I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 81 Diary Public Execution

Chapter 81 Diary Public Execution
Now Po Meng is very moved.

Even though, this scholar just rode on his own head to shit, he dared to shout in her Demon Sect: Save the suffering, the Buddha Dharma will save all sentient beings. Now she also chooses to endure.

Continue to endure him!

If I can't do it right, not only bear him, but also support his Leiyin Temple, send some resources crazy, and fund his famous and decent charities!

She is a demon cultivator who puts interests first, and pays attention to practical interests.

Both sides suffered a loss, although it was a loss for both sides, but it was obvious that the Buddhist sect suffered a blood loss, and the Demon Sect suffered a small loss.

With her monstrous resentment and hatred towards Buddhism, she could completely bear this slap in the face, so let this scholar open a Leiyin Temple to confront her.

It's funny when you think about it.

And this scholar has really succeeded. Isn't it true that our Netherworld Demon Sect has a new Buddhist orthodoxy under the command of the Netherworld Sect?Reputable?
How could this be going to the other party's decent sect and being a spy?

This is to move the entire decent sect of the opponent here directly!

This is the highest level of spies from the Underworld sect!
"Before they might have thought that the elders of a certain orthodox sect belonged to our Huangquan sect, but now how could they think that the entire orthodox sect is from the seventh peak of my Huangquan sect?"

She was so happy that her pores dilated, and she instinctively let out a "hmm", and her whole body was dripping with joy.

"This diary has only just started to read a few lines, it's so interesting, the misunderstanding is completely cleared, and there may be more special information about the new Leiyin Temple in the future."

Looking forward to it, she continued to read the diary.

I saw Wu Lang continue to write:
[It's easier said than done to set up a new Buddha theory in the same vein as Shan Jing?Even if I travel around the world and meet many great Confucian scholars, knowledgeable scholars, all kinds of high-level people, and understand many Buddhist principles, it is still very difficult. ]
[But it is not without basis, I have traveled around the world before my death, and communicated with a hermit Buddhist master who has traveled the earth for 7000 years. ]
[That day in the wild temple in the mountain, it was raining heavily, and I met him in the mountain by chance. At that time, I discussed the Tao with that senior, and discussed a change in the new Buddhist theory, as well as my views on the world, which run counter to the current Buddhist principles. They are two extremes. . ]
An ascetic who has traveled the land for 7000 years?
Seeing this, Meng Po's heart skipped a beat.

Another doubt was relieved.

I'm afraid it's the Buddhist scriptures obtained from this Buddha's cultivation.

Looking at it this way, the scholar has regained his innocence.

However, the 7000-year penance Buddha, this kind of hidden power, may have lived for more than ten thousand years, so it must be quite ancient.

She began to think about who this person was in her brain.

But when he thought about it, there were so many figures in his mind, and even some monsters who were believed to have been sitting down were also thinking about it, but they couldn't find the answer.

Because the earth has been ascetic for 7000 years, this category is too big.

Po Meng's eyes flickered, but she became interested.

Encountered by chance in the mountains, a mortal went to learn hundreds of fields for the sake of the common people in the world, looking for the answer to save the common people, and met another Buddhist penance who walked for 7000 years, and was also looking for the answer to the common people.

That day when the temple was destroyed by heavy rain, two people with extreme identities, a low-level mortal scholar and a supreme Buddhist venerable, but with the same goal, what kind of sparks would they touch?
Granny Meng's eyes changed.

This upright and magnanimous scholar is obviously a ruthless person. As a great scholar in the world who dares to challenge all the demons and Buddhism, he has a strong ability to act. Since he has established the Leiyin Temple of the Mountain Spirit, it means that his theory has matured.

"At that time, the conversation between these two people in the diary was probably the source of his new Buddhist theory." Po Meng felt something in her heart.

But she turned her eyes and looked at the scholar, who was still writing a diary on the seventh peak:
"Hahahaha! But, how can I read such an interesting diary alone?"

"Why don't I add fire?? Help him! Since you are so ruthless and dare to make trouble in my Netherworld Demon Sect and open Leiyin Temple, then I will push it again! Go to the Buddhist gate next door and make trouble too! "

Granny Meng grinned.

Po Meng is a person who likes to make troubles, and Xing Hanhan has won her true biography.

Po Meng planned to have some excitement in her heart, so she said with a sinister smile:
"Little scholar, let me help you pass on the contents of these diaries you are writing to other Buddhist sects."

"Let those powerful people also accompany me to appreciate your diary, and how special and exquisite the following content is."

Alone Better Together.

She began to think that someone was shitting on her head, but who knew it was still shitting on Fomen's head.

So, she wanted to throw this piece of shit at the door of other people's Buddhism, and project the contents of this diary in front of the door of other people's holy places of Buddhism, so that everyone can have fun together.

"At the same time, if he wants to start a clan, I have to help him build momentum, condense the luck of this race, and become a saint." She squinted her eyes, "Where does this luck come from? Just calculate a wave of current Buddhism, The idea of ​​this diary will take away their luck in Buddhism."

After that, she pulled up and grabbed lightly.

"go with!"

An invisible air wave swept away.

Wu Lang also didn't know that Granny Meng was so black-hearted that she wanted to do such a frenzied thing. He kept his diary and kept it hidden. The shameful content in the diary was for fear that other people would find out.

But what about Meng Po?It's like the elders holding their own black history, calling friends everywhere, watching together, and forcing a public execution, leading a group of people to peep and watch him write his diary.


at this time.

In a central Pure Land Square City, many monks, Buddhist cultivators, are trading.

Most of them are Buddhists here.

Because this place was originally one of the three ancient sacred places of the Buddhist sects, a trading gathering place was established. Many monks in the market gathered here, trading, and discussing Buddhism. It can be said to be peaceful and peaceful.

And in the sky.

It seems that a curtain has appeared, and words are appearing on it.

"what is that?"

"What is someone writing?"

"Like a notebook?"

"Having terrifying powers, using great supernatural powers to project these words, dare to project them in front of the Buddhist gate, are you discussing Buddhist principles?"

A monk was surprised and looked up.

And inside a large Buddhist sect, there are also sect elders, sitting cross-legged, slowly looking up, "I don't know who is doing these little tricks in front of our sect?"

"I heard that Buddhism likes to discuss Buddhism, so I brought a junior here, and now I just let him explain my understanding these days, all kinds of Philosophy."

"However, my junior is shy, and what he practices is closed-mouth meditation."

"He likes to write a diary the most. Let's take a look at his diary's perception of Buddha and comment on it."

Granny Meng smiled faintly, hiding her name, and no one could recognize her voice and identity.

And these guys don't know the seriousness of the matter yet.

They think that some kind of hidden Buddhist cultivator came to discuss the Tao, which is very common.

"Oh? Since your Excellency wants to talk about Buddhism, let's listen to it."

(End of this chapter)

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