Chapter 837 Extra Story No. 9527
"The graduation ceremony of Maode Academy has officially begun!"

In the endless universe, Meow Xing, a grand graduation ceremony is being held at the highest institution on the planet--Cat Academy.

All the cats who participated in the graduation ceremony squatted on the huge square of the Maode Academy. Today is not only their graduation ceremony, but also a day to assign work.

On the high platform in front of the square, the old dean of Maode College was giving a speech.

It wears reading glasses and tells the history and past glory of the cat star to the students who are about to graduate.

"Meow Star was founded by the God of Cats. This is a great ancestor that every Meow Star must remember. It followed the God of Creation for many years in the South and North Wars. Until the end of the war, it felt that there were too few people in the tribe and declined the God of Creation. He used all his divine power to create Meow Star, and it himself has been sleeping on this planet forever..."

The dean spoke so eloquently that many students secretly wiped their tears with their paws.

A cat with a gray-blue coat and a college number of 9527 hanging on its chest turned its face to look at the statue of the cat god standing at the end of the square, full of a sense of mission to revitalize the cat star.

At this time, the dean on the stage was still talking:

"1 years ago, the God of Creation closed the Temple of Creation and fell into a deep sleep. The gods could not come out. The universe of the world gradually became chaotic, and wars inevitably happened. There were signs of war, so the committee set up the Cat Morality Academy to select the best students to join the society and make outstanding contributions to cat stars."

The lengthy speech was over, and the dean sat down.

A female cat mixed with yellow, white, and gray stood up. She is the executive dean of the college and the elder of the Meow Star Sanctuary.

The sanctuary is the belief center of cats and the spiritual and cultural home of cats.

Every cat can find his spiritual haven in the Sanctuary. Many homeless cats have grown up in the orphanage established by the Sanctuary.

The executive dean stood up, which also meant that it was time to announce the whereabouts of this year's graduates.

As usual, students with poor grades enter the factory, better ones are recruited by major business organizations, better ones go to social management positions, or become meow policemen who enjoy helping cats.

The top [-] trainees will enter the fleet directly managed by the Planetary Committee and become a professional army cat.

In recent years, Meow Xing and Wang Xing next door have been at loggerheads. Although war has not yet been declared, the friction has always existed and even intensified. Wang Xing's powerful dogs also take hunting and killing cats as fun.

Although the committee lodged a serious protest and expressed strong dissatisfaction, Wang Xingren remained unmoved and continued to go his own way.

The outstanding students of the Cat Morality Academy intend to teach those dogs a profound lesson and revive the meow stars.

As for the No.1 of each class of students, there is a better place to go, and that is the Meow Star Sanctuary.

Entering the sanctuary, not only will you have no worries about food and clothing, you will have the most generous benefits, and you will even have the opportunity to be selected by the higher sanctuary at the next level, or enter the holy temple in one step.

And once you enter the high sanctuary, it means that you can freely enter and exit the planet, and you can even intervene in some policies of the cat, and the dignitaries of the committee will nod and bow when they see it.

As for the Lord's Temple, it is even more powerful. Every time they come back, the dignitaries of the committee will kneel down to greet them.

Above the Lord's Temple, it is said that there are even more ethereal sanctuaries and holy courts, which are the center for maintaining the balance of the universe in all worlds, but cats have not been selected to enter the main holy temple for thousands of years. It only exists in legends, and no one knows where it is.

When the executive dean announced the whereabouts of the graduates, the gray-blue 9527 immediately straightened its chest.

It is the well-deserved No.1 of this year. Regardless of force, character, commander, organization, culture, etc., it has pulled the No.2 far away, and entering the Sanctuary is a certainty.

Entering the Sanctuary is exactly the goal of 9527's hard work in the academy, and even its motivation to enter the Maode Academy.

Because once you enter the sanctuary, you have the qualification to hire a servant. The food, clothing, housing and transportation of the servant are the responsibility of the sanctuary, and the welfare is better than that of the meow police.

"In this way, the short-nosed tiger doesn't have to suffer outside, and our brothers can live a carefree life."

Short-nosed tiger is a cat that 9527 grew up with in the orphanage. Because of its short nose bridge, it was judged as a useless disabled cat by the orphanage. All food was halved, and it was also deprived of educational opportunities.

But 9527 didn't dislike it, and gave it the little food he had every day, and named the cat short-nosed tiger according to the tiger stripes on its body, encouraging it to be as brave as a tiger.

In this way, the disabled cat who was ridiculed by everyone regained his confidence little by little, and became good brothers with 9527.

In order to take care of his younger brother, 9527 carefully researched all the jobs and decided that entering the sanctuary was the best choice for the brothers.

But the Sanctuary only recruits one cat every year, which is the No.1 student with the best grades in the Cat Academy.

To enter the Maode Academy, in addition to passing rigorous tests, one also has to pay high tuition fees.

The two brothers grew up in an orphanage, not to mention paying tuition fees, and they couldn't even afford the monthly living expenses.

Just when 9527 was about to give up this road, the short-nosed cat took action. It risked its life and ran to the swamp area known as the death zone to catch the top cat game that the rich and powerful bought at a high price——jumping frog and drifting snakes.

Leaping frog is a kind of frog with powerful hind legs and strong jumping ability. Even cats known for their agility are not easy to catch.

As for the floating snake, it is actually a kind of eel with a smooth body, and it will get into the swamp with a single dodge, making it more difficult to catch.

But in order for his brother to enter the Maode Academy, the short-nosed tiger entered the swamp without hesitation, stayed for three days, and finally caught a jumping frog.

When the short-nosed tiger came to 9527 with a jumping frog in its mouth, 9527, who had been looking for it frantically for three days, gave this bold and stinky brother a lesson, and then hugged the short-nosed cat and cried bitterly.

However, the jumping frog caught by the short-nosed tiger gave 9527 hope. The brothers sold the jumping frog, entered the swamp area again, and continued to hunt.

Band of Brothers caught a lot of jumping frogs and drifting snakes, but they never tasted them. Even if they were killed with too much force, they were sold to middlemen at a low price.

After going to school, the short-nosed tiger still went to the swamp area to catch prey, but the prey in the nearshore area could not be caught, so it learned to steal and rob.

But no matter what he does, whenever it is time to pay living expenses, 9527 can always receive the expenses from the short-nosed tiger on time.

"Fortunately, everything is over, and our brothers don't have to live a hard life anymore."

9527 whispered, waiting for the executive director's announcement.

Finally, the three-flowered cat on the stage began to announce the candidates for entering the sanctuary this year:
"In the past, the one with the best grades entered the Sanctuary. The committee felt that this was a great waste of talents, and we also thought so. So this year, we plan to recruit a student who is not very good in grades but is willing to work hard—it is A student with student number 0250."


All the students turned their faces to look at 9527, and then looked at a tabby cat squatting on the ground like a mountain of meat. This cat has triangular eyes, and the pattern on its body is yellow and gray, very similar to the executive dean. .

9527 is already stupid, he never expected such an accident.

It recalled playing with the short-nosed tiger next to the swamp when it was a child, and bumped into the dean and the executive dean. At that time, the executive dean screamed, and the dean explained for the first time that it was to attract prey in the swamp.

Looking at it now, it is absolutely adulterous, and 0250 should be their wild species.

Among the students, a cow cat stood up for 9527:

"Why do you let the stupidest student in the academy enter the sanctuary? The 9527 grade is so good, isn't that hard work in vain?"

The executive dean said calmly:
"9527's score is really good, but in terms of hard work, I think 0250 is more hardworking. A math problem can be solved in a few seconds by 9527. After finishing it, you can play around, while 0250 needs to concentrate on doing it all afternoon. Who? Isn't it obvious to work hard? Of course, 9527 has excellent grades, and we have arrangements."

At this time, a young cat from the Sanctuary came onto the stage and announced loudly:
"9527, because of your excellent grades, you were successfully selected as the guardian of divine power."

Hearing this, the audience was in an uproar.

The guardian of divine power is actually exiled to an alien planet.

1 years ago, after the Creator God fell into a deep sleep, in order to prevent the divine power from dissipating, the Holy Court deliberately took away the divine power of the Creator God, divided it into different abilities and put it on the outer planets, and the creatures who obtained the divine power would have incredible abilities.

Some planets with this ability are called systems, some planets are called gold fingers, and some are called cheats, which can greatly improve the status of the host of divine power.

And in this process, the divine power will also increase slightly.

The guardian of divine power is to appear beside the host of divine power in the form of pets, etc., to increase the difficulty of the user as much as possible, so that the divine power can last for more time.

Because the longer the divine power is maintained, the more it will grow.

If the creatures are changed frequently, the divine power will be weakened or dissipated directly, so a guardian of divine power is needed, but for cats, it is equivalent to exile, or even worse than exile.

The guardian of the divine power of Meow Star in the past, has never returned since leaving Meow Star.

9527 opened his mouth, thinking of the short-nosed cat, he couldn't help asking:

"Can you choose someone else? I... I have a situation at home."

The executive dean got up and said:

"Who doesn't have a situation, but you are special? Now is the time to test your loyalty to the cat god and the creator god, 9527, I know you are worried about that disabled cat, don't worry, we will recruit it as a janitor when you go It’s better to eat, live, and get a salary than to wander outside.”

9527 did not expect that after several years of hard work, this would be the result in the end.

But as long as the short-nosed cat can do well, it's okay. Being a school worker is a formal job after all.

From childhood to adulthood, 9527 is not afraid of the sky and the earth. The only weakness is the short-nosed tiger. Now they can give a school worker a place, and they can also send it to the darkest prison in Meow Star.

After thinking that 0250 is the bastard of the dean and executive dean, 9527 has already figured it out.

However, in order to prevent the executive president from going back on his word, it said:

"Then you swear to the statue of the cat god that you will never embarrass the short-nosed tiger after I leave, and you will not break your promise."

Swearing to the cat god is the tradition and custom of cats. Once you swear, you will be watched by the statue of the cat god. The cat that violates the contract will be destroyed by the rays emitted by the statue.

In Meow Star, when it comes to promises, they usually swear to the statue of the cat god.

"Swear! Swear! Swear!"

The cow cat held up his white gloves and booed frantically, and the surrounding students who sympathized with 9527 also booed, their voices getting louder and louder, which made the executive dean a little bit embarrassed to step down.

But it's not easy to get angry at this time, so it swears respectfully to the statue of the cat god:

"I swear that if the short-nosed tiger is recruited as a staff member of the Cat Moral Academy within 24 hours, the wages and benefits will be paid on time in the future, and it will not be wronged."

After swearing, the eyes of the cat god statue flashed.

With nothing to worry about, 9527 makes one final request:
"Can I say goodbye to the short-nosed tiger?"

The executive director felt that this request was not too much, and just about to agree, the young sanctuary staff next to him refused:

"No, the guardian of the divine power needs to be on duty right away, and keep informed of the situation of the divine host. There is not so much time... let's go, we still have a lot of formalities to go through."

Just as he was talking, a group of cats and cats with live ammunition came to the square and surrounded 9527.

The meaning is very clear, either cooperate or be caught.

9527 sighed, and had no choice but to go to the Sanctuary with them.

The sanctuary is located in the deepest part of the Maode Academy, and it is a towering spire.

Walking through the gate, the young staff member pointed to a wall and said:

"The guardian of divine power can randomly choose an ability, and the sanctuary will automatically bless you, so go and choose..."

9527 walked over with a blank face. If it doesn't cooperate now, it will die. It can only follow suit, because only if it is alive, there is hope, and there is a chance to reunite with the short-nosed cat.

It lifted its paws and pressed it against the wall. There was a wave of light patterns on it, and finally two words appeared:

"Pfft... Luck is the most useless ability. Let's take another look at the cat. You won't be able to see it when you enter the Sanctuary later."

9527 turned his face and glanced at the sky, then at the direction of the slum where the short-nosed tiger lived, and walked into the sanctuary on his own initiative.

After entering, I made a registration first, and then pressed my two paws on an instrument according to the instructions.

"This is bound to you. You have to follow the guidance and let you do what you do, otherwise we can use the instrument to control you."

The young staff proudly pointed to the buttons on the instrument and introduced to 9527.

Everything is ready, 9527 saw a line of text displayed on the screen:
[Fortune Artifact: Items that can bring popularity and wealth to the store, exchange price: 888888 points]

Hey, I'm the best student of the Maode Academy this year, but I didn't expect to become a prop in the end... Short-nosed tiger, short-nosed tiger, I won't be able to take care of you in the future, so you have to live strong.

After the binding was completed, a group of cats came to the altar behind the sanctuary.

This is the direct channel for the cat to connect to the alien world, as long as you enter a certain code, you can travel there instantly.

"Come on, stand on it. What you are going to is a planet called Earth. There are bipedal creatures on it. The level of civilization is not particularly high, but it has also entered the age of technology."

As soon as 9527 stood up, the staff pressed the button, and its figure disappeared.

A burst of dazzling light passed, and 9527 found itself standing next to a holly bush, and it immediately used investigative methods to investigate around.

At this time, a black cat with a bit dirty body but a good manner came over and looked 9527 up and down:

"Hey, newcomer, these trash cans belong to me. The trash cans at the entrance of Building 2 are small and strong, and the trash cans at the entrance of Building [-] are small gray. There are no trash cans that you can dig through here. Let's go." Come on, don't hang around here."

9527 is glad that he can understand the cat language here.

It is said that when the cat god followed the god of creation to fight in the north and south, he occasionally encountered cats from other places but could not communicate because of language barriers. So he used his years of military exploits to exchange for the edict that cats in all worlds in the universe can speak the same language in front of the god of creation.

When I was in Meow Star, everyone thought it was just a legend, but now that I heard the words of the black cat in front of me, 9527 realized that it was all true.

But what does the black cat mean by the trash can?
Do they live by digging through trash cans every day?
9527 was a little confused, but when he thought about the possibility that the short-nosed tiger would go through the trash can like this every day when he was in school, he suddenly had a little liking for the black cat in front of him:

"Hello, where is this?"

"Hey, why are you pretending to be a foreigner here? Look at you, a breed cat, is it abandoned or lost? Look at you so fat, it doesn't look like you grew up digging through a trash can... No, you followed Brother Hei, my name, Xiao Hei, is well known in several nearby communities, and the twelve trash cans under my command are the best in Yingchun Street!"

Xiao Hei was chattering when the security door of the building next to him opened. Several office workers came out in a hurry, threw the garbage bags in their hands into the trash can, and strode towards the gate of the community.

When the security door of the building opened, Xiao Hei dodged and hid in the nearby holly bushes.

Then he lowered his voice and said to 9527:

"You idiot, hide now!"

9527 was stunned for a moment, leaned over and asked:
"Why? Are you afraid of them?"

These two-legged beasts are so tall and big, and they are still covered with cloth, which looks weird.

Xiao Hei lay down in the holly bushes, raised his hind paws and scratched his ears, and then said:
"It's not that I'm afraid, but I have to act like I'm afraid to satisfy these humans' bullying psychology. If they don't hide when they see them, these humans will feel that cats are not afraid of people, and even start to think that cats will bully their children. Will vandalize their car and then call the property to clean up the stray cats ... So for our own safety, we must act a little scared."

When talking about excitement, Xiao Hei licked his paw and continued to do science popularization for 9527:

"Learn to act, let humans mistakenly think that we are afraid of them, so that they can also arouse their compassion, maybe you can eat big chicken legs, don't you know the big chicken legs? It's super delicious, a little girl just bought it last year I took a chicken leg, took a bite and dropped it on the floor, and bought it again with the money, and then that chicken leg went into my stomach, brother Hei... oh, the taste is really unforgettable!"


I still can't forget the chicken legs I ate last year. How are you doing?
It looked around and asked Xiao Hei:

"Where is the bathroom? I want to make it easier."

"Puff~~~ Did you make a mistake brother and ask about the bathroom, come on, let me show you where the bathroom is."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Hei pawed on the muddy floor next to him a few times, then pouted his butt, urinated, and then covered it again after urinating, and called it a day.

"Here, this is the toilet. What do we stray animals care about? There are toilets everywhere, and huts everywhere!"

9527 was not so careless even when the cat was at its worst, but it was very grateful for Xiao Hei's popular science, and said to it:

"Thank you Xiao Hei, if there is a chance, I will let you end your wanderings and have a home."

Although it hasn't met anyone bound by divine power yet, it shouldn't be difficult to find an adopter for Xiao Hei by taking advantage of luck. After all, Xiao Hei is a talent, and he speaks nicely, so he should be likable.

But the word "home" made Xiao Hei a little sting:

"Little fat man, let me warn you. If you dare to mention the word family in front of me in the future, I will make you regret it! I wanted to treat you to fish head today, but you made me angry, so I won't take you there." , hungry you!"

Xiao Hei left angrily, 9527 was a little confused, he didn't know where he got this dick.

Just curious, a seductive fragrance floated over from a distance.

It followed the scent and saw a Twoleg with a warm smile on its face, bathed in the sun, holding a box of fish in its hand, standing beside the holly bushes.

"Hey, what a beautiful British shorthair cat!"

9527 walked over, and the special induction made it realize that this is the person bound by divine power.

It originally liked the compliment, and wanted to eat the fish inside.

But thinking that its duty is to create as much difficulty as possible for the divine host, it opened its mouth and growled at the man:

"Little guy, do you want to drive me away? I just want to go upstairs to change clothes. You can eat. I'll clean up later."

9527 looked at his disappearing figure, and recalled that warm smile. Ever since he was a child, he seemed to have never felt such warmth...

It lowered its head and ate the fish in the lunch box.

The meat inside is very delicious, better than all the food it has eaten in Meow Star.

"I should bring the short-nosed tiger too. It's so busy, it should like this place very much, and it might even compete with Xiao Hei for territory..."

9527 shook his head, drove the thoughts out of his mind, and ate up all the fish in the lunch box, even the soup.

After eating, it plans to scout around here.

The young cat in the sanctuary said that it is fine to wait for the exchange, then wait, eat and drink enough, and just find a place to sleep first.

After scouting around, he couldn't find a suitable place to sleep. When he came back, he found that the lunch box was cleaned up, and even the bones that protruded outside when he wolfed down were also cleaned up.

He is a very particular person, so let's try to make things difficult for him as little as possible in the future.

Having nothing to do, 9527 studied the luck ability it acquired, and found that it could control the luck of the creatures it came into contact with.

For example, now, it can reduce the luck value of the young cat in the sanctuary to the lowest point.

As for what the consequences will be, it doesn't know.

Meow, Sanctuary.

The young staff sent 9527 away. In order to express themselves, they planned to clean the chandelier in the sanctuary. However, as soon as they stood on it, their feet suddenly slipped, and its body fell heavily on the altar dedicated to the Creation God and the Cat God. Go, knock the candle tribute above to the ground.

Before it could take a breath, the wax oil wet its tail again, and when it subconsciously swung its tail, it just caught the burning candle again.

"Ah - help!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The sharp pain in the tail sent the staff members struggling to run outside, only to hit a ladder.

The ladder was already wobbly, but now it collapsed and hit a fat cat heavily, and this fat cat was No. 9527 who came to work in the Sanctuary instead of 0250.


There were pig-killing screams in the sanctuary...


Here comes the extra episode, ask for a monthly ticket, this chapter is all for today, I have to find the previous content, connect the growth of 9527, and continue with two updates tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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