Don't pretend, I'm the God of Cooking and I'll showdown!

Chapter 776 Everything Can Be Made into Pine!Dundun: I'm really looking forward to asking for r

Chapter 776 Everything Can Be Made into Pine!Dundun: I'm really looking forward to asking for red envelopes tomorrow! 【Subscribe】

"Wow, beef and chicken can also make meat floss?"

Shen Jiayue looked at the beef tenderloin and chicken breast that Lin Xu was holding in surprise. She thought that all meat floss was made of pork, but she didn't expect that beef and chicken could also be made into meat floss.

Lin Xu said while cleaning the fascia on the beef:
"Lean meat with texture can be made into meat floss, and even ingredients such as eggs, rapeseed, and carrots can be made into floss. This is actually a cooking technique in Chinese food."

Loose refers to turning the ingredients into a fluffy silk through a series of techniques. It tastes crispy and fragrant, and the taste can be salty or sweet. Many high-end meals cannot be separated from the embellishment of looseness.

Among the meat floss, the most expensive one is the meat floss made from venison, which is known as "kylin pine". In the past, it was always a high-end dish that could only be eaten in the palace.

Listening to Lin Xu's explanation, Shen Jiayue felt like she didn't know this ingredient at all.

There are so many kinds of ordinary decorations in the cake shop. I feel that so many meat floss have been eaten for nothing since I was a child.

Lin Xu removed the fascia, cut the tenderloin into large pieces, put them in the pot and began to blanch.

After finishing all this work, he said while packing the chicken breast:
"When I'm not busy, I'll make you some egg floss. In fact, this thing is very similar to the egg floss in Yangzhou fried rice. It can even be said to be the same method."

In Yangzhou fried rice, the eggs should be fried into very fine silk, and the method of egg floss is the same.

Soon, the water for blanching the beef boiled. Lin Xu skimmed off the foam with a spoon, and added a bowl of cold water to the pot. The heat and cold were so intense that some foam floated out of the meat again.

After it boils, beat the froth again, then continue to add cold water, and continue to skim the froth.

The beef floss eaten by Dundun cannot be seasoned, so the method of smashing cold water is repeatedly used to smash out the blood foam and odor in the meat, so that the meat floss produced will not have an odor.

After the water in the pot became clear, Lin Xu added some celery and carrots to the pot to remove the smell of the meat.

Zhuang Yizhou smiled and said:

"Dundun's food is much higher than human food."

Lin Xu covered the pot and continued to play with the chicken breast:

"It can't eat seasoning, it can only operate in this way."

After cleaning up, he cleaned up the chicken breast, blanched it, put it in clean water and boiled it over low heat.

After 10 minutes, the pork tenderloin has been cooked. After turning off the fire, Lin Xu soaked it for a while to make the meat more flavorful.

While the meat was soaking, he took out the beef and chicken breasts and handed them to Shen Jiayue, who was free, and asked her to wash her hands and start tearing the meat strips.

"Tear along the grain, the thinner the better."

Shen Jiayue took it over and said:

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

She washed her hands carefully, sat at the stone table at the entrance of the kitchen, and began to tear the strips of meat. She squatted on the stone bench next to her, obediently waiting to eat the meat.

"Ha, baby, do you want to eat? Come, come, Mommy will feed you one."

Shen Jiayue tore off a piece of meat and fed it to Dundun. The little guy immediately opened his mouth and ate.

Although the meat is the same as usual, but because the method is a little different, the little guy eats it with relish, and washes his face with his paws after eating, which is very hygienic.

While busy, Zeng Xiaoqi and Chen Yuanyuan came.

The wedding process has already gone through, Chen Yan and Ren Jie went back to the new house in the city, intending to show their relatives the new house.

"What is this for?"

Seeing that Shen Jiayue was tearing up strips of meat, Zeng Xiaoqi immediately washed her hands and started to help.

"Make some meat floss for Dundun, he hasn't eaten yet."

Chen Yuanyuan on the side said:
"I didn't like meat floss since I was a child. It tasted like cotton when I chewed it. It felt weird in my mouth. I'm not used to it... But my brother, when I was young, I liked to eat meat floss in porridge. Grandma said it was the nomadic way of eating it."

It is said that when the Mongolian iron cavalry galloped the world, the military rations they brought were meat floss. When they were hungry, they took some and put them in the water bag, and then hung the water bag on the horse’s back. .

They have two horses per person, change horses when the horses are tired, and drink porridge with meat floss when the people are tired, forming a strong mobility, and in this way almost flattened the entire Eurasian continent.

Shen Jiayue said while tearing the strips of meat:
"I really like to eat it. I couldn't afford it when I was a child, and I often eat it when I grow up. However, some meat floss tastes greasy, and it doesn't taste as good as when I was a child."

The modern practice of meat floss is generally to put oil, which is more convenient.

But the traditional method is to bake it in a pot without putting a drop of oil, so that the meat floss baked in this way is fluffy and crispy, and it feels like it melts in your mouth when you eat it.

Not long after, Lin Xu took out the soaked pork tenderloin and called a group of helpers to help tear it up together.

The amount of pork tenderloin is relatively large. After all, it is for cooking tomorrow, and it is specially made for Shen Jiayue, so there is almost a basket of meat.

These boiled and marinated pork tenderloins are ruddy in color and rich in flavor.

There are many people and strength, and they are quickly torn into thin strips of meat.

Lin Xu put these meat strips in bamboo baskets, and put them in a ventilated and cool place outside to dry. When the temperature dropped, he put all the meat strips into large plastic bags.

He put the plastic bag on the chopping board and rolled it slowly with a rolling pin, and the meat strips soon spread out one by one, forming clusters of fiber bundles.

These are the rudiments of meat floss.

In fact, it can also be dried with a wooden stick after drying, so that the fluffy meat fiber will be stronger.

But it’s easy to slap it everywhere. Relatively speaking, it’s safer to roll it without rolling it through a plastic bag, at least you don’t have to pick up scattered meat strips.

Pour out the loose meat strips in the bag, and shake them a few more times with your hands to make the meat strips as fluffy as possible.

Then find a clean stainless steel pot, wash it and wipe off the water stains inside, then put it on the stove and turn on medium and low heat, and put the meat floss in before the pot heats up.

The volume of the fluffy meat floss will expand many times, so you can't make too much at one time, and leave room for the fluffy meat fiber.

Turn the pot slowly with a bamboo spatula to let the meat floss be heated evenly.

Not long after, there was a sizzling sound in the pot. This is because the moisture inside the meat floss was baked out. Don't worry about it, just continue to stir-fry over medium-low heat.

Wait until the weight of the meat floss is reduced, and there is a feeling of turning over cotton when you turn it. At the same time, the meat floss is as fluffy as fluffed cotton, which means that the heat is almost ready and it can be out of the pot.

Modern chefs like to put some sesame seeds in at this time, but this is actually wrong.

Because the delicious meat floss is as fluffy as a cloud, it melts in the mouth. If sesame seeds are added, not only will the effect of melting in the mouth be lost, but the fluffy feeling will also be destroyed by the sesame seeds.

Lin Xu took out the finished meat floss and continued to make the next pot.

Shen Jiayue came to the kitchen, squeezed a little and put it into her mouth, her eyes widened suddenly:
"Wow, why doesn't the meat floss you make feel greasy? It's like cotton candy... It's delicious. I feel that the meat floss I've been eating since I was a child is fake."

Lin Xu smiled and said:

"The meat floss used in the bakery is usually fried, which is baked, so the taste is naturally different."

Shen Jiayue felt that this was too much to eat, so she simply filled a small bowl and brought it out for everyone to taste.

Dundun originally thought it was for himself, but when he saw that several aunts had eaten it, he was so anxious to walk around.

"No rush, no hurry, I'll make the next pot for you."

Shen Jiayue rubbed the little guy's head, and beckoned to Xiaobai in the distance:
"Xiaobai, come over and eat some meat."

However, the little pony, who had finally had a good time, was not interested in eating, and walked briskly to find the second prince.

The hatred of seizing his wife is irreconcilable, since he came out of the stable today, he must show that South American flirt a little bit of color, so that he can recognize whose territory it is.

Soon, Dundun's meat floss was made.

Shen Jiayue put it on a disposable plate and brought it in front of it. The little guy lowered his head and smelled it, then licked it with his tongue, his eyes were full of surprise.

I probably never thought that these fluffy things could be eaten, and they were so delicious.

"What are you eating so happy?"

While everyone was eating, Qi Siming came to the door of the kitchen on his Ducati, took off his helmet, and was a little curious when he saw several ladies and Dundun eating without regard to their appearance.

He turned off the motorcycle, raised his legs and got out of the car, and took off the big backpack he was carrying. These were the clothes he bought for Zeng Xiaoqi's parents, and he also bought two new mobile phones.

When I came here last time, I saw that the screen of my father-in-law’s mobile phone was broken, and I wanted to repair it, but this kind of old mobile phone has no repair value, so I just bought two.

Zeng Xiaoqi said:
"Just made some meat floss and we're tasting it... what did you get?"

"I brought something casually for my father-in-law and mother-in-law. Where is our parents' dormitory? I'll send it directly."

"Let me take you there, and take a look at what you have bought. Don't think about buying me away without saying a word. My family is not happy to sell girls."

She was afraid that Qi Siming would buy expensive things, so she took a vaccination in advance.

Qi Siming made a haha:
"Even if you buy it, you have to clearly mark the price. The media is married, so how can you be confused?"

The young couple talked and laughed and walked towards the staff dormitory area. When no one was paying attention, they held hands quietly. The sneaky look made Chen Yuanyuan curl her lips:

"It's like having an affair, it's really childish."

In the kitchen, Lin Xu made all the meat floss, and then cracked a few eggs, preparing to make the egg floss that Shen Jiayue promised, so that she could experience the diversity of loose vegetables.

Beat the eggs, add a little salt and a teaspoon of rice wine, and stir well.

Then start the pot and heat the oil. When the oil is [-]% hot, hold the egg bowl in one hand and stir in the pot with the spoon in the other to make the oil in the pot swirl.

At this time, slowly pour the eggs into the pot in a silky shape.

Soon, the shredded eggs floated on the surface of the frying pan. Lin Xu took them out with a colander, put them on a large colander to control the oil, and continued frying.

This is different from Yangzhou fried rice.

The egg shreds used in Yangzhou fried rice are usually made in one pot, which leads to a long frying time for the egg shreds, which makes it feel a little cramped when eaten.

The egg pine basically floats out of the pot, so that the taste of the egg is more crisp.

In the past, when chefs made egg floss, they usually used the kind of bamboo broom that was used to wash the pot. Find a brand new and unused one. After cleaning it, shake off the water. The egg liquid is slowly poured on the bamboo broom, and the egg liquid will flow into the pot along the thin strips of bamboo, forming filaments.

Compared with pouring directly into the pot with a bowl, this efficiency will be much improved, and the eggs will be more fluffy.

But now it is rarely done, basically with a colander.

Lin Xu found a small-eyed colander and planned to try it out. He first stirred and rotated the hot oil in the pan, then put the colander on top of the oil pan, poured some egg liquid into it, and then rotated it quickly to make the egg liquid as smooth as possible. It fell into the oil pan like a thread.

Soon, the egg liquid was fluffed into a cloud under the action of hot oil.

Take it out with a large colander, carefully squeeze out the fat inside, and then shake it twice with the colander to make the filament-like eggs fluffy again.

Sprinkle some fine sugar into it while shaking, then put it on the plate, and a sweet and delicious egg floss is ready.

Lin Xu took it outside and waved it in front of Shen Jiayue:
"This is egg pine, how does it taste?"

"Wow, that looks beautiful."

Shen Jiayue was not polite either, she held up her chopsticks and took a bite into her mouth. The egg was fluffy and dry, with a lot of white sugar on it, it tasted crispy and sweet.

"Wow, it's delicious. Sister Yuanyuan, hurry up and try it. It's super delicious."

At this moment, Zeng Xiaoqi and Qi Siming also walked over from the dormitory. From the expressions on their faces, it was clear that Qi Siming's plan to give away a mobile phone had gone bankrupt.

Zeng Xiaoqi held his arm and said:

"You care about my parents, I'm very touched, but the expensive things like mobile phones are fine. Even if I accept them, my parents won't accept them. They come to the capital to work and earn money, not to beg."

Although the mobile phone has been accepted, Zeng Xiaoqi has already transferred the mobile phone money to Qi Siming.

After marriage, you can honor your parents-in-law as much as you want, but you are not married yet, so you cannot accept valuables.

Qi Siming said with a wry smile:

"You really think too much. Isn't it normal for me to give you a mobile phone? I think many people go to their parents-in-law's house for the first time. They have two boxes of Maotai Shitiao Zhonghua. You...shouldn't you accept it with peace of mind?"

"I can't feel at ease. Your money didn't come from the wind. Why are you so extravagant?"

These words made Qi Siming very emotional:

"When I have time later, I have to go to my hometown to repair the graves of my ancestors..."

"Why repair the grave?"

"Thank them for blessing me to find such a good girlfriend. Being able to be with you feels like smoke is coming from the ancestral grave... No, the ancestral grave has turned into a brick kiln factory."

Zeng Xiaoqi couldn't help but laugh:

"How can you talk about your ancestors like that, be careful that they line up at night and beat you with crutches."

While the young couple were talking, Qi Siming received a message from Chen Yan:

"Master Qi, the stove for cooking noodles has arrived. It is covered with a red cloth. Please put it on the side of the stage for me. I will surprise the groom tomorrow."

Seeing the news, Qi Siming said:

"I have to go over to the wedding venue and help arrange things."

Not long after, Lin Xu also came out of the kitchen. Ren Jie sent a message that the pancake oven had arrived, and asked him to take it, and repeatedly asked people not to see it.

He and Qi Siming came to the wedding scene one after the other, and saw two things like large wardrobes placed on both sides of the stage, all of which were covered with red cloth, which looked quite symmetrical.

At this moment, Cai Sen was chatting with the person in charge of the wedding company about the arrangement of the surrounding flower baskets. When he saw the two things wrapped in red cloth, he asked curiously:
"What kind of thing is this? It was sent here suddenly. I haven't seen it in so many weddings."

Lin Xu said vaguely:
"It's a small surprise prop. It's very delicate inside. Don't let anyone touch it."

"Don't worry, as long as there are no bears, no one will touch it."

There are bear children, such as Dundun, Xiaobai, Second Prince, etc., but small animals have a natural resistance to red, and they will not deliberately come to join in the fun.

Qi Siming, who was walking in front, was still racking his brains on how to prevaricate, but Lin Xu didn't expect to say it directly.

Did Boss Lin know?
That's good, at least someone shared the secret.

Lin Xu was a little surprised when he saw the two stoves. My brother-in-law really deserved to be a policeman. He had to make sure everything was done even when making pancakes, and he even got a spare stove.

It's not bad to see such symmetry. I hope he can make pancakes tomorrow.

Tomorrow morning, before the wedding, Lin Xu will secretly put away the ingredients for making pancakes, such as batter, crackers, lettuce, sauces, eggs, etc.

In this way, when Ren Jie tore off the red cloth, that stunning effect would be formed.

When he was thinking about this, Qi Siming was also thinking about the time to put the dough tomorrow, and he couldn't put it too early, otherwise the dough would ferment, and it might become leavened.

I have to find a chance to put it in to help Mr. Chen.

At the door of the kitchen, Xie Baomin handed the Xiyan that was placed next to Lao Huang, who was rejected by Lao Huang:
"Quit, don't smoke in the future, and drink less alcohol... By the way, isn't there a big pot of food the night before the wedding? What are you going to eat today? If it's delicious, I'll ask your sister-in-law to come with the children gone."

Xie Baomin put the cigarette on the table next to him:
"Tonight stewed tofu with sauerkraut and white meat, and big bones. It's very rich. If you want to eat, come here."

Just as he was talking, Su Peipei led Xie Yufei and Xie Yuhang over, followed by Dachun and his wife.

There is still some time before dinner, but the group of relatives and friends for the dinner is already in place.

When Lao Huang saw the battle, he also called his wife and asked her to bring the whole family over. By the way, he reminded Cui Qingyuan and others on WeChat that they should not forget to come to Ginkgo Garden for dinner.

"Xu Bao, do you need to have a meeting tonight?"

Although Shen Jiayue has experienced two wedding banquets, she still doesn't know much about the process, and she doesn't know how to arrange tonight.

Lin Xu said:

"Generally speaking, it's a big pot dish, but today there are so many masters, it's a bit of a waste to just eat a big pot dish, so there are a few whole dishes, so that everyone can eat and drink well... By the way, who will be the bridesmaid tomorrow?" ?”

"Sister Jing, Sister Yun, Sister Xiaoqi, Sister Yuanyuan, and Sister Xiao Qing who flew over at night... I also want to be a bridesmaid, but they all object."

Isn't it just that I have a better figure, fairer skin, and slightly longer legs, and you actually shut me out? Isn't this world too cruel to beautiful women?
Lin Xu naturally understood the reasons for everyone's opposition.

He smiled and said:

"Even if you don't become a bridesmaid, you can still block the door with Dundun tomorrow and ask for a red envelope."

Shen Jiayue's eyes lit up:
"Ah, I forgot to ask for red envelopes."

Dundun next to him licked his paws, his tail shook slightly, and his eyes were also full of anticipation...


During the May Day period, it will be updated continuously, and 5100 words will be updated every day as usual. This chapter is [-] words, please ask for a monthly ticket, brothers!
(End of this chapter)

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