Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 407 It's so delicious, I can eat a pot of goose feet like this!Take Dundun to the auto

Chapter 407 It's so delicious, I can eat a pot of goose feet like this!Take Dundun to the auto show! 【Subscribe】

"Where is the cold storage?"

Cheng Jianshe asked while holding the goose palm that Lin Xu took out of the pot.

A chef next to him said:
"It's inside, is it going to be sent in to cool down? Let me send it for you."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, you're welcome."

After the chef left with the goose paw, Cheng Jianshe said:
"Last time we had a lot of stewed goose feet, and we forgot to put them in the refrigerator. Later, we took them out and re-simmered them with abalone juice. The taste was even better, so we kept the recipe."

Dai Jianli cut a piece of sauced beef from the marinade department not far away, took a bite in his hand:
"Old Xie didn't mention it... This sauced beef is good, it's quite chewy."

Cheng Jian said:
"Building No. [-] has already done this, you just didn't notice."

"Fuck, Guo Weidong didn't tell me, I should have taken him a few more oranges last time."

Old Dai's words showed his true nature as a bandit.

It didn't take long for the goose palm to cool down completely.

When it was brought over, the softened goose feet became firm again, and the aroma of the stewed broth also faded a lot.

"At this moment, the aroma is absorbed, and the skin of the meat becomes firmer. In this case, it is made with abalone juice, so that the aroma and taste of the abalone juice can completely penetrate into the goose palm."

Cheng Jianshe carefully explained the principles of cooking.

Then pour the abalone juice brought by Lin Xu into the pot, bring it to a boil on high heat first, and leaning in front of the pot, smelling the aroma of the abalone juice, couldn't help admiring:
"This abalone juice is made really well. Even if you let Chef Xie and Chef Guo make it, it's at this level... Who made it? Lao Qi?"

Lin Xu said:

"I made it."

"No wonder, Master Lin's abalone juice is so good, is Lin Ji going to serve abalone juice dishes?"

"Some will be served, but not too soon. There are too many new dishes that haven't been served recently, so we have to weigh them."

The more dishes served in the restaurant, the greater the workload of the back kitchen to prepare dishes, and it is easy to cause waste and loss of ingredients, so there must be a plan for new dishes, and don't rush into them.

Cheng Jianshe scooped up half a spoonful of the ruddy abalone juice, then took a spoon, took a little from the spoon, and delivered it to his mouth:

"Hey, this flavor is well adjusted, the bottom flavor is very strong, and the fragrance and umami taste are lifted."

Different chefs have different ways of making abalone juice.

Some people like to adjust the taste directly, some people like half seasoning, and then add or subtract seasoning when using it, some people do not add seasoning at all when making it, and talk about seasoning when using it.

Therefore, when using other people's abalone juice, you must taste it in advance, so that you can accurately adjust the desired taste.

According to the characteristics of Cantonese cuisine, Cheng Jianshe put two pieces of rock sugar into the pot, poured in a little dark soy sauce, and added a few drops of brandy.

Brandy can add a little mellowness to the wine, making the abalone juice taste thicker and richer.

After simmering for a few minutes, until the rock sugar melted, Cheng Jianshe poured the prepared goose feet into the pot, and reheated the goose feet by simmering.

At this time, the fire on the stove should not be too high, and the fire must be low. At the same time, the abalone juice in the pot should be continuously poured on the goose feet.

After eating the beef in his hand, Lao Dai cut off a section of the large intestine that had just been stewed out of the pot, walked over to look at the abalone juice in the pot, and couldn't help but say:

"Old Cheng, you are really giving up your money. If this abalone juice is given to Guo Weidong, how many servings of goose palm with abalone juice and fish maw with abalone juice must be made?"

Cheng Jianshe smiled:

"If I eat it at home, I will definitely have to add some broth, but in a place like ours, adding broth is a low-grade behavior, just simmer the original soup and abalone juice."

Five minutes later, the goose feet became trembling again, which was a sign of overheating.

Cheng Jianshe took it out of the pot, placed the goose feet evenly in the middle of a small basin that had been scalded with hot water, with the palms facing inwards and the leg bones facing outwards.

The reason why it is stored in a pot is because the pot has better heat preservation.

As for the hot pot, it is a habit of serving hot dishes in high-end restaurants.

As the saying goes, "one hot top three delicacies", hot dishes before serving dishes, can further enhance the aroma of dishes.

However, if you serve dishes in a vessel that has not been scalded, the heat of the dishes will be absorbed by the plate immediately.

Before it was served, the temperature of the dishes dropped, and the aroma, taste, etc. of the whole dish would be greatly reduced.

Some knowledgeable people go to high-end restaurants to eat, and when the hot dishes are served, they will touch the edge of the plate with their hands.

If it is cold, it means that the chef's craftsmanship is not good enough.

The reason why the prices of meals in high-end restaurants are high is all in these details.

After Cheng Jianshe placed the plates, he turned up the heat on the stove to make the abalone juice in the pot boil.

Then pour in half a teaspoon of water starch to further increase the viscosity of the abalone juice.

The abalone juice should be in the state of drawing, so that it will be more plump and delicious when poured on the soft and tasty goose feet.

Soon, the abalone juice in the pot became viscous.

Cheng Jianshe didn't take it out of the pot immediately, but poured some peanut oil into the pot with a spoon.

In Cantonese cuisine, peanut oil accounts for a high proportion.

This may be due to the fact that northern Lu cuisine chefs fled south during the war, or it may be that northern officials used to bring home cooks with them when they took office in the south.

In short, the habit of using peanut oil by Shandong cuisine masters has actually taken root in the inheritance of Cantonese cuisine masters.

Whether it is stir-fried or fried, or marinated in oil, a spoonful of peanut oil is enough to further enhance the flavor of the dish.

After the peanut oil is put into the pot, stir it, and immediately take the pot away from the stove.

Use a spoon to pour the abalone juice in the pot on the goose feet.

Lin Xu couldn't help but take a deep breath because of the strong fragrance.

It smells so good.

Just for this strong fragrance, it's not too expensive to sell 98 for a goose palm.

Sprinkle the soup in the pot evenly on the goose feet, and then place a circle of blanched broccoli in the pot. This dish of goose feet with abalone sauce, which can sell for thousands of yuan, is officially completed.

"Since the dishes are ready, let's eat."

Lin Xu called Ye Lixin and stopped by the pastry department, intending to ask Qi Siming to eat with him, but when he arrived, he found that Qi Siming was changing clothes.

"Boss Lin, I won't have lunch here, and I have to take half a day off in the afternoon. Usually, my dad and I don't like each other, but now... I have to go home and stay with him, so that he won't be overwhelmed."

"Okay, you go, I'll stay here all day, don't worry about the pastry department, spend more time with your dad."

"Thank you, Boss Lin."

"Thank you, thank you, I didn't expect this to happen."

Originally, he planned to improve foreign labor and use gentle means to put the back kitchen of Yanjing Hotel on the right track step by step, and it happened that the quota was available at that time.

How good it feels to retire like this.

She has all the face and face, and officially has the Yanjing City Hukou.

However, what I didn't expect was that I accidentally touched the switch of the speed pass mode.

In just two days, the chaos at the Yanjing Hotel was settled, and by the way, it also helped to diversify the identities of the prisoners in the Yanjing Prison.

Don't say that Qi Zhentao can't stand such a change.

Lin Xu was also a little uncomfortable.

Qi Siming took off his chef uniform, put on his cycling uniform, put on his backpack, and carried a skull-shaped helmet. After saying goodbye to everyone, he strode out.

At this moment, Ye Lixin hurried over from outside, with a battered look, he must have been caught off guard by this incident.

"Mr. Ye, this is Cheng Jianjian, the chief chef of Diaoyutai No. [-] Building, and I recommend him."

When we came to the private room of the restaurant, besides the goose palm in abalone sauce, there were also a few stir-fried dishes on the table, all of which Cheng Jianshe had just made with ready-made ingredients.

Since I'm here to apply for an executive chef job, I can't just cook half a dish.

Do a few more, which is not only a respect for the recruiter, but also a respect for one's own craftsmanship.

"Hello, Master Cheng, we seem to have seen it before? We went to Diaoyutai for a research visit in the first half of the year. At that time, you explained to us the outline of kitchen management."

When Ye Lixin saw Lao Cheng, he felt a little familiar. After serious thinking, he remembered that he had met him at Diaoyutai.

Now that you've seen it, it's much easier to handle.

The leaders of several departments of Yanjing Hotel chatted enthusiastically with Cheng Jianshe.

At present, we need a strong executive chef to stimulate the morale of the back kitchen, get out of the haze of this incident as soon as possible, and improve the various promotion systems and job review systems of the back kitchen.

And Cheng Jianshe has followed Xie Baomin for so many years, and he has quite a lot of experience in various aspects.

So we had a good chat.

While they were chatting, Lin Xu and Lao Dai ate the dishes on the table happily, cooking happily.

"This abalone juice is really good. Brother Lin's craftsmanship is beyond words."

Dai Jianli put a goose paw into his bowl, and took a bite on the web of the goose paw. The fat feeling in the mouth made people unconsciously feel a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

The goose palm is a gelatin-rich ingredient. After being wrapped in the sticky abalone sauce, the gelatinous feeling is even stronger.

This kind of taste will make people fall in love in a second.

Lin Xu's mouth was full of delicious food. Before he ate it, he thought that the goose's paw would be compared with the bear's paw. Is this an opponent of the same level?
but now……

Bear's paw?

What bear's paw?
I only eat goose feet in my life!
In addition to the delicious taste of the goose palm, the abalone juice is also indispensable, and the abalone juice at the bottom of the basin will not be wasted. Mix it with the rice, scoop a large spoonful and put it in your mouth.

The rich and delicious taste and sticky texture are good news for bibimbap lovers.

It can be said that every bibimbap lover should experience the joy of bibimbap with abalone juice once in this life. This is a delicious taste that cannot be replaced by any soup.

If you feel tired, you can take a bite with the hot broccoli in the pot dipped in abalone sauce.

Another different kind of enjoyment!

No wonder it is said that abalone juice is the soul of high-end Cantonese cuisine. The texture and taste are really irresistible.

Seeing that Ye Lixin had a good sense of Cheng Jianshe, Gou Junguo was about to make love to him, but when he saw that Lin Xu and Lao Dai had eaten several goose palms, he lost his mind.

Let's eat first.

If you only eat one of such a tempting goose palm, you will be too sorry for yourself.

Just like Lin Xu, eat a few more bites while the leaders are chatting.

After the meal, Cheng Jianshe did not go back to Diaoyutai, and went directly to work. Lin Xu, the director of the catering department, helped him introduce the chefs of the back kitchen, and at the same time abolished some previous systems.

Everything is going well.

When Lin Xu drove away in the evening, the chefs in the back kitchen had already begun to warm up with Chef Cheng.

Back in the store, Shu Yun and Zeng Xiaoqi were all chatting around Dundun at the service desk. When they saw Lin Xu, they immediately chirped and asked:
"What happened to Yanjing Hotel?"

"I heard that several chefs were arrested, and the scene was very noisy."

"The gossip said that a chef poisoned the food of the foreign guests. Our wise and powerful Director Lin saw it with sharp eyes, and turned it over to the police station."

"It's not the police station, it's the Criminal Investigation Corps where Police Officer Ren works."

Lin Xu smiled helplessly:

"Isn't your gossip source too gossip? You just caught a chef who used data to falsify and stole from the back kitchen, but the value involved is quite high. The news at noon said that the amount involved exceeded [-]."

Zeng Xiaoqi widened her eyes:
"It's said that the cook doesn't steal the grain and doesn't harvest it. My good guy, I moved the barn away all of a sudden. No wonder the police officer Ren was alerted."

Dou Wenjing smiled:

"Before a certain squirrel executive stole waste cardboard boxes and sold them for nearly a million. Everyone thought it was incredible. I didn't expect that a few chefs could steal so much."

According to Noon Ye Lixin, Wang Chao, Meng Kaikai and the others started stealing in the back kitchen two or three years ago, but the large-scale theft only started in recent months.

Otherwise, if you can steal the expensive ingredients from the back kitchen of Yanjing Hotel for two years, you can at least buy a house in the Fifth Ring Road.

Shu Yun scratched Dundun's chin and said with a smile:

"When the boss went there, he said that he would work slowly, and when he would get the quota of permanent residence, he would finish the job. I didn't expect it to be done in two days...Why did you suddenly want to make a quick decision?"

Lin Xu smiled wryly:
"I don't know what's going on, and it's weird to get things done all of a sudden."

Dundun, who was enjoying a massage from a beautiful woman, raised his eyelids, and there was a hint of cunning in his eyes.

Humph, you don't know anything about kitty's abilities!
In the next few days, Lin Xu still ran at both ends, first to help Cheng Jianshe stabilize the back kitchen of the Yanjing Hotel, and to make some adjustments to personnel.

The head chef of the soup department who was vacant before was arranged.

The warehouse manager was replaced with a more reliable one, and a three-party reconciliation rule was formulated. From then on, every few days, Lao Huang, the warehouse manager, and the restaurant management in charge of the supply took the lead to check the weight and price of the ingredients.

On the other hand, Cheng Jianshe will issue a list of ingredients according to the ingredients and consumption of the dishes. If there are too many discrepancies with the warehouse, they will be thoroughly investigated.

In short, we must resolutely put an end to food theft.

When Lin Xu was busy helping Cheng Jianshe get on the right track, it was said that in a group full of old chefs, a respectable old chef surnamed Meng expressed angrily that he wanted to target the kid surnamed Lin.

Uncle Gao scolded him in the group for the whole morning, even if the other party quit the group, he still refused to let him go, so he called and scolded him again.

By the time Xie Baomin and Lao Dai hurriedly joined the group, the scolding was over.

But the atmosphere became heated, so the two live treasures caught the chef's apprentices surnamed Meng and cursed them.

The other masters who witnessed this scolding battle all restrained their apprentices and grandchildren, not to have dirty hands and feet in their respective units, and not to form cliques and form small groups.

More importantly, don't provoke Lin Xu.

Although this young man seemed harmless to humans and animals, he actually sent him directly to the Criminal Investigation Corps, which made it impossible for the old chef surnamed Meng to trust him.

And his senior brother and master scolded him so much that he was hospitalized.

Everyone who retires at home wants to spend their old age peacefully with grandchildren, but they don't want to be bullied and scolded like this.

When the weekend came, Qi Zhentao, who had rested at home for several days, returned to work at the Yanjing Hotel.

It was also on this day that Ye Lixin officially announced Cheng Jianshe as the executive chef of the Yanjing Hotel's Chinese Etiquette Hall, and Qi Zhentao as the technical chef.

"It's all over, Chef Qi, don't worry about it too much, and get into work as soon as possible, the young people in the back kitchen are still waiting for you to train."

Ye Lixin patted Qi Zhentao on the shoulder, and said a few words of encouragement.

"I will, thank you President Ye for your trust."

After Qi Zhentao finished speaking, he bowed to Lin Xu again:
"Thank you, Director Lin, for making me realize my shortcomings and get out of my misunderstanding."

Lin Xu quickly hid to the side:
"Don't do this, everyone is doing it for work, but I still want to advise that it is not easy for one person to take good care of the relatives around him. There is no need to recognize a bunch of dry relatives."

"Director Lin is right. I'm resting at home for the past few days, and I'm only accompanied by my own family members like Ming Siliang. Others think I'm going in too, and they're busy drawing the line."

After the matter here was over, Lin Xu's cell phone rang:
"Xu Bao, are you okay? The auto show will start in half an hour!"

"It's over, I'll be right there!"

Saying goodbye to everyone, Lin Xu drove his X5 with a slightly damaged buttock, left the Yanjing Hotel, and went straight to the stadium where the auto show was held.

When he arrived, he stopped the car and just pushed the door to get out of the car when Xie Baomin and Su Peipei also arrived:

"Junior brother looks really energetic when he wears this suit."

Lin Xu straightened his tie and said with a smile:

"Dundun attended this kind of occasion for the first time, and Yueyue and I changed into formal clothes on purpose. Don't forget to take some photos for us later."

"Don't worry, I won't forget... Xiao Jia, take a few more photos of my junior brother later."

"It's okay, I guarantee it's all right. By the way, Mr. Xie, if we visit the auto show today, will it be said that we are suspected of being an advertisement?"

"What an auto show, what we're exploring today is the cafeteria inside the auto show. They say you have to queue up to get in. Let's walk around. People from the company are waiting."

When a group of people came to the auto show, Lin Xu saw Dundun who was also wearing a small suit and a bow tie. The little guy's clothes were custom-made and cost tens of thousands.

He held Dundun in his arms, and the nearby self-media reporters and short video UP owners all raised their shooting equipment.

Inviting a dun dun to a boss Lin, this deal is really a bargain.

Shen Baobao, who was wearing a dress, stood aside and took a selfie with his mobile phone.

"A family of three is happy together, please show your envy on the public screen!"

After the girl posted a picture post, she saw that Shen Guofu had already turned around, so she walked over quickly with her skirt in her hand:
"Dad, Dad, have you seen a car suitable for Xu Bao?"

"I see, a four to five million customized big G... Why are you taking out your wallet, girl?"

"I bought it for Xu Bao. I haven't given him a decent gift yet. I have more than five million pocket money, which is just right for Xu Bao to change a car!"

Han Shuzhen asked with a smile:
"You haven't bought anything for your parents yet, why don't you take the opportunity to send something?"

"I bought it. When I first entered the door, I saw that the electric wheelchairs sold at the door were pretty good. I bought one for the two of you..."

"Smelly girl, you can be angry with us!"

Shen Baobao hugged Han Shuzhen's shoulder and said with a smile:

"Mom, I was joking with you. I bought an imported bicycle for you and dad. You can ride it to exercise in the future... Before Xu Bao didn't see it, take a walk and take me to see that bicycle. How's the car?"

When the family of three went to see the car, the auto show officially opened.

When the host came to speak on stage, Lin Xu hugged Dundun in his arms and whispered:

"Son, it's time for you to go on stage later, don't be nervous, just stand on that stage and meow a few words, don't act too much, or you will cause us unnecessary trouble."

Upon hearing this, Dundun patted Lin Xu's shoulder with his paw.

A posture that you can rest assured that I will do things.

This kind of scene is trivial...

Finally, the opening remarks were over, and the host smiled at Lin Xu and said:

"The following is the special guest of this auto show, the super pet cat who claims to kill 985 college graduates in IQ - Dundun!"


This chapter is 5500 words, ask for a monthly ticket, brothers!

(End of this chapter)

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