Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 374 Can you bet on a birthday gift?Happy 3rd birthday Mr. Chen! [add more for Xiaohe 005]

Chapter 374 Can you bet on a birthday gift?Happy 005th birthday, Mr. Chen! [add more for Xiaohe [-]]


Baby Shen, who was wearing Cerebellar Ax one-piece pajamas, opened the door and saw Ren Jie carrying a box of imported fruits and two live sea fish, and asked curiously:
"Come here, why do you still bring something? Is it because you are afraid that there will not be enough food?"

Chen Yan said:

"Your brother-in-law doesn't think it's appropriate to come empty-handed. The fruit is for you two, and the fish is for Dundun...Dundun, come and give my aunt a hug. After eating our fish, you must bless my uncle safe and sound. "

Dundun: "..."

Good guy, two fishes are making such a big request.

Then this fish doesn't matter if you don't eat it!
The little guy snorted and continued to eat his tuna with his head down.

Ren Jie said with a smile:

"Still as cold as ever."

He put on his slippers, stretched out his hand and rubbed Dundun's head, and then raised the two fish in his hand in front of Dundun:

"This is a live fish, baby, are you really not interested?"

Dundun glanced at it, and was attracted by the two fish in the bag.

The little guy raised his hand through the plastic bag and hit the fish on the head. The fish inside swung wildly, and Dundun wagged his tail happily, as if he had discovered a fun game.

In the kitchen, Lin Xu learned that Chen Yan and Ren Jie were coming, so he used the ingredients at home to urgently make another dish of three-shredded fried beans, pan-fried fish and mutton.

Three shredded fried beans is a typical northeastern appetizer. It is fried peanuts, coriander and onion shreds mixed with soft white sugar, salt and pepper, and then fried shredded potatoes are added.

The dishes mixed in this way are crispy peanuts, crispy potato shreds, and full of freshness with onions and coriander.

Coupled with the sweet and sour taste, it makes people have endless aftertaste.

In the Northeast, this is a classic old dish, but there are not many restaurants where you can eat it, because this dish is too troublesome, the potato shreds must be fried fresh, and the fried potatoes must be served immediately after frying, otherwise the potato shreds will be fried. will soften.

To be more particular, it is also required that the potato shreds must be fried in new oil that has not been fried with any ingredients, so that the color will be good.

It's so troublesome, and it's just a cold dish, and the effort is not proportional to the income. Naturally, fewer and fewer restaurants are willing to do it.

The ingredients are limited tonight, and there are still some coriander stalks and onion shreds left over from the fried and roasted lamb just now, so I just took it with me to avoid wasting ingredients.

As for fish bream, it is ready-made, because this kind of marinated fish can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time after marinating.

Cut into thin slices and fry in hot oil to bring out the umami flavor of the fish. It goes well with wine.

As for the mutton mixed with soy sauce, the unused mutton ridge is removed and cut into thin slices, and scalded with hot water until it is broken.

Put it in a basin, pour in the sesame sauce left over from making sesame seed cakes, then add minced green onion, garlic and onion coriander, and finally put minced garlic and chili noodles, pour it with hot oil, stir well, and it will make people eat immediately Experience the joy of instant mutton.

It is even more enjoyable than eating boiled mutton, because this mutton is full of a large plate, which is much more enjoyable than eating mutton cooked with chopsticks.

Several dishes were set on the table, Lin Xu looked at Ren Jie and asked:

"What wine does brother-in-law drink?"

"Let's have some beer, but I can't drink too much. I have to go to work tomorrow, so I can rest for a day and a night the day after tomorrow."

Lin Xu took out two bottles of dark beer from the refrigerator.

Opened and poured two cups.

Because Chen Yan had to drive, she couldn't drink alcohol. She took a bite of the biscuit, and her eyes were filled with little stars:

"That's right, this is the sesame seed cake. I just ate the frozen semi-finished product at the barbecue shop. It doesn't taste like sesame paste, and it's not crispy."

Following Baobao Shen's example, she tore open the biscuits from the middle, and stuffed some fried and roasted mutton into them.

After filling up, hold the biscuits with both hands and bite, the crispy biscuits and the strong aroma of sesame paste, coupled with the aroma of the dishes, one bite, Mr. Chen immediately regretted eating barbecue.

At that time, it would be nice to drive here directly, and save a stomach full of synthetic products.

The sesame seed cakes are semi-finished products, and the meat is likely to be synthetic meat. Relatively speaking, it is still Lin Kee's food that you can rest assured.

Although the price is a bit higher, but do not resort to fraud, use whatever ingredients should be used, no fraud, no hard work with technology.

Ren Jie took a sip of the roasted mutton cooked by Lin Xu, and said to Chen Yan:
"It is indeed much better than the barbecue we eat. Come to Lin Xu, let's go together."

His arm was no longer hanging, but it was still wrapped in gauze, so he couldn't use his strength. Even when holding the cup, he put down his chopsticks and touched Lin Xu with his right hand.

It's not that he's hypocritical, but that he wants the gunshot wound to heal quickly.

Now that the leader takes care of him, he only needs to do some back office work, but as a criminal policeman, it’s not enough to just do back office work, and he has to devote himself to the case.

The weather is getting colder, and various cases in the capital have also reached a high incidence period.

Because compared to summer, there are fewer people on the streets in winter, and the doors and windows of every house are closed, which is relatively sound-proof. Even if criminals make some noise, they will not attract the attention of the public.

And as the end of the year is approaching, criminals will also take risks and prepare to do a big job.

"The capital is so safe, are there so many criminals?"

Shen Baobao's question made Ren Jie amused:
"There are many, and fugitives from other places always like to come to the capital to Zhatui, especially those who have given up hope in life and the future. The police have arrested [-] or [-] fugitives, and in the [-]-day operation earlier, more than [-] fugitives were arrested."

In addition to fugitives, there are more criminals and gangs such as theft and robbery, which need to be uncovered by Ren Jie and his colleagues.

"Thank you brother-in-law, let's go one more time."

Lin Xu and Ren Jie clinked their glasses again, and then tasted the mutton with soy sauce, which tasted surprisingly good.

Especially the mutton wrapped in sesame sauce, mixed with soy chili oil, the taste is not to mention more enjoyable.

"Brother-in-law, did you put sauced tofu in this sesame sauce?"

"Yes, when I was mixing the mutton just now, I mixed some bean curd into the sesame sauce, but unfortunately I don't have leek sauce at home, otherwise the taste of this dish would be more perfect."

Sauce tofu can enrich the aroma of sesame paste, while chive flower sauce can bring out the umami taste of lamb.

This is also an essential ingredient when eating instant mutton.

"It's already delicious. By the way, what's your brother-in-law's plan in the future? I plan to learn how to make sesame biscuits from you, and I will make them myself in the future, and I will never eat those frozen ones again."

After the sister-in-law got a partner, she became more and more in the direction of a good wife and mother.

Lin Xu said:

"After your birthday, I have to go to Diaoyutai to learn about ramen for a few days. By the way, I will learn about eight-treasure gourd duck, soft-pocket long fish and other dishes with Mr. Xie from Building No. [-]. At the end of the month, I will make a dish created by my master. Food...let's talk about it after all these things are busy, there won't be much free time in the near future."

"Master's homemade dishes? Is it difficult to have Qingshui Furong?"

Shen Baobao became interested as soon as he heard about the homemade dishes.

"Qingshui Furong is not worth mentioning in front of that dish. This is a dish with extremely high requirements for both white and red cases. Even my senior brother can't make it. It must be done in cooperation with Chef Yin from Building No. [-]. "

When Lin Xu said this, the other three people all showed surprised expressions.

Even the most powerful chef in Diaoyutai can't make it. This must be a very difficult dish.

"Can it be updated in the store after it is made?"

"Definitely not, not to mention whether the Diaoyutai is allowed or not, the cost is so high, how many people can afford it?"

Several people continued to eat and drink, and the four dishes were eaten cleanly, and there were only two sesame sauce biscuits left.

After eating and drinking enough, Chen Yan took Ren Jie back, while Lin Xu hugged Dundun, who was already asleep, to his room, covered him with a small blanket, and then returned to the master bedroom with Baby Shen, washed and went to bed.

Sunday afternoon.

Chen Yan's birthday party finally arrived.

Lin Xu hung the roasted whole lamb ordered by Chen Yan on the oven early, and then started to pack the two big herrings that Lao Huang sent.

Today's dishes are very complete. In addition to roast lamb and roast suckling pig, there are also dishes such as roasted water and spiced smoked fish that everyone has eaten last time.

Chen Yan wore the same style of couple sweater, couple jeans, and couple casual shoes as Ren Jie, with the posture of "I want to throw dog food when the king of heaven is here".

"We want to eat delicious food, not dog food!"

The single dog Zeng Xiaoqi had been waiting for a table in the shop early on. When she saw the couple go upstairs, she suddenly felt a sour smell in the fresh air.

When Chen Yan saw Director Zeng, he immediately came over:
"Xiao Qiqi, what gift have you prepared for sister?"

Zeng Xiaoqi took out a box from her bag:
"Open it yourself."

Chen Yan was just joking, but Zeng Xiaoqi actually prepared a gift, and it was packed in a wooden box, which looked very delicate.

She thanked her, then opened it, and a look of surprise flashed across her face.

The box turned out to be a set of clay sculptures, and the content was a little policeman standing in front of a pancake stand, communicating with a woman in a chef's uniform and a chef's hat.

Just looking at it, I knew it was the first time I met Ren Jie.

"Thank you little Kiki, this gift is great."

Chen Yan hugged Zeng Xiaoqi, and held up the box for Ren Jie to see. Ren Jie was also very surprised:
"It looks like a sculpture, is this Director Zeng you made?"

"No, I asked a clay sculptor to help me do it. He was worried about overturning the car and asked for a photo of the two of you. How is it? Satisfied?"

"Satisfied, satisfied, I am very satisfied."

While chatting, the little mushroom head Geng Lele bumped up the stairs holding a square gift box.

"Hello sister Xiaoqi, hello brother-in-law Ren, happy birthday sister Yan! I made you a small gift in my spare time, don't be disgusted."

Just as she was about to hand out the gift she had prepared, she accidentally saw the clay sculpture in Chen Yan's hand, and immediately asked curiously:
"Who prepared this?"

Zeng Xiaoqi pointed to herself:


"Okay, sister Xiaoqi, you actually copied my idea!"

Geng Lele opened the box in her hand, and inside was a steel plate with a picture engraved on it, which was the scene of Chen Yan buying pancakes.

Although it is a flat painting, the carving is very advanced.

"This is because I asked my godfather to help me to compile the program. I didn't expect that sister Xiaoqi took the lead."

Chen Yan looked at the steel plate in surprise, the scenes carved on it were lifelike, and even the facial expressions were vivid.

Although there is Zeng Xiaoqi's clay sculpture in front, the engraving on this steel plate is still beautiful, and it feels cold to the touch and thick in weight, as if it will not rust and change color in another hundred years.

"Although the idea has been stolen, I still want to say that I wish Sister Yan a happy birthday and be eighteen years old forever. I also hope that the love between you and Brother-in-law Ren will never rust like this high-density steel plate!"

"Thank you Lele, I like this gift very much."

After taking the steel plate painting, Chen Yan planned to put it on her desk.

It looks so fashionable, it is carved on a steel plate, so why not envy others if you want to put it on display?
It's good to have a girl who learns programming.

Next, other people arrived one after another, and the gifts they prepared basically revolved around the theme of "little policeman and little chef".

It's not that everyone's gifts collided with each other, but mainly because for Chen Yan, this incident was so worth remembering, so everyone prepared gifts from this aspect.

By the time it gets dark, almost everyone has arrived.

As soon as Chen Yuejin and his wife came in, they pulled Ren Jie to ask about his health, while Professor Ren and his wife circled around their daughter-in-law.

When the table started, the adults took out their birthday presents.

Shen Guofu prepared a gold brick for his niece. The code of the gold brick was exactly the same as Chen Yan's birthday, so it was obviously specially prepared.

What Professor Ren and his wife gave was still a book, also a single copy.

It feels like the couple can make a lot of money just by selling books.

As for Chen Yanrenjie's matchmaker, Geng Lishan, he sent a picture of calligraphy as usual.

When it was Chen Yuejin's turn, the two took out a car key, and Baby Shen recognized it immediately:

"This is...Panamera?"

Shen Guofang said:
"After all, Xiaojie works in the public security department. Xiaoyan is too ostentatious to drive a sports car every day, so she changed to a car and bought the highest-end version, which is more comfortable to drive."

Tsk tsk, there were all kinds of dislikes before.

Now that Yan Bao has a partner, he directly changed to a new car.

But replace a sports car worth more than one million yuan with a car worth more than two million yuan... Auntie, do you have any misunderstanding about low-key?

After various dishes were put on the table one by one, everyone began to eat and drink.

In the corner, Qi Panpan watched the rich people giving gifts to each other, and touched Li Qiang curiously:
"Is our gift too shabby?"

What the two of them gave was a starry canister in which the little policeman and the little chef held hands, which was specially customized.

Li Qiang said:

"Don't worry, no matter how high or low the gifts you give today, as long as there are little chefs and little policemen, it's a bet. The more you give, the happier Mr. Chen will be."

After speaking, he grabbed a piece of roast lamb back and put it on Qi Panpan's plate:
"Hurry up and eat quickly. The essence of the roasted whole lamb is all on the back of the lamb. It is crispy and fragrant. Usually, this kind of food is hard to eat."

When Qi Panpan heard this, he didn't speak any more, and started to eat with the browned and crispy lamb's back.

While eating, Shu Yun pushed in a custom-made three-tiered big cake. Finally, it was not a policeman and a cook, but Chen Yan wearing a Mongolian robe sitting on a haystack watching the sunset.

Her smile is very sweet, as if seeing her own happy life.

"Mr. Chen, this is a special surprise prepared by our store for you. I originally wanted to make it into a little chef and a little policeman, but after inquiring that everyone prepared it like this, I used the photo you sent on National Day to find Diaoyutai. The master dessert chef helped to make it... All the staff of Linji Food wish Mr. Chen a happy birthday!"

"Thank you, thank you baby Shu, I am very happy."

For Chen Yan, this was really a surprise.

Especially the master dessert maker from Diaoyutai, the people and scenery on the cake were all so lifelike, it made her eyes moist.

Shu Yun never mentioned this matter, even today, he didn't show any signs of preparation.

But secretly prepared such a big surprise.

"Baby Shu, do you want me to cry on purpose?"

"No, no, this is not due to me alone, I just ran an errand, and the master of Diaoyutai was contacted by our boss."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yan said to Lin Xu:
"Thank you brother-in-law, when you marry Yueyue, I will definitely not make things difficult for you during the door-calling session."

Tsk, this promise carries a lot of weight.

Everyone laughed.

Shen Guofu discussed with Han Shuzhen in a low voice:

"Why don't you let Xiaoxu and Yueyue take care of things during the Chinese New Year?"

"I have to discuss this with my in-laws. The traffic jams during the Spring Festival, whether they come to the capital or we go to Yinzhou, it will be inconvenient. It depends on the attitude of Meijuan and the others."

"Okay, I'll contact my in-laws when I go back today."

All kinds of dishes are served one by one.

At the end, there were actually two large plates of freshly made sesame sauce biscuits.

Baby Shen whispered to Shen Guofu:
"Dad, you and mom haven't come to the store for dinner these two days after climbing the mountain. This is specially prepared by Xubao for you. When you were young, you bought me so many sesame sauce sesame seed cakes with meat, but you were reluctant to take a bite. Today, you let go of it and ate it." , none of us will stop you."

Shen Guofu felt very relieved:

"Good girl... My wife, have you heard what our daughter said? After being with Xiaoxu, I really become more and more sensible."

"Yeah, thanks to Xiaoxu, otherwise he might be so naughty."

Baby Shen:? ? ? ? ? ? ?

You will lose my lovely and sensible daughter like this!

Everyone chatted while eating. Lin Xu planned to go to the opening ceremony of Ziqiang Shengjian No. [-] Middle School on Monday, and then go to the TV station to record a program for a day, and welcome Guo Xinghai in the evening.

On Tuesday, I helped Baby Shen take a video of Dundun, and on Wednesday, I took a full day of gourmet VLOG.

Take the time out, so that starting from Thursday, you can go to Diaoyutai for further study.

A few days of busy life passed by.

On Thursday morning, Lin Xu drove to Diaoyutai, went straight to Building No. [-], and was going to learn about ramen from Yin Hongbin, the executive chef of Building No. [-].

After so long, it's really time for Bai'an to learn about ramen, which is also an unavoidable technique in Bai'an.

After learning it, not only can you make ramen noodles, but you can also make some dishes that need to be stretched, such as noodles like silver rolls, which will also use this technique.

After getting out of the car, he was just about to go in when the system prompt sounded in his mind:
"The special props have been refreshed, and the host can exchange them according to the points."

Is the month-long refresh period finally over?

Lin Xu immediately entered the system, intending to see what special props were refreshed this time...


Thanks again to Xiao He for the reward. Xiao He is a die-hard fan of Chen Yan. It just so happened that Jiageng and Chen Yan's birthdays collided. I hope Xiao He likes it.This chapter is 5100 words, ask for a monthly ticket, brothers, 15700 words have been updated today, everyone who has a ticket, remember to vote!

(End of this chapter)

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