Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 387 Did we get the certificate?Geng Lele: What is the master of the audience! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 387 Did we get the certificate?Geng Lele: What is the master of the audience! 【Subscribe】

"No, it's still too spicy!"

Lin Xu beat the kelp into a paste, put it in the freezer of the refrigerator to cool down and solidify quickly, then poured ginger syrup on it, took a spoonful and tasted it.

It was still too spicy.

The taste of old ginger is too overbearing, even though the temperature has dropped, it still tastes too spicy, but the sweetness is good.

This proves that the idea of ​​using ginger to make rock sugar emerald paste is no problem.

It's just that the plan needs to be adjusted.

Reduce the amount of ginger when stewing kelp, and change the overbearing old ginger into tender ginger, so that the kelp can not only taste ginger, but also reduce the coldness of kelp during the cooking process.

As for the ginger syrup, it is good, not only can be poured on the kelp, but also can be poured on other desserts.

For example, almond tofu is a bit cold to eat in winter, and it feels uncomfortable in the stomach if you eat too much, but after adding some ginger syrup, the sweetness is mixed with a trace of spicy ginger, which makes it much more comfortable.

Lin Xu didn't expect to try to make improved kelp, but fumbled for ginger syrup.

This is like a liquid version of ginger candy. There are many ways to eat it, even mixed with water.

In addition to the taste, the color of the kelp also needs to be adjusted.

The gray-green and dark-yellow color of kelp paste, although not unappetizing, is somewhat unappetizing.

Gotta find a way to make the color more alluring.

The easiest way to adjust the color is to add ingredients of other colors, so that the color can be changed.

Lin Xu has no research on art, so he intends to try the same thing.

First use white ingredients to stew with boiled kelp to see how the color looks, if not, change to another color.

In desserts, there are many white ingredients, such as almonds, white kidney beans, water chestnuts, gorgon seeds, sweet potatoes, etc. There are many types, but there are not many suitable for kelp.

After all, it is necessary to neutralize the coldness of kelp.

Lin Xu thought about it and decided to try it with white kidney beans.

This ingredient has a smoothing effect, and can be used as a medium between kelp and ginger to smooth out the coldness of kelp and the dryness and heat of ginger.

Thinking of this, he walked out of the small kitchen and told Chezi:

"Buy some white kidney beans, soak them when you buy them, I will use them tomorrow."

Try the white kidney beans first, if it still doesn't work, then try other ones, the same thing, anyway, the task time is quite long, so don't worry.

Upon hearing this, Che Zai immediately said:

"Uncle Yu seems to have it. I'll go and have a look. If it's okay, I'll buy it now."

White kidney beans need to be soaked for about [-] hours before use, so that the shell can be completely removed, which is quite similar to broad beans.

After Che Zai went downstairs, Geng Lele, who was eating red stew, asked:
"Brother Xu, how is your dessert experiment?"

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"There's too much ginger, it's too spicy. I'll let you taste it when I improve it. I'll give my opinion internally. If there's no problem, I'll make a new one in the store."

"Okay Brother Xu, I can wait to eat."

Seeing that Geng Lele and Cui Qingyuan were eating stewed mutton soup, Lin Xu didn't bother him too much. He was about to go back to the small kitchen to clean up the ingredients, when he suddenly saw Yan Lin coming out of the stairs.

Why did Mr. Yan come at this point?

Just as he was about to say hello, the sharp-eyed Geng Lele exclaimed and said to Cui Qingyuan:

"Stop drinking too much, your wife is here!"

Cui Qingyuan was about to say don't make trouble, but when he caught a glimpse of the pretty figure at the stairs, he was stunned.

He didn't expect Yan Lin to come here at this moment. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but there was a feeling that thousands of words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't say a word.

"Haha, welcome godmother!"

Geng Lele ran over bouncingly, helped Yan Lin carry the bag, and took Yan Lin's arm by the way and whispered:
"During the time you were away, my godfather got very close to a young female teacher from Tsinghua University. Godmother, if they get married later on, should I call you godmother or that teacher?"

Yan Lin: "!!!!!!!!!"

Hello little red guy!

After finishing her recent work, my mother rushed to the airport to take a chartered plane to see you as soon as she left the conference room.

You actually secretly dated the female teacher.

Still a young female teacher! ! ! !
Seeing the godmother's murderous gaze, Geng Lele was overjoyed.

Okay, this panicked too.

It's good to be flustered, you will lose your mind when you are flustered.

And after losing my mind...

Tsk tsk tsk...that's not something that a child like me can read!
Yan Lin squinted her eyes at Cui Qingyuan, turned her face and asked Geng Lele:
"Do you have too little homework? How dare you make fun of your godfather."

Geng Lele shrugged:

"It's okay if you don't believe me. People adore my godfather. After graduating from MIT, I followed in the footsteps of my godfather and came to Tsinghua...Godmother, you are so rich and good-looking. If the man you like is taken by others Take it away, what a shame, I was so angry."

"Little girl, stop fanning the flames here, do you think the godmother believes you?"

Yan Lin smiled confidently, but her trembling fingers still betrayed her true inner thoughts.

The little red man is a top-notch person, and he looks good. Although he is almost forty years old, he is a man with forty-one flowers.

Moreover, he wants status, status, knowledge and knowledge, and he looks elegant. He is the handsome uncle that girls like most.

No, you have to watch closely.

I, Yan Lin, have raised the little piglet for so long, so I can't let other cabbages make me suffer.

Thinking of this, Mr. Yan's eyes panicked, and he lost his previous confidence and calmness.

Lin Xu at the door of the small kitchen saw Mr. Yan coming over, and immediately waved to a help cook:

"Let the back kitchen cut some mutton slices and send them over. Mr. Yan must be still hungry after traveling so far, so I have to let her eat two mouthfuls of hot food quickly."

Yan Lin smiled at Lin Xu after hearing this:
"Thank you, Boss Lin. I didn't eat much on the plane. I'm really hungry."

"Then you can eat later, and I will arrange it."

When the help cooks started cutting the mutton, Lin Xu came to the kitchen and told everyone:
"First put a pot of yam juice on Mr. Yan's table, Lele said she likes to drink this; then serve a plate of grilled fish and smoked fish, and a silver roll by the way... Che Zai will come later Order two big herrings, and tomorrow I will cook a dish for Boss Yan to taste."

This is a distinguished customer in the store.

Not to mention the recharge of several million, even if she spent millions to buy a piano for Dundun, she had to be treated well.

Outside the kitchen, Cui Qingyuan got up and watched Yan Lin open her mouth:

"Are you hungry?"

"Well, what's in the pot? Can I eat it?"

"Yes, yes, please sit down quickly, Lele, take the bowls and chopsticks for your godmother, don't look like you are eating melons, your godmother and I... After so many years of ups and downs, how can we be provoked by your gossip Divorce."

Geng Lele pouted speechlessly.

Why are you spreading rumors right now? Shouldn't you hug your godmother and kiss her for a while like biting a duck's head?

Alas, it is hopeless.

The little girl angrily went to get the bowls and chopsticks, and Cui Qingyuan's mood also calmed down. He was about to speak when he suddenly found that his green plums were different from usual.

After careful inspection, I found that the lipstick Yan Lin put on today is brighter and younger.

The whole person looks a little more lively, completely different from the serious image of the female president in the past.

I really want to kiss... Ahem, there is something wrong with the bottle of wine that Lao Huang gave me. Could it be a fake bar?Otherwise, why do you keep thinking wildly in your mind?

Yan Lin sat down and was delighted to see the little red guy secretly looking at her lips.

Smelly guy, just come here if you want to kiss, if you have the heart but not the guts, why does my mother like you as a coward?

Whenever you are moved once, we will also...

"Mr. Yan, come and taste this smoked fish... Lele? What are you peeking at here?"

As the head chef, Wei Qian knew Yan Lin somewhat. Taking advantage of Lin Xu's time to play with the grilled fish, in order to show respect to the distinguished guests, he came out of the kitchen with a plate of smoked fish and planned to serve it himself.

Then I saw Geng Lele leaning over the side of the cupboard and peeking at Boss Yan.

His inappropriate question suddenly broke the charm between Yan Lin and Cui Qingyuan, and exposed Geng Lele.

The little girl rolled her eyes helplessly.

How did you meet the pig teammate?

She walked over with a pair of bowls and chopsticks as if nothing had happened:
"It's really hard to find bowls and chopsticks today."

Yan Lin glanced at her:
"Okay, okay, don't be so busy, I'm almost hungry, and now I just want to eat."

"My godmother says I'm hungry, godfather, why don't you hurry up and pick up food, people say it's best to start when a girl is hungry, you two eat slowly, I'm full, I'll go back to school first."

She originally wanted to watch the excitement.

But since the two don't cooperate, forget it.

Going back to school to do experiments, sitting here will save the two of you from being stuck together, and you have to be both a light bulb and a microphone, which is much more tiring than doing experiments.

Geng Lele and Cui Qingyuan had almost eaten just now, and the table was covered with leftovers from their meals.

Cui Qingyuan hurriedly cleaned up, wiped the table clean, put the useless bowls, chopsticks and dishes on the empty table next door, then picked up a piece of fish and put it on Yan Lin's plate:
"This smoked fish is really good. Try it. There are some tofu skin and yuba in this pot. Do you want to eat it? I'll get you some and keep cooking it. It's a bit hot."

Seeing him in a hurry, my heart warmed up.

Smelly guy, he finally knows how to feel sorry for others.

She picked up the smoked fish and took a bite, then said in Shanghai dialect:

"This smoked fish is well done..."

"That's right, Boss Lin's craftsmanship is beyond words. By the way, he is also excellent at making stewed braised water. Later, I will order tomorrow's dishes with him. You have worked so hard recently, so relax... During this time There are a lot of new products in the store, and a Cantonese chef with very high cooking skills has come, you can also eat Cantonese cuisine..."

When Cui Qingyuan was picking up food for Yan Lin and chattering about the recent situation, Yan Lin suddenly interrupted him:

"Is your account book in the dormitory?"


Cui Qingyuan was taken aback by these words, not knowing why Yan Lin asked this suddenly, and said casually:
"Yes, I settled in Beijing last year. My parents are not used to this place, so I moved my account here. Why do you ask this?"

Yan Lin picked up a napkin and covered her mouth, spat out the fishbone carefully, and then said:
"Let's get the certificate."

"What... what proof?"

Cui Qingyuan was now convinced that Lao Huang had given him fake wine, and actually had auditory hallucinations...

He was very confused, he didn't hear clearly, wanted to confirm but was worried that he would be scolded.

"Marriage certificate... I want to move my household registration to the capital, but it's very troublesome to settle here, so I want to find someone from the capital to marry. If you don't want to, then I'll do whatever I want..."

"I would like to! I am so willing! But... Linlin, I..."

He was about to say something when Yan Lin patted his hand and pouted to the right.

It was only then that Cui Qingyuan discovered that there were several heads protruding from the entrance of the kitchen and the stairs in the distance. The little mushroom head who had just said that he was leaving to go back to school was even leaning against the side of the cupboard and secretly taking pictures with his mobile phone.


"Ahem...the grilled fish is ready, Mr. Yan, come and try it."

Lin Xu glanced at Zeng Xiaoqi, Chen Yan, Dou Wenjing, Shu Yun, and Xiao Qing who were peeking at the stairs, and then at Wei Gan, Zhu Yong, Qin Wei, and Guo Xinghai who were joining in the fun, and reluctantly walked out of the kitchen with plates walked out.

He wasn't that thick-skinned, and it was his home game, so he took the initiative to walk over with a plate.

When putting down the fish, Lin Xu whispered:

"Congratulations to the two of you who are married. Let me arrange a table tomorrow. Let's celebrate first. Everyone has been waiting for you two to have this day. Just now, Lao Huang has promised that he will wrap up the ingredients for tomorrow."

It has been almost two months since Yan Lin came to the store with Shen Guofu for the first time.

In the past two months, everyone was looking forward to when the couple would be able to tie the knot. Unexpectedly, under the control of Junjun Geng, this day would come so quickly and suddenly.

Sure enough, the elder sister-in-law's plan is Tu Yile, and the real master of field control has to be our family Lele.

Yan Lin was a little embarrassed:
"Let you see a joke... If it wasn't for Professor Cui's hesitation when he came here, and Lele also said that a young female teacher was pestering him, I wouldn't take advantage of this little red guy."

"After you said that, I also found that Professor Cui was a little depressed today. What's going on? What's wrong?"

Cui Qingyuan took a sip from his wine glass:
"Before dinner, Lele asked me. She said that if the godmother finds a little fresh meat, then I should ask who is the godfather in the future. When I think about it... I feel so stuck..."

Yan Lin kicked him lightly under the table:
"Are you stupid?"

At the stairway, Chen Yan quickly typed in the group:
"The answer to the mystery was revealed. It was all Lele's idea. She first made Professor Cui emo, and then messed up Mr. Yan's position with the topic of the young female teacher. As soon as the two got emotional, the ice melted... …Geng Lele is the best player in the game, I won’t watch the game without Lele for this year’s MVP!"

Shen Jiayue, who was shooting a video in the villa, said excitedly:

"Mom, it's a pity I wasn't there."

Chen Yuanyuan replied:
"Me too, after seeing Sister Yan's commentary, I believe in love again."

Zeng Xiaoqi expressed her opinion in the group:
"If it wasn't for Shu Baobao's notification, we would not have thought of such a good thing. Today is considered to have witnessed love, but love belongs to someone else, and we can't even count as a foil."

After sending the message, Director Zeng glanced at Xiao Qing, and asked in a low voice:
"Secretary Xiao, what size underwear do you wear?"

Xiao Qing froze for a moment, not understanding why the beautiful host asked this.

But since people asked, she was too embarrassed not to say anything, so she replied:
"34B, what's the matter?"

"Come, come, I'll add you as a friend and pull you into our small group."

Well, since it is the same cup size, the height has to be pulled into the group.

Hahaha, when Secretary Xiao joins the group, I won't have to bear all the pressure by myself, little Kiki!

Chen Yan rolled her eyes at Zeng Xiaoqi:
"You also know how to peck each other."

Zeng Xiaoqi immediately retorted:

"If you don't rank first, you are not qualified to speak. If you are capable, you can compare with the proprietress."

At the dining table, Lin Xu didn't bother much.

As soon as he left, the system's prompt sound came to mind:

"The host has witnessed the marriage of childhood sweethearts for many years, completed the hidden mission [Sweet Love], and rewarded the traditional Shanghai dessert snack - Lei Sha Yuan, congratulations to the host."

Hey, there is such a benefit in watching a movie.

This method is not difficult, so let’s make it tomorrow, and treat it as a surprise dessert to congratulate the two on their wedding, so that everyone can taste this sweetness.

Lin Xu came to the small kitchen, washed all the kitchen utensils used today, and put the prepared ginger syrup in the refrigerator.

After finishing his work, he walked out of the small kitchen and found that Yan Lin and Cui Qingyuan had already left, only Xiao Qing was left sitting in the original position eating and drinking, and Chen Yan and others sat aside, chatting cheerfully.

"Huh? Where are Professor Cui and President Yan?"

Dou Wenjing said:
"Probably because we were afraid that we would be embarrassed to ask questions, so we packed up our food and left."

Xiao Qing said with emotion:
"Following Mr. Yan in the past few years, I'm used to seeing big bosses taking care of college students' little faces. Some bosses even cover both men and women. When it's my boss' turn, hey, I just hired a professor from Tsinghua University."

Zeng Xiaoqi asked:
"Why didn't you go to pay the room bill just now?"

"What do you pay for the room? After leaving last time, Mr. Yan asked the branch here to buy her a villa, a super large flat, and a penthouse duplex... Originally, I wanted to buy a courtyard house, but Mr. Yan looked at the photos and was not satisfied, so he didn’t buy it.”

Rich people really buy things...

When Lin Xu was in school, he was very cautious about buying a set of down jackets worth thousands of yuan. Basically, he would go to an offline specialty store to try them on first, and then place an order if he was satisfied.

I didn't expect Mr. Yan to buy a house so hastily, he decided whether to place an order just by looking at the photos.

Could this be the gap between me and the big boss?

Since there was no melon to eat, he didn't stay in the store too long, went to the dressing room to change his chef's uniform, and drove to the West Fourth Ring Villa.

In the morning, after having breakfast at home, Lin Xu drove to the store with Dundun, just in time to bump into Chezi.

"Boss, the white kidney beans have been soaked. I rubbed them just now, and the outer skin will fall off with a light pinch."

"Okay, I'll start making it now."

Lin Xu put Dundun at the front desk, went to the marinade department to check it, and then went upstairs, brought over the white kidney beans soaked overnight, peeled off the outer skin, and only needed the bean kernels inside.

Raw white kidney beans, like fava beans, are difficult to peel.

But after soaking overnight, the outer skin becomes soft and rotten, and the bean kernels will be squeezed out after squeezing or rubbing.

Peel it off and pour it into the steaming tray, put it in the steaming cabinet for steaming.

White kidney beans are very simple to make desserts, just steam them and mash them into puree.

Usually wrapped in red bean paste to make kidney bean rolls, the taste is delicate and dense, and the fragrance is very strong.

Lin Xu chose this ingredient with kelp because he liked the taste of white kidney beans.

While steaming the white kidney beans, he took some fresh kelp, washed it and cut it into small pieces, put it in the pressure cooker, and then added a handful of rock sugar and a few slices of fresh ginger that just came into the market recently.

Cover and start simmering.

It's the second time, if it doesn't work, I'll bring Dundun over to make it.

Let the Lucky Artifact help you and add some good luck.

On the other side, Cui Qingyuan came to the school energetically, saw Geng Lele looking at him narrowly, and said proactively:

"I can be with Linlin, you owe the most. In order to express my gratitude to you, I decided to teach you all four years of university courses in the next year."

Geng Lele:? ? ? ? ? ?
Are you sure it's thanks?

Mr. Yan and Professor Cui are finally together, everyone who has a monthly pass remember to bring a gift!This chapter is 5300 words, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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