Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 736 Chen Yuejin worships God!What to do with the unfinished pork?Make Hanyuan jar meat! 【Sub

"Yo, the big hero is here?"

When he came to Linji Food, Shu Yun joked when he saw Cai Sen. He didn't expect this photographer who looked like an artist to beat people in the street.

Cai Sen smiled and waved his hands:

"If you bury me, I will definitely not talk to him, but if you keep pouring dirty water on Ziqiangsheng, of course I can't spare him."

When she came upstairs, Chen Yuanyuan ordered food and drink, picked up her mobile phone and talked to Lin Xu, and then chatted with Cai Sen.

In Yinzhou Scenic Area, Lin Xu was relieved when he saw the message on his phone.

But he still emphasized again in the group, don't get angry with others online or offline.

No matter what the dispute is, once it starts, there is a high probability that it will end in an ending of "winning the battle and going to jail, and being injured and hospitalized".

After chatting in the group, he began to prepare the dishes for tomorrow.

Clean up the free-range roosters in the farm, break the chicken legs and stuff them into the stomach, and stuff the chicken wings from the neck into the chicken's mouth.

Make the shape, pass it through maltose water, let it dry for a while, then put it in an oil pan for frying, put it in the stewed soup, marinate it for two hours, and soak it until tomorrow. It is the common roast chicken on the northern banquet.

Elderly people like to eat this kind of roast chicken with rotten meat and bones, so Lin Xu specially made some more, and if he can't use it up tomorrow, he can leave it to the old lady at home.

While he was busy with this, Shen Jiayue came to the reservoir with Uncle Chunsheng and Shen Guofu, holding Dundun in his arms, and was about to cast a net to catch a few fish.

A birthday banquet cannot be without fish, otherwise people will make fun of it.

On the birthday banquet in the Central Plains, there are usually dishes such as big braised carp, sweet and sour big carp, or fragrant big carp that is fried and then served with dried chili and hot oil. Anyway, carp is the main dish.

Since ancient times, carp has been a symbol of dignity. There is even a legend that carp jumped over the Dragon Gate. Even Confucius named his child Kong Li.

Shen Guofu and Zhang Chunsheng came to the small boat, went to the reed marshes on the west bank and lowered the fishing nets, and came back in the evening to collect the nets.

Shen Jiayue originally wanted to go into the water, but Dundun was attracted by the butterflies on the shore and kept chasing her, so she had to follow her.

"Xiao Xu, what if we can't run out of pork tomorrow?"

Just now Uncle Chunsheng had pulled over two pigs, one big and one small, and they were humming in the pigsty right now.

Shi Wenming didn't have much idea about the weight of a pig, but when he saw that big pig with a physique of nearly three hundred catties, he immediately felt that all his relatives couldn't eat it all.

Lin Xu originally wanted to make soy sauce meat or bacon, but thinking about it, there seems to be a lot left at home, and pork is frozen in the refrigerator, and the taste will deteriorate after a long time.

It would be a waste of money to freeze the fat pigs that were finally bought from the village.

He thought for a while and said:

"Let's make it into jar meat. Hanyuan jar meat can be preserved for more than half a year, and the longer it is preserved, the better it tastes. It is very suitable for this weather."

Hanyuan jar meat is a popular way of storing meat in Sichuan and Chongqing, and the method is primitive and simple.

First cut the pork into large pieces, marinate it with salt for a day and a night, wash it, fry it with lard until the surface is golden, and then seal it in a jar with lard.

There needs to be a lot of lard, so that the meat is completely submerged.

In this way, the pork will gradually absorb the lard and become moist and fragrant.

When eating, dig out a piece, whether it is steamed with salted vegetables or used to fry garlic sprouts, green peppers, or potatoes, the taste is super perfect.

Unlike bacon that dries out as it dries out, the longer the Hanyuan jar meat is, the stronger the aroma and moistness of the oil will be, and it will melt in your mouth without even chewing.

When Shi Wenming heard that this kind of meat was still available, his interest was immediately raised.

"Sounds very tempting. Then tomorrow's leftover meat will be made into pot meat. Each family will share it. You can also bring some to the capital to taste."

"Okay, just do as uncle said."

At the same time, on Longshou Peak.

Chen Yuejin, who has always claimed to be non-superstitious, now held a handful of lit incense, raised his head to worship the mountain god, and muttered:

"I've been in business for half my life, and I don't believe in ghosts and gods, but today, I hope the master of the mountain god can bless my unborn grandson or granddaughter with all the best. If my wish is fulfilled, I will definitely come to make a golden body for the master of the mountain god!"

He has been precarious in the business field for half his life, and Lao Chen never believed in this, but since Chen Yan became pregnant, he not only quit smoking, but also actively exercised every day.

I came to watch the sunrise this morning. I saw a lot of incense ash in the censer and a lot of red strings hanging on the railing of the statue. I suddenly thought that I should also worship.

There are also considerations for choosing to worship here.

Those temples with famous mountains and rivers have too many people, and all kinds of worshipers are unaware. The gods may not be able to remember so many requests.

But in the small temple, because of the small business volume, the gods will be more attentive.

In addition, Longqi Mountain's influence and customer traffic are booming. If there are real gods here, they should be in the rising stage of their careers. Worshiping gods at this time should be more effective.

In line with the careful thought of a businessman, the couple returned to the top of the mountain and solemnly worshiped the mountain god.

After the worship, Lao Chen took out three stacks of hundred-yuan bills from his bag and put them into the merit box.

Just as the couple was about to leave, they saw the pier statue next to them, lit another joss stick, and bowed to each other:
"Dundun, we are our own family, you must keep Xiaoyan safe and healthy."

Although I know that it is just for incense, but there has always been a tradition of worshiping gods in China, so although I think it is funny, but in line with the principle of being polite, I still worship Baidundun.

It's a pity that there is no merit box in front of Dundun, otherwise Lao Chen would have to stuff 2 to [-] yuan.

Dundun, who was fluttering butterflies by the reservoir, was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect his aunt and aunt to worship him. He glanced at his aunt who was strolling blindly on a bicycle, and suddenly there was a touch of warmth in his eyes.

With Ben Meow here, my aunt and little cousin will be safe and sound, and there will be no accidents.

But in order to prevent unexpected situations, the little guy still bounced and ran towards Chen Yan, and patted her leg deftly.

"Hey, you little fat cat, provocative, aren't you? Tell you, no one is covering you right now!"

Chen Yan didn't know why, so she immediately stood up and kicked a few times, and chased Dundun along the road beside the reservoir, but it didn't take long before she was attracted by the movement in the water.

As soon as the fishing nets were put into the water, before Shen Guofu and Uncle Chunsheng had time to return to the voyage, a fish was caught in one of the fishing nets. A three-pound carp plunged into the net and was struggling desperately.

When Old Shen saw it, he immediately raised the net and dragged it into the cabin with Uncle Chunsheng, including the fish and the net.

Pulling the fish off the net and putting it into a plastic bucket in the cabin, the two men tidied the net and put it back into the water.

As soon as I finished working, the fishing net next to me caught fish again. This time there were two fish, one carp and one grass carp.

Old Shen's face was full of a successful hunting smile:
"The fish here are too easy to catch, right? Brother Chunsheng, hurry up, these fish take the initiative to come here to celebrate the old lady's birthday, we must not disappoint her kindness."

With a cigarette in his mouth, Zhang Chunsheng calmly rowed the boat over, set up the net, and harvested the fish. The whole process was done in one go.

Chen Yan on the shore couldn't care less about chasing after Dundun, and watched the scene in the water eagerly, wishing to jump into the water to help.

There are more and more catches in the water, and more and more people are watching on the shore.

Many tourists who planned to go horseback riding, mountain climbing, and valley exploration stood on the shore at this time, seeing Lao Shen and Zhang Chunsheng catching fish one after another, feeling the joy of fishing by themselves.

"Brother Chunsheng, is it almost there?"

"It's almost there. Now is the time for fish to lay eggs. Just enough to eat, and you can't fish too much."

The two put away the fishing nets, rowed to the shore, washed the fishing nets with tap water and put them in the hut by the reservoir, so that they would not be chewed by mice.

If it is put away directly after it comes out of the water, the fishy smell will attract the mice, and the whole net will be completely bitten by the mice in a short time.

There are five big carp weighing about three catties, three or four grass carp weighing seven to eight catties, and different fishes such as big silver carp and big black carp.

Old Shen loaded the catch into the commuter car, Dundun took the opportunity to sit on it, and followed him back to the restaurant.

"Hey, there are quite a lot of fish caught, and I'm going to wait for your Air Force to implement Plan B."

Shi Wenming even contacted the owner of the fish stall, and said hello in advance that he might go to buy fish to prevent Lao Shen and Zhang Chunsheng from running out of fish for the air force.

In the end, it took just over two hours to catch so many fish.

Almost catching up with the efficiency of driving to buy.

With the catch, Old Shen immediately straightened up:

"Civilization, what are you talking about? I haven't been in the air force since the first day I fished. fishing."

He was like an old grandson possessed by himself, talking about all kinds of fishing terms incessantly, showing the fisherman's show off style to the fullest.

After finishing his chatter, Lao Shen pointed at today's catch with his mobile phone and took a photo:

"The result of the two-hour battle is quite boring."

What is pretense, that's it.

As soon as it was posted, Lao Suntou liked it in his circle of friends.

"Xiao Xu, how do you eat these fish?"

Lin Xu looked at it and said:
"Carp is made into braised big carp and served whole, grass carp is made into sweet and sour fish nuggets, silver carp is made into steamed fish head, half of each table is enough..."

The way to eat fish is nothing more than steaming, frying, stewing, and stewing. Now that there are whole fish, other dishes are more casual.

Dundun jumped out of the car, went to its water basin to drink some pure water, and was about to go out to play again, when he suddenly heard humming from the pigsty, and immediately remembered that there was a new pig in the yard. animal.

The little guy ran over, stood on the wall of the pigsty, looked at the big one and the small one inside, humming and meowing several times.

"What is Dundun doing?"

Chen Yan was a little confused, so she thought that Dundun was going to jump into the pigsty.

Shen Jiayue smiled and said:

"Teaching, every small animal that comes, no matter chickens, ducks, fish, geese or big fat pigs, it has to give a lecture...By the way, Yanbao, you haven't eaten pig-killing dishes yet, have you? Killing pigs tomorrow morning, let you Feel the joy of killing pigs in the countryside."

Kill pigs?
Chen Yan really hadn't experienced it before, so she became interested as soon as she heard this.

"What time is the slaughter of pigs? I have to set a time to come and take pictures... Do you have power for your camera? If you don't have electricity, charge it. I have nothing to do anyway. I will take pictures of the whole process of slaughtering pigs and birthday banquets in rural areas. Documentary."

As the boss of a media company, Chen Yan has a strong sensitivity to audience preferences.

The custom of killing pigs for the New Year has disappeared in many places, and everyone can only enjoy their eyes on the Internet during the Spring Festival.

Birthday banquets in rural areas are even more uncommon. Nowadays, they basically buy a cake for the whole family to have a meal, without the grandeur of birthday celebrations in the past.

Now, it's time to fill that void.

Upon hearing this, Shen Jiayue also thought it would be a good shot, so she said:

"Okay, okay, I'll shoot with you, call me tomorrow morning when you wake up, and call you when I wake up, let's come over together... I'll charge the camera first, so don't delay."

In the evening, the whole family began to eat dinner.

Lin Xu cleaned the offal from the roast chicken in the afternoon and made a pot of braised chicken offal.

Dried yellow sauce is boiled with rice wine, sautéed with lard until fragrant, then put the chicken giblets in and braised until cooked. The sauce is rich in aroma, and the chicken giblets are also delicious. It tastes good with both wine and rice.

"This dish is good and delicious."

Chen Meiliang picked up a piece of chicken intestines with chopsticks and put them into his mouth, and then took a bite of rice. The aroma of the sauce and the chewy taste of the chicken intestines matched perfectly with the rice.

Lin Xu is not interested in chicken intestines, he prefers to eat chicken gizzards.

The chicken gizzards stewed with sauce are both fragrant and have the unique crispness of chicken gizzards, which is very chewy.

After eating, take a bite of rice, it is a pleasure.

While eating, everyone discussed the arrangements for the birthday banquet.

There will be about five tables of guests tomorrow, and the private room upstairs can just sit down.

The dishes for the birthday banquet have been finalized, and the drinks and beverages have also been purchased. There is no cake, but birthday peaches.

Make a big birthday peach, ask the old lady to cut it open, and then distribute the small birthday peaches inside to each table, so that it will not be wasted, but also let relatives have a taste of it.

"Xiao Xu, how many small birthday peaches are there in one big birthday peach? Is it not enough?"

Lao Shen always likes to pursue the atmosphere, and he is afraid that the food will not be enough, and according to the size of the birthday peaches he made in the shop last time, it is indeed not enough.

Lin Xu said:

"This time, the birthday peaches are even bigger. It can hold 99 small birthday peaches. Divide [-] on a table, which is definitely enough to eat."

Not only are there more birthday peaches, but they are also bigger, which means that the diameter of the big birthday peaches to be made tomorrow is about [-] centimeters.

Such a size is rare in the whole country.

When Mrs. Lin heard this, she immediately felt sorry for her grandson:

"It's so big, it won't be too tiring to make it? My dear grandson, why don't you change it to a smaller size, it's too big to eat, it's a waste."

Lin Xu said:

"It's okay, grandma, if we can't finish eating, we will distribute it to the employees. Whoever eats it tomorrow will share your blessings. This is a good thing."

After the meal, Lin Xu went back to the kitchen and took a look at the roast chicken soaked in the stewed soup.

This time the stewed soup was deliberately lightened a lot, in order to allow the chicken to soak for a while, so that it tastes more mushy and more delicious.

In order not to miss the shooting tomorrow morning, Shen Jiayue and Chen Yan deliberately went back to rest early.

However, the next day, at four o'clock in the morning, Lin Xu was woken up by the alarm clock, but the obedient baby next to him was still sound asleep, completely unresponsive to the sound of the alarm clock.

They made an appointment to call each other, but Chen Yan didn't call, and he probably didn't wake up either.

Lin Xu tried to push the baby twice, but she didn't show any sign of waking up. Instead, she rolled over and swept the quilt away.

Lin Xu: "..."

I guess you can't get up.

He changed into thicker clothes, put on a thin down jacket after washing, went out quietly, and then drove the internal commuter car down the mountain from his residence to the gate of the scenic spot.

At this time, the place was already brightly lit, and Lin Hongqi, Chen Meijuan, Zhang Chunsheng, Jia Xingwang, Shi Wenming, and Chen Yuejin, who came to join in the fun, were all in place.

The guy who killed the pig before was fiddled with again at this time.

Lin Xu parked the car at the door, came to the yard, first set up all the cameras, then changed into a camouflage uniform for work, and started to kill pigs.

First kill the big pig, open the small door of the pigsty, pull the pig out with an iron hook, knock it down quickly, and then lift it to the pig killing platform.

Lin Xu stabbed the pig's heart with a knife, and after bleeding, he used an air pump to blow air on the pig. After the whole pig was swollen, he began to shave.

The whole process was clean and neat, without muddling at all.

Shi Wenming said with emotion:

"The last time I slaughtered pigs, I felt that Xiaoxu was quick. I didn't expect that this time it was even faster. With this efficiency, it is not a problem to kill a hundred pigs a day."

Lin Xu said while shaving the pig hair:
"Now it's just for momentum. If you repeat this kind of thing a few times, you will lose your strength."

After shaving, the pig's belly was cut open and the internal organs were taken out. Uncle Chunsheng immediately packed it up.Then remove the pig's head, trotters and other parts, and then use a chopper to separate the whole pig, hang it up, and start dividing.

The pig is very fat, the meat is trembling, and the suet in the belly is also very thick.

Lin Xu said while he was busy:

"Uncle, save the meat you want to use, and start cooking the rest later."

The fresher the pork used in jar meat, the better, but before making it, you need to marinate the pork with salt to remove excess water to make the meat firmer and also to make the pork more flavorful.

Shi Wenming promised:
"no problem."

There is a lot of meat, a big fat pig weighing more than 200 catties, and some extra meat will be cut from the piglet later, so there is absolutely no way to finish it.

Not long after, Shi Wenming prepared the pork for the banquet and the meat for the staff cafeteria separately, and made all the rest into jar meat.

Lin Xu took a kitchen knife and cut all the boneless meat into squares with a side length of [-] to [-] centimeters, put them into a basin, and sprinkled a few packs of large grains of sea salt into the basin according to the standard of one or two salts per catty of meat .

Stir well to coat the surface of each piece of meat with salt grains.

After finishing these, cover the lid, lift the pot to the corner of the kitchen, and start marinating.

Wait until tomorrow morning, you can take it out and wash it again, and then start making Hanyuan jar meat.

The pig was handled properly, and everyone pulled out the smaller pig and killed it.

But the pig was not divided. Lin Xu hung it up directly after opening it, and began to change the knife for the roasted pig, using fresh pigs to make roasted pigs. No matter the taste or texture, it was better than cold fresh meat.

When everyone was busy, the door of a room not far away opened, and several old people and the sleepy-eyed Dundun got up.

The old man was a light sleeper and woke up when he heard movement.

But Dundun looked like he hadn't woken up, and his expression was puffy, obviously angry about getting up.

However, within 5 minutes of it being angry, Chen Meijuan brought a plate of freshly steamed pork liver mixed with pig blood to it:

"Try it, it's specially prepared for you, and it's out of the pot as soon as you die."

The little guy lowered his head and sniffed it, then stuck out his tongue and tasted it. The wake-up breath on his face disappeared immediately, and was replaced by a deep sense of surprise.

By the time it had eaten and drank enough, the sky was already bright.

At this time, Shen Jiayue, who had agreed to get up at four o'clock in the morning, woke up leisurely...


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