Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 545 Surprise from Maisa Rui!The 5-color chicken porridge mission that missed the mission dea

Chapter 545 Surprise from Maisa Rui!Five-color chicken porridge mission that missed the mission deadline! 【Subscribe】

"Xiaoxu, I bought a pig's head!"

At three o'clock, Chen Meide's family came back from visiting relatives, and just got out of the car, they yelled at Lin Xu.

Lin Xu, who was playing badminton with Shen Jiayue, put down his racket and came to the side of the Toyota Domineering that his uncle was driving. He saw two big pig heads and two big roosters in the trunk.

Judging by the size of this chicken, I'm afraid it weighs more than eight catties.

"In the past, it was impossible to buy things before the fifth day of the lunar new year. If you don't break the fifth day, no one will do business, but now, as long as you pay, even on the first day of the new year, you can buy a lot of things."

The two pig heads were ordered by Chen Meide from a familiar butcher stall owner.

Originally thought that the other party would refuse, but unexpectedly agreed, and even gave two big stick bones.

Lin Xu looked at the two pig heads, they were both big and suitable for roasting whole pig heads.

He held up the pig's head and said:

"Since I bought the pig's head, I will prepare it first and stew it tomorrow morning, so as not to delay eating at noon."

Grilled whole pig heads need to be stewed over low heat for more than five hours, so that the unique aroma of pig heads will come out, and the longer the stewing time, the stronger the aroma and the better the taste.

So I have to get up early tomorrow morning and can't sleep in late.

When he took the pig's head into the kitchen and was about to start making, Chen Meide took two chickens to the cage where the geese were kept, opened the door, and stuffed the chickens in.

I can't take care of eating today, so I will raise it first, and then I will make it when I want to eat it later.

As soon as the chicken was put into the cage, Dundun poked his head out from the gap in the cotton curtain at the door of the restaurant, then trotted over and roared at the cage.

However, it is plump and does not have the momentum of a beast at all. Instead, it looks naive.

Shen Jiayue patted its chubby head lightly with a racket, and said with a smile:

"Son, are you going to kill these two chickens?"

Dundun opened the racket in dissatisfaction, continued to open his bloody mouth, and growled at the two chickens in the cage.

The big cock in the cage was completely unmoved, and even drank some of the melted snow in the cage, completely ignoring Dundun's provocation.

This is naturally unbearable for kittens who want to be strong all their lives.

It jumped onto the cage and stretched its paws into the cage, intending to slap the big rooster's head, but just as it got in, the big cock pecked on its paws.


The little guy screamed and jumped aside.

Shen Jiayue hugged it helplessly:
"You can't beat them, let me see if the claws are hurt."

She carefully checked Dundun's front paws and found nothing wrong, so she put the little guy on the ground and said earnestly:
"In the countryside, the big rooster, the big yellow dog, and the big fat goose are collectively referred to as the three tyrants in the countryside. Not to mention you, even Mommy dare not provoke them, so stay away, remember?"

She rubbed Dundun's head, holding a badminton racket, and planned to play badminton with her aunt again.

And Dundun didn't give up, he circled the cage twice, and the rooster inside followed suit, taking a defensive stance.

Unexpectedly, the little guy didn't take the initiative to attack, and jumped onto the wall of the pigsty beside him. He yelled at the two big roosters first, and then he was about to bump his head against the shovel leaning on the wall.

Soon, the shovel was pushed down obliquely and hit the iron cage straightly, and the snow on the cage was smashed down, making the two big roosters terrified and clucked in fright.

The little fat cat on the wall became proud again, with its chubby head held high, it jumped off the wall, like a victorious general, with its tail held high, it slowly returned to the dining room, and continued to warm up by the fire.

In the kitchen, Lin Xu boiled the pig's head in a pot, then took it out and put it in cold water.

The skin shrinks, revealing all the stubble on the pig skin.

Take the pig's head outside and start singeing the hair with a spray gun.

The nose, nostrils, eye sockets, behind the ears, ear holes and other parts should all be burnt until the whole pig head is burned into black charcoal, so that the pig head will not have peculiar smell and taste better.

While I was busy, my phone rang suddenly.

Lin Xu put down the spray gun, only to realize that the call was from Maisharui's vice president, Hou Dingshan. He pressed the answer button and said hello:

"Happy New Year, Mr. Hou!"

In fact, everyone paid New Year’s greetings to each other on WeChat before.

But it is not surprising that Chinese people pay attention to etiquette, and today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, so it is natural to have as many New Year's blessings as possible.

"Happy New Year, Lin Xu, I watched the video you posted, thank you for helping us to promote Maisa Rui on the first day of the new year, this made our president very happy, and we plan to re-sign our contract."


Lin Xu asked curiously:
"Mr. Hou, what do you mean?"

Do you feel bad for a Maisa Rui?

But it's inappropriate to talk about this on the first day of the new year, right?

Those who ask for accounts will only ask for accounts on New Year's Eve, and will not go to the creditor's house on the first day of the Lunar New Year. The colleague you told me about the contract today is a bit careless.

Just thinking about it, Hou Dingshan said with a smile:

"Our president thinks that the one-year contract is a bit short, and since you signed the contract for promotion, Maisa Rui elements often appear in your videos, and you yourself are in line with the corporate positioning of our Maisa Rui Group, so we plan to extend the promotion contract from one year to the next. This year will be extended to four years, and the cost will also increase proportionally on the basis of this year."

There is such a good thing?
Lin Xu originally thought that after signing a one-year promotion contract, it would be enough to earn a Miser, but he didn't expect that there would be follow-up income.

For four consecutive years, wouldn't that be an extra 600 million yuan in income each year?

That's not bad, even if Lin Kee goes bankrupt, it won't starve.

But just thinking about it this way, if Lin Kee goes bankrupt, Maisha Rui will definitely be the first to jump out and terminate the contract.

After all, what they want is a well-known young man whose career is on the rise to promote Maisa Rui, instead of letting Maisa Rui close down together.

"If you want to agree, we can re-sign the contract after you return to Beijing..."

Hou Dingshan's words brought Lin Xu back to his senses, and he immediately said:

"Okay, I will contact Mr. Hou when I return to the capital, and come to my store directly when the time comes. I will cook myself and cook a table of dishes for Mr. Hou that are not sold in the store."

Upon hearing this, Hou Dingshan became interested:
"That's great, I can wait."

The two exchanged a few more pleasantries before hanging up the phone.

"Xu Bao, why are you so happy?"

Shen Jiayue, who was playing badminton, waved her racket and asked curiously.

Lin Xu turned on the spray gun, and while continuing to burn the pigskin, he said:
"Maisha Rui wants to re-sign with me for a period of four years, and the fee will be a little higher than now."

"Yeah, can this contract be renewed in advance?"

Shen Jiayue happily ran over and kissed Lin Xu:
"My Xubao is the best!"

Lin Xu smiled, and suddenly remembered that when he burned incense to the mountain god in the morning, Dundun stood on the shoulder of the god statue. Could it be the fortune arranged by this little guy?
After all, recruiting money is its job, and this year is the first day of the Lunar New Year. Otherwise, why would Maisa Rui, who is already on vacation, suddenly talk to me about renewing the contract?
With the plug-in of wealth luck, you can really do whatever you want.

Make some delicious food for Dundun tonight, and reward this little guy for his hard work.

After the two pig heads are cooked, soak them in hot water to clean the pig heads completely.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Xu took a piece of fish, peeled and boned it and cut it into small cubes, then beat two egg yolks into it, stirred it evenly and put it on a plate, covered it with plastic wrap, made a few holes, and put it in Steam in a steam cabinet.

Regardless of whether this endorsement contract was arranged by Dundun or not, those who celebrate the Chinese New Year should give their children something delicious to eat.

Steam a piece of fish mixed with egg yolk, let the little one feel the joy of eating fish and egg yolk.

After steaming, he took a brush and began to scrub the pig's head.

After all this work, the fish in the steamer has been steamed.

Take it out, remove the plastic wrap, and a fresh and fragrant smell wafts out from inside.

Well, as far as this smell is concerned, let alone cats, Lin Xu feels greedy when he smells it.

He took the plate outside so that the temperature would cool down faster and Dundun could eat it in his mouth as soon as possible. In order to prevent forgetting the time, Lin Xu said to Shen Jiayue:
"I steamed some fish for Dundun, you watch it, and feed it to it when the temperature is right."

"Okay, I'll just stay here."

Shen Jiayue handed the racket to Chen Yuanyuan who came back from relatives, put on her down jacket, gathered around the table at the kitchen entrance, lowered her head to smell it, and said with a smile:
"It smells so good, Dundun has a good taste."

Seeing Lin Xu busy washing the pig's head in the kitchen, the girl leaned on the door frame and told Lin Xu about how Dundun had just outwitted the big cock:

"Dundun was pecked at the enemy, ran to the pigsty again, pushed the shovel down and smashed it into the iron cage, and then he took revenge...Xu Bao, what do you think is more suitable to eat two chickens here?"

how to eat?
Lin Xu smiled and asked:

"Are you still going to vent your anger on Dundun?"

"That's right, Dundun is my good son after all. As a mother, I definitely can't watch my child suffer."

Lin Xu originally wanted to say that you can do whatever you want, that this kind of big cock will not taste bad no matter how you place it, but before he could say it, he suddenly remembered that his master taught him how to make Tai Chi chicken porridge the day before his wedding.

At that time, a side mission of [Five-Colored Chicken Porridge] was triggered, and it was required to be ready before midnight on New Year's Eve to be rewarded.

Originally, Lin Xu wanted to show his family something, but because he was busy after returning home, he completely forgot about it.

Now that I think about it again, I feel that even though it has expired, this five-color chicken porridge should still be made, even if it is just for practicing skills, I have to try it.

Thinking of this, he smiled and said:

"I'll make chicken porridge tomorrow. Master made Tai Chi chicken porridge last time. Didn't you all praise how delicious it was? This time I'll make a five-color chicken porridge, changing from Tai Chi to five colors, and see how it works."

When Shen Jiayue heard this, she immediately became interested:

"Okay, okay, I didn't eat enough last time, I wanted you to make it for me again, but it was so delicious, I forgot this one... You can make more tomorrow, I want to drink it to my heart's content .”

This girl is not a person who likes to drink porridge.

But for chicken porridge...the more the better.

And the five colors of chicken porridge, just thinking about it makes people look forward to it.

Lin Xu washed the pig's head clean, took a kitchen knife and began to remove the bone and remove the meat. Shen Jiayue waited for a while for the chicken porridge, but the fish meat was dry enough to stop burning his mouth, so he took it to the restaurant for Dundun to taste.

"Hey, these two big pig heads look really impressive."

Shen Guofu, who had nothing to do and strolled around the reservoir with Han Shuzhen for a while, saw the pig's head being played at the door of the kitchen, and was immediately hungry.

"When will you start doing it?"

Lin Xu said:

"I'm taking off the bone now, soaking it in cold water overnight, and getting up before dawn tomorrow morning to stew it, and I can eat it at noon."

In cooking, the least economical link is time.

It must be stewed for five hours before the pig's head is soft and delicious.

"Then it's hard work for Xiaoxu. If anything else, we elders can still help, but cooking, we really can't..."

Shen Guofu chatted for a few words, then asked in a low voice:

"What are you having for dinner? What food did you have left over from last night?"

Lin Xu looked at the leftovers in the freezer and said:

"There is also a pot of big bones with sauce, a small pot of raw baked yam, a pot of fish head in an iron pot, half pot of stewed pig's feet with soybeans, half pot of stewed white meat with sauerkraut..."

Shen Guofu swallowed:

"Heat up the sauerkraut, white meat and sauced bone, and the taro, your grandma likes to eat this kind of soft and glutinous dish... By the way, Xiaoxu, take the time to make some snacks, preferably sweet ones, take a walk Sometimes I always want to eat something, but I don’t know what to eat…”

I'm not very good at writing self-proposed questions... Lin Xu muttered in his heart and said with a smile:

"Tomorrow, tomorrow I will make some snacks for our family to taste."

"Okay, then I'll go to the restaurant to warm up the fire, you continue to work."

After Shen Guofu left, Lin Xu smiled, thinking that this old man regarded Longqi Mountain as a small world to hide from the world, and if he wanted to eat snacks, he could just drive to buy them. There are many types and the taste is good.

If you let yourself do it...

Lin Xu really didn't know what to do.

He planned to finish off the pig's head first, and wait until tomorrow to make snacks, just in time to ask for everyone's opinions on what to do better.

Just before doing it, I have already redeemed the perfect method of grilling a whole pig's head in the points mall.

The reason for spending points to exchange is because every time you cook this kind of Huaiyang cuisine, the points for Huaiyang cuisine branch missions will increase, which is more cost-effective than cooking other dishes.

In addition, a chef should not stop at the present, but to explore a lot.

Find the key point that the perfect level is further than the excellent level, so that you can use it for similar dishes, and you can even try dishes such as grilled whole beef head later.

For cooking, you have to keep trying, so that you can make more delicious food.

Soak the deboned pig's head in cold water. As for the deboned pig's head, put it into the braised broth for marinating. Anyone who wants to gnaw the bone can just gnaw it.

After finishing these tasks, he began to prepare dinner.

Pour the big bones into a large rice cooker, add the original soup that stewed the big bones at that time, and continue to simmer.

Sauerkraut and white meat, a dish that becomes more delicious as it heats up, is placed on the stove and simmered in an iron pan over low heat.

Tonight, I had to eat dumplings as usual, but thinking that everyone might get tired of eating, Lin Xu steamed a lot of rice with a steaming plate.

Rules are dead, but people are alive.

You can eat whatever you want, there is no need to follow the tradition and eat dumplings.

In the past year, I ate it two or three times, and dumplings are like the top of the northern catering pyramid, so everyone tried every means to eat dumplings during the Spring Festival.

But now, with abundant material, there is no need to eat dumplings every day.

After the rice was steamed, Lin Xu put the taro together with the casserole on the stove, added the sauce for raw baking, turned on a low heat, and reheated the taro.

In order to prevent everyone from getting tired of eating meat, Lin Xu made another serving of boiled cabbage heart and spinach with garlic.

These hot dishes plus all kinds of roasted chicken and stewed meat, it is estimated that the dishes are enough.

Then Lin Xu took out the cold noodle and noodles from the refrigerator, cut them into strips, beat a few eggs, washed a small handful of rapeseed, and cut some shredded carrots.

When you are ready, start making fried cold skin.

He originally planned to fry it with sliced ​​meat, but considering that there are so many meat dishes, there is no need to add meat to the fried cold skin, otherwise every dish would be greasy and unhealthy.

Heat the oil, pour the cold skin into it and spread it out, fry it for a while until the surface of the cold skin is burnt.

This can not only increase the fragrance, but also make the Liangpi taste more chewy.

Fry well and put it out, then pour the oil again, pour in the egg liquid, add green vegetables and cold skin after solidification, start seasoning, add some condiments such as soy sauce, dark soy sauce, white sugar, etc.

When it is about to come out of the pan, add some chili oil to add a spicy flavor to the cold skin.

Stir fry evenly, take out of the pan and put on a plate.

The cold noodle and noodles were fried separately, and the uncle who was away from relatives also drove back, and dinner began.

Before Shen Guofu ate, he was still complaining to Chen Meiliang and others that he had been eating meat for the past few days, which made him a little hurt.

But as soon as he sat down, he picked up a piece of pork spine from the basin containing the big bones and gnawed on it.

Shen Jiayue took a look, put down her chopsticks, picked up a fan bone and began to chew.

Chen Yuanyuan looked at the oily appearance of the big bone, and said curiously:

"Aren't you tired of eating?"

"I'm not tired of eating, but it's delicious."

Chen Yuanyuan shook her head, feeling that the preferences of human beings are not the same, I just feel bored.

She took the rice, ate it with spinach and lettuce, and occasionally picked up sauerkraut that was returned to the pot with chopsticks, thinking that this was a delicious meal.

Occasionally, a piece of blood sausage can be found in the sauerkraut, and it tastes delicious in the mouth, which is very enjoyable.

During the meal, Shen Jiayue said:
"Tomorrow we will not only have grilled whole pig's head, but also chicken porridge, but this time Xu Bao plans to make five-color chicken porridge, which is three more colors than Master's Tai Chi chicken porridge. Let's wait and see!"

This girl is a showman and madman, even in her own home, she wants to show Lin Xu's advantages as much as possible.

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"It may not be possible to make it, I have to try first."

He took a bite of the fried cold skin, the chewy texture and salty taste made him feel like eating fried rice noodles at a street stall. If he had to add a few skewers of roast lamb and a few garlic oysters, it would be more like a street stall.

While eating, he remembered the snacks that Shen Guofu wanted to eat, so he asked:
"I'm going to make some sweet snacks to pass the time tomorrow, do you have anything you want to eat?"

Well, I can't mention that this is the father-in-law's request, otherwise the mother-in-law will be angry.

The elders didn't respond, but Chen Shaokang and other students suddenly became interested, and he said happily:

"Cousin, let's make nougat peanuts, I really like them."

With this opening, others also said:

"Yes, making nougat peanuts, this replenishes physical strength and kills time."

"This is my favorite. Peanuts and maltose are combined. If you want to eat it quickly, you have to eat it slowly."

"Hearing what you said, I want to eat it too, Xu Bao, let's make nougatized peanuts."

Lin Xu didn't agree directly, but took the opportunity of pinching the pig's trotters to take a look at Shen Guofu.

Seeing that the old man was also full of anticipation, he immediately made a decision:
"Okay, I'll make some nougat peanuts for you guys tomorrow and try, if it tastes good, don't complain!"


This chapter is 5200 words, ask for a monthly ticket, brothers!

(End of this chapter)

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