Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 286 Don't you really try to make custard mooncakes that are useless after learning? 【Su

Chapter 286 Don't you really try to make the Custard Flowing Heart Mooncake, which is discarded as soon as you learn it? 【Subscribe】

Steam pot chicken is a unique delicacy in southern Yunnan.

Put the chicken and ingredients into the steam pot, steam it on the soup pot without adding a little water, and use the condensed water of the steam to steam out the fresh fragrance of the ingredients little by little.

This cooking method preserves most of the umami and nutrition of the chicken.

But if it is not cooked properly, it does have a fishy smell.

After Lin Xu exchanged his points for the excellent cooking method, he found that the cooking method of this dish is not ordinary.

For example, use pullets that have never laid eggs, and must be free-range and have yellow fat in their stomachs. Such chickens are delicious as steam pot chicken.

In addition, when making it, you can't blanch it, you can't add soup, and you don't even put seasoning.

Add a small piece of ham when making it, and the seasoning will be all right.

In addition to the ham used as a condiment, the steam pot chicken is usually filled with precious ingredients such as colostrum, morel or matsutake, and medicinal materials such as Panax notoginseng and astragalus.

After making it, scoop a bowl of soup and drink it hot, the pores all over the body will be refreshed.

Taking advantage of this refreshing energy, eating two pieces of chicken with the Yunnan style dipped in water, the feeling is really nothing to say.

It's a pity that this authentic method is very time-consuming, especially for small household stoves, with weak firepower and small steam, it is difficult to keep a large amount of condensed water in the pot.

In order to save time and cost in restaurants, most of them will add chicken soup to the steamer when steaming.

Even some chicken-flavored additives are added to artificially increase the umami taste of the dishes.

Mrs. Huang also felt that the steam pot chicken in the restaurant was getting worse and worse, so she came up with the idea of ​​making it by herself.

But because of poor craftsmanship, I failed to make it several times, and the steam pot chicken became more and more obsessed in my heart.

Now that Lin Xu said that she could do it, and she promised it would not be fishy, ​​she quickly said:

"Then let our old Huang deliver the pot tomorrow, and I'll give you a few pots. In addition, morel mushrooms, chicken fir mushrooms, matsutake mushrooms, Chinese caterpillar fungus, Panax notoginseng...these ingredients are all available at home, and you can talk about what you need. "

As the wife of a high-end ingredient supplier, Mrs. Huang is still very particular, and immediately told Lin Xu a bunch of ingredients that cost far more than chicken.

what ingredients to use...

Lin Xu glanced at Shen Baobao, mother-in-law and the weight loss team, and said with a smile:

"Just take some morels and Panax notoginseng."

As the saying goes, "Ginseng invigorates qi, Panax notoginseng nourishes blood", since there are many women around, let's order Sanqi, let everyone have a try, and study the medicinal diet by the way.

Mrs. Huang said as soon as she heard it:

"Let Lao Huang bring some when he delivers the food tomorrow morning."

Bright enough!
Lin Xu felt that Mrs. Huang was much stronger than the old Huang who was digging and searching, so he said with a smile:

"Then thank you sister-in-law, but I don't think I have time to make it before the Mid-Autumn Festival. I have to rush to make some mooncakes in the past two days."

The mooncakes are not on sale yet, and one or two hundred copies have already been ordered.

Although the old man's Shen Group did not order Lin Kee's mooncakes, they gave every employee a membership card of Lin Kee Food, and deposited [-] yuan in it.

Let the employees take advantage of the festival to bring their families to Lin Kee for dinner.

This is a good starting point, but the father-in-law doesn't think that there are so many people in his company. If they flock to eat, it may not be enough to add the banquet hall that is being expanded.

Back in the kitchen, he continued to make the stuffing.

This should be prepared and frozen tonight, and then used after freezing overnight, so that it is not easy to melt so easily.

There are not many ingredients needed for Liuxin stuffing. Except for the sifted salted egg yolk, the rest are condensed milk, butter, milk powder and white chocolate.

There are several recipes for this filling.

For example, gelatin sheets can be used instead of white chocolate.

Cream and sugar can also be used instead of condensed milk.

You can also reduce the amount of condensed milk by half and replace it with coconut milk, which will make the liquid taste more flavorful.

But no matter how you replace it, the heat of Liu Xin stuffing will explode.

Lin Xu poured the condensed milk, butter, white chocolate and one-third of the sieved salted egg yolk into the milk pot and boiled it over low heat, and stirred it evenly with a spoon.

Pour some milk powder into the pot when it is almost out of the pot.

Milk powder can not only increase the flavor of milk, but also make the flowy heart slightly thicker, so that it will not burst with a bite.

Stir the milk powder evenly and pour it out to dry.

Taking advantage of this time, I took out the silicone molds I bought online, cleaned them and placed them neatly on the workbench.

"This thing is really troublesome, can't you rub it with your hands?"

Zhuang Yizhou looked at the silicone molds on the workbench, and felt that mooncakes with this kind of filling were too troublesome.

If it is double-yellow lotus paste filling or the common five-nut filling in the north, it may be much simpler than this. Even the Soviet-style thousand-layer meringue mooncake has a simpler production process than the custard yellow mooncake.

Lin Xu said:

"Trouble is trouble, we can just set a higher price, and let's talk about mass production, it's not as complicated as imagined."

This kind of moon cake seems to have many steps and cumbersome craftsmanship, but in fact, as long as it is done step by step, it is not as difficult as imagined, and it can even be made during work intervals without taking up a lot of time.

When it is almost dry, pour the boiled slurry into a piping bag, and then inject it into the mold one by one.

The molds are small balls with a diameter of 2.2 cm. If converted into weight, it is exactly 5 grams, which is exactly the amount of a moon cake.

The weight of the milk yellow Liuxin mooncake is relatively strict. The weight of the Liuxin mooncake is 5 grams, the weight of the milk yellow filling is 25 grams, and the weight of the cake skin is 25 grams.

Although this small moon cake is only one or two weights, the calories contained in it far exceed two bowls of rice.

The name thermal nuke is no joke.

After pouring into the mold, place the sheet of mold in the freezer to freeze.

The firmer the filling is, the better it is, so that it can effectively avoid melting during the production process.

After finishing all this work, Lin Xu walked out of the kitchen. Just as he was about to sit down and take a break for a sip of water with a glass of water in his hand, Baby Shen, who was full, came over:

"Xu Bao, I want to solemnly announce something to you."

Lin Xu asked curiously with a serious expression on her face:

"what happened?"

"Tomorrow, I will ask for a day off. I want to make custard mooncakes in the kitchen of the villa. If you have nothing to do, don't call me, lest I be distracted while making it."

Do you want to make custard mooncakes?
Lin Xu almost choked on water, which was too unexpected.

He coughed dryly, and said in a circumstantial way:
"It's best to have a helper to make this kind of dim sum. Who are you going to ask to help you? Aunt Liu?"

As the nanny of a wealthy family, even if Aunt Liu doesn't know how to make this kind of dim sum, she should be able to get started relatively quickly. With the help of Lue Zhen, the custard mooncakes made by her are at least edible, not to mention their appearance.

As a result, Shen Baobao pointed to Chen Yan who was chatting with Zeng Xiaoqi about autumn skin care not far away:

"Yan Bao, she will help me tomorrow."

Although he didn't want to use the word crouching dragon and phoenix chick to describe his baby and sister-in-law, but in this situation, the only thing Lin Xu could think of was this combination.

A few minutes ago, Zhuang Yizhou, a senior chef from Yanjing Hotel, thought that the custard mooncakes were too troublesome, but his own pair of crouching dragons and phoenixes who could only make fruit and custard were about to challenge them.

There is also a posture full of confidence to succeed.

Sure enough, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

He put down the teacup, took Shen Baobao's weak and boneless hand and asked:

"Don't call or send messages... Then what if I miss you?"

These words directly scratched the bottom of Shen's heart:
"Ah, Chou Xu Bao, you tease me again. We will come back for dinner at noon tomorrow. Don't worry, Mua~ Be good, I won't run away."

She happily kissed Lin Xu's face.

Hee hee, I like Xu Bao's casual teasing the most.

Lin Xu originally planned to persuade this girl not to do anything, just stay in the store comfortably and be the proprietress, but seeing her full of confidence, she held back what she wanted to say.

Just do what you want, it's like playing a game.

Call Aunt Liu tomorrow morning and ask her to pay attention to the kitchen.

As long as it doesn't cause a fire, the rest is up to the sisters.

When the young couple was kissing me, Chen Yan came over:

"Brother-in-law, tomorrow I'm going to make custard mooncakes, and Yueyue will help me. Do you think we can make them?"

I think it would be better for the two of you to use rock, paper, scissors to determine the candidate for the head chef first... Lin Xu complained silently, and then raised his teacup like a toast:

"It will definitely work. Remember to bring me a few when it's ready tomorrow. I'm waiting to eat."

"No problem, no problem, I guarantee you will still want to eat after eating!"

It happened that Shu Yun was also on the second floor at this moment, Lin Xu said to her:

"Remember, remind me to make a steam pot chicken after the festival, I promised Lao Huang, and by the way remind me to ask him for two pullets that haven't laid eggs."

There are many things to do now, so Lin Xu asked Dou Wenjing and Shu Yun to remind him of some important things.

"Okay boss, I remember."

Shu Yun clicked on the memo on the phone and wrote down the matter.

the next day.

Just after breakfast, Shen Baobao, who deliberately changed into sportswear, bid farewell to Lin Xu with Chen Yan, and drove home to prepare custard mooncakes.

Lin Xu finished the sweet potato porridge in the bowl, took out the Liu Xin stuffing that had been frozen overnight, and began to unmould.

Refrigerate overnight.

All these fillings have become small balls.

After removing from the molds, transfer the balls to a tray lined with baking paper and continue to freeze.

The white chocolate in the runny filling melts very easily, so keep the balls frozen while you make them.

In fact, gelatine sheets are stronger than white chocolate, but the flow effect is not as good as white chocolate, and once the gelatin sheets are excessive, they will be made into jelly, and the filling will only melt when heated.

This completely loses the essence of custard Liuxin mooncakes.

After putting the trays of balls back into the freezer, Lin Xu prepared the ingredients and started to make the custard filling, which is the second layer of dolls for the mooncakes.

This one uses slightly more ingredients, including sifted low-gluten flour, cornstarch, and milk powder, as well as whipped cream, milk, caster sugar, egg liquid, unsalted butter, and the remaining salted egg yolk.

Wash the large frying pan, pour out the fat in the pan after repeatedly sliding the pan, and then pour all the ingredients except the salted egg yolk into the pan.

When making the custard filling, make sure the bottom of the pan is not sticky.

Otherwise, this pot of ingredients will all be wasted.

The reason why Lin Xu slid the pan twice is to prevent the bottom from sticking to the pan.

After all the ingredients are poured in, stir the pot constantly with a wooden spatula.

At first, these ingredients were like porridge, but as the temperature increased, the golden yellow ingredients in the pot that exude a rich milky fragrance became more and more viscous.

"What is this? Is it three non-sticky?"

Wei Gan walked into the kitchen with a riding helmet in his hand, and looked curiously at Lin Xu's operation:
"It's a bit greasy to eat three non-sticks in the morning. It's all lard and sugar, and you'll gain three catties in one bite."

What he said made Lin Xu realize that this custard filling is really similar to San Bu Stick.

Even the final product is quite similar to Sanbustick.

"This is the custard filling of the custard Liuxin mooncake. Aren't you on the late shift today? Why are you here so early?"

Lin Xu noticed that Wei Qian seemed to have lost weight in the past two days. It seems that riding a bicycle to and from get off work every day is really helpful for fitness.

It's a pity that I live too close to the store, and I can't do it even if I want to work out by commuting to and from get off work.

If you have money, you should buy a villa like the old man’s, directly convert the basement into a gym, and play billiards after get off work to keep fit. It’s very comfortable to think about.

"I... Lin Xu, help me analyze it. I haven't offended Tiantian, have I?"

Lin Xu: "..."

You're stuck in a dead end and can't get out.

He asked while stirring the ingredients in the pot:
"What's wrong again?"

Wei Gan took out a small transparent sealed bag from his pocket and shook it in front of Lin Xu:
"After cycling back last night, Tiantian gave me a pack of these and asked me to eat one a day, saying that it could cure physical weakness... She actually said that I was weak, a colleague, how could this be so?"

Looking at the Moringa seeds in the sealed bag, Lin Xu showed a helpless expression.

Is that friend Song Tiantian was talking about Wei Gan?
However, Moringa seeds also have the effect of strengthening the waist, and it does not help the weak body. A bachelor like Wei Gan might get nosebleeds after eating it.

Lin Xu said:

"Wei Qian, think about it carefully. A girl suddenly cares about a boy. What do you think she will have?"

Wei Gan scratched his head, thought for a moment, and then said with confidence:

"I want to borrow money!"

Lin Xu: "..."

My brother, what kind of experience did you have to come up with such an idea?
In order to prevent this guy's thinking from getting more and more erratic, Lin Xu gave an example:

"Ever since I was in college, Yueyue has always been nice to me, and usually brought me snacks and so on. In the end we became a couple. Now Tiantian treats you like this. What do you think she is doing for?"

Wei Gan regained his spirit:

"Want to take care of me!"

Lin Xu:? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Suddenly a little tired, I'd better persuade Tiantian to change someone later, Wei Qian's brain circuit is as elusive as a ball of hemp rope.

He didn't want to talk to Wei Gan anymore, he stood in front of the stove and concentrated on playing with the ingredients in the pot.

As the water evaporates, the mushy ingredients in the pan become more and more viscous.

But the more you have to be careful at this time, because the ingredients in the pot are very viscous at this moment, it is easy to stick to the bottom of the pot, so you have to use a wooden spatula to scrape the bottom of the pot and turn it.

While busy with work, Wei Gan leaned over again and asked in a low voice:
"Lin Xu, you said Tiantian... likes me?"

"Otherwise why would she ride a bicycle with you every day?"

"Then what is she planning? I have no money, and there is no house in the capital. Although the family has a little money, it is only enough to buy a small house in my hometown..."

Wei Gan showed a worried and hesitant expression on his face.

It's a good thing to be liked by others, but is it worth being entrusted by such a girl?

Lin Xu patted his shoulder and said with a smile:

"You need to find the answer yourself. Maybe she likes that you are so fat that you don't fight hard, or maybe it's because your craftsmanship appeals to her. Anyway, the girl has already taken the initiative, so you should try to deal with it too. .For example, let her urge you to lose weight or something, which can not only deepen your relationship, but also reduce your anxiety about your figure."

Wei Gan is a good cook and a loyal person. Although he used to exchange vacations in Diaoyutai to take revenge on others, it was also the reason why the other party bullied him first.

The only disadvantage may be that he eats fat, which makes him extremely unconfident in his personal charm.

This situation is especially suitable for a vigorous weight loss.

Losing weight can not only reshape the body, but also a process of rebuilding self-confidence.

Making the most imperfect side perfect will greatly improve the personal image and heart.

Wei Qian was very touched by these words, he went outside thinking about it.

At this time, the egg yolk filling in the pot is completely solidified, and the surface is slightly shiny, which is a sign that the filling is fried well.

Lin Xu poured these solid fillings into the big basin, then poured the remaining salted egg yolk into it, and started stirring.

Do not add salted egg yolk when frying, because long-term heating will fry the oil of salted egg yolk, resulting in oily custard filling, which not only tastes greasy, but also tends to break the skin when wrapping.

After the ingredients are fried, stir again, so you don't have to worry about this happening.

And stirring at this time can also speed up the drying of the custard filling, and the temperature will drop faster.

Finally, after mixing the fillings thoroughly, cover the mouth of the basin with a layer of plastic wrap, and bring it to the refrigerator for cooling.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Xu started to make the mooncake crust, which is the outermost doll.

The dough is very simple to make with custard filling. In addition to sifted low-gluten flour, you only need egg yolk, powdered sugar, milk powder, cream, and butter.

If you want the baked mooncakes to have a better color, you can also add a little liquid soap, which is an important additive in the production of Cantonese-style mooncakes. The resulting cakes are more attractive in color and look more appetizing.

But soap water can not be excessive, just add a little bit.

After the pie crust is ready, cover it with plastic wrap and let it relax for a while. At this moment, the custard filling has cooled down. Take it out from the cold storage, open the plastic wrap, and use your hands to squeeze the custard filling into small doses weighing about 25 grams. son.

After pulling it well, knead it into a small ball, and then hold the ball and press a small hole with your thumb like making a bun.

This makes it easy to pack frozen runny balls inside.

After making these, put them on the tray and continue to put them in the refrigerator to refrigerate.

At this moment, the cake skin has also relaxed in place, twisted into long strips, and then pulled into small doses of 25 grams each.

Knead it well, cover it with plastic wrap and continue to relax.

Start stuffing.

Take the frozen little balls out of the freezer, put them into the pits of the custard filling while they are cool, then quickly tighten them and knead them into small balls again.

Keep freezing after kneading.

The flow-centered pellets should be kept in a low-temperature frozen state.

This way there will be no leaks.

After wrapping all the Liuxin stuffing in the custard filling, take the loosened pie crust, press it into a cake shape with your hands, and wrap the custard filling in like a steamed bun.

After wrapping, knead into small balls again, and then put them in the freezer of the refrigerator to continue to relax.

Don’t be in a hurry to press the mold at this step, put it in the refrigerator to chill and relax, otherwise the cake skin is easy to crack, which will not only affect the aesthetics of the finished product, but also cause the flow center to leak.

When the finished moon cake balls are refrigerated, they should be coated with a layer of cornstarch to prevent sticking, otherwise the cake skin will easily stick to the tray.

After finishing all this work, Lin Xu came outside and saw Wei Gan walking downstairs as if he had made some important decision.

He was just about to watch the fun with the past, when Shen Baobao, who had made an appointment not to contact him during the day, suddenly called:
"Xubao, the mooncakes may not be made!"

"what happened?"

"Just now, after Yan Bao and I boiled the ingredients for Liuxin stuffing, we found that eating with a spoon (kuǎi) is also quite good, so...we finished it by accident..."


Have you ever tried so hard to make a dish, only to eat the ingredients as soon as you started?This chapter is 5400 words, ask for a monthly pass, brothers!
(End of this chapter)

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