I am the leader of Huangquan

Chapter 90 Exploring the Peak

Chapter 90 Exploring the Tenth Peak


Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!
"Wonderful!" Xu Xinying's heart was moved after hearing this, the name fits the meaning, it is very artistic.

However, after Wu Lang mentioned the "Buddha" in the underworld in the myth, he also felt that it was an unexpected coincidence and a perfect fit.
But is it really a coincidence?

He was more than Xu Xinying thought.

I am more and more sure that this name is not accidental: Judith Warrior, Brother Zangwang Bodhisattva, Hell Eunuch, and the practice system of the "Yellow Spring Jedi Sick Building Series" that they are planning to develop!

A group of show children!
At that time, the players in their top circle were unsuccessful and were arrested and paraded in the streets.

What if it works?

The establishment of the Xiaoleiyin Temple in the underworld of Huangquan, the launch of a "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva" on the bright side, making great wishes, saving the common people from animal disasters, and specializing in raising Jedi warriors, there are piles of bloody hell scenes everywhere.

Therefore, Wu Lang, who had further seen through the inside story behind this exercise in his previous life, was completely dumbfounded: Are you playing too flirtatiously?Sunflower Book has been played by you with a sense of myth and epic? ?
Change is not made up.

You are to blame!
But Wu Lang couldn't say much, he could only complain secretly, and fortunately, the natives of this prehistoric Kyushu world didn't understand homonyms and all kinds of potential meanings.

Their skills, as long as they don't understand all kinds of tricks, they still look like classical immortal cultivation skills full of immortality!
at this time.

Xu Xinying didn't know what wonderful things her master was thinking, her complexion flickered, maybe she was feeling sorry for that old friend of the Demon King?

She was full of confidence, patted her chest and assured: "Master, don't worry, I must inherit the will of that ancient demon, and then roar at the sky to bring peace to the world!"

"Well, we have to work hard." Wu Lang came back to his senses, and didn't bother to worry about it.

Xu Xinying said loudly again: "From today onwards, I will inherit the will of the ancient predecessors. I will be the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, just like the senior Meng Po, a way of sterilizing, saving the common people, saving the suffering and the suffering. If the hell is full, I vow not to become a Buddha!"

But Xing Hanhan next to him listened, but didn't care.

What ancient inheritance, restore the glory of the mountain spirit?
Probably a white lie.

Their Netherworld Holy Sect is not a small sect.

It is very clear that there is no such prehistoric inheritance at all. If the mountain spirit was really a prehistoric immortal power, how could it be possible not to know it now?
This is not from ancient times, it is the original exercise of the younger brother.

She also knew that her junior brother was not that kind of rotten Confucianism, he was very active. He said that with this kind of "ancient inheritance", it was easier to unite people's hearts.

Even, she sighed in her heart: "Even, the younger brother asked their disciples not to be too burdened, so they did this."

"After all, the real truth is that the younger brother has worked hard and developed a few exercises for them at the same time! Although they are all at the low level of the Qi refining period, they are also very difficult."

She sighed in her heart, it's really nice to have such a junior brother.

He was alone, carrying too much burden, and moved forward with a heavy load.

Xing Hanhan favorability +3
Ugh? ?

What are you doing?
When Wu Lang heard the prompt, he glanced at her in surprise.

I was thinking about the hype of those sand sculpture players, and she favored me?
But he didn't say much. He was used to it. After setting up his hard-core good people, he would always be able to swipe the good person card inadvertently.

Next time.

Under the introduction of Xing Hanhan, several people have been studying and taking care of this deserted Tenth Peak.

Although it is said to be the smallest area, it is still relatively small compared to this ancient sect. In essence, it is still a very magnificent and huge mountain, and it is unrealistic to fully develop it.

We can only delineate an area first and operate first.

After walking through various abandoned houses, Wu Lang was also a little travel-stained. He flicked his sleeves and said, "Disciple, in this area, you built the Little Leiyin Temple here, and all the disciples are moved away." Come here, and they are not allowed to go down the mountain and see the scene beyond the tenth peak."


Xu Xinying was full of fighting spirit, and said like a military order: "With such a large mountain, I can go down the mountain in two days, ride a tiger spirit, and then go to the farther mountains, and tame all the tribes of mountain spirits! Shops, construction facilities streets, various sect buildings!"

"Yes, the development of our Seventh Peak can be expected in the future." Wu Lang smiled.

Tu'er just started fighting madly, and after cleaning up the evil disaster at the foot of the mountain, it's normal to go to the next door for a while.

If you are a teacher yourself, you can continue to hide in the cave on the mountain to practice.

This tenth peak can also be lively.

But his seventh peak still remains clean, it belongs to the sect, its own territory.

I want to raise Bianhua, various experiments, and a lot of puppets, as well as the auxiliary calculation of Houtu AI intelligence.

And Xing Hanhan next to him also laughed, but took the opportunity to interject and said: "Then, you guys have settled this matter, and you can rest easy, junior brother. We agreed before that the two peaks deal must be carried out!"

"After all, you errant disciples still need resources. Come to our fifth peak store, walk around the streets, and take a stroll."

She settled the matter and was still thinking about the deal!
And Wu Lang also had a hint of curiosity.

After all, for him, this transaction is indeed of great use.

The fifth peak next door seems to have begun to develop, and I can go to her to trade and buy various things, instead of going down the mountain to places like Yunming City to dump trading resources.

There is also less suspicion of exposure.

If it's okay to say what you said before, if you hide it better, no one will pay attention to this demon cub.

But now it's different.

He has developed a family by himself, and frequently interacts with other sects and even various Xianmen Fangshi, so the risk of exposure is still very high.

And speaking of Fangshi, among later generations.

With the joint efforts of Shidian Peak, a "Fengdu" was established, in which countless disciples from the underworld communicated with each other.

At that time, the players entered Fengdu in their early days and were exploited miserably.

At present, it seems that it is still prehistoric, there is no such advanced trading model, Feng has not been established, and each has its own market.

Although Wu Lang had ideas, Feng was not something he could build at the moment.

"In that case, let's go to Senior Sister's Fifth Peak to have a look at all kinds of errand shops that can be traded." Wu Lang nodded slowly.


"Build it up for me!"

Xu Xinying mobilized some mountain spirits from the seventh peak to let these honest and steady green-skinned ribs start various constructions.

After getting busy, Wu Lang followed Xu Xinying to the fifth peak.

It's not the first time to visit the Fifth Peak. I've been here once before, but it's not the same as before.

A Xianmenfang City, sitting on the mountainside, has a good appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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