Chapter 89
This small stove has opened up unprecedentedly.

Since ancient times, no matter how large and powerful a line is, the sect has stipulated that each peak master can only occupy one palace peak.

And in front of you?

A peak master occupies two peaks.

This is not a question of sneaking up on someone secretly, it's open!Above board!In favoritism!You have violated the black and white rules of the sect!
This is self-stealing.

She widened her watery and smart eyes, and hurriedly recalled the process:
Granny Meng saw that someone opened the Little Leiyin Temple, and after jumping on their heads, she immediately went down the mountain to help the younger brother gather the luck of the Little Leiyin Temple. Opened a Buddhist temple for the other party?

She looked more and more question marks.

We are the number one Demon Sect!
Do you understand Po Meng, the gold content of the number one demon sect in Kyushu?
She roared up to the sky, the leader of the underworld was so angry that he lied to himself.

Our Netherworld sect's fortune has been ruined by you!

She finally found out that facing this junior brother, Senior Meng Po's bottom line gradually dropped, and her bottom line became more and more flexible.

Just when she drew her sword and looked around in a daze, Granny Meng was already amiably advising this cheap junior brother about various matters.

Meng Po said gently: "You Xiaoleiyin Temple has been established. In Jingzhou, be careful. Many monks will come to find your real body."

"But you don't have to be afraid. How huge is Jingzhou? Almost most of the wilderness mountains have various restricted areas, ancient places, and secret places. It is difficult for the other party to find out your heel and location. You just need to hide and keep hiding. gone."

Every ancient sect has sect artifacts to suppress luck.

Others are unable to deduce the footsteps, location, and origin of the disciples of the Great Pope.
And the magic weapon of luck of their Huangquan Shengjiao: Six Paths of Reincarnation.

It is even more impossible to deduce the slightest trace of falsehood.

Can't calculate, can only use the oldest method, fly to investigate one after another?Hire various sects to search?
It's not that easy.

Jingzhou is vast and vast, with sects, cities, and sects numbering in the tens of millions, just like stars. If you give you tens or hundreds of years, it is impossible to find a "small sect" among them through a blanket search.

"But even so, you have to be careful. Anyway, as long as you don't expand too much, don't attract attention, and deliberately provoke exposure, it is absolutely safe in the short term."

"Of course I know." Wu Lang said sternly, as he grew up and developed, he felt that his skills would not be weaker than others in his lifetime.

After Meng Po said a few more words, she said to Xing Hanhan next to her, "Take your junior brother to the Tenth Peak to have a look. From now on, he will be the master of the Seventh Peak and the Tenth Peak at the same time."



"Senior Meng Po, don't worry."

Xing Hanhan's words were cold and expressionless.

She was numb and didn't bother to understand what was going on.

She even turned into a paralyzed face, and turned into another cold Li Goudan: Our junior, this is on the seventh peak, is it okay to open the Buddhist gate?Also all kinds of caring help to establish Buddhism?So pet!I'm afraid Granny Meng has already turned into the shape of a junior from the inside out.

I was still worried about the ghost.

After waiting for a few people to leave.

Granny Meng in front of the mountain gate continued to feed the soup.

Her kind and gentle face was restrained, revealing a shrewd, sharp and sinister look, and she said hoarsely: "Old lady, I have a hunch that this is a big step forward for the Huangquan sect. The entire orthodoxy of the orthodox sect, moved here in one go!"

A big step forward for espionage.

She was heartbroken, but gradually frowned.

Just now, that fellow Xing Hanhan had a weird look on his face. I don't know what nonsense she was thinking about, scolding herself behind her back? ?
Forget it.

Hit her again when you have time.


Wu Lang returned to the Seventh Peak, packed up some things, took Xu Xinying who was still crazily exercising the Mountain Spirit, and headed for the Tenth Peak.

tenth peak.

The end of the Ten Temples Peak can be called the smallest area.

And to open a Leiyin Temple for Wu Langlai, there is a high probability that he will treat himself as a simple little cave, isolated from the outside world.

After all, if the Tenth Temple Peak is a small Leiyin Temple, if you are not allowed to walk out of the Tenth Peak, and see the outside world, those Buddhist disciples, who would know that they are in a magic gate?
I just thought it was in a secret cave of a certain sect.

A circle was specially drawn to prevent others from knowing the background of his magic door.

"Sister Meng, you are so calculating and considerate." Wu Lang said with emotion, "It's not that the area of ​​my Seventh Peak is not enough, but that I have to separate the living area specifically, so that the disciples of Xiaoleiyin Temple will not see other scenes. , know the truth."


Wu Lang and Xing Hanhan entered the mountain and looked around.

There are ruins everywhere.

At this time, Xing Hanhan also received a summons soon.

In the mortal world's information network under the mountain, I learned the news of the clan.

However, the news is not detailed.

She didn't know about the diary either, she just sent a message that someone had created a clan, a lineage of mountain spirits, in Jingzhou.

She has mixed into a top sect, but she is not at the core, so naturally she can only know some simple content.

But Xing Hanhan knew who did it, so he couldn't help but click his tongue, "Grandma Meng is really a favorite, is she really here? The world knows about it? But it doesn't weaken the power of our once number one demon sect!"

Soon, Xing Hanhan let go of his thoughts and took Wu Lang to watch and tidy up.

She also introduced to Wu Lang: "The Tenth Peak was originally an Assassin sect with very few personnel, and they didn't go under the shackles. The entire Tenth Peak used to have less than a hundred people, so it occupies a relatively small area. "

Wu Lang nodded and looked at Xu Xinying next to him, "From now on, I will leave this place to you to develop Xiaoleiyin Temple, and you will be responsible for most of it."

"Yes, Master!"

Xu Xinying's eyes were bright, this was Master's affirmation of her.

She felt hot-blooded, and couldn't help but want to deal with a few more mountain spirit tribes, guide them into this sect area, and expand their power.

Wu Lang nodded.

The tenth peak, the Little Leiyin Temple, needs to be built in the short term to recruit a large number of Jedi warriors to form a mountain sect.

Various shops, streets, and Zongmen facilities.

With all the attention, he will be discovered sooner or later, and his time is running out.

As for Xu Xinying, who is working hard with passion, there must be no problem. Looking at her passionate slogans, one knows that this job is very suitable for her.

From now on, his second apprentice will be in charge of the operation of Xiaoleiyin Temple, and will be the spokesman for the Saint Master of the Tianxia Clan.

Wu Lang ran away first, hiding behind the scenes as a black hand, and asked her to be in charge of the mountain spirit's teaching, enlightenment of wisdom, and various constructions.

His thinking is clear:
The apprentice can fly with confidence, and he will bear the accident by himself.

Disciple An Xinlang, I'll take advantage of it.

"Master, I can see that here, the blood has been ignited." Xu Xinying said happily: "This is the best place to establish a power base!"

"From now on, you will be the spokesperson of this Little Leiyin Temple."

Wu Lang said softly, "You come to inherit the inheritance of that predecessor, open up the fairy road for the mountain spirits, and quell the evil disasters for the common people. In the future, the Little Leiyin Temple will gradually save the surrounding cities, continue to expand, and play your role. reputation."

"Since you are the second ruler of Xiaoleiyin Temple, I naturally give you a title." Wu Lang thought about it seriously.

"What title?" She was curious.

Wu Lang thought about it for a few seconds, and the khaki light and shadow of the mountain spirits around him shone on his face, making him look a little quiet and peaceful: "Since you are a Jedi warrior, then name it like this, and you will die for the common people, and you are from the underworld." Among the sterilization roads, here is the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva."

(End of this chapter)

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