I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 77 I'm at the Seventh Peak of the Demon Gate, Opening the Leiyin Temple

Chapter 77 I am on the seventh peak of the Demon Gate, opening the Leiyin Temple

"not see."

Wu Lang spoke directly.

"Oh." Xu Xinying nodded.

She really asked the question casually.

From her point of view, those little monsters in the foundation building stage really don't have any qualifications to meet their master?

The more she understands these days, the more she admires her master.

She clasped her fists together immediately: "So, without further ado, I will take them to the Netherworld Sect immediately, as a messenger, and go to the seventh peak to adapt to the environment."

"Master, it's time for our seventh peak to be built. Let the mountain spirits, these little monsters, set up some shops."

"Okay, then designate an area for you as a teacher, all of which are under your management, and you can make decisions on your own development."

Wu Lang's voice was cold.

In front of him, Xu Xinying also retreated.

The entire cave was once again plunged into silence.

"Well, these foundation-building stage battle strengths will be considered much safer in the future in the disaster."

He mused.

They didn't have any intention of seeing those guys at all, although through observation, they were indeed completely afraid and in awe, and they didn't dare to be presumptuous when they saw themselves.

But still too lazy to see.

Just let the apprentice manage these few cheap labors.

He is also struggling in the society. As a veteran workplace animal, he naturally understands some workplace psychology:
A woman who cannot be licked is the most beautiful.

The unseen power is the most mysterious.

hang them.

pua them.

Let them glow with longing and admiration at the foot of the mountain, work hard, and manage the mountain spirits.

"After being outside for so long, it can be regarded as settled down. Since Xu Xinying took them to the seventh peak, I should go to the seventh peak to have a look." He closed his eyes.

Huang Quanzong, the seventh peak.

These days, it is still deserted here.

It's just that every night, Wu Lang will take some time to come back to cultivate the Bianhua, which has bloomed a lot during this period of time.

"It's Liu Ping, these days, he hasn't visited the sect even once."

Wu Lang shook his head and wandered around, "After all, their life is different from my own. They have a wonderful life and don't have much free time."


Wu Lang planned some land for the Seventh Peak.

Give one of them to Xu Xinying and let her manage it. This will be her residence from now on.

For the next few days.

It was a rather uneventful day.

During the day, Xu Xinying continued to clean up some remaining disasters at the foot of the mountain. At night, she brought the mountain spirits and tiger monsters to the Seventh Peak to develop her own power base and do various constructions.

It can be said that it is very busy.

And those tiger monsters didn't know the high-level fairy sect of Huang Quanzong at all, but after they came to the seventh peak, they sighed what kind of powerful soul sect this is, and there is such a miracle?
They are more and more respectful.

During this period, Wu Lang ignored her passionate fighting spirit, shouting slogans all day long, and still practiced steadily.


On this day, the peaceful practice life was broken.

"Brother, I'm here to see you again."

Xing Hanhan at the foot of the mountain shouted.

Wu Lang was a little surprised, and welcomed Xing Hanhan up the mountain again.

She followed her disciple Li Qingrou, with a smile on her face, "I saw that there are some people on your mountain, and the golden light is shining. From a distance, it looks like the murals of Buddhas on the Lingshan Mountain of Buddhism. They are so gorgeous. Come and have a look." See what's going on."

Wu Lang was startled.

What Lingshan?
On my mountain, there are murals of Buddhas, ancient temples of gods and Buddhas?
I haven't gone to see it for the past few days, I let my apprentice mess around in my own territory, and let her go.

Xing Hanhan walked up the mountain with Wu Lang, feeling very emotional:

"You have finally started recruiting errants on the mountain, which is not a small progress, and there are thousands of errants on my mountain, and various street shops have been established, forming a small sect, catching up with the progress of the first peak .”

"However, I heard that a demon disaster broke out in your place recently, and it was very tragic."

Hearing this, Wu Lang nodded, "These days, my life is really not easy. I live in seclusion in a mountain, and I can only reluctantly pay off the evil disasters at the foot of the mountain. I developed it secretly, and then I took in a new disciple. You see that person pass."


Xing Hanhan suddenly said: "If you don't mind, you can ask your disciples and subordinates to come over to my fifth peak to have a look and buy some things."

"Purchasing? Are there trades between the major peaks and the disciples of the underworld?" Wu Lang asked curiously.


Xing Hanhan coughed a few times, and said sternly: "This is a normal development stage. The disciples of the major peaks all walk around with each other. They are all disciples of the same sect."

Communicate, move around, trade.

This is indeed the normal mode of communication between the Ten Temples and Peaks.

The operation of Zongmen Mountain is also a part of the development.

Some Lords of the Ten Halls of Hades are very insidious. They set up some businesses to make money, suck the blood of the disciples next door, and raise the disciples of the mountain peaks until they become fat.

The Ten Temples of Hades, in a sense, are also ten huge trading nations, competing for the trade of specialty products and resources.

But she doesn't say at all:
Now that she has just had Bianhua, she has not been on the right track with her new trick of the fifth peak recently, but she was poisoned by the first peak!

There was a trade war.

Her disciples have established various shops, equipment, and talismans on their fifth peak, but none of them have their own characteristics and background, and their foundation is very shallow, and the shops cannot compete with each other.

Even the errands on my own side went to the first peak next door to go shopping, to spend there, to buy all kinds of magic tools and talismans.
I am too miserable!
Fifth Peak's wealth drained.

The disciples under his command worked so hard to catch ghosts, and earned Zongmen contribution points with their lives, but they were all won by the next door!

These days, she is very heartbroken.

It's all the fault of the old monster Meng Po, otherwise, if the first peak didn't have the advantage of being the first to develop, how could it crush me like this?Suck the blood of my fifth peak?

This is her situation now.

Just like the fifth peak is Africa that constantly provides raw materials, the "developed countries" over there buy their own materials, process them, refine them into pills, magic tools, and all kinds of rigid needs, and then they sell the finished products for myself!
Blood loss.

But in the past few days, she suddenly passed by the Seventh Peak, and there were living beings coming and going on the mountain of the Seventh Peak. After some accident, she had a brilliant idea.

She thought, since she can't beat the first peak.

Then, let's see if I can take advantage of my junior.

After all, the younger brother has just hired two disciples, so how could he build a store so quickly, with all kinds of talents, and be self-sufficient?

The disciples of the seventh peak under the younger brother's sect, Yin Cha, must be going to other peaks for consumption!

So, she planned to lie to her junior brother from the seventh peak to come to her own fifth peak to buy, buy, buy, and get back some blood.

"Hey, it's not easy for a senior sister to be sincere. You are cheaper than the first peak, and you are not as cheap as the senior sister of the fifth peak."

She secretly said in her heart: "I am so kind to my junior brother! The two of us support each other, we will definitely defeat the first peak, and we can both have a bright future."

What's more, it's very attractive to see a war like a catastrophe over there.

War money is the best money to earn!
Her side is very peaceful, there are few wars, and she doesn't dare to be too hands-on, for fear of being exposed.

And when a war breaks out here, there are probably all kinds of resources and materials for the corpses of monsters in the evil disaster. After buying the raw materials and refining them into panacea and magic weapons, she might be able to get rich instantly.

"Cough, cough, I don't know what kind of resources do I need for my junior brother? What magic weapon do I need?"

She coughed twice, "Let your disciples come to my Fifth Peak for a walk, buy some products, the road of cultivation will be much more convenient!"

Wu Lang somewhat understood her thoughts, and said, "Their needs may not be too much."

"how could it be possible."

Xu Xinying shook her head, "As long as you are alone, you will need resources, magic tools, spirit stones, charms, elixir, and various supplies."

"But they don't seem to be human."

Wu Lang said: "The IQ is not too high. I don't need any magic tools. They are very easy to feed. They don't even need spirit stones to practice. Their innate characteristics belong to the spirit of the earth, which allows them to absorb the energy of the earth under their feet."

Xu Xinying was stunned.

What the hell is not a human?

If humans are not accepted, why are there so many sins?

You must know that the number of monsters becoming refined and intelligent is very small, and it is basically impossible to develop on a large scale.

"Then you, junior brother." Xu Xinying said.

"Just take a look and you'll understand." Wu Lang said as he brought the two of them, master and apprentice, to Xu Xinying's venue.

To be honest, Wu Lang hasn't come for a few days.

But he never imagined that in just a few days, this hard-working and passionate apprentice would be so diligent that she built a huge mountain temple.

"My demon sect, how can there be such a blazing orthodox aura?"

Xing Hanhan suddenly felt an inexplicable aura and felt a little uneasy: "It's over, it's over, it's over, with this kind of aura, isn't Po Meng planning to kill someone? What did the younger brother do recently? He brought the famous family to our Seventh Peak ?”

She moves on.

Immediately afterwards, she saw a shocking scene that she would never forget in her life.

The ancient temple is leisurely.

The pagoda is towering.

This is a huge spiritual mountain ladder.

A hunchback Buddha who practiced asceticism, with his palms folded, his whole body glowing with a yellowish-yellow golden light, hundreds of them lined up on the steps, sitting solemnly, with a long period of meditation, each expressing joy, anger, sorrow, Music, all kinds of treasures are solemn, and the movements include hands touching knees, palms clasped together, making flowers, and various ancient Buddha movements, as if more than 100 fixed-frame majestic Buddha statues.

A golden colorful tiger suddenly let out a low growl.

It is dressed in a gorgeous cassock, quietly kneeling beside it, with slightly lowered eyelids, benevolent eyes, like a merciful venerable in Buddhism.

And at the highest point of the Buddhas, a tall and handsome golden ancient Buddha, with a golden halo of golden light on his back, turned around slowly, swaying his full figure, graceful, kind and dignified.

Its voice is even more majestic, ancient and mighty, and it clasped its hands together:
"When you come to my Lingshan, you can see the future, why don't you worship?"

Ah this?

Xing Hanhan's scalp became numb in an instant.

I have known for a long time that my junior brother is a sage of the ninth generation, kind and upright, upright and upright, even in the highest magic sect in the world of cultivating immortals, he never bows his head, and he is very ruthless in doing things!
but never thought
He can be so ruthless!

(End of this chapter)

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