Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 739 Dundun: You only know how to eat ducks that make you look like an idiot?That grandpa...

Chapter 739 Dundun: I only know that eating ducks will grow into idiots?That grandpa... 【Please subscribe】

"Damn, what should I do, Bogo?"

The other people in the car were stunned, thinking about which night market stall to eat roasted lamb loin later, they didn't expect such an accident to happen.

Now there are cars on the front and side, and their Land Rover Warrior is caught in a group of large cars, in a dilemma.

The big truck in front of him was getting closer and closer, Liu Bo decided to speed up, as long as he passed the big truck next to him, he would have a chance.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and straightened the steering wheel, controlled his trembling legs and prepared to step on the accelerator to rush forward, but because he was too nervous at the moment, he stepped on the brake instead of the accelerator, and the car stopped suddenly.


Liu Bo was stunned, and was about to step on the gas pedal again to accelerate, when the large truck coming in the opposite direction suddenly rolled over on the ground, and the channel steel pulled on it fell down.


The loud sound of the channel steel hitting the road almost scared Liu Bo to pee.

If he had really rushed forward just now, he should have been hit by the channel steel right now.

Although the hardness of the new Warrior is good, but facing a whole truck of channel steel, it will still be smashed into a ball of mud. At that time, let alone my legs are broken, I am afraid that my neck will also be broken.

The overturned large truck slid forward, and after installing the isolation belt, it came into close contact with the large truck that was overtaking on the side.

Liu Bo subconsciously flashed his double flashes, moved his arms and legs, and felt the joy of surviving after a catastrophe.

"Boge, it's too dangerous here, let's go quickly."

The little brother in the co-pilot was so frightened that he almost peed in the car. Seeing that there was nothing wrong at the moment, he couldn't help urging him to leave quickly.

Liu Bo looked around and all the carts stopped, whether they were on the opposite side or on his own side, the roads were all blocked, and there was nowhere to go.

He opened the door and said:

"Walk around and see what happened to the car accident ahead."

At this time, it is very dangerous to stay in the car, because in case of a rear-end collision with a large truck behind, all the cars will push forward, and the people sitting in the car will be like canned food, unable to resist at all.

So the best way is to get out of the car, so that you can avoid danger flexibly.

At this moment, several large truck drivers around have also come down. Some of them called the traffic accident hotline, some called 120, and some called for rescue.

Arriving at the spot where the two cars collided, Liu Bo saw that the collision was not serious.

It is estimated that when the front vehicle rolls over, most of the inertia has been removed, and the middle guardrail is a concrete pier, which can also remove a lot of inertia.

The overtaking truck also braked in time, resulting in damage to the front of the two cars, and nothing happened to anyone.

Opening the door of the overturned car vertically and dragging out the people inside, Liu Bo looked at the place where the channel steel fell, and felt a little scared.

Fortunately, I stepped on the wrong brake, otherwise I would have been the most seriously injured in this car accident.

Longqi Mountain Scenic Area, in the hut of the Demon King's Cave.

Lin Xu was lying on the sofa watching what the netizens were doing. He was very surprised when he received a call from Liu Bo Yusheng after the catastrophe. He really didn't expect that he would actually encounter a car accident, let alone that Liu Bo would be lucky enough to escape.

Xiaodundun is getting stronger and stronger.

Looking at it this way, even if Lin Jizhen went bankrupt in the future, and went to tell the fortunes of those rich people with Dundun in his arms, he could still make a living.

But if you can still go bankrupt by guarding the lucky cat, then you must have failed.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xu continued to browse the comments of netizens under the long video.

"I rely on it, and the long video is enjoyable. Not only did I experience the original process of butchering pigs, but I also watched more than 20 dishes. Three consecutive, three consecutive!"

"Three companies are outdated bros, now there are five companies: repost, like, bookmark, coin, follow, this is the full set of the bathing center - one-stop."

"The brothers upstairs know how to provide one-stop services."

"Without three years of Cadillac driving experience, I can't say such brilliant words."

"Ha, I just participated in the Cadillac car club at the bathing center last week. All the brothers in it are talented, and I have to drive a Cadillac to get off the car!"

"Stick to the brand for the sake of riders, awesome!"

"Brother, can you pull me into the Cadillac car fan group? It doesn't mean anything, I just want to see more about the daily use of the car."

"Do you want to see how the car is used? I'm too embarrassed to tell you."

Now that there are over ten thousand fans, those netizens who used to like to gossip in the comment area also followed along, continuing to enliven the atmosphere of the new account.

Lin Xu reposted the video with his tuba, so that everyone can pay attention:
"It's the first time I tried a long video to record the whole process of my hometown's birthday banquet. If you like it, you can pay attention to it. I will update various types of long videos from time to time in the future."

After filming the birthday banquet, I can take pictures of the wedding banquet later. Anyway, my sister-in-law’s wedding is coming soon, and I can also film the documentary wrap-up banquet, the children’s [-]-day banquet, the catch-up banquet, the wedding anniversary banquet, the corporate annual banquet and so on.

Even if you only focus on banquets, there are many options to shoot.

While thinking about it, Chen Meiliang suddenly called:
"Xiaoxu, tonight my friend's ducks are out for slaughter, and I just drove some over. Are you slaughtering them now or hanging them up tomorrow morning?"

Delivered now?
Lin Xu was a little surprised, but since he had already delivered it, he couldn't refuse it.

He thought for a while and said:

"Then I'll slaughter it right now, the duck will taste better if it hangs out for a while."

Generally speaking, the duck blanks for roast duck really need to be dried in the drying room for more than ten hours to dry the duck skin thoroughly before roasting it to taste.

However, the air here in the scenic area is dry, and the duck skin will dry out and crack after a long time of drying, so Lin Xu asked to send the duck over tomorrow morning.

But now that the ducks were delivered ahead of schedule, he could only slaughter them and dry them in advance.

Shen Jiayue was a little curious:
"Can't we kill him tomorrow morning?"

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"These ducks are stuffed and have no ability to survive. If they are placed in the yard and can be frightened to death with a flashlight in the middle of the night, then there is no way to cook roast ducks."

To make roast duck, you must use live ducks, not dead ducks.

He got up and asked Shen Jiayue:
"Do you want to go together?"

"Of course, I want to learn how to roast duck."

Shen Jiayue put on a jacket and a baseball cap, and was ready to go.

The mountain wind is strong at night, so she needs to take good protection.

The young couple locked the door, drove to the Cliff Hotel, and prepared to go down the mountain road here. As soon as they arrived at the intersection, they saw Chen Yan holding a bowl of food in a disposable small bowl, and secretly put it under the pine tree on the side of the road.

"Yan Bao, what are you doing?"

Shen Jiayue poked her head out and asked curiously.

"Here is a squirrel looking for food. I brought some food from the kitchen to feed it, but it ran away as soon as it came... What are you doing? Are you going to sing K?"

"The ducks were delivered ahead of time, and Xu Bao plans to slaughter them overnight... Don't worry about this kind of occasion, you pregnant woman, just wait and eat tomorrow."

It is said that if a pregnant woman is present when an animal is slaughtered, it will imbue the unborn child with karma.

Although he knew that this statement was false, but to be on the safe side, there was no need for Chen Yan to participate. Anyway, even if she went, it would be a waste of help, and it would be useless at all.

When Chen Yan heard about killing ducks, she immediately lost interest:
"Tch, I didn't plan to go at all. I still have to lie in the fragrant and soft bed and make a video call with my little policeman. I'll leave the beating and killing to you young people."

Shen Jiayue countered:

"Older people are really eloquent. You always feed the squirrels slowly, and we went to kill the ducks."

When he came to the yard of the farm restaurant, Lin Xu saw a cage in the middle of the yard. Inside was a group of ducks. Dundun was standing on the cage, observing the prey in the cage proudly.

Chen Meiliang said:
"A total of ten ducks have been sent, which is considered perfect. Xiao Xu, what do you need to slaughter ducks? Do you want to call your uncle to come back and help?"

At this moment, the restaurant was off work, and Shi Wenming also drove back.

Lin Xu said:

"No, I'll do it myself."

He came to the kitchen, put a large iron pot on the stove, took half of the pot of water, and started to boil the water, preparing to scald the duck.

Boil the water, take a small basin, add a bowl of water and a spoonful of salt into the basin, stir it and bring it outside, take out a duck from the cage, the ring finger and index finger of the left hand are stuck on the root of the wing respectively, and the middle finger is stuck on the root of the wing. Hold the duck's neck and hold the duck's head with your thumb.

Hold the duck firmly in your hands, pull off the duck feathers on the duck's neck, and cut open the trachea and aorta with a kitchen knife.

When the blood comes out, put it on the basin, press down the upper body of the duck, put down the kitchen knife by the way, and shake the duck legs to make the blood flow out more conveniently.

After the blood was released, the duck was almost dead, so it was put aside and started to bleed the next duck.

Shen Jiayue leaned aside, filming this scene with the camera, muttering softly:

"There's duck blood to eat!"

In the past, eating duck blood was not enough because the amount was too small. Today, the duck blood of ten ducks is almost a small pot. It is definitely very enjoyable to make fried duck blood with leeks.

Dundun also leaned aside, watching this scene in surprise.

Although I am used to the scene of killing animals, no matter killing a pig or a chicken, there will always be a struggle.

But these ducks neither called nor struggled, everything was like a walking dead.

Shen Jiayue said to it:
"This kind of duck only knows to eat from a young age. It eats fat and grows meat. It doesn't know anything else. Its brain is completely broken, so you can't be greedy, otherwise it will become this kind of duck."

Dundun's eyes widened, and he subconsciously glanced at Shen Guofu, who was smoking a cigar and chatting not far away.

That look seemed to say, grandpa also ate like that, why didn't he turn into a duck with a broken brain?

Shen Jiayue followed the little guy's gaze, and was immediately happy:

"Your grandpa is just a bit greedy, and he doesn't just think about eating every day, bad boy, be careful that grandpa knows your thoughts and won't give you lucky money."

Upon hearing this, the little guy shrank his neck immediately and continued to watch his father kill ducks.

After all the ducks were slaughtered, Lin Xu carried them to the kitchen and took the duck's blood, ready to put it in hot water to keep the duck blood from coagulating.

If it is during the day, so much duck blood is enough to steam a pot of duck blood rice.

It's a pity that it's already night, and I can't eat the steamed rice, and the fresh duck blood can't be kept until tomorrow, so I just make it into blood clots and cook it tomorrow.

After dealing with the duck blood, Lin Xu came to the stove and turned down the low fire.

When the water temperature in the pot reaches 61 degrees, put the duck into the pot for scalding.

The duck feathers of the stuffed duck are easy to remove, so you can’t scald the duck with boiling water, otherwise the duck skin will be scalded. You can only soak it in hot water at 61 degrees. When the water temperature rises to 64 degrees, take it out of the pot.

Rub the neck of the duck with your hand to remove the hair on the neck of the duck.

Then use the push method to wipe off the duck feathers on the duck breast, and finally the duck body and duck buttocks.

After the hair is removed, the film on the duck's paws must be peeled off. After all this is done, it's time to clean up the duck's head.

Clean the hair on the head and remove the cuticle on the duckbill. By the way, pull out the duck tongue, remove the tongue coating, and put it in a bowl aside.

Pull out the duck's esophagus and trachea from the opening of the duck's neck, but don't pull it off to prevent the undigested food in the duck's crop from contaminating the meat, which will affect the appearance and taste.

Now that the surface of the duck has been cleaned, Lin Xu cut off the two legs of the duck with a kitchen knife.

Insert the inflatable tube under the skin of the duck's neck, hold it tightly, and start to inflate.

Roast duck is the same as roast goose and roast duck. It needs to be inflated first to separate the fat layer between the skin and meat. This can make the roasted meat more fragrant and make the duck skin more crispy.

In the past, inflation was done by mouth blowing, but now a cleaner and more hygienic air pump is used.

Inflate to [-]% full, remove the trachea, grasp the neck of the duck, grasp the two legs of the duck with the other hand, and push in the middle with both hands, so that the gas under the skin of the duck can be distributed more evenly.

Then Lin Xu reached in from the duck's anus and pulled out the duck's rectum.

After finishing this, pick up a small knife and make a small opening of about five centimeters at the root of the duck's left wing, put your hand in, and carefully pull out the internal organs.

This step is relatively difficult. Not only does it need to clean out the internal organs, but it also cannot touch all the places where the duck blows air.

Once touched, a pit will be formed on the surface of the duck, resulting in the roasted duck not looking good.

All the viscera were taken out, and a sorghum stalk was used to insert them.

The length of the sorghum pole is seven to nine centimeters, one end is cut into a triangle, and the other end is cut into a wedge shape. This is an essential supporting tool for roast duck, and is used to prop up the duck's breast.

After the sorghum stalks were put in, one end was pressed against the spine, and the other end was pushed hard to support the trifurcate bone of the duck breast.

Shen Jiayue on the side smiled and said:
"I thought it was only those implanted prostheses after breast augmentation surgery. I didn't expect that roast duck with thick eyebrows and big eyes would play so big in private."

Lin Xu: "..."

Let's pinch this paragraph back, it's somewhat immoral for a person with big breasts to mock others like this.

In order to prevent the girl from talking indiscriminately, he ordered:
"Put some clean water in the pool, and remember to add a handful of salt to it."

Shen Jiayue was a little curious:
"What is this for?"

"Evisceration, clean the belly cavity of the duck."

"Then why use light salt water? For disinfection?"

Lin Xu smiled wryly, and said to the curious baby:
"It is for cleaning more cleanly. There is a lot of fat in the abdominal cavity, and pure water may not be able to clean it... After the water is put away, remember to mix some maltose with warm water. Add 450 grams of maltose to 55 grams of water."

Shen Jiayue immediately began to follow suit.

Draining water is simple, just plug the water outlet of the pool, turn on the faucet and put some in it. When draining the water, grab a handful of salt and throw it in, saving even stirring.

But this maltose water, how come there are zeros?
Lin Xu said:

"The normal ratio is 450:50, but these ducks have been drying for too long, so add five grams to prevent the duck skin from drying out."

The water has been put in place, and the support has been placed firmly.

Lin Xu chopped off the duck's wings with a knife, leaving only the duck's wing roots, and then carried the duck's neck to the sink and began to wash it.

Carefully put the duck into the water, pour some clear water through the opening, shake it a few times, then pour out the water inside, and repeat this several times until the poured water is clean before stopping.

Eviscerated and hooked up.

Put the iron hook through the part where the neck of the duck is connected to the spine, and the hook is strong.

Hook it up and hang it up, set up another pot, and start boiling water.

Boil the water, put the duck on the top of the pot, scoop the boiling water in the pot for scalding.

This step is to shape the duck, but also to expand the gas, so that the whole body of the duck is more bulging and full.

It is better to scald the skin to achieve white and plump skin. If it is over scalded, the subcutaneous fat will melt, which will not only affect the taste of the duck, but also affect the coloring effect of the duck due to the dripping fat.

After scalding, hang it on the iron hook on the side, let it cool naturally, and let the surface moisture dry by the way, so that it is convenient to hang the sugar for coloring.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Xu cleaned up all the other ducks.

After the ten white and fat ducks were all hung up, Shen Jiayue finally prepared the maltose water.

"Xu Bao, don't you put white vinegar and big red Zhejiang vinegar here?"

Shen Jiayue remembers that when making Cantonese-style roast duck and roast goose, both of them are indispensable. She thought that Yanjing roast duck was also like this, but she didn't expect it to be unnecessary.

Lin Xu said:

"No, Yanjing Roast Duck is relatively purer. It doesn't need anything other than maltose, but the less the ingredients, the higher the cooking requirements. If you are not careful, it will overturn."

When it was almost dry, bring over the maltose water prepared by Shen Jiayue and start hanging the sugar.

Lin Xu held the duck in one hand and a spoon in the other, scooped the maltose water in the basin and poured it on the head, neck and body of the duck, so that the surface of the duck was completely covered by the maltose water.

Hang up the sugar water, hold the duck and hang it in the drying room where bacon and pickles are made.

After all the ducks were hung up, Lin Xu turned on a small fan in the corner and started to blow the air.

The air in the mountains is dry, so you can’t blow it directly on the ducks, otherwise the skin of the ducks will be dry and cracked. You have to blow it against the wall to let the air in the drying room flow, which is enough.

Lin Xu clapped his hands, the preparation of the roast duck was finally finished.

After breakfast tomorrow, add sugar water again, and then it can be baked.

After finishing the filming, Shen Jiayue looked at the internal organs such as duck intestines, duck tongue and gizzards that had just been pulled out, and asked curiously:

"Xubao, what do you do with these internal organs? Do you throw them away or cook them?"

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"Certainly don't throw them away. These are all good things. For example, this duck heart can be used as a traditional dish of the roast duck restaurant——fired duck heart."

Shen Jiayue immediately became interested:
"Can you make Xubao? I want to try it and see if it's different from those in famous stores."

Lin Xu smiled:
"Since you've already asked, I'm sure you'll... just wait, I'll make it for you right away!"


It made me really want to eat roast duck, but unfortunately I can't.This chapter is 5100 words, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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