Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 764 The appearance and taste are completely inversely proportional to the super delicacy - e

Chapter 764 The appearance and taste are completely inversely proportional to the super delicacy - eel porridge! 【Subscribe】

Back in the shop, Lin Xu took the eel upstairs, except for the one he caught for Dundun to eat, and took all the rest to the kitchen to cook eel porridge.

"Is eel porridge easy to make, Xu Bao?"

At the kitchen door, Shen Jiayue asked curiously.

If eel porridge is easy to make, she will learn from it.

Lin Xu said:

"You'd better stop learning this. Although it's not too difficult, the process is extremely bloody and can easily cause psychological discomfort. Let's wait outside to eat honestly with Lele and Tongtong."

If you want to learn other porridge, you can teach it directly if you want to learn it, but this eel porridge is not good. People who don't have a certain ability to bear it may not be able to bear the production process.

So it is better to leave this kind of thing to professional chefs.

Hearing that the process was bloody, Shen Jiayue couldn't help shrinking her neck. In this case, the baby should not learn it.

She asked worriedly:
"Will the porridge made be very fishy?"

"No, it's very sweet, just wait to eat it, it's definitely beyond your imagination."

Only then did Shen Jiayue feel relieved, and came to the booth with a dim sum platter:

"Try the sandwich biscuits newly made by Houchu. The filling inside is boiled with milk. The taste is very strong, much more delicious than the ones bought in the supermarket."

Geng Lele heard it, picked one up and tasted it:

"Not bad, it's really delicious."

After finishing speaking, she took her mobile phone and sent a message in the small group of godfather and godmother:
"@干爸: The store is going to make eel porridge, there are too many people and the porridge is too fast!"

Cui Qingyuan didn't reply in time when the message was sent out, Yan Lin, who was on a business trip in Yangcheng, erupted:
"Eel porridge? Is this delicious?"

"Brother Xu said it was so fresh that he could swallow his tongue. He's cooking it in the back kitchen right now. Godmother, would you like to fly over and taste it? If you come, I'll grab a bowl for you."

Yan Lin knew that her goddaughter was greedy for her, so she replied:

"No need, Xiao Qing just asked about the hotel we stayed in. The kitchen can make us eel porridge. Although it may not be as delicious as Xiao Xu's, it should be reasonable."

Geng Lele asked curiously:

"Why? Just because it's expensive?"

"Because the executive chef here is Guo Xinghai's uncle."

Tsk, no wonder you are so confident, it turns out that the hotel is managed by the Guo family.

In the kitchen, Lin Xu poured the eel into the sink, lifted one, and rubbed the eel with the other hand to clean the dirt and other dirt on the surface.

Rinse after washing.

The eel is live, and it is a bit troublesome to cook, but for the sake of a healthy diet, the steps of washing are indispensable.

Clean everything up, take a larger basin, add two bowls of water to the basin, then take the eel and put it on the chopping board, chop off the tail of the eel with one knife, and quickly throw it into the basin.

This step should be done quickly, because after the tail is cut off, a lot of blood will gush out from the fracture, and this blood is the essence of the eel porridge, so it cannot be wasted.

As soon as it was put into the basin, the blood in the eel gushed out, completely staining the water in the basin red.

The eel will swim quickly in the water because of pain, which accelerates the outflow of blood.

"Damn it, the eel has a lot of blood."

Wei Gan glanced at it, feeling a little unaccustomed to this kind of scene, if Zhu Yong or Zhuang Yizhou were here, they might have made their move just now.

Zhu Yong's hometown is in Hubei, and he is best at all kinds of aquatic dishes.

And Zhuang Yizhou is from southern Jiangsu, eating eel is as casual as eating noodles, and it is easy to pick up such ingredients.

Lin Xu said:

"It's actually the same as eating other meats. Pig blood, duck blood, and sheep blood are all eaten, and eel blood is naturally edible."

Wei Qian knew this truth. After all, he had only eaten blood duck in the store last week, and he knew how delicious animal blood tastes, but the tail of the eel in front of him had been cut off, but it was still swimming. Bloody horror.

Ma Zhiqiang came over and took a look and said:
"After slaughtering an eel for a long time, the body will twist. It's just a nervous reaction. I don't think there is anything to be afraid of."

As a chef, Lao Ma didn't think the scene was so scary, but he was a little worried about whether mixing blood in rice porridge would cause fishy smell.

As a native of the Central Plains, although I have eaten a lot of eels, I have never eaten them like this.

Lin Xu chopped off the tail of the last eel and threw it into the basin:
"It won't have a fishy smell, but it will be very sweet."

At this moment, the blood in the rice field eel hadn't completely flowed out, so he didn't take the next step, but came to the casserole for cooking rice porridge to check how the rice porridge was cooking.

In two super-large casserole pots, the rice porridge is rolling, and the rice grains have swelled up at this time, but they haven't bloomed yet.

Lin Xu put some lard into the two pots respectively, so that the porridge would be more fragrant and smoother.

Then cut a few slices of ginger and threw them in, which can effectively remove the fishy smell brought by the eel and make the eel porridge taste more delicious.

Taking advantage of this gap, Lin Xu boiled some water in the pot, and turned down the heat when it reached [-] degrees.

Not long after, the eel stopped swimming, and there was obviously more blood in the basin, and the color was close to dark red, indicating that all the blood had been released.

Take out the rice field eel with a colander and put it directly into the hot water pot.

After putting it in, quickly cover the lid, turn up the heat, wait for the water in the pot to boil, turn off the heat and start to simmer.

This is done to wash off the mucus on the surface of the eel, which can effectively reduce the fishy smell.

In fact, when some people in the south eat this porridge, they will directly throw the eel with its tail cut off into the cooking rice porridge, so that the blood of the eel can have a close contact with the rice porridge. It is said that the porridge made is also very delicious.

But Lin Xu always felt that the eel without the guts was a little weird to eat, and he couldn't get past that.

Holding the eel blood and the leaker, Lin Xu poured the freshly released blood into two pots of rice porridge respectively, using the leaker to prevent impurities from flowing in.

The blood was poured into the pot, and the eels were almost stewed.

Lin Xu opened the lid of the pot and found a layer of dirty mucous membrane hanging on the surface of the eel. This is the mucus on the surface that solidifies after being heated, and it is also the main source of the fishy smell of the eel.

Take it out with a colander, put it in clean water, and then pick up the rice field eel and rub it lightly, and the mucous membrane on it will be cleaned up.

After cleaning, use a toothpick to peel off the meat and bones of the eel, and remove the internal organs by the way.

Don't throw away the eel's bones, put them into the rice porridge and cook for a while, so that the taste of the rice porridge will be better, and the nutrition on the bones will be boiled out.

Put the bones into the pot, and pour some rice wine into it to remove the fishy smell.

As for the eel meat that was picked out, it was cut with a kitchen knife down the middle, changed into a length of more than ten centimeters, and set aside for later use.

Soon, a layer of foam formed in the pot, and the originally white rice porridge turned grayish brown, which was due to the eel blood being boiled and discolored.

Use a spoon to knock off the floating foam, and then use chopsticks to pick out the bones of the eel and throw them away.

At this time, the rice grains in the pot have blossomed, and the rice porridge has visibly become viscous, which is due to the eel blood in the pot.

Lin Xu added some pickled diced radish to the pot to increase the salty taste of the porridge, then put the eel meat in, and stirred it a few times with a spoon to let the eel meat spread out quickly.

Continue to cook, and when the rice porridge in the pot becomes thicker, put a teaspoon of fresh salt, two teaspoons of pepper, and some chopped celery for color matching into it.

Give it a stir and turn off the heat.

"Okay, get ready to eat."

There are two whole casserole rice porridge, which smells strong and fragrant, but the appearance is almost meaningless. The taupe porridge gives people a dirty feeling.

Lin Xu brought the casserole outside, and then brought a stack of soup bowls, and filled them in bowls. There were chopped shallots and coriander on the side, and he added what he wanted.

"Come here, try them all, this kind of porridge is not easy to drink in the north."

People in the north usually throw away the blood when they eat eel, unlike the south, who regard eel blood as a great tonic, even if they throw eel meat, they will not throw eel blood away.

"Why doesn't this color look gray?"

Shen Jiayue thought it was done by Bai Shengsheng, but she didn't expect to get several color numbers.

But she didn't doubt the taste of the porridge. After all, Xu Bao made it himself. Could the taste be bad?

Put some minced chives and coriander into the bowl, stir it casually, then pick up the spoon, scrape a little rice porridge along the side of the bowl, blow it and send it to your mouth.

At the moment of entrance, the girl was stunned:

"Wow, this rice porridge tastes really good too?"

When you drink it into your mouth, the first thing you feel is the unique softness and smoothness of rice porridge, followed by a very delicious taste without any fishy smell.

Chen Yan was also surprised:
"I didn't expect this porridge to be made of rice field eels. It tastes really good."

The rice porridge is quite hot right now, so I can only drink it by scraping it slowly along the side of the bowl, which makes people very anxious, but I can't wait for the temperature of the rice porridge to drop, because the taste is really super good, and I can't stop it.

Geng Lele took a sip, and immediately took a picture and sent it to the group:
"The eel porridge is ready. Brother Xu said that there is a lot of eel blood in it, but it doesn't taste fishy at all, it's fresh and delicious, and it has a little sweetness, which is very enjoyable."

As soon as the news was sent out, Yan Lin also sent back a photo:
"It just came here. It looks average, but it smells pretty good."

Cui Qingyuan who has not finished the meeting: "..."

Two great sages, can you accept the supernatural powers first?
If things go on like this, I will be the one who gets hurt in the end!
Thinking about how strict he was with Lele, Professor Cui believed that this was an act of revenge planned and executed by his goddaughter.

In the store, Geng Lele had two mouthfuls of porridge, and just as he was about to continue sharing the taste of eel porridge with his godmother, Ma Zhiqiang brought a small bowl of fried fish out of the kitchen.

This is the pout that Geng Lele caught in the afternoon.

Just now Ma Zhiqiang cleaned up all the fish scales, gills, and internal organs, then marinated them with green onion, ginger, and peppercorns, and then wrapped them in dry powder and fried them in an oil pan.

The meat with the cocked mouth is relatively thin and can be fried through easily.

The deep-fried cocked mouth tastes delicious and crispy, and even the fishbone can be chewed, which is very suitable for drinking.

When Geng Lele saw this delicacy brought over, he immediately took a picture and sent it to the group:

"Godfather, I caught these in the ginkgo garden in the afternoon, and they are all made into your favorite dry-fried small pouts. Hurry up and eat them, or they will be cold if you don't eat them!"

After sending the message, the corner of the girl's mouth curled up:

"Hmph, when you notice my revenge, just play a family card to see if you still think I'm taking revenge... Fighting with godfather is a lot of fun!"

Sure enough, when the pictures were posted, Cui Qingyuan didn't feel that he was taking revenge, but thought he was thinking too much.

However, the store made so many delicacies before and did not post them to the group. What happened today?If it's not revenge, is it to seduce Linlin?

Professor Tangtang was stumped by this question.

Soon after the meeting ended, he left the office in a hurry, declined his colleagues' request to eat together, went downstairs to sweep a shared bicycle, and went straight to Yingchun Street.

Whether it's revenge or not, the eel porridge and the fried pout are very tempting to him.

Hurry up to the store and enjoy two glasses of wine.

In the store, Wei Qian brought over a prepared dry-fried fish offal, and two other dry-fried big pouts, which were also caught by Geng Lele.

Small fish are suitable for dry frying, large fish are suitable for dry frying, and the taste is super good.

Lin Xu took a sip of the eel porridge with a spoon, and tasted the eel meat. It was soft and delicious, and it was a perfect match with rice porridge.

The diced salted radish and celery dotted inside add texture and flavor, making the porridge more delicious.

Beside several people, Tongtong held a small bowl and blew for a long time. She took a small sip when her mouth was not burning. The taste was very satisfying.

Worried that the girl's teeth would not be able to chew food, Ma Zhiqiang specially fried two soft-boiled eggs for her and sprinkled some salt and pepper on them, which looked delicious.

And Niu Chuang also sliced ​​the freshly baked bread and sent it over.

Hard things can't be chewed, so the bread slices should be fine.

"Thank you, Uncle Niu, thank you, Uncle Ma... Huh? The combination of the two of you is Uncle Niu Ma?"

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"Your girl's mouth is really... You can't shout like that, it's not a good word."

Niuma itself has no derogatory term, but in the past two years, there have been too many companies that have treated their employees as cattle, which has caused this word to have a different color in the eyes of ordinary people.

To be on the safe side, it's better not to mention it.

Niu Chuang didn't care about this title, he smiled and said to Tongtong:
"In the past we were really good horses, but after coming to Lin Kee, we are no longer."


"Because our treatment has been improved. There are five insurances and one housing fund, bonuses, and year-end bonuses at the end of the year. I didn't even dare to think about it in the past."

Tongtong sucked and ate a piece of eel meat. He was very moved by the words, turned his face to look at Lin Xu and asked:

"Uncle Xu, can I come to the store to work? My mother said every day that I eat her food and drink her food. I want to support myself and don't spend any more money from her..."

Lin Xu said dumbfoundedly:
"I don't dare to use child labor illegally, Tongtong, you should be more polite, polite, and sweet when talking to your parents at home, and don't always think about confrontation."

"I can not……"

"What's wrong with that?"

"Because once I was well-behaved, my mother wondered if I was mischievous again. I didn't believe it when I said no, and said I wasn't telling the truth, and wanted to beat me..."

Be good, how much psychological shadow this girl has caused Yu Hui.

But this kind of eccentric little girl has to be managed more strictly, so as not to cause any big trouble.

While eating, Cui Qingyuan came.

When he saw the eel porridge in everyone's bowls, he couldn't help sniffling:
"This porridge is really good, it smells delicious."

At this moment, Qi Siliang just finished his work and came out to eat, so he filled a big bowl for him.

Cui Qingyuan took it, sprinkled chopped chives and coriander, and couldn't help taking a sip before sitting down:
"Wow, this porridge is really delicious..."

He sat down, took another two sips, and then sent Lao Huang a message:
"The shop made eel porridge today, it tastes super good, can you send some eels to the shop tomorrow, I invite everyone to have another meal of porridge, it tastes great, Boss Huang is not busy, you can come and try it. "

Lao Huang had just arrived at Yingchun Street, and originally planned to go directly to the North Fourth Ring Road to go home. When he saw the news, he immediately turned around and parked the car in front of the store.

Since there is delicious porridge, you have to taste it. If you like it, let your wife come over to try it next time.

At this moment Geng Lishan also came to the store, and the few of them gathered together, naturally they wanted to have a drink or two.

"Spring is the time of recovery of all things. It is suitable to eat rice field eel, which can replenish qi and blood, and is good for the body."

After Geng Lishan finished speaking, he ate it with a piece of dry fried squid, and then took a sip from his wine glass, feeling comfortable.

It's a pity that Boss Shen is not here, otherwise it should be more fun.

Cui Qingyuan said to Lin Xu:

"I'm going to buy another [-] to [-] catties of eel from Boss Huang. Let's eat eel porridge tomorrow afternoon. I'll start with at least three bowls today. This porridge is so delicious that I can't get enough of it."

Lao Huang doesn't like porridge very much, because this kind of food is easy to gain weight.

But in just a few minutes since entering the store, he drank most of the bowl of porridge.

If the casserole was not so good in heat preservation that the porridge would be hot, this bowl would have already entered the stomach.

"I didn't expect rice field eels to be able to do this. I've learned a lot. I'll bring my wife to taste it tomorrow... Brother Lin, let your father-in-law come too. He likes to eat this kind of nourishing food the most."

My father-in-law has changed his mind to take the fitness route... Lin Xu muttered in his heart that he didn't plan to inform his father-in-law so as not to delay his fat loss.

But thinking about how rare this eel porridge is, let's try it together.

In addition, the camellia oil duck has been marinated almost to the fire. Tomorrow, I will bring two of them to the store to steam them, so that everyone can try them, so as not to have to change to other dishes in a panic when the wedding banquet is approaching and find that the taste is not good.

Thinking of this, he said:

"Okay, I'll let him know later."

Shen Jiayue asked in a low voice:
"Dad is very determined to lose weight, what if he doesn't come?"

"If you ask him to drink eel porridge, he will definitely not want to come. After all, delicious food can easily reduce the motivation for fitness... But if you ask him to control the wedding banquet dishes, he will definitely not refuse."

Food is just a matter of appetite, but wedding banquet dishes are a big deal in the family. If the car rolls over, it will affect the senses of the guests, so you can't just lose the big.

Shen Jiayue didn't expect that there were so many details.

She finished the porridge at the bottom of the bowl, picked up her phone and tried to send Shen Guofu a message:
"Dad, tomorrow Xu Bao is going to cook the dishes for the wedding banquet, can you come and check?"

Old Shen immediately replied:
"Do you do it at noon or at night? This is a business, no matter how busy you are, you have to go!"

Wow, is this the charm of language?

Shen Jiayue was feeling emotional when Xiao Dong sent a message:

"Miss Boss, your courier has arrived."

The girl didn't react for a while, and replied curiously:
"What is it?"

"It seems to be clothes, it says... shirt, are you cosplaying with the boss?"

Shen Jiayue: "!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Ahhhhhhh I actually forgot this one!
Her face turned red immediately, and she quickly went downstairs with the car keys, planning to put the embarrassing clothes in the car, so that everyone would not watch later...

The hateful store, who promised to deliver privately, actually wrote the jersey, it's so annoying!

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(End of this chapter)

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