Chapter 72
The colorful tiger was surprised, but he didn't know the truth.

But Wu Lang knew the truth, standing on another high mountain at this time, silently watching the battle of this holy war god:

"It is indeed very powerful, those animals"

"The exercises produced must indeed be high-quality goods."

This is the first real group combat, which is more powerful than I imagined.

"Although they are full of rhetoric, they are all talents, from all walks of life, and they are proficient in psychology, medicine, mechanics, and ergonomics to brainstorm together."

What is the profession of a berserker?
In most games, the more injured, the more frenzied the battle, and even the lower the HP, the faster the attack speed, the stronger the attack, and the more furious the battle.

No residual blood, will not play.

And the players have gathered countless wisdom, and the physical training magic skill developed based on this feature can be said to be: a high degree of restoration.

Even though the recovery speed of the wound is super fast, the vitality is extremely low. Only when the limit of death is reached, the true energy in the body will be automatically used to start repairing the body.

And this way is to use the near-death experience, all kinds of severe trauma and pain, to "infuriate" one's potential and break one's upper limit.

It should be known that when human beings are extremely angry and extremely dangerous, they will stimulate their potential abilities, ignite adrenaline in the body, overclock muscles, and enter the bullet time of the brain's senses.

——Enter the ferocious state of "death counterattack" and "return to light" that is controllable.

This is the initial principle of this physical training method.

It can even be said that humans in modern society from different worlds have begun to carry out scientific research investigations, set up laboratories in situ, and conduct various researches. Using their own civilization concepts and flesh and blood cognition, they have indeed brought some new ideas to this world. and innovation.

A mudslide of cultivating immortals!

"At the same time, this kind of appearance of maintaining the boundary of dying and looking seriously injured is extremely easy to give people the illusion that I can hack him to death with a single knife, and misjudgment." Wu Lang pondered.

It is broad and profound, even using psychological games.

One punch!
One punch!
On the battlefield below, Xu Xinying was bathed in blood, brave and tenacious, laughing wildly!

Blood stained her bright red,

The sunlight printed her figure on the blood-colored earth.

Turned into a blood man, only her eyes were shining.

On the other end, the colorful tiger stared wide-eyed: "That human being seems to be the incarnation of the legendary ancient God of War who is bloodthirsty, bloody, and disaster."

"Is that human being?"

The bones have piled up like a mountain.

The man stood proudly on top of the mountain of corpses, blasting the attacking visitors from all directions, and even various wounds, she had already seen the bones.

Countless monsters began to be a little instinctively afraid of that terrifying murderous aura.

Not so brave anymore.

The two sides confronted each other, as if at this time, the human being was the devil, and the countless demon beasts were the trembling lamb.

"Don't be cowardly! Why did they retreat?"

"You guys are fighting!"

Seeing this, the colorful tiger was originally a bystander, and suddenly felt bad!

It was originally to cheer for the weaker humans, but now, it chooses to cheer for the weaker Warcraft instead.

Just like watching a football game, there are always some people who eat melons and like to wave the flag for the weaker side.

In particular, this kind of monster went on and on, giving him a strong sense of tragic death.

What's more, the other party is so weird!
It also lives on the peaks of several mountains away from it. If this person dies in front of him, it just makes him feel safe.

After all, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain.

If the whole person survives, maybe it will come to its territory to make trouble?

It doesn't want to be that miserable.

"Hey, come on! Brave monsters!"

It showed a humanized curiosity with great interest, and didn't think she would really be immortal. It even thought about how many claws and fangs would be needed to kill this human being.

At this point, the fierce battle had already begun for half an hour.

"Boss, what's going on?"

There were even a few monsters behind the colorful tiger.

The rabbit, the wild wolf, the hedgehog, and the monkey, and it was its subordinates, also came here to watch in secret.

They are monsters of the mountains.

The leader said, come to observe the wave of evil disasters infected by the devilish energy. Who knows that the leader has not come back for so long, so he followed because he was afraid of something happening.

"Why can't that man be killed?"

Other subordinates of the monster beasts in the Qi refining stage and Foundation building stage asked.

They haven't refined the bones, but the animal language between them is naturally understandable.

Just like the mountain elves, their Gululu also speaks animal language, but Wu Lang and Xu Xinying can't understand their language.

"This is a strange thing. That man has been fighting for a long time." Tiger thought for a while, and told the whole story of what he saw to his subordinates.

"Alas? Alas? Alas?" The beasts began to be amazed and exclaimed repeatedly.

"Is this a human?"

"It's amazing, why is the physical training of mere human beings so exaggerated?"

"Didn't it mean that human beings are weak, obviously they are monsters, and monsters have stronger physiques?"

These subordinates were very surprised: "Could it be possible that this is the monk inheritance of the real top body cultivation sect?"

"The Qi refining stage is actually comparable to the combat power of the foundation building stage!"

"Her strength isn't too high, and she won't be able to compare to the boss who has completed the foundation building period, and it only broke out around the third floor of the foundation building."

"But her stamina is obviously many times greater than that of the boss. It seems that there is a giant dragon hidden in her body. Why is it so durable? She is also very resistant to cutting? Why can't she be killed by cutting?"

They are all wild monsters, and they have only seen some small sects and sects in some places, but they have never seen a really powerful large fairy sect, but they are eye-opening, and feel that this person is terrifying and has a lot of origins.

Look at this battlefield again.

"Wait, why isn't she dead?" The beasts became uneasy.

at this time.

The entire aisle below the mountain was soaked in blood.

There were as many as four or five hundred corpses piled up, and the smell of blood filled the air.

Xu Xinying's murderous intent extended, her eyes were red.

She seemed to be a god of death from hell, having experienced the baptism of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, as if one glance was enough to make people tremble with fear.

And the monsters who were infected by the magic energy and lost their minds actually began to be really afraid, and began to tremble a little.

"I'm so angry! Why are they really timid?"

The tiger was furious and slapped the tree trunk under its feet, causing the whole tree to shake.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, don't be angry!" the monkey urged quickly.

"That's right, you're scared to be surrounded and kill a person by the majestic catastrophe?" Tutu said, feeling very uneasy.

It is obvious that the evil disaster invades the homeland, which is what they are afraid of.

But now that they saw such a fierce and ruthless person, they were so frightened that they instinctively stood on the side of the evil disaster.

Demon disasters are irrational, and it is still feasible to hide for a while, but that is a wise human being, living next door, isn't it a greater threat?

Who wants to have a seriously violent road rage next door?
At that moment, the more the tiger thought about it, the angrier it became. It suddenly pointed at a monster that was sneaking away, and cursed angrily: "Hurry up, hurry up! Where is your brother going? You're the only one who missed it!!"

The other monsters were startled, and quickly followed suit.

"Hey! Don't run away, you guys, if you fight this knife again, hope is right in front of you!" At the height, the rabbit couldn't help but yelled.

She has a gentle personality, does not fight with the world, and also ignites a momentum.

This kind of murderer is too scary!
Even the rabbit spirit who doesn't like to fight is afraid of that kind of killing madness that the six relatives don't recognize, and can't help but wave the flag for the demon disaster frenzy.

"It's obvious that it looks like a gossamer, but it's just a matter of fighting for the last knife."

"You must kill her!"

At this time, it seemed that they had heard the encouragement of these local beasts who were secretly watching.

Those monsters who lost their minds after being infected by the magic energy were soon infected by the magic energy again and rushed forward.

"Yes, that's it! That's it!!"

The colorful tiger looked nervous, tilted its head, and stared at the battlefield intently.

It seemed as if it was going to merge into those evil disasters, and it was about to cut people down, and whispered excitedly: "You just cut it down like this, don't be afraid of sacrifice! Don't be afraid of pain! It's all over, why are you retreating?" Yes, all previous efforts have been for naught.”

"If you are going to succeed, just make the next cut!"

However, their frenzied siege only caused the woman to bleed blood again, making her even more shaky, but she still didn't fall down.


Xu Xinying raised her head and roared.

Completely losing her mind, she began to roar.

The severe pain aroused her blood even more, she grinned grinningly and punched all around to death.

The monsters in the distance became more and more anxious, "She's still coming? She's getting fiercer again? Why can't she be killed? Why isn't she dead? Why isn't she dead!! Hurry up and die where she is!"

"Don't worry everyone, those monsters are coming again!"

"Ahh! That's great! One more strike! One more strike! It's about to succeed! There can be no mistakes, this must be the last strike!"

"She's dying! We're finally saved!"

On a nearby mountain peak, the sound of mountains roaring and tsunami could be heard endlessly. All the monsters watched the battle with trepidation, waving their flags and shouting frantically for the evil disaster, boiling for each other.

(End of this chapter)

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