I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 80 Meng Po: This person is too cruel!

Chapter 80 Meng Po: This person is too cruel!
With a calm expression, Wu Lang slowly swiped his pen and wrote that sentence on the paper.

He is very rational. I had a dream before, but in this situation, after thinking about it, the best way to get rid of the death predicament is to wipe out Meng Po's killing intent on me. [-]. Buddhist classics.

Among them, it is predicted that the interior of Buddhism will be degenerate, the world will be chaotic, the way of magic is prevalent, and the world where demons walk in the skin of Buddha.

And how to integrate it into the diary more naturally, describe the changes in my mentality after going down the mountain, and the reasons for establishing Leiyin Temple and saving all sentient beings?

And let Po Meng understand her and let her go?
This is a difficult problem.

After thinking for a moment, he swiped a pen and wrote a few lines, making an ordinary beginning:
[A few days ago, after going down the mountain, I have been living in seclusion to practice in the mountain. I encountered a caravan raid at the foot of the mountain and saved the soul of a poor man who was killed by the mountain spirit.]
The diary is presented slowly and methodically.

It clearly tells the beginning of the story after I went down the mountain, the origin of everything, and the beginning of the story.

at this time.

gloomy sky.

Naihe Bridge, Sansheng Stone.

"Give me a drink!"

Meng Po, who was on the Naihe Bridge, still had an angry face.

Wu Lang's other things can be tolerated, after all, they have this value.

Huang Quanzong needs this kind of sage of the ninth generation to cover up, besides, this sage with integrity and the world has been deceived and used by himself
Di Hua thought that his Demon Sect was a good sect, so he began to make up his mind, and let the nine sages serve his Demon Sect, which would benefit him a lot. This is a signboard.

but now?
This ninth sage is really so stubborn!He even dared to build a Leiyin Temple on the top of the Ten Palaces in Huangquan to promote Buddhism and tell Buddhist scriptures.

This is an unbearable category.

It's like you open a brothel in Daleiyin Temple in Lingshan.

They eat, drink, prostitute, gamble and eat meat, promoting all kinds of evil, a group of prostitutes, singing and dancing, look at the pile of Buddhas all over the sky, can you bear your brothel?

This is a blatant slap in the face! !
It seems to be the other way around.

Set up this Leiyin Temple in their underworld of the Underworld Demon Sect? ?

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

Even, there is already a killing intent.

The opening of Leiyin Temple has already touched the bottom line. If we don't kill it, will we really regard our Huangquan sect as a branch of Buddhism?

"But, is he writing a diary again?" Granny Meng suddenly felt everything, and her angry face changed slightly.

Sure enough, he is a scholar of literature and art.

Write a diary every once in a while, recording your own experience during this period of time.

Calculating the time, it is indeed roughly the day to write a diary.

"Hmph, let's see what he's going to do first."

"After all, Xing Hanhan is trying to intercede, saying that she has studied a mountain spirit, which is very good, wonderful, and has great potential."

"Ke Shanjing's cultivation is an orthodox Buddhist practice. He is extremely strong and has great potential, but he is against us. Doesn't the stronger he is, the more dangerous he is to us?"

"The more she said that the Leiyin Temple on the seventh peak had great potential, and the more she begged for mercy, the more I wanted to kill her junior brother!"

"At the same time, he has too many problems!" Po Meng's voice was hoarse.

"To be able to develop the Buddhist classics of Shan Jing, even if he only has the level of Buddhist scriptures in the Qi-refining period, he must be proficient in Buddhist cultivation skills. Where did he come from for his Buddhist immortal skills?"

"My Netherworld Demon Sect, I don't remember that there is such an orthodox Buddhist classic, show it to him! Let him study it!"

Xing Hanhan's short-sightedness, Po Meng is not stupid.

After all, he saw some contradictions and clues of Wu Lang.

This method of Buddhist practice that was developed cannot be achieved without the accumulation of various Buddhist classics and unique learning.

Even though the clues of the Bianhua flower and the Houtu puppet were hidden, she still began to doubt Wu Lang's identity, which was very problematic.

Where did this Buddha's cultivation method come from?
Developed by yourself?

If you don't understand Buddhism and are not proficient, how can you develop it?
There is obviously a problem with this mountain spirit's cultivation technique!
"Could it be that it's really a spy? It's a Buddhist disciple. Ji Yun was outside and accepted this disciple. Did he really miss it?"

With a thought, Po Meng read the diary.

But I saw the second sentence of the diary:

[After giving salvation to the ghosts of the caravan, I talked a few times, and I understood the tragic life experience of the girl ghost. Like the people in this continent, they were generally killed by the mountain spirit and beast disaster. ]
[The common people are suffering, suffering from long-term disasters, and I don’t know how many families have been destroyed. I want to rescue, but how can I, a monk in the Qi refining period who has only set foot on the road of cultivation, intervene? ]
[Thinking hard, I suddenly realized that I was on the seventh peak of the mountain, studying the fate skills that people who can't practice can practice. Is this mountain spirit also applicable?If this savage clan is educated and guided to be good, the animal disaster in Jingzhou may be broken. ]
Meng Po kept peeping secretly.

There are hundreds of words in it, talking about the days after he went down the mountain.

And the content described in it is in line with the behavior of Huangquan Road these days. Many mountain spirits have been sent in, and some mountain spirits have even been brought up to the seventh peak.

Shanjing researched, and the situation was indeed right.

In her opinion, this is not the point, but it is the information of the next sentence that makes Po Meng's whole nerves start to tense.

Getting to the point.

[After a period of research in the cave, I found that the mountain spirit has a special constitution and strong yang energy, but it is a body full of leaks. Buddhism, seek Buddhist teachings. ]
[I traveled around the world to seek teachers. Although I did not have the qualifications for cultivation, I was taught by a kind-hearted Buddhist monk. Although I could not practice, I also memorized a lot of exercises and Buddhist principles. Based on this, I may be able to open up the mountain. Cultivating the Buddha's kung fu method, let the mountain spirits come under the control of the Buddhist sect, and this will solve the disaster in Jingzhou, and save the common people here from suffering. ]
Seeing this, Meng Po was furious on the spot.

Sure enough, he was not wronged!
He had received the favor of Buddhist cultivators before his death, no wonder he understood Buddhist principles and wanted to help Buddhists tame mountain spirits!
He wants to save the common people and relieve the disaster of the mountain spirits and beasts, that’s all. He can ignore him as a good person, but he wants to introduce the mountain spirits into Buddhism, increase the foundation of Buddhism, and strengthen the enemy?

This is the behavior of the enemy!
"And what's even more outrageous is that they not only funded the enemy, but also introduced Buddhism into their own demon sect?" She sneered, with murderous intent, "I really didn't blame him!"

"This person should be killed!"

Granny Meng favorability -20
Current favorability: -32
[Reminder: Granny Meng has already developed a strong killing intent towards you, please stay away from the target immediately. 】

Wu Lang wrote this, and when he heard the message of favorability, his expression did not change at all.

He continued to write with a pen, without any confusion on his face:

[Letting the mountain spirit escape into Buddhist practice is a very clever plan. It not only eliminates animal disasters, but also makes Buddhism stronger, so as to save the common people. ]
[I can think about it back and forth, I am hesitant. I have traveled all over the world, seeking the way to save the common people, learning hundreds of fields, like immortals, and I have been unable to worship in Buddhism for a long time, only to realize that most of the Buddhism is not peaceful , far from being as compassionate and approachable as rumored. ]
Seeing this, Po Meng's face softened slightly.

Although Buddhism seems to be very bright and upright with its strength, there are indeed many dirty things inside.

[The Buddha may have decayed, and I let this mountain practice Buddha intensively. What kind of Buddha is this Buddha?Is it today's Buddhism? ]
[Perhaps, I should set up another Buddhist orthodoxy, promote different Buddhist teachings, and establish a new Buddhist theory. This Buddha is simple and simple, and it is only for the salvation of the common people, saving suffering and suffering, and does not contain distracting thoughts and selfish desires. ]
Seeing this, Meng Po was a little surprised.

The scholar is so brave! !
This scholar is indeed a tough guy with a straight back and a great Confucianism. He not only dares to open a Buddhist sect in his own demon sect, but also establishes another Buddhist theory to compete with the Buddhist sect for jobs?


Immediately, she immediately felt refreshed, "I'm so ridiculous! Not only did he dare to make trouble here with me, but he also targeted your Buddhist sect! His bones are so hard!"

"It's not a good thing for him to see my Demon Sect, but it's also not a good thing for him to see your Buddhist sect!"

Her stomach hurts from laughing.

It's a pretty homely change of mind:
What, you kid dare to open Leiyin Temple at the Demon Gate and hit my Demon Gate in the face?

Wait, you not only slapped me in the face, but you are also going to slap the face of the Buddhist door next door?You didn't submit to them, but opened a different Buddhist gate to fight against them? ?

Her wrinkled old face blossomed into a smile.

It wasn't me who was cheated, but also the orthodox Buddhism.

Then she has no complaints!
There is no harm without comparison.

Even, she thought about it carefully.

Immediately felt the meaning of terror.

If you mess with yourself, you will lose face at most. There is a Leiyin Temple on the seventh peak of the Demon Sect. It's just a matter of face, but what about the opponent?
What will happen to Fomen?
She sorted out what the scholar was doing:
Open up the wisdom of the mountain spirits, clan, build a new branch of Buddhism, and save the common people in Jingzhou who are double-infested by beast disasters and demon disasters. If this new Leiyin Temple grows stronger.
Isn't this robbing the other party's morality?
She was losing face on her own side, and the other party was smashing the entire Buddhist sect!

She did understand the potential and terror of this mountain spirit from Xing Hanhan's mouth. Once this family came out, it would be an unprecedented trend that would overturn the entire world of cultivating immortals. The overwhelming little Buddha, Xinleiyin Temple, the other side's Buddhism, how could it be Isn't it ushered in a big crisis of destruction?

This is the rhythm to be replaced.

She smiled.

If you suffer a small loss, but the other party suffers a big loss, the entire sect may even be destroyed!
"Build it, let him build it!"

"This mortal race, a new wisdom cultivating race, should rise up! Form a monster born with Buddha cultivation and compassion!"

"This scholar is upright and upright. I like such an upright and kind-hearted man the most. Maybe, his sage personality charm can trick a group of upright and magnanimous Buddhist practitioners to join his sect and divide their Buddhism!"

The more you think about it, the more subtle it becomes. Meng Po slapped the table hard on Huangquan Road, and the Meng Po soup on it trembled, and she couldn't help saying: "Wonderful! It's you! I'm so ruthless. You are worthy of being an upright and upright Confucian, you have to work hard, it is best to overthrow Buddhism, their Buddhism is the most filthy."

(End of this chapter)

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