Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 234 Geng Lishan's Gourmet Views!Start recording!The chapter trailer exploded! 【Ask mont

Chapter 234 Geng Lishan's Gourmet Views!Start recording!The show trailer is out! 【Ask monthly ticket】

"Oh, these noodles are really strong!"

Even though he had eaten Zhajiang noodles for most of his life, Geng Lishan still never got tired of eating them. After mixing the noodles and Zhajiang with a rich sauce flavor, he couldn't wait to take a bite with his chopsticks.

Then, I was amazed by the delicious noodles.

For a long time, he thought that for noodles with soy sauce, what you eat is the sauce, and the noodles are not the most important thing, because as long as the sauce is good, the flaws in the noodles can be completely covered.

However, after eating the noodles rolled by Lin Xu today, he realized that the perfect Zhajiang noodles should be noodles and Zhajiang complementing each other, not who is superior to the other.

The lusciousness of the noodles and the savory flavor of the fried sauce are in stark contrast.

so perfect!

Geng Lishan felt like he had rediscovered noodles.

After eating hand-rolled noodles for decades, I never thought that the taste could be so good.

"Wow, let me just say, Brother Xu's hand-rolled noodles and the old man's fried sauce are a perfect match. This meal is really like this. The noodles have to be a little bit stronger to be delicious."

Geng Lele tasted the noodles and was immediately full of praise.

She is a senior and regular customer of Lin Kee Food.

Not long after Brother Qiang and others entered the store, this girl wandered into Lin Kee Food with Zhao Xiaozhi and others, and then used it as a canteen.

Recently Lin Kee closed for renovation.

Although I have eaten crayfish made by Lin Xu during the period.

But a meal can't solve the problem at all, she has been looking forward to this mouthful of noodles for a long time.

Finally got my wish today.

"Mr. Lishan, your fried sauce is really amazing!"

After eating delicious noodles, Lin Xu gained a new understanding of fried noodles.

The dark red dry yellow sauce is mixed under the noodles, and the noodles become rich and fragrant, and when mixed under the noodles, the taste of the noodles is also suddenly improved extraordinary.

The sauce is delicious when mixed with it, and it has become a delicious booster.

Lin Xiaoyou smiled and talked about the development of fried noodles:
"In the past, these down-and-out banner people were poor and fastidious. If they had money to invite people to dinner, they would make a bunch of vegetarian dishes and eat them with sauce. After eating, they would cook a bowl of noodles and mix the remaining vegetables and sauce. Prototype."

Since he knew the history of the fried enema, Kong Fei understood it very well.

If you are poor and want to pay attention, this can only lower the standard.

I suspect that a dish of four bowls in the early days was definitely a very pompous banquet.

It is true that these bannermen are also obsessed with despair.

But there are four bowls of fried noodles in one plate. To put it bluntly, it is just a bowl of noodles with the next type of noodles, so there is really nothing to pay attention to.

As for the rules of eating fried noodles, you can listen to it for fun.

If you really believe it, this is stupid.

"When it comes to the food in the capital off the Internet, there is always a group of weird and authentic monsters messing around with science. That kind of food must be eaten in that way, and this kind of food must be eaten in this way, which makes many people in the capital annoyed."

Zhen Wensheng has been the topic host of "Yanjing Food Sharing" for two years, and has seen too few and too few weird and authentic monsters, so when Lin Xiaoyou talked about the down-and-out bannerman, he couldn't help but feel emotional.

Lin Xiaoyou took a mouthful of noodles out of his mouth:
"Any home-cooked food that says what it must be is credible. It's good enough. It's not so particular. You've seen fried noodles with Pixian Douban, and people still eat it tasteless. Can he say that people eat right?"

Those words made Kong Feilin feel at ease immediately.

You're afraid that Lin Xiaoyou is a person who pays attention to authenticity in everything. In that case, the program team will be very passive when it comes to the food of the capital.

But now it seems that you are worrying less.

Before putting his mind to it, Zeng Xiaomeinan picked up the noodles and took a sip, then said with emotion:
"You have been in the capital for at least one or four years since you took the middle school entrance examination. You have eaten countless fried noodles, but all of them are delicious made by Mr. Wu Lishan."

That's flattery, but it's really delicious from the bottom of my heart.

"It's Kong Feilin who rolls the noodles well. If there is my noodles, the sauce you make is delicious."

A quiet and noisy meal before the end of the meal.

The nanny served the tea.

After drinking tea and chatting for a while, Lin Xu and Zhen Wensheng got up to say goodbye.

"Lele, what kind of computer configuration does he think is hindering his talent?"

The gate of Qiheyuan.

Lin Xu smiled and asked Geng Lele a question.

That question immediately touched the heart of Big Mushroom Head, and you said with a smile:

"This is at most the lowest configuration in the market. The processor is i9, the graphics card is 3090, the memory is directly 128G, and the solid-state drive is 16T... Yes, brother Xu, what does that do?"

"Ask carefully if you have anything to do. Don't forget to go to get out of class later. You guys go back first."

Before getting out of the car, Zhen Wensheng asked curiously:

"Is he going to buy a computer for Lele?"

"Mr. Lishan's inscription allowed Lin Ji to obtain the naming rights for eight months. If you want to pay me, I will definitely be angry, so I just provide Lele with a low-end computer."

That genius can play flowers with the computer in the school computer room.

Without a low-end computer, it will be even more powerful.

After speaking, I started the car and drove towards the TV station.

Arriving at the gate of Yanjing TV Station, Zhen Wensheng pushed the door and got into the car. Lin Xu said:
"Wait for Miss Xiaoqi first, there is no gift for him outside the front trunk."

After I finished speaking, I got in the car, opened the front trunk, and took out two gift boxes, one was Shaqima, and the other was Yicai Horseshoe Cake.

I made less snacks last night.

So Lin Xu loaded a few copies under the car.

When the new store opens, there will be new delicacies, so a few less servings at that time can also be a pre-cooling wave.

Zhen Wensheng's face was filled with surprise.

Just now you tasted those two delicacies outside Lin Xiaoyou's house. At that time, because of the topic of talking about the food show, did you eat less, but you kept thinking about it.

There were so few surprises today.

It was a surprise to get Mr. Li Shan's inscription. It was also a surprise that Mr. Li Shan joined the program group. It was a surprise to eat noodles with fried sauce. Now Kong Feilin gave himself the seventh surprise.

"It might be raining again, so he should retreat quickly. You go and visit Chairman Liu of the China National Tourism Association, and let me create momentum for our show."

After speaking, Kong Fei drove away.

Zhen Wensheng was standing on the side of the road with two boxes of snacks, watching the disappearing figure of the white little G, he could not help but mutter:
"God is also true, such a perfect woman, how to produce a few less batches?"

very slow.

The fact that Lin Xiaoyou wrote an inscription and joined the Taste of the World column group is just like walking like a shin.

All of the media planners who were approved afterwards were skeptical.

A mere program on the Salted Fish Channel, with or without heavyweight guests, with or without low investment, and even with or without advertisers, has won the favor of Mr. Lishan.

Are there any strange people in the program group?

Before I inquired carefully, I found out that the program team invited Lin Xu, who had won the championship twice in cooking competitions, to join, and then Kong Feilin, who had a close relationship with me before, also joined and retired.

That was so eye-popping.

A dignified calligrapher actually talks about friendship with a senior citizen.

He also personally cooks noodles with fried sauce to entertain others.

That's completely treated as one's own person.

And the TV station also stopped using Lin Xiaoyou to build momentum and expand the influence of the small program as much as possible, so as to arouse the interest of advertisers.

Well, TV programs need advertising sponsorship to sustain them.

It is often a gourmet program. Without advertisers, you can use better venues, make less delicious food, and get better broadcast time.

two days ago.

In the TV station's recording room transformed into a large kitchen, Lin Xu, wearing a chef's uniform without the Lin Ji logo, was standing behind the stove, doing post-recording checks.

Behind the camera, Zhen Wensheng in a pink men's suit rolled up his sleeves, his hair was tied into a ponytail that is capable and age-reducing, and he was practicing the opening speech written by the director.

is near.

Lin Xiaoyou, wearing reading glasses, sat under the chair and carefully looked at the eight dishes that need to be recorded today:

Braised shrimp in oil, fried lamb with green onions, and fried diced chicken in sauce.

The eight dishes are often heard, but they are also commonly eaten dishes in life.

Usually it is braised shrimp. Although there are no restaurants, they basically make sweet and sour shrimp. Lin Xiaoyou was worried that Lin Xu would make it like this, but just before the communication, he found out that it was decades later old way.

That made Kong Feilin full of anticipation for that dish.

As for the fried mutton with scallions, it can be seen from the half-fat and half-thin Tan lamb front leg meat brought by Lin Xu, as well as the two Shandong shallots that are half the height of a person, which is also a typical ancient practice.

As for the fried chicken in sauce, I even asked.

Well, if you can ask about the recipe for each dish, and leave some suspense for yourself, it will surely become a surprise at today's recording scene.

"Are you ready, Zeng Xiaoqi?"

Zhen Wensheng read the opening words several times, then looked at Kong Fei and asked a question.

End it if you can.

At that time, the emotions were relatively in place, and I remembered the opening words were word for word. If I had to wait a little longer, I would definitely have to find the feeling again.

Kong Fei wiped his hands with a towel and said:

"All right"

"Do we do this often?"


Next to Kong Feilin, Kong Feilin, who was the chief director of the scene, immediately took the walkie-talkie and said:

"Attention all departments. Immediately retreat to the recording state, idlers and others evacuate, and the scene remains quiet."

After a while, the program was officially recorded again and again.

Before a prologue about food and cooking, Kong Feilin paced quickly, and when he came to the stove, Lin Xu's figure appeared in the camera.

"Today, you had the honor to invite Lin Xu, the catering consultant of Diaoyutai State Guest House and the founder of Linji Gourmet, to explain the essentials of cooking dishes to you. Good morning, Kong Feilin."

"He's a good sister Xiaoqi."

"What shall we cook today?"

"Braised Shrimp."

After finishing speaking, Lin Xu brought a few live small prawns from under the workbench next to him, and introduced the condiments and ingredients needed by the way.

Before the introduction was over, the two interacted a lot, and then Lin Xu finished explaining the essentials and methods of handling shrimp.

It's nearby, Lin Xiaoyou nodded again and again, and said loudly to Geng Lishan next to him:
"The rhythm is well grasped, and the dishes are well selected. They need to increase their efforts to promote it. Don't disappoint Boss Lin's hard work."

"You are worried about Mr. Lishan. You will promote that program through a few channels such as TV, the Internet, and online. It will definitely make Zeng Xiaoqi's efforts in vain."

Kong Feilin made the right bet on the next cooking competition, so that time I bet my career on Lin Xu again.

It is only obtained low-density publicity from outside Taiwan, and even won some unpopular bus stop signs and subway advertisements, trying to build momentum as much as possible.

And the staff of the Travel Channel are also busy working overtime.

Salted Fish has been so young, and now he has finally encountered a chance to stand up, and he has to hold it firmly in his hands.

When Zhen Wensheng went to Longqi Mountain, he ate braised shrimps in oil, so when he saw Kong Fei cooking them step by step, he couldn't help thinking of these crispy and delicious shrimps.

Be sure to grab two to try later, and then feel the texture and taste of the shrimp.

But compared to braised shrimp, what you hate more is the big lobster made by Lin Xu.

It's a pity that I have to appear frequently to record food shows recently. I can eat spicy food, so I can't experience the slow joy of eating a big lobster in one breath.

how long.

Shrimp out of the pan.

Lin Xu used chopsticks to place the braised prawns that had turned into hooks in disorder on the plate, then filtered the soup, boiled it again and poured it under the prawns.

At this moment, only Kong Feilin felt a little greedy.

Even the camera guy next to him couldn't help swallowing.

I really thought that the braised shrimp that I had eaten for [-] years was wrong, and what Zeng Xiaoqi did was the correct way to open the braised shrimp.

That was just too satisfying.

After a dish was finished, it was placed under the automatic rotating display stand to record a close-up. Zhen Wensheng immediately took a large dish and picked one up to taste.

"It's so delicious. The shell of the shrimp is so crispy that it's basically peeled off. The meat of the shrimp is so tender. Zeng Xiaoqi's craftsmanship is really great."

Originally, the editor and director wrote the lines of Braised Shrimp in Oil.

It was because you forgot the shrimp before it was out of your mouth, so you played it on the spot.

Geng Lishan said with a smile:

"It's better than writing out of the manuscript, and it's more vivid to talk while eating."

The video is finished.

Lin Xiaoyou got up immediately, saw the stove, looked at the oil-braised shrimp under the table, and couldn't help feeling emotional:
"I have eaten braised shrimps made in oil for many years. Boss Lin's skill is really impressive. When he made it just now, he made you so greedy."

Lin Xu smiled and handed me a pair of chopsticks:
"I also ask Mr. Lishan to check it out."

"You are qualified to guard him, you are trying something new."

After Lin Xiaoyou tasted it, he was full of praise for that dish:
"We must serve that dish outside the restaurant when it opens. It is to set a benchmark for these restaurants. We will always know that the braised shrimp we make is far from wrong."

Lin Xu jokingly said:
"If these restaurants trouble you, you have to help you."

"Boss Changci Lin, you are just old or dead. If anyone troubles him, don't blame you Lin Xiaoyou for being forgiving!"

Beside, Geng Lishan rushed over to share the pre-production and operation of a small shrimp and said:
"Quickly cut out the video of pouring the juice and make it into a fixed-file video and send it offline. The first episode of the program is very important. We must rely on braised shrimp in oil to get off to a good start!"

As soon as the two heard that they were about to go to work, Geng Lishan called to stop them again:

"Wait a minute."

After speaking, I took two disposable plates, put a shrimp out of each and handed them over:
"Try it, it's quite rare."

After speaking, he rushed to a few cameramen and said:

"They also try it. Zeng Xiaoqi is lucky to make a difficult shot, so don't waste it."

Lin Xu asked curiously:
"Why does he eat, Mr. Zhen? Are you allergic to shrimp?"

Geng Lishan smiled:

"When you started the Travel Channel, you promised us that you would share joys and sorrows with your brothers and create brilliance. But in those years, the Travel Channel has been half-dead, and you have the opportunity to share the joys and sorrows. So now there is no sweetness. , let us taste it quickly, so that those guys don’t run away with buckets.”

We're going to run away with buckets, right?
The fact that he has been leaving all the time may be due to Kong Feilin's charisma.

Such a team deserves respect.

Lin Xu said:

"There are not a lot of small shrimps from Diaoyutai today. You can make some later to ensure that everyone can eat them."

Xiaojia rested for a while, and several videographers who had tasted the braised shrimp in oil pulled out the memory card in the camera and handed it to the early stage, and then replaced it with a new card, ready to continue recording.

Although that kind of food show only broadcasts one dish in each episode.

But when recording, you can only record one episode at a time, so you have to record as few points as possible, so that there are no manuscripts in your hand, so that you will feel panic when playing it.

"What was recorded in the last dish?"

Zhen Wensheng took a sip of the honeysuckle tea in his cup.

The tea was given by Chen Meijuan when I left Longqi Mountain. You specially put two pieces of rock sugar in the tea when you brewed it today. It tastes sweet and your throat is very comfortable.

Kong Fei looked at the mutton, and then at the soaked chicken legs outside the basin:
"Let's make diced chicken with sauce. The chicken legs have been soaked for a while, and you are worried that it will affect the taste if you soak it again."

"Okay, you inform us."

Very slowly, all departments are ready to work.

End recording today's seventh dish - fried chicken with sauce.

On the other side, the pre-teacher who took over the task copied the recorded video to the computer, combined the half-finished video before and after cutting, and added some special effects.

Then hand it over to operations.

Sister Dasui, who is in charge of the account operation, logged into the official account of Shiweirenjian and posted it offline, and then reposted it with the travel channel's trumpet.

The amount of attention of several program accounts is low, and there are a few likes and interactions before reposting each other.

How to reduce the playback volume?

Fortunately, the Travel Channel is difficult for Xianyu to turn around once, but we must seize that opportunity.

But what amount of attention the account has, netizens basically see that video.

If you have the cheek to go to the operation department of other my channels and say something nice later, let us use the official account to help forward it?
Dasui thought for a while, and sent a WeChat message to the operation of other channels, begging the other party to help forward it.

"Do me a favor, sister Zhou, buy him milk tea later."

However, your series of good words were agreed by sentient beings:
"Yes, Dasui, now the official account is under the management of the leader, and it is for reposting other things indiscriminately. If you use your private account to help him repost it, milk tea needs a sugar, don't be too sweet."

Then you begged grandpa to sue grandma and begged the operation of other channels for a favor.

But those people either messaged back or agreed directly.

Dasui cried slowly, but there were people outside the stage who were willing to help.

Because everyone wants the Travel Channel to do it, just be his salty fish, and try to turn it around. If he turns over, your advertising fee will be too much.

At that moment, a series of forwarding and like reminders suddenly came from the computer.

Before clicking on the details, Dasui was stunned.

"@沟泰国际宾馆 reposted his message, and left a message: Lock on the travel channel, at [-]:[-] am on Saturday, see you or leave!"

"@国际旅游协会reposted his message and left a message: Lock on the travel channel, at [-]:[-] am on Saturday, see you or leave!"

"@中旅集团official account reposted his message and left a message: Lock on the travel channel, at [-]:[-] am on Saturday, see you or leave!"

"The @中青旅官官 account reposted his message, and left a message: Lock on the travel channel, at [-]:[-] am on Saturday, see you or leave!"

"@中国小酒店夏宫餐厅 forwarded his message, and left a message: Lock on the travel channel, at [-]:[-] am on Saturday morning, see you or leave!"

"@杨城郭记酒店 reposted his message, and left a message: Lock on the Yanjing City Travel Channel, at [-]:[-] am on Saturday, see you or leave!"


A series of forwarding reminders from the official account made Dasui cry.

The grievance he had just suffered was vented at that moment.

When you were getting excited, Internet celebrities and Vs such as Wu Kexin, Yue Liyue, Gao Dashuai, Man Na Wu Game Xiang, etc. also reposted messages, calling on fans not to forget to pay attention to that program.

In addition, Lin Xu's fans are also rushing to tell each other, reminding netizens to remember to watch that program.

In just ten minutes, the broadcast volume of the fixed-file video of "Food and Taste World" exceeded the recent fixed-file video of Yanjing TV's other programs.

All TV practitioners are vague.

That food show is going to explode!


I took a cold shower last night, and there was something wrong with my shoulder, but it may have been blown by hot air while I was sleeping, which caused it to be slightly less this morning. Now your right shoulder and cervical spine are covered with rheumatism ointment, just like a biochemical person, and then At noon, I ordered a super unpalatable Limai, feeling so sad.This chapter is 5600 words, ask for a monthly pass, brothers!
(End of this chapter)

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