Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 413 How can anyone fall in love without wearing a helmet?Lin Xu's attitude towards subs

Chapter 413 How can anyone fall in love without wearing a helmet?Lin Xu's attitude towards subsidizing poor students! 【Subscribe】

"Come to Boss Shen, drink tea first."

Like a close brother, Lao Huang poured Lao Shen a cup of oolong tea in front of him, looked around again, and found that everyone hadn't paid attention to this side, so he spread his hands in a "but it's okay" attitude.

Shen Guofu sat down, took a sip of tea, and then said:

"I... a friend of mine always wants to experience the feeling of sleeping alone, but his wife pesters him all day long. When he goes to sleep in the study, he follows him to the study, and when he goes to sleep in the guest room, he follows him to the guest room. If you are lying down, you have to hug the pillow and follow..."

Old Huang:? ? ? ? ? ?

You wait a moment!
I originally thought that Boss Shen was going to discuss the illness, but I didn't expect you to show off your wealth + spread dog food.

It is also a study and a guest room, and there is an auxiliary master bedroom downstairs...

Be good, is this purposely to provoke me?
If my house had a study guest room and an auxiliary master bedroom, do you think I would sleep on the sofa?
If I go, my wife will hug the pillow and follow me, you think I still...

Originally planning to release Shen Guofu's confidant brother Lao Huang, before he finished listening, it was like turning on Netease Cloud Music at [-] o'clock in the evening-directly entering the emo moment of Netease Cloud.

After a while, I have to drink two cups of butchered vegetables, otherwise I'm afraid I will lose sleep tonight.

I wanted to pretend to be a big brother and play a cameo role as a close brother, but who knew that the opposite was the real big brother.

"Boss Huang, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Guofu was still waiting for Lao Huang to give him some advice.

But before he finished speaking, the other party's face turned decadent.

what's the situation?
Did my words cause you sorrow?

Old Huang forced a smile:
"I'm not very good at this..."

After speaking, he picked up the oolong tea in front of him and drank it down.

It hurts to eat bitter tea!

Shen Guofu was about to continue asking, but when he saw Shen Baobao and Chen Yan coming up with their bags on their shoulders, they didn't continue this topic, but chatted about other things.

"Wow, what's going on inside? It smells so good."

Baby Shen sneaked up to the kitchen door, and whispered inside:

"Xu Bao, what delicious food are you doing?"

"Slaughtering pig dishes and sea cucumbers in abalone sauce... just wait and eat."

"Okay, okay! Yanbao, I'll eat sea cucumbers later, haha, just as I said in the morning that my skin was getting worse, Xu Bao made sea cucumbers. Are you envious?"

Chen Yan gave her a white look:
"Yueyue, do you know that this kind of behavior is very annoying."

"I know, so you have to wear a helmet when you are in a relationship in the future. It is very dangerous not to wear a helmet when you are in a relationship."

Chen Yan: "..."

Knowing that you are still here to provoke me, believe it or not, my mother gave me a hammer... Hey wait, I seem to have a boyfriend too.

You show your affection, don't I?

She took out her mobile phone, and sent a message to Ren Jie:

"When do you leave work today, do you need my aunt to pick you up?"

The message was sent for a long time and there was no reply.

Called the past, the prompt has been shut down.

According to past practice, this is some kind of urgent task, and you have to hand in your mobile phone before you can contact your family.

Every time this happens, it won't turn on until at least tomorrow.

Okay, I'd better find a hammer and hit Yueyue first.

In the kitchen, sauerkraut and pork bones have been stewed for a long time, and the meat is rich in aroma.

Lin Xu tasted the soup, it was sour and delicious, the aroma of pork and the sourness of sauerkraut were perfectly combined together.

He drained the soaked potato vermicelli into water, poured in some old soy sauce and stirred it to make the vermicelli more rosy and attractive.

After mixing well, pour it into the pot, turn it over with a spoon, and put the vermicelli under it.

Soon after adding the vermicelli, the blood sausage can also be placed.

This kind of blood sausage has already been filled with salt and other seasonings, so there is no need to add anything.

Take the blood sausage that has been blanched before, and prick it a few times with a meat loosener with a steel needle, which can effectively prevent the blood sausage from bursting during cooking.

In addition, by piercing a few small holes, the condition of the blood sausage can also be observed at any time.

As long as there is no blood coming out of these small holes, it means that the blood sausage has solidified and can be eaten out of the pot.

At this time, the blood sausage is the most tender, so it must be fished out quickly, otherwise it will lose its umami taste when it is overcooked.

While it was stewing in the pot, Lin Xu took out the meat inside again, cut it into slightly thicker slices while it was hot, and put it back into the pot after it was cut.

All cut up, the blood sausage is almost ready.

Take it out, cut it into sections, and put the vermicelli sauerkraut in the pot into a large soup pot.

There is a lot of meat today, enough to fill several pots, and then arrange blood sausages cut into small sections around the pots, and finally put a pinch of coriander leaves on top.

Bring out the pots of stewed vegetables, place them under the large alcohol stove, and simmer on a low fire.

The fragrance attracts all the people around.

"My god, isn't this pig-killing dish too delicious?"

Song Tiantian was originally checking the sanitation of the booth area on the second floor, but when she saw the pots of vegetables and sections of blood sausage, she immediately swallowed her saliva.

Lin Xu came out of the kitchen with a small pot of prepared garlic dipping sauce, and said with a smile:

"This is not actually a pig-killing dish in the standard sense. The real pig-killing dish is a full set of pig offal, as well as all kinds of deboned meat. We are too far behind. Let's make do with it. When we have a chance later, let's eat it again." Make a real pig-killing dish."

Back in the kitchen, Lin Xu saw Zhu Yong, Wei Gan, and Guo Xinghai holding a pig bone and gnawing on it. Seeing Lin Xu coming in, Wei Gan pointed to the pork spine in the basin beside him:

"I've left you the one with the most meat. I've eaten so much meat since I was a child, and the big stick bone is the most enjoyable. The only regret is that the bone is not broken open, so I can't drink the bone marrow inside."

Lin Xu looked at the sea cucumbers that were slowly gurgling in the pot. It would take about a few minutes to get out of the pot. Then he picked up the big bone in the pot, bit the meat attached to the bone with his teeth, and tore off a large piece.

This kind of meat that sticks to the bone and has some fat is really fragrant, especially after being stewed in sauerkraut soup for so long, it is not only soft and rotten, but also absorbs the sour aroma of sauerkraut.

Take a big bite, it's really enjoyable.

Eating big bones, Lin Xu is also more interested in this way of eating meat with bones in his hands.

He thought for a while and told Che Zai:

"Talk to the old nonsense, let's eat big bones on weekends, and ask him to bring them back when he goes to the slaughterhouse to buy... how many catties is more appropriate?"

Lin Xu hesitated. There were dozens of employees in the store, plus Brother Qiang Yueli Yue Panda and others, as well as parents-in-law and relatives.

In order not to eat enough, he said:
"Just buy a hundred catties, the one with more meat, don't make a bunch of dogs, it doesn't have much meat."

To eat big bones with sauce, you should buy the kind of bones that have not been cleaned of meat, so that there is more meat attached to the bones, and it is the most enjoyable to eat when stewed.

Che Zai promised:
"Okay, I'll tell Boss Hu right now, let him book the big bone in advance."

Lin Xu finished gnawing the meat on the big bones, and the sea cucumbers in the pot were basically simmered.

At this time, the soup inside is less, and it looks like a layer of starch, which is very sticky. This is the performance of the gelatin in the sea cucumber being stewed out.

And the sea cucumber itself was trembling, obviously completely simmered.

He poured some scallion oil into the pot, and then shook the wok twice to mix the scallion oil and soup evenly.

The reason why the scallion oil is added is to let the scallion flavor be used as an embellishment in the abalone juice and sea cucumber, enriching the flavor type.

In addition to scallion oil, you can also put some chicken oil to increase the umami taste.

However, considering the umami taste of chicken in the abalone sauce, Lin Xu changed it to scallion oil with a more prominent fragrance.

After finishing these, take a slightly deeper large plate from the hot plate, and pour the sea cucumber and abalone juice in the pot together.

This abalone sauce with Liao ginseng is officially completed.

The so-called Liaoshen refers to the sea cucumber produced in Liaodong. It is not particularly big, but its meat is thick and thick. It is a good product among sea cucumbers. Therefore, many dishes use Liaoshen to refer to sea cucumbers to imply the high quality of sea cucumbers. .

But in fact, most of the dishes with the Liao ginseng brand use imported miscellaneous ginseng instead of real Liao ginseng due to cost considerations.

When I came outside with a plate, a group of ladies were already waiting.

"Wow, this sea cucumber smells so good."

"I thought it was sea cucumbers cooked with scallions, but I didn't expect it to be made of abalone juice. I love the golden color."

"This is a beauty product, Mom, you can eat two more."

"Director Zeng, don't snatch it, it's not without you."

"Don't worry, wait until I finish taking the photos. Seeing other people posting this and that in Moments, I have to post them too. Sea cucumbers are slow to sell. Help us."


While everyone was chattering and scrambling to eat, Chen Yan took a small bowl with a lid, scooped a large spoonful of sea cucumbers from the plate, and put them in, which looked like four or five. bowl.

She closed the lid and handed the bowl to Che Zai:

"Put it in the steamer to warm it up, don't steal it, it's reserved for Yuanyuan, she leaves early and returns late, so it's suitable to eat more sea cucumbers."

Che Zai gave a wry smile:
"Even if we want to eat it, we don't have the guts to do it."

This is reserved for the boss's cousin, who would dare to touch such a bad thing?
Not far away, in front of the booth where the rear chef was eating, Qi Siliang, who was cooking rice with blood sausage, nudged Zhuang Yizhou with his elbow, and asked in a low voice:

"Who is this Yuanyuan that Mr. Chen is talking about?"

"It's the boss's cousin, who works at Ziqiang Shengjian. She arrives at the store before [-] o'clock in the morning and leaves work after [-] o'clock in the evening. It's raining and windy, so the store makes delicious food, and Mr. Chen and the proprietress will give it to her. Save some."

Qi Siliang didn't understand:

"Since she's the boss's cousin, why don't you just become a manager in the store, and why do you go to work at Ziqiang Shengjian? Isn't this asking for trouble?"

Zhuang Yizhou said helplessly:

"Not everyone wants to follow their relatives to be rice bugs. Sister Yuanyuan has ambitions. A bunch of companies in the capital wanted her to work, but she felt that her diploma was poor, so she took the initiative to become a salesperson at Ziqiang Shengjian. Sun never complains."

Qi Siliang compared his behavior at the Yanjing Hotel, and regretted it for a while:

"I'm the one who dragged down my cousin, if it wasn't for..."

"It has nothing to do with you. Your cousin was killed by his goddamn master. He accepted his son, talked about ostentation, and arranged for his brothers. He stepped on the industry's thunder all over the place. If he is not unlucky, who will be unlucky? But the old man deserved what he deserved, it is said Being chased and scolded by the boss's master, I almost had a cerebral hemorrhage, and I'm still in the hospital lying dead."

The changes that happened during this time at Yanjing Hotel are enough to make a TV series.

The old chef surnamed Meng has been secretly planning for several years. In order for his son to take over the back kitchen of Yanjing Hotel smoothly, he did not hesitate to destroy his big apprentice.

However, in the end it was a chicken and egg fight.

Not only did he toss his son into prison, but he also lost his life at the end of the day.

On the day of being chased and scolded by Mr. Gao, Guo Xinghai’s grandfather, Guo Jichang, and retired masters from Diaoyutai, such as Mr. Dai, Mr. He, Mr. Qiu, etc., watched the excitement, and immediately held a simple memorial service for Chef Meng in the group. Declare the person socially dead.

At that time, all the well-known old chefs in the capital were in the group, but no one spoke for Chef Meng.

Obviously, this old man sold his apprentice for his son, and at the same time, he also wanted to retaliate against the younger generation's remarks and actions, which more or less touched everyone's bottom line.

Zhuang Yizhou glanced at Qi Siliang:
"Since you have come to Linji, you should work and study honestly. Since the boss asked you to come, you will not hold grudges anymore, but you should stop thinking of going through the back door with the relationship you had at Yanjing Hotel, otherwise, the boss will definitely Let you go back where you came from."

"I know, I know, my uncle has told me many times...By the way, Brother Zhuang, I live at my uncle's house now, and I always feel inconvenient. How about I go live with Master Ma, Master Niu and the others?"

Zhuang Yizhou said in admiration:

"That's really great... Niu Chuang, come here."

The atmosphere in the store is like this. If you want to rely on relationships or something, everyone will look down on you, but if you want to gain a firm foothold in this city with your own efforts, everyone will definitely welcome you with hands up.

In front of the booth at the entrance of the kitchen, everyone tasted the sea cucumber seriously.

After Zeng Xiaoqi finished eating one, she couldn't help touching her face:
"It feels like my skin is more tender..."

Dou Wenjing joked:

"Your symptoms are not like eating sea cucumbers, but more like eating fungi from southern Yunnan."

"Xiao Doudou, if you don't tease me, I will die? I'm a poor guy who has eaten sea cucumbers a few times, why don't you make fun of me?"

"All right, all right, the skin is more radiant, white and rosy, just like a red apple."

After coordinating with Zeng Xiaoqi and saying a few polite words, Dou Wenjing looked at Lin Xu who was fishing for vermicelli from the pot and said:

"In the past two days, Yuanyuan and I have smoothed out the group purchase of Ziqiang Shengjian. By the way, according to your request, we have contacted the leaders of No. [-] Middle School to help [-] students from poor families... The school will prepare Hold a ceremony, I hope you can attend, boss, are you going?"

Lin Xu shook his head:

"No, your ceremony should be as simple as possible. Don't let those students stand in a row and bow. We support poor students in the hope that they will become talented, and we can't trample on their self-esteem."

He has seen too many charitable donation ceremonies like this. Although the ceremonies are grand and spectacular, they basically trample on the dignity of the donors.

It's not their fault that their families are poor, so there's no need for these inexperienced students to stand on stage and be judged by everyone.

Everyone who was eating was taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect Lin Xu to say that.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that for similar donations, everyone is thinking about how to make the form more pompous, more grand, and more touching.

But no one cares about the mood and thoughts of the recipient.

Dou Wenjing didn't expect the young boss to say such words, she took a deep breath:

"I will re-communicate with the school, so that those poor students can study with dignity in school, and will not be talked about or judged by others."

Zeng Xiaoqi watched this scene dumbly.

If other companies donate one dollar, they can't wait to spend one million on publicity.

Lin Ji is good here. He donated money and sponsored students. Not only did he not intend to publicize it, but he even considered the self-esteem of the recipient.

She couldn't care less about eating right now, and asked curiously:

"Boss Lin, can I make this into a feature film? Don't worry, I won't let a single student appear on camera, and I won't film them. I just want to follow you through the process of handling this matter, okay? I've always wanted to Make an in-depth feature film, I am very moved by your incident."

There are very few incidents of this kind of humanistic care now, so she wanted to record them.

This is not for the convenience of eating and drinking for myself, nor is it for gaining some popularity, it is entirely out of the media people's sense of responsibility for public events.

Lin Xu and Dou Wenjing looked at each other, then said:

"Okay, you can shoot...but you travel channel, is this suitable for you?"

Dou Wenjing said with a smile:

"Yanjing is a tourist city. It's normal for my travel channel to report what happened in the tourist city."

Lier is such a rationale. When the education channel, news channel, and people's livelihood channel trouble you, I hope you can also have such a good eloquence.

When several people were discussing this matter, Shen Guofu and Han Shuzhen looked at each other with relief in their eyes.

As expected of our good son-in-law, this matter is really well done.

A good mood leads to a good appetite.

Comrade Old Shen was so happy that he ate three bowls of rice without paying attention.

Han Shuzhen couldn't help pinching him several times.

Every time I come to the store to eat, I can't stop the car. If you dare to come here tomorrow, you will be knocked off by the dog legs!

When Cui Qingyuan and Geng Lele came, the dinner in the store had come to an end, and the two of them sat around the dining table with rice in their hands, chomping on the butchered vegetables in the pot.

"Wow, this blood sausage is delicious, fresh and tender."

Geng Lele sighed in admiration, today's meal once again verified the theorem that employee meals are the best.

She took a mouthful of the rice in the bowl, quickly put the little blood sausage left in the pot into her own bowl, and said while eating:
"Godfather, when will you and godmother have children?"

Cui Qingyuan said helplessly:

"What do children ask this for?"

"I'm going to name your child. Let me tell you, I named it Yijue. I named it Dundun. Does it fit well?"

Zeng Xiaoqi who was eating and drinking next to her was leaning on Chen Yan to digest her food and said curiously:
"Don't tell me, the name Dundun is really good... If Professor Cui and Mr. Yan have a child, what name do you plan to choose?"

Geng Lele rolled his eyes and pondered for a long time:
"It should be called Huaji. The love of godfather and godmother is not afraid of severe cold, wind and snow like Baihua, and at the same time, it is also auspicious. How about this name?"

Just looking at these two words, everyone feels good.

But Cui Qingyuan took his surname and read it silently:
"Cui Huaji, the catalyst? Geng Lele, don't even think about leaving the lab before ten o'clock in the evening. Also, I found out that you have already taught yourself a lot of college courses. You can start directly from the sophomore year tomorrow."

Geng Lele:? ? ? ? ? ?
I was just kidding, you actually avenged yourself!

The girl flattened her mouth and said to Lin Xu:

"Brother Xu, godfather bullies me, you are my grandfather's brother, you have to take care of it!"

Just as Lin Xu said to stop making trouble, Master Gao suddenly sent a message:
"Guo Jichang wants to accept Xiaocheng as an apprentice, and the apprenticeship ceremony will be held the day after tomorrow. It should be quite grand. I'm not in the capital right now, so you can attend it for me when the time comes."

Xiao Cheng?

Which Xiao Cheng?

Lin Xu thought about it carefully, and found that he knew people with the surname Cheng, and only Cheng Jianshe, the current executive chef of Yanjing Hotel, was the only one he knew.

He has not been accepted as an apprentice in Diaoyutai for so long.

Why was he accepted as an apprentice just after leaving?
Lin Xu replied, "Hello, just about to ask what's going on,

Master sent another message:
"Someone questioned Xiao Cheng's qualifications. We discussed it and asked Guo Jichang to accept him as an apprentice. In this way, Xiao Cheng's qualifications are enough... At that time, if someone speaks strange things in a strange way, you don't have to be polite, just slap him!"


Sorry everyone, it's late today, I will adjust it tomorrow and try to update it earlier.This chapter is 5200 words, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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