I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 71 Sword Tomb, maddening

Chapter 71 Sword Tomb, maddening

For Wu Lang's original world, tsunamis, earthquakes, these terrible powers of heaven destroy the cities of modern humans and destroy their homes.

And for this world, the evil disaster is the power of heaven that destroys the homes of the people here.

The monsters and birds in the distance all had slightly red eyes, affected by the demonic energy, they were extremely manic, and their relatives did not recognize them.

Before this mighty natural disaster, Wu Lang felt that he was pitifully insignificant.


Xu Xinying showed a little hesitation, "The direction of the evil disaster is going to Yunming City."

Wu Lang nodded.

Although it will wash away the mountains of its own generation, it will not be the main force of the evil disaster.

The main force seemed to be heading towards Yunming City.

Demonic disasters will smell human, and instinctively impact human cities.

Xu Xinying watched carefully, and comforted herself: "Two months ago, when we went down the mountain, we knew that the people in the city had already made preparations in advance under the organization of the government, and hoped that they could escape this disaster. .”

In this situation, there is absolutely nothing you can do, you can only watch.

From the distant Tianbian Mountains to the Yunming City behind, the evil disaster took a full half an hour.

The speed of advancement is not fast, after all, they are all low-level monsters.

The moment of collision when the disaster arrives.

A towering city the size of a bowl far away in the sky, the thick city wall collapsed quickly and was shattered.

The city was like a huge concave wall that disappeared into nothingness.

The inner streets and shops were exposed to the evil disaster, and they were reduced to ruins in an instant, as if they had been washed away by a huge flood.

And the main force of the evil disaster didn't stay for a second at all, and it was impossible to stay for such an insignificant border town.

The evil disasters are still densely rushing towards the city deep in the hinterland of the human race.

They are killing those big sects cultivating immortals, and the core of mortals ruled by them are prosperous countries. They want to cut off the underlying foundation soil of the human race and teach the human monks a painful lesson.


Xu Xinying felt her heart beating very fast, it was terrifying!

To destroy a city, it only takes more than three minutes to cross the city.

And the powerful monks are playing games in the sacred places of practice and launching this kind of war. At this time, what mortals can do is to let the local government take the lead to lead the people in the cities to enter the underground of their own homes. Dig tens of meters, or even 300 meters "cellar" shelter.

"But the collapse of the town is the beginning of the evil disaster."

Xu Xinying sighed.

"The horror of the evil disasters has never been the moment when they destroyed the city, but the long-term sequelae of the evil disasters."

"After the disaster, there will still be monsters and monsters who have no strength to follow the main force and live in place. They instinctively smell human beings in the ruins and turn over broken courtyards, rocks, and dry wells. , looking for the hiding places of the people.”

The people in the city will live a long life in the ruins of the doomsday.

Not only do you have to face the test of lack of food and water, but you also have to have good luck so that your hiding place will not be discovered.

Only when the monks come to clean up the land, can they escape from danger, come out of the place of refuge, and even rebuild the city.

And how long will it take for the monks who are fighting at the top level to successfully pacify the attacking demon clan before they can come to rescue them?


Even decades?
For the high-ranking monks, it is just a relatively long retreat, but for mortals, it is a lifetime.

In the following time, half of their life, or even their whole life, they lived underground, living a life that was worse than death, even because of the lack of food, in the cellar, in a painful and desperate environment, waiting for the immortals to save them. die of starvation.

This is the evil disaster.

To a certain extent, perhaps being killed instantly by the impact of a demon disaster is a happy death without pain.

"Hey, isn't this the case in the ancient times of our earth? In times of disaster and chaos, people are struggling to survive, and it is normal to gnaw on tree bark and exchange seeds for food."

Wu Lang looked at the abandoned city from afar, and he had no intention of intervening at the moment: what could be done and what could be helped had already been done, even if it was an aftermath, he couldn't handle it himself.

Even though the mountain of Wu Lang is not the main force of the evil disaster, it will inevitably enter a large number of monsters demonized by the evil energy, which is very dangerous.

"Master, I want to go down the mountain and take that team of Jedi warriors to block the foot of the mountain, clean up the passages around the foot of the mountain, and make our mountain gate safe." Xu Xinying said softly.

She originally wanted to help the people of Yunming City, but she didn't know how many people were still alive in the city, but it was impossible to do so at this stage, so she could only clean up the remaining disasters around her.


Wu Lang nodded, without stopping her, said:
"You have already cultivated Qi to the seventh level, and you have cultivated the holy warrior body of the peerless kung fu [Sword Tomb]. This type of battle body is also called by those ancient berserk God of War clans: Fighting Xixi Battle Body, which happens to be good at group battles. "


She nodded, and said with a cold face: "I will be careful, I just realized the true meaning of Kuangzhan by realizing it!"


Wu Lang looked down at the mountain with his hands behind his back.

Soon, she went straight down the mountainside.

There is a tribe of goblins who have relocated here, which is exactly the group of Jedi knights she enlightened.

The sterilization road that has come down these days has successfully gathered [-] masters.

Although the practice time is not long, most of them are only the ordinary combat strength of the third or fourth level of Qi training, and any one picked out of the magic disaster will not be weaker than them.

But also a fighting force.

She brought seven hundred masters down the mountain, and was about to weed out some of them. She thought to herself, "After all, I don't want trash, so I can test them."


Before she reached the bottom of the mountain, she saw some demonized monsters, wild beasts, who were already preparing to go up the mountain.

Without hesitation, he waved his hand directly, "Go to the side and deal with those guys, and I will deal with the main force."

She pointed at the thousands of monsters at the foot of the mountain.

"I'm going there, you have to stay away from me. I haven't fully cultivated my skills. After entering the battle body, I will go crazy in an instant. If my relatives don't believe that you are approaching, I will kill you too."

The mountain spirit warriors nodded again and again.


Xu Xinying trembled all over, entering a certain state.

Her eyes were bright red, and her whole body was raised out of thin air, her muscles were exaggerated, and she turned into a human-shaped tower mountain.

She jumped down, punched suddenly, and exploded the head of a three-layer Qi-training wolf.

"Come to fight!"

Her eyes were red and she was very manic, similar to those demonized monsters.

"I have cultivated the sacred body inherited by the master, the body of the ancient mad war gods, and I have cultivated to the peak, and I can fight for thousands of people. Even if thousands of you kill me, I am afraid that you will not be able to cut off the last bit of me. Bloodline."

But how could the evil beasts of the evil disaster be afraid?
In an instant, they swarmed up and killed them from all directions.


Xu Xinying ran amok among the thousands of troops and turned into a flesh harvester.

But even she can't beat four hands with two fists. Countless weapons and sharp claws hit her body, making the sound of clanging metal, and the sharp claws broke instantly.

Fighting along the way, she has killed dozens of monsters and broken countless weapons, it is really like a sword mound, a grave mound of swords.

dark place.

A colorful tiger, perched on a big tree, walked gracefully. Looking at this scene, he was a little surprised and said: "This human being is only in the Qi refining stage, but he is so brave, like an unrivaled killing god."

"But she doesn't want to die, even my foundation-building period Dzogchen, I'm afraid I will die in it."

It watches in the dark.

The tiger demon is the demon king deep in the mountains of this generation. It has refined the horizontal bones and entered the half-step alchemy state. It can be said that it is the demon king of this generation of mountains. But it can't.

In the past few months, it has also noticed the abnormality of the mountain spirit, and knows that someone is hiding in this outer mountain range, and it is actually teaching the mountain spirit.

It wanted to find out the truth, but the arrival of the evil disaster interrupted its plan.

"Hey! It's really a heroine of the female middle class!" It observed, a little admired, but shook its head and said: "However, what she does is just a way to die. Even I can't stop this kind of siege. Consumed."

In its view, death is a matter of time.

But after continuing to observe for a while, it felt slightly wrong.

This person is covered with bruises, but why are his eyes red with anger?The stronger the manic atmosphere?The more bleeding the more fierce?
"Could it be, is it a flashback?"

The four-legged colorful tiger gracefully stood on the branch of the big tree, and said with great interest.

It has seen a creature before its death, stimulate the potential of the whole body, and exaggerate its combat power.

And physical training, strong physique, is easier to trigger.

But after watching for a while, she continued to kill all directions, like a wild lion rampaging, and was suddenly stabbed in the back.

It was a ferocious wolf with a well-trained Qi, with a bright red complexion.

Seeing this, the tiger demon shook his head, "It's over. She fought too fiercely, and attracted powerful characters. The wolf will sneak attack. In the midst of the siege, it can't stop its attack and kill at all."

This scratching, scratching into the bone marrow, directly seriously injured.

It thought: This time it should die, right?
The result is still ferocious.

"You guys, come hack me to death!!"

Xu Xinying roared like thunder.

She continued to fight, and even her fighting strength became more and more fierce. Her eyes were completely red, she was satisfied with murderous intent, and she was full of anger, like an unrivaled prehistoric beast.

Ow! !
The wolf's face showed a fierce look, and his speed was so fast that only afterimages remained, his claws were like knives, and the knife saw blood.

One knife!Two knives!

Three knives!

Blood blooms all over his body.

Xu Xinying couldn't keep up with the opponent's speed, she was like a puppet torn by silk thread, her whole body was in tatters.

The pain and powerlessness, the resentment of being teased, made Xu Xinying's heart explode with rage, and it overwhelmed her rationality. The turbulent anger was like a stove stuffed with fuel, and the whole person was full of rage!

Her speed instantly increased.

It was so fast that it only took one palm to catch the leader of the fast-jumping wolf.

"Death to me!"

Bang bang!

She even resisted the attacks of the monsters around her. Countless blood spurted out, punching, punching, punching, and hammering this wolf monster to the ground.

Bleeding all over the place.

The head was blown off.

The neck was bent.

The wolf demon who was pressed to the ground couldn't hold it anymore, sobbing loudly, begging for mercy.

On the high tree trunk in the distance, the colorful tiger demon was shocked, his eyes seemed to be blazing with anger, full of fighting intent, suddenly a sentence flashed in his mind: "A person's body can die, but His wrath will not die!"


This human being is so full of blood!
She wants to die with the wolf.

Even if she was attacked and cut by other monsters from all directions, she ignored it and beat that wolf monster violently.

"Sure enough, creatures and creatures cannot be generalized. When she was extremely angry, she beat and killed a monster wolf leader while being surrounded by hundreds of monsters." He continued to watch the play, thinking it was quite interesting.

"I can't be as ruthless as her."

"But she's going to die." It couldn't bear to look directly, and was about to turn around and leave, but in the next second, it saw a scene it would never forget.


The terrifying figure of God of War, her hair was blown by the strong wind, she killed the demon wolf and slowly stood up again, completely in tatters, and continued to kill the surroundings.


Because the more severely she was injured, the stronger her recovery power was stimulated, the wounds on her body were wriggling, and the bleeding was slowly stagnant.

"Ah this?"

"Why isn't she dead?" The tiger was so frightened that its hair blew up, and its whole body was terrified by this figure, as if it saw a crazy immortal God of War.

An unstoppable thought popped up in my mind: "Who is this person? What kind of magic skill did she practice to be so anti-hacking? Even this can't kill her!"

(End of this chapter)

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