Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 547: A cat that weighs 9 pounds rebels! 5-color chicken porridge is out of the pot, and ther

Chapter 547 Ten catties and nine catties rebellious!The five-color chicken porridge is out of the pot, and there are unexpected surprises? 【Subscribe】

"Children can't watch Chicken Killing!"

Seeing that Lin Xu was holding the chicken wings with one hand and the chicken head with his thumb, Shen Jiayue was plucking the feathers from the chicken's neck, so she hurried over and covered Dundun's eyes, as if a child could not look around.

Lin Xu smiled helplessly:

"Cats are carnivorous animals. It's okay to see them. Moreover, cats' eyesight is mediocre. They rely on their sense of smell to distinguish them. It's useless for you to cover your eyes."

Cats' eyes can distinguish between yellow and green, so some bloggers like to scare their cats with bananas or cucumbers to earn traffic.

In addition, the eyesight of cats is somewhat "distorted". They can keenly capture the trajectory of moving objects [-] meters away, but when facing a stationary object, once it exceeds [-] meters, it is almost impossible to see.

So some mice will suddenly freeze when faced with a cat's capture.

This is not because of being scared, but because of the visual bug that Kamao is not sensitive to stationary objects.

But the success rate of this kind of card BUG is not high, because although cats have defects in vision, their developed sense of smell can make up for this defect.

Shen Jiayue asked curiously:

"Do cats have a well-developed sense of smell?"

Lin Xu quickly cut open the trachea and blood vessels of the chicken with a kitchen knife, poured the chicken blood into a bowl, and then said:
"Super developed, basically on par with police dogs."

"Wow, that's amazing, so why don't the police train police dogs to catch bad guys instead of cats? Cats eat less and are easier to raise."

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"But cats are very egotistical animals, and they don't cooperate at all. It's not just casual talk about a ten-pound cat and nine-pound cat. Cats are really self-centered, and what they do is mainly to please themselves."

The vast majority of hunting is for food, only cats, the purpose of hunting is for fun, and many prey are not eaten by them, but killed by playing.

Shen Jiayue hugged Dundun in her arms, and said with a smile:

"But my son is not like this. We are the most well-behaved, the most obedient..."

Before he finished speaking, Dundun broke away from his arms, jumped to the ground, and leaned next to Lin Xu to observe the slaughter of chickens and bloodletting.

Shen Jiayue: "..."

Sure enough, he was born rebellious!

Lin Xu killed the two chickens, and when he was free from struggling, he returned to the kitchen with the two chickens and a bowl filled with chicken blood.

He originally wanted to pour out the blood of the chicken, but thinking about the energy that Dundun had just surrounded him, he planned to cook it in water later to see if the little guy would eat it.

Occasionally eating blood is a good thing for cats and can supplement trace elements.

Well, although cats are carnivores, they can’t just eat meat. They also have to eat some animal viscera and blood regularly. Only in this way can the development of cats be more balanced.

At this time, the wild vegetable digging team was ready, and Shen Jiayue was asking Dundun if he wanted to go together.

However, Dundun ran back to the restaurant in a hurry and expressed his rejection with practical actions.

"Smelly Dundun, you don't want to accompany Mommy, I'll settle the score with you when I come back!"

A group of people drove away with shovels, sickles and other necessary tools for digging wild vegetables.

If you want to dig wild vegetables, you need to drive around the starry sky base and follow the river downstream of the reservoir to the valley on the other side of Longshou Peak.

Because this valley is on the south side of the mountain, it is leeward, and there is water flowing all year round, so the humidity is high, so it creates a warm and humid situation. Not only wild vegetables grow earlier than those outside, but even various wild flowers bloom earlier than outside. a period of time.

As soon as they left, Dundun came out of the restaurant with his head poking his head, trotted to the edge of the pool, jumped to the edge of the pool, and scratched the water surface with his claws, trying to catch the big fish inside.

In the kitchen, Lin Xu boiled water to scald the chicken feathers, and put the bowl of chicken blood into the pot to simmer over low heat.

After the chicken feathers are plucked, the chicken blood has solidified into a tofu-like shape.

He stirred the chicken blood with chopsticks to break it up, then poured it out and put it on the plate where Dundun was eating.

After a while until it is not hot, it can be served to the little guy.

The chicken feathers were plucked clean, and the internal organs began to be disembowelled.

Clean them all, remove the thick chicken breast and drumstick meat, remove the skin and bones, and soak in cold water to soak out the blood.

As for the remaining parts, Lin Xu is going to put some chicken soup into the pot and make chicken soup noodles at night.

These are well prepared, and the chicken blood has almost dried up.

He came outside with the plate, and the little fat cat who was playing with the big fish by the pool immediately ran over. Before the plate was put away, he plunged in and started licking with his scarlet tongue.

At first it was a little uncomfortable with the taste of chicken blood, but soon, it became addictive.

The chin and beard were covered with chicken blood. When eating, there was a pleasant moaning sound in the mouth, and the tail shook slightly, full of happiness.

For cat owners, every time they see this scene, they feel healed.

So there has always been a saying on the Internet that "I feed its life, and it heals my soul".

After Dundun finished eating, Lin Xu washed the dishes and went back to work in the kitchen again.

It's still a bit early to make chicken porridge. Taking advantage of this time, he plans to prepare the five colors of red, yellow, green, black and white pigments for making five-color chicken porridge.

White is the true color of the ingredients, so there is no need to prepare this.

He took two carrots, peeled them, cut them into strips, and put them in the steamer for steaming.

After a while, grind it into mud, add it when making chicken porridge, and it will become orange-yellow.

In fact, it is also possible to use yellow gardenia water, but if yellow gardenia is used alone, there is a trace of bitterness of traditional Chinese medicine, not as soft as carrots.

As for the red color, Lin Xu chose the simplest way - red yeast rice flour mixed with water.

There are many ways to obtain red color, such as beet juice, such as sugar color, but these are not as direct as red yeast rice flour, and they are relatively stable and will not change color due to high temperature.

If it's green, use spinach juice. There are a lot of spinach at home, and Shi Wenming also planted a lot of spinach in the small vegetable garden opened outside the restaurant, which is completely enough.

There are also many choices of black, black sesame, seaweed, nostocs, and other ingredients can make pure black.

But there is no hair dish at home, and the smell of black sesame is too strong, so Lin Xu chose seaweed.

Soak it in cold water first, make it into a paste after soaking completely, this will not only make the color more beautiful, but also add a strong umami taste to the chicken porridge.

In fact, in addition to these colors, you can also put purple and blue.

And these two colors can be realized with black wolfberry.

Soak black wolfberry in different water to get different colors.

Soaking in tap water will turn blue, and once it is replaced with pure water, it will become pure purple again.

The reason is that the anthocyanins in black wolfberry will show two colors of blue and purple according to the acidity and alkalinity of the water, and the colors are relatively positive.

In addition to black wolfberry, butterfly pea flowers are also used in Western and Nanyang cuisine to dye food blue.

The anthocyanin contained in butterfly pea flower is stable in quality. In Thailand, Malay and other places, butterfly pea flower is even used to make noodles blue.

However, when Lin Xu thinks of blue noodles, he always has the feeling of being poisoned in an online game.

While he was busy, Shi Wenming's voice sounded outside:
"Why is it so quiet today? Where are you?"

Then came the voice of Shi Moli greeting Dundun:
"Dundun, why are you playing alone? What about my cousin?"

Lin Xu came out of the kitchen and said with a smile:

"Everyone went to dig wild vegetables in the valley on the other side of the mountain, and Dundun and I just guarded the house here."

He didn't expect the second aunt's family to visit relatives so early, it's not even nine o'clock.

Shi Wenming came to the kitchen with a big cardboard box in his arms:

"My cousin's house grows lotus roots. I dug some when I was free yesterday, and brought them to our family to try. These are noodle lotus roots, suitable for stewing meat and stewing soup, not cold salad."

Noodle lotus root?

This is good, I can make some sweets later.

On the day of the banquet, I made sweet-scented osmanthus glutinous rice and lotus root, but due to lack of preparation, I finished eating it that day. Shen Jiayue, Chen Yuanyuan and others said that they didn't enjoy it.

Now that there are lotus root noodles, let’s make some later.

It just so happens that Sister Yuanyuan is going to the capital tomorrow, so I will use glutinous rice lotus root for her today.

The second aunt Lin Hongxia also brought a large cardboard box, which contained several pieces of fresh beef, including beef tenderloin, beef brisket, and a piece of breast oil suitable for barbecue.

"In the village, I asked Uncle Ni to help me kill cattle. After the slaughter, I distributed some beef. Jasmine's grandparents have bad teeth and can't chew, so they brought them here for you."

Lin Xu was about to make some barbecue. Since there is beef, he can start today.

Shi Wenming rolled up his sleeves:
"Your aunt is coming soon. Her Xiaoxun watched Shaokang's video of setting off fireworks on WeChat. She almost ran over that night, but because of the snow, she didn't let him come."

The two began to prepare lunch.

Seeing Lin Xu's soaked chicken, Shi Wenming asked curiously:

"What is this going to do?"

"The chicken porridge my master made last time, I'm going to make it again for everyone to try."

"Hey, the chicken porridge left a deep impression on me last time. I'll have a look later. If I can learn it, I can make it for my Jasmine. She lived with the old man in the countryside when she was young. I developed the habit of not liking meat and preferring porridge."

This kind of habit is not good. Meat should be eaten or eaten. Eat more meat to be healthy.

The reason why Westerners like meat, egg and milk is because they are stronger and have stronger resistance after eating it.

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"This is actually very easy. As long as the details are done properly, there is basically nothing difficult."

There is still a while to cook, so Lin Xu sliced ​​the beef tenderloin into thin slices, poured some green onion and ginger water into the meat, marinated it with light soy sauce, and coated it with egg white starch and peanut oil to lock in the moisture.

During the Spring Festival, you should eat more appetizing dishes, and stir-fried yellow beef is one of the representatives.

In addition to this dish, Lin Xu also cleaned up the offal from the rooster that had just been slaughtered, and planned to make chicken offal with pickled peppers, which would open up everyone's taste buds with the hot and sour aroma.

But these are appetizers, and today's main course is still two big pig heads.

The grilled whole pig's head on the stove was still simmering, and the aroma attracted Shi Wenming's attention. He wanted to open the lid of the pot several times to have a look, but as a chef, he also knew that the lid should not be opened blindly.

From a scientific point of view, it is a process of protein decomposition to stew a piece of meat until the taste is soft and rotten.

The decomposition of protein requires constant air pressure and temperature. Once the lid is opened, the temperature drops, the air pressure decreases, the protein decomposition is interrupted, and the taste of the meat will also deteriorate.

In fact, many novice chefs are correct in cooking steps, but because they frequently open the lid to observe, the taste of the dishes is greatly reduced in the end.

Shi Wenming quickly packed the ingredients for today.

Celery, chives, cilantro, green peppers, spinach, broccoli, purple cabbage...

Lin Xu fished out a silver carp from the pool, and prepared to make fish heads with chopped peppers and fish fillets in a dry pot. As for the fish tail and fish bones, he didn't waste them, and they would be stewed with tofu into soup later.

While I was busy, my aunt Lin Hongxin's family also came by car.

With two ducks.

Compared with the big goose, the duck has no deterrent effect. As soon as it was taken out of the trunk of the car, Dundun ran over, not afraid of the duck at all, which formed a sharp contrast with the way he avoided the big goose a few days ago.

Lin Xu greeted his aunt and uncle, and seeing that the duck he brought was quite fat, he said:
"Why don't you add another blood duck, this dish is quite good for rice, and the duck meat does not get angry, it is better than other meats."

Upon hearing this, Shi Wenming took a kitchen knife and prepared to slaughter.

Lin Xu followed, poured white wine into the duck blood and stirred it to prevent the duck blood from coagulating.

When it was almost ten o'clock, the large army of digging wild vegetables came back.

Chen Meijuan said:
"There are too many wild vegetables, and they grow all over the valley. Thinking that the eldest sister and the second sister are coming, we will come back first, and we will go again in the afternoon. Several old ladies want to eat vegetable nests, so we plan to steam some."

Upon hearing this, Lin Hongxin said:

"I'll go there in the afternoon too. My mother-in-law also likes to eat wild vegetables. When I leave, I will bring some back. Now that I can have wild vegetables, it is much more popular than big fish and meat."

This will raise the sun and make it warm and warm.

A few people picked wild vegetables in the yard, removed the dry leaves, pulled out the roots and peeled the muddy skin, and washed them several times to wash off as much dirt as possible.

In the kitchen, Lin Xu mixed the noodles and prepared to steam some hollow steamed buns with grilled whole pig's head.

This kind of steamed bun made of dead noodles and leavened noodles seems a bit wasteful. In fact, the dead noodles can also be fried and eaten, or made into steamed buns and pimple soup, which will not cause waste at all.

In fact, Chinese chefs rarely waste ingredients when cooking.

A qualified chef will make the best use of everything at all times, even the scallion roots that ordinary people choose and throw away, they will also keep fried scallion oil or cooking oil.

After steaming the hollow steamed buns, Lin Xu took a piece of clean pigskin, placed the soaked chicken breast and drumsticks on top, and began to smash the minced chicken with the back of a knife.

There are more meat fascia on chicken legs, but because it is live meat, adding it will have unexpected effects.

When Xie Baomin did it last time, Lin Xu was originally prepared to use the cooking learning card to steal the teacher, but because the task was triggered in the middle, the cooking learning card could not be used, so he gave up the possibility of stealing the teacher.

However, Lin Xu has already memorized the specific steps.

In addition, he can make dishes such as snowflake chicken nao and chicken cakes, and he is no stranger to this chicken breast recipe.

All the minced meat and cooked pig fat are smashed, add clear soup to make it thinner, and then filter out the fascia and debris to make the gravy more delicate.

Then it started to color.

Divide the minced meat into five parts, add cooked carrot puree, cooked vegetable puree, red yeast rice flour broth and seaweed puree respectively.

Several ingredients have also been filtered to increase the taste as much as possible.

Shi Wenming looked on in surprise:
"Five colors? It's better than your master's Tai Chi Chicken Soup."

Lin Xu smiled:

"It's easy to learn how to do it, but the most difficult thing is actually the process from 0 to 1."

The process of exploring dishes from scratch is the most difficult, but after making the dishes, it will be much easier to add icing on the cake.

After finishing all the minced meat, it's almost noon.

Lin Xu put some vegetables on the table first, then mixed the washed wild vegetables with dry powder and steamed them to make steamed wild vegetables, and fried another portion with eggs.

As for the rest, steam some steamed buns in the afternoon, and I really can't take care of them at noon.

After the dishes were served, Lin Xu started to make chicken porridge with the help of Shi Wenming.

When Xie Baomin made Tai Chi chicken porridge last time, he did it at the same time as his master. The two pots of chicken porridge were prepared at the same time, and then poured into the same pot, showing the shape of Tai Chi.

But five-color chicken porridge can't do that.

If you want to look good, you have to rely on external forces.

Lin Xu found five unused plastic sheets, cut them out a bit, placed them in the soup basin according to five equal parts, and fixed them with clips by the way.

Next, prepare the chicken porridge one by one.

After it was done, he called Shi Wenming and Chen Meijuan to help. Each of them poured a portion of chicken porridge into the basin. After pouring it in, he gently picked up the plastic sheet that served as a partition.

In this way, chicken porridge of five colors appeared in the basin.

Five colors, five equal parts, it looks quite shocking.

It's not perfect though, because when you hold the plastic sheet, the position of the color border is a bit uneven.

Lin Xu took a chopstick and lightly stroked the color border, turning the uneven border into a straight line, and the appearance immediately improved a bit, even looking like a model.

Chen Meijuan looked at this scene and said with a smile:

"It looks like a fake one. Hurry up and bring it over and let everyone take pictures. Yueyue is still waiting to post it on Moments."

What posting on Moments, she was waiting to poison someone.

Lin Xu knew very well what his baby was thinking. Holding the soup bowl in both hands, he walked out slowly.

At the entrance of the restaurant, Chen Meijuan helped him open the cotton curtain, and Lin Xu entered the room and put the soup basin on the table, which immediately attracted everyone's exclamation:
"Wow, the color is too beautiful, isn't it?"

"It's actually five colors, it looks like a cake."

"Amazing my cousin!"

"Don't eat, don't eat, let me take a picture first."

"I also shoot..."

Everyone took pictures with their mobile phones and praised the craftsmanship, but Lin Xu was a little unhappy.

Because he missed the task time, the system rewarded the imitation vegetarian dish lottery. Although it was only one dish, Lin Xu felt like he had lost [-] million yuan.

If he was given another chance, he would definitely not miss this mission.


When he was feeling annoyed, Dundun, who was lying on the cat scratching board and watching the tablet, came over and rubbed Lin Xu's trouser leg with his head.

"What's wrong, Dundun? Are you hungry?"

Lin Xu bent down and rubbed the little guy's head. Just as he was about to get up and go to the kitchen to put the grilled whole pig's head out of the pan, a system prompt sounded in his mind:

"The host creatively made an innovative dish - five-color chicken porridge, and rewarded the perfect imitation vegetarian dish - Yipin tofu, congratulations to the host!"

Lin Xu:? ? ? ? ? ? ?
what's the situation?
Didn't you say you missed the mission?
Why did you reward another imitation vegetarian dish?
Was it arranged by Dundun?

It lowered its head and glanced at the little fat cat. This guy had already lay down on the sofa-like scratching board again, and continued to look at the cat and the mouse.

Lin Xu's heart was full of surprises at the moment, as if he had found a lost treasure.

He said silently in his heart:
"Thank you Dundun!"


This chapter is 5200 words, ask for a monthly pass, brothers!
(End of this chapter)

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