I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 76: Three Forms of Buddhism?

Chapter 76 The Three Forms of Buddhism?

Wu Lang: "."

Sitting in the cave, he was a little startled.

Is that okay?

A crisis resolved invisibly?

He really can't laugh or cry.

Even the tiger was infected by her passion, and after listening to her impassioned speech, an impulse also entered this door?

He was very dazed and relieved for a while, and finally he could only sum it up as:
"Practicing this passionate exercise of chanting slogans aloud every day, my disciple's IQ has changed somewhat, and his eloquence has doubled, lighting up the powerful X-selling speech skills!"

In fact, if you think about it in your own shoes, Tuer's speech was really exciting.

Her voice is hot.

He also uses parallelism, doggerel, and still gives examples, talking about dreams and hopes aloud, and even listening to the roar of blood, he feels like he wants to fight.

This talent is excellent.

"That's all, that's all, let her go."

Wu Lang didn't bother to pay attention to it anymore, and pressed his temple in distress, "Anyway, the crisis has been resolved, and her subordinates have also accepted a few big monsters in the foundation building period as younger brothers."

Although these monsters seem to have low IQs, they are a bit funny, and they are not the same as their single-minded apprentices, but they are also a big help.

Time is fast.

At dusk, the decoction of this batch of mountain spirits was also fed.

This time there are a lot of mountain spirits, a thousand more than 400 mountain spirits have worshiped this mountain gate, it can be said that blood flowed like a river.

Stacked up like mountains.

At this moment, Xu Xinying breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that today was a very fulfilling day.

In the morning, I cleaned up the environment around the foot of the mountain to make my side much safer. I also realized the meaning of boxing. In the afternoon, I recruited the mountain spirit again.

Also received a foundation-building tiger.

Xu Xinying thought for a while, and glanced at Big Tiger's followers, "Except for Tiger, you guys don't need to drink soup, so you are not suitable to join my family."

The other animals were very excited at first, but they withered immediately after hearing the words. Compared with joining the great sect and practicing the immortal way of immortality, such a thing is nothing at all.

This is very real.

"So do we."

They are dejected and don't want the boss to have exclusive experience on the road of neutering.

"It's really not suitable for you."

Xu Xinying sighed, and said solemnly: "Jedi knights, what they pay attention to is the way of Jedi to store yang, and cultivate the body of pure yang and yang!"

"Only a lustful creature with strong kidney qi, which is dozens of times that of an ordinary creature, can practice well."

"Master said that besides mountain spirits, there are generally only two types of tigers and dragons, people with extremely abundant yang energy, prostitutes everywhere in the daytime, and extremely strong kidney qi are the most suitable for this exercise."

After listening to the introduction, this big tiger suddenly realized.

This powerful technique is so suitable for me, this is really my great opportunity!

"Wait, Master!"

Banlan Tiger's level is much higher than the opponent's, but he still shamelessly called his master, and suddenly said:
"I see that mountain spirit is skinny, and the old god is there, sitting cross-legged on the mountainside, with a light yellow halo lingering all over the body, shrouded in such a solemn golden yang, as if seeing the Western Heaven Buddhist gate of the human Buddhist cultivator, sitting cross-legged All the Buddhas and Arhats on the Lingshan Mountain!"

"And the mountain spirit sitting cross-legged looks very much like the Buddhas of Lingshan Mountains. This exercise is suitable for tigers and dragons."

It slapped its paws on the ground, and suddenly realized: "Shanjing Buddha! Venerable Subduing Dragon! Subduing Tiger Arhat! The combination of the three is not the Leiyin Temple of the Western Paradise Buddhism?"

"The grand master on this mountain is taking advantage of this demonic disaster to stir up the world, and rebuild a Western Heaven Buddha Land to replace it?"

Xu Xinying was taken aback on the spot, but quickly realized that only these three can practice, which is not a coincidence at all!
It is the existence of creating this unique knowledge, deliberately doing it.

The existence of this unique school is really all aspects of creating the legendary Buddhist holy place: Leiyin Temple? ?

"There is such a deep meaning!"

She was startled and felt the great horror, "So it turns out that Master is going to build a Leiyin Temple in the troubled world of evil disasters, to spread the Dharma and preach the Tao, to save the victims of the disaster all over the world, and to create a pure land for them!"

At the same time, she felt that she was very incompetent. She didn't realize this mystery, but was noticed by this new big tiger instead.

And when she thought about it, she felt terrible again.

"In ancient times, the great sage of the monster clan who fought against the sky and the battlefield was a Buddhist practitioner, and he brought his own mountain spirit clan to open up his own Leiyin Temple?"

She remembered that line of poetry again:
[Shan Ling rises up with a mighty stick, Xianmen clarifies Wan Liai. 】

She confirmed that this ancient demon king was holding a big stick.
At that moment, a figure of God of War and Buddha, surrounded by earthy golden light and holding a stick, gradually appeared in her mind.

Xu Xinying felt his blood boiling, but pretended to be cold, "Hmph! It's still obvious to you, but I have a bit of intelligence. That's how we came from, don't tell others!"

"Yes!" They trembled.

"You guys winked a little bit." Xu Xinying thought to herself, this tiger looks simple, but it seems to be very smart.


The more the tiger admired the expert on the mountain, the more disturbed he became. The more he knew about this, the more terrifying he felt, but there was no turning back.

And at night, Xu Xin reflected on the mountain and met Wu Lang.

Xu Xinying's voice was very direct: "Master, that tiger and a few little monsters under its command have already worshiped me as a teacher. I want to ask for a few vowed flowers from the other side, so that they can sign a soul vow and act as errands."

"Of course it can."

Wu Lang did not refuse.

Even if she didn't say anything about this combat power during the foundation building period, she would ask for it.

After all, those guys already knew so many secrets, if they spread it out, wouldn't I have to parade it in the street right away?
It is only safe if it becomes a bad luck.

The oath to the flower of the other side is the secret core of Huang Quanzong.

It is absolutely impossible for the secret to be leaked after the oath.

In the heyday, there were ghosts all over the place, but there were so many of them, even if their true bodies were discovered, they were not very capable of extracting the secret of the Netherworld School from the mouths of the ghosts!

Playing with the soul, Huang Quanzong, a life-cultivating sect, said it was second, who would dare to say it number one?

In the eyes of the outside world, Huang Quanzong will always be the most mysterious.

Xu Xinying said again: "At the same time, more than 100 mountain spirits survived today's test. I also plan to turn them into ghosts and enter the seventh peak."

"Yes." Wu Lang nodded, "As my second disciple, the Seventh Summit will divide an area for you, which is full of your evil forces, and you can build it yourself."

The seventh peak is huge.

Mount Everest is so big, after all, the fairy mountains of many sects are of this size, and there is no problem in allocating a piece of land to Xu Xinying, or even building a town, a small sect.

However, my seventh peak, did I finally have a serious accident?

The entire mountain peak finally began to have vitality.

"Thank you, Master." She thought for a while, and then said: "Also, those wild monsters want to see Master."

(End of this chapter)

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