I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 82 The Buddha and the Devil

Chapter 82 The Buddha and the Devil

Above the seventh peak, the mountain is full of red.

The other shore flowers sway quietly, giving off a quiet atmosphere.

Wu Lang looked indifferent, but he didn't know that someone was trying to harm him and let a group of people peek at his diary. He was just continuing to write in the diary.

As he wrote, he organized his thoughts: "The schedule for the journey down the mountain has been introduced. The previous few words should be able to appease Granny Meng."

"But it's not enough."

Then, I wrote it next.

The dialogue between myself and that ascetic monk is the highlight.

Introduce the dialogue of "Buddha's Discourses Extinct Sutra", the Buddhism is decayed and occupied by the devil, and a new Buddhism should be established.

He set himself a small goal:

Let Po Meng see the possibility of this new Buddhist philosophy.

In order to let Meng Po accept her own little Leiyin Temple, it can be regarded as a disaster for Xu Xinying. The aftereffects and side effects of those sand sculpture players can be wiped clean.

His mind turned rapidly, his thinking was sharp, and he continued to write:
[I have experienced hardships in the world. I have set foot in hundreds of countries in the world, learned from hundreds of fields, and sought the way for the common people to escape suffering. I saw a tall man sitting in a ruined temple in the mountains. He said that he had traveled this land for 7000 years. He couldn't help but ask. : "My lord Buddha, what is the way to save the common people in the world from suffering?"]
[The Venerable Buddha replied: The original intention of the establishment of the Buddha's pulse is to save the suffering people, to protect the believers under his command, and to avoid evil disasters, demon disasters, animal disasters, ghosts, and many other harms. ]
[I shake my head: To save mortals, the answer lies in Buddha?Thousands of years ago, millions of Buddhist temples stood in great numbers to drive out the darkness and protect the city. This may be the answer to saving the people of the human race in ancient history, but it is not the answer now. ]
["I have traveled to more than [-] temples, and I have seen many monks who are very arrogant. They don't care about giving birth, and they don't care about giving birth. .”]

In the sky.

Blossoming pen and ink smudged and turned into huge characters.

And in the sky, the conversation at the beginning made many Buddhist cultivators in the square city and pedestrians in various street shops stop.

Many monks are savoring carefully.

And in the high place, the expressions of several powerful monks who stood side by side with Po Meng and received this mysterious fellow Taoist also changed slightly:

What the other party said was not ironic, but the truth.

Today's Buddhism has become a power system.

It's not decay.

But the era is moving toward the end of the Dharma, not the ancient years.

Because there are too few people with spiritual roots and cultivation aptitudes in this era, and all the sects are vying for it, so no matter whether they are good or evil, as long as they have cultivation aptitudes, they can join them.

Buddhism, you can only grab it!

But if it remains the same and does not compromise, Buddhism will already exist in name only.

And such a compromise, don't ask the heart, just look at the aptitude, even if the sect continues to educate, there will be Buddhist disciples with vicious nature, good and bad.

Buddhist disciples, there are filthy and evil people in the dark, and they also know that they want to eradicate them, but they cannot be punished.

Everyone was in turmoil and continued to look at the words in the sky.

The venerable Buddha, facing the questioning of a mortal scholar, did not feel annoyed or angry, but gave the answer:
[The Venerable Buddha muffled his voice, but did not retort: ​​"You are right. Today's Buddhism is indeed corrupt, contradicting itself, and constantly compromising in order to survive. I don't want to see them scrambling for fame and fortune, so I left to practice asceticism. , looking for an answer.]
[The conversation ended with a few words, and since then, the venerable Buddha felt ashamed. I asked him about his shortcomings and stopped persuading me. I also knew that Buddhism is not the way of salvation I hoped for. I left the ruined temple and continued to walk. All the countries of the earth, seek a solution, seek a place of peace for us and the common people. ]
[I practiced asceticism for several more years, visited various celebrities and spiritual mountains, and continued to search for my answer. ]
[The next year, I passed by a big Buddhist temple, where there were so many squalor, fish and meat people, and a barbaric village. I went back to the ruined temple, but I saw that the Buddha had not left, so I asked him to clean the door. He cleaned the house. He was speechless during the whole process, and then he said depressedly: Today, the Dharma is lacking and does not conform to the times. I want to make up for the new Buddha's teachings, but I can't get results, and the demons are gradually growing. ]
[A few more years have passed, and I have developed a habit. When I travel around the world and pass by ruined temples, I will enter them to have a look. The old monk is still there. He is indeed a person who cultivates immortals. He has retreated for decades, just like a few days. and. ]
[I went back in the fourth year, only to find that he was sitting cross-legged on the ground, his inner demons grew, and he often competed with him for his body and turned into a demon leader. He kept fighting with his inner demons and debating with his own inner demons]
[In the fifth year, I went back again and saw a deities and Buddhas emitting golden light and a demonic Buddha emitting black light in the ruined temple, confronting each other. ]
Wu Lang's pen and ink are very peaceful.

He is pregnant, the calm before the storm.

And when many monks saw this diary, they also guessed in their hearts that these words must be the eve of the storm.

The ancient existence that has traveled the earth for 7000 years, in the ruined temple, because a scholar asked the inner demon, a crack appeared in the Buddha's heart, he denied himself, and there appeared another demon Buddha with his own personality, how terrifying is it?
If you have entered the magic way.

That common people must be in disaster.

Harm one side of the land and destroy countless fairy gates, big and small!

But this did not happen, it can only show that the great power of Buddha and Taoism defeated the inner demon by himself.

And they don't doubt that this statement is false at all.

After all, being able to project this kind of existence in the sky for this scholar must be no less than the existence of this kind of Buddha.

But they continued to read:
[His heart and demons are intertwined, one evil and one good, asking and answering himself. ]
[The inner demon said: "There is no real scriptures in this era, and the real Buddhism has been destroyed."]
[The ascetic monk said: "Impossible, our temples have spread all over the world, and disciples in cassocks are as numerous as trees in a forest."]
[Heart demon said: "The long time has corrupted your teaching and dharma. A large number of Buddhists are greedy for sex and good money. They have been invaded by greed, arrogance, and ambition for longevity. They only care about practicing and gaining great power.
monk full of desire,
Put on your cassocks,
Enter your temple,
Proclaim their demons,
Corrupt your monks.

The Buddhas in the temple are already demons. ]
Seeing this, many Buddhist cultivators got goosebumps in their hearts. This is not just meant to insult them! !

"The existence in front of us is here to find fault with our Buddhist sect." They were angry.

And some ancient beings standing side by side with Meng Po also changed their complexions slightly. Such insults were not taken seriously, but some horrible scenes in the depiction appeared in their minds.

Demons work in the Buddhist gate, disrupt the Buddhist way, wear vulgar clothes, take pleasure in cassocks, five-coloured clothes, drink wine and eat meat, and kill animals with greed.There is no compassion, and even more hatred.

The Buddha is decaying and the Dharma is extinct. In such an era, the light is not visible, which is really sad, and their current Buddhism does have such a tendency to decline.

And below.

The entire market in front of the sect began to be slightly turbulent.

It seems that there is a kind of commotion spreading, not only the senior in the story is unstable, but even their low-level monks have begun to be disturbed, and even look at each other in dismay.

"Quiet, guard the Buddha's heart!"

In the high sky, there was a statue standing side by side with Meng Po, the Buddha's light shone, the sky was clear, and the place below was suddenly silent.

But in the next second, I saw the diary and wrote:
[The ascetic monk was silent, and responded: "Never mind demons and distracting thoughts can't do anything to our school. You put on the cassock and sit on the lotus platform. At that time, my real Buddhist disciples will take off the cassock and put on plain clothes. World to go.

At that time, the world of mortals will become a temple.

Villages and towns will be turned into dojos.

The ascetic monk stepped on mountains and rivers to save suffering.

The temple will become the prison for the sons and grandsons of the devil, and the earth will be the temple for my Buddhist disciples, like me, to save suffering and suffering in this world's largest temple for 7000 years. ]

One word at a time, as if the sky is collapsing.

[If the Buddhas in the temple become demons, we will be human Buddhas. ]
[I want to establish a new Buddha in the human world, saying that in this Buddha, all people are born equal. ]
The word is shocked.

And the writing, pen and ink, reflected in the mid-air of the square city, shook everyone's hearts, as if cold water had been poured on them, and they suddenly woke up.

The words and artistic conception contained in this Buddhist theory, and the majestic righteousness rushing towards the face, are like a storm coming.

These are the words of the Buddha!

This is the new philosophy of Buddhism!

It seemed to see the howling wind.

(End of this chapter)

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