I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 78 Humans Are Future Buddhas

Chapter 78 Humans Are Future Buddhas

Wu Lang also froze for a few seconds, and he felt a little helpless at the moment.

I haven't been here for a few days. Is this good boy having so much fun?Pulling a group of mountain coolies, the temples on the mountain will be built immediately?

He expressed that he could not understand Tuer's brain circuit.

But I only saw the fat future Buddha, who suddenly took off his muscular coat and turned into Xu Xinying. He trotted over quickly and said triumphantly, "Master, how about me? With a group of men, I have successfully defeated the Jedi. The samurai team, pull up!"

Wu Lang could only nod his head, pretending to be calm and calm, and said: "Well, you are a few hundred mountain spirits who are sitting and cultivating, and you are still a bit decent. You have carried forward this inheritance."

You can see she's working hard.

The gestation of the lineage of Jedi warriors, after the passionate speeches of several mountain spirit tribes, and the addition of the tiger demon lineage, has made some achievements.

It's just that if you pull up the team of Jedi Knights, what are you doing to build this Leiyin Temple?
Wu Lang also felt troubled.

"Buddhism! It's really Buddhism! It's still Leiyin Temple!"

At this time, Xing Hanhan beside him was indeed sweating crazily on his forehead. He began to tremble in his heart, and muttered in his heart: "Junior brother is really a ruthless person, he is really not afraid of death! This ninth sage, saving the world is not just talking, he is How dare you go up!"

To know.

The major demon sects have always been at odds with the righteous sects of the Immortal Dao.

This deep enmity has accumulated for countless tens of thousands of years, piled up countless skeletons and grievances of past dynasties, and countless great powers after death, and it has turned into an irreconcilable feud.

And among them, the sect of practice that hates the most is Buddha Cultivator!

Those Buddhist cultivators, with bright and masculine auras, are the nemesis of many demon sects.

And their yin and yang errands were restrained even more seriously.

After all, they play with ghosts, ghosts and the like, and their attributes are yin, and they are most restrained by the upright and bright Dharma!
And this attitude of the younger brother is undoubtedly the biggest scandal in the family: My disciple has defected to the enemy, and he also established a Leiyin Temple in the sect?Promoting Buddhism in Buddhism?

"This junior brother~~~"

She was so angry that she was about to cry!
Before, it was enough to persuade me to be good in the Demon Gate, but now you are so fierce and aboveboard, building a temple on the seventh peak of the Demon Gate to preach?


Aren't you afraid that Po Meng would rush up to kill you with a machete on Huangquan Road?
What is the gold content of the number one magic gate we recognize? It was all piled up on the bones and punched out. How dare someone dare to shit on our heads?
"It's over! It's over!"

Xing Hanhan was like a person suffering from heatstroke in the scorching sun, only feeling dizzy and dizzy: "Junior brother is definitely doomed! Even if the Buddha comes, he can't keep him, I said it!"

She just wanted to conduct trade with the seventh peak of her junior brother, exchange disciples, and establish some contacts with shops.

Who knew that the junior brother made such a big deal here?
She calmed down for a while, and finally recovered, and couldn't help but whispered tentatively: "Junior Brother, what are you going to do?"

Wu Lang also looked a little speechless.

About this matter, you have to ask me what kind of trouble my disciple is going to make?
But he didn't dare to reveal his bewilderment.

Wu Lang had no choice but to act as if he knew everything clearly, and looked at Xu Xinying, the old god said: "Since Senior Sister asked you why you did this, then, please tell Senior Sister."

"Yes, Master."

Xu Xinying looked upright, and began to explain the cause and effect seriously, "Senior, please allow me to explain in detail!"

"A few days ago, after this big tiger went on the sterilization road and practiced the skills passed down by the master, I talked with this tiger at dusk that day, and I was shocked that only the mountain spirit, the tiger, and the dragon, could do it. Practice this Jedi technique."

"These three actually coincide with the three major components of Leiyin Temple!"

"And this technique requires cross-legged absorption of the energy of the earth. It is heavy and masculine, and it is the style of Leiyin Temple!"

"At this time, I fully realized the true meaning of this technique passed down by Master. This immortal technique aims to build a new Leiyin Temple and save all sentient beings."

She was ashamed, and she became more and more embarrassed as she spoke:
"I hate it! I hate my incompetence! I hate myself for being late in comprehending it! I hate that I don't understand the hidden meaning of the master, so I work hard to improve myself, reform my mistakes, establish this Leiyin Temple, and run the line of Jedi warriors."

Listening to her eloquence, Wu Lang's face turned dark.

I saw her harvesting the big tigers that day, so I stopped looking at her at dusk. After all, who has nothing to do and sits and chats at the foot of the mountain all day long?

Who knows that if you don't look at it, something big will happen right away.

Thinking about it, after they had the idea of ​​"three components" that day, they kept trying to figure out their "meaning", and started preparing for the construction of Leiyin Temple in a few days.

And her guess is not just a guess, she is right!
What she had an epiphany about were those sand sculpture players' ideas of exercises, not mine!
Wu Lang's head hurts a lot:
The skills of the sand sculpture players misunderstood me!

"Outrageous." Wu Lang was silent for a few seconds, then glanced at the Little Leiyin Temple in front of him, where the Buddhas were sitting all over the mountains and plains.

But he doesn't want to take this blame now, but he can only take it hard.

After all, the exercises were really taught by him, and the meaning of the exercises is also the same. You can't say that the exercises are not yours, but come from a group of troublemakers in the future, right?
Impossible to dump the pot.

"I passed it on, and there is nothing wrong with it."

Wu Lang braced himself, with tears in his heart, and resisted the scapegoat: "It's all my true intention hidden in the exercises, which is to build the Leiyin Temple. It's my disciple who finally realized it."

Are you really opening Leiyin Temple?
Xing Hanhan and Li Qingrou next to her were stunned and listened blankly.

Through the narration of the nephew, they seemed to have seen the wonderful life that happened in Jingzhou these days after the younger brother went down the mountain.

It's outrageous.

Junior brother has only been down the mountain for a few months, right?
How could he be so good at it?

But they could never have imagined how brave the younger brother was.

He saw the suffering of the people in Jingzhou and the spread of evil disasters, so he wanted to develop a method that would kill the two birds with one stone and save the common people at the same time?
Before, I saw my junior brother bring the mountain spirit up the mountain to study it. It's only been a few months, but I didn't expect it to be really successful.

can only say.
As expected of a younger brother.

The scholar of Baixiao, the sage of the ninth generation, this level of pioneering skills.

Super class!
She also saw that these mountain spirits who were originally extremely lecherous turned into a sitting Kutoutuo, her whole world view was about to be subverted, and she was shocked.

Just as the two of them were stunned.

Seeing that Xu Xinying was already talking about their development plan for the Seventh Peak, he said, "Next, I will not only build the base camp of Leiyin Temple on the Seventh Peak, but also recruit all kinds of people on that barren mountain. Mountain spirit, open up an ancient holy land! For our seventh peak, lay down the land!"

Is his seventh peak's development speed so ruthless!
Xing Hanhan was even more surprised when he heard the actions of the younger brother at the foot of the mountain. He felt that he was already promiscuous enough. , we want to build a Leiyin Temple, open an intelligent race, challenge the authority of the world, and open peace for the common people
You are a big waste yourself!
Even Li Qingrou next to her showed admiration: she is worthy of being a sage of the ninth generation, and she caused more trouble than my master.

But when Xu Xinying said this, she was already extremely moved. Seeing this white-clothed master, she said again: "Master, open fifty clans for the world. Even if you are against the world, I will help you!"

Xu Xinying favorability +3
No, I don't want to be an enemy of the world.

"Junior brother, you are so powerful! You are so bold! I can't be as ruthless as you!" Xing Hanhan's eyes flashed with excitement, showing his admiration.

Xing Hanhan favorability +3
No, I'm not great, don't look at me with that kind of admiration, it's very penetrating.

"As expected of a young uncle." Li Qingrou said a few words, and said something, this kind of desperate person, who dared to open the Leiyin Temple in the Demon Gate, is doomed, and deserves her admiration.

Li Goudan favorability +3
Hey, why did you even add up your favorability?
Wu Lang sighed, feeling very uncomfortable, knowing that the scapegoat for this exercise had indeed fallen on him, but after thinking about it carefully, how could he not be able to afford the price of taking advantage of the players?

There are gains and losses in this world.

The sand sculpture method is very powerful, but the side effects are very serious!
At this time, he could only stand in front of the resplendent Leiyin Temple, and said in a deep voice:

"I really want to open up this family, educate the common people to open up their wisdom, open a Leiyin Temple, save the common people suffering from the evil disaster at the foot of the mountain, and save all souls."

Under Leiyin Temple.

The boy in white who uttered this lofty and great ideal is also very different in Xing Hanhan's eyes.

The junior brother who is going through hardships is still moving forward firmly, and there seems to be brilliance and great ambition shining on his figure.

"Buddhas are people from the past, and people are future Buddhas." Seeing this historical scene that seemed to be imprinted in a mythical scroll, Xing Hanhan's mind popped up this sentence in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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