned to her calm girlish demeanor, and bowed respectfully.

Her whole demeanor has changed, from a seemingly taciturn woman to a peerless swordsman exuding violent viciousness, who seems to be killing people with anger, and is indomitable.

Xing Hanhan next to him widened his eyes.

这 是
This breath, is it an exception?
(End of this chapter)

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