Lingxian Zhenjun

Chapter 27 Cang Lan

Chapter 27 Cang Lan (please recommend tickets!)

The slender clouds float gently in the blue sky, the ginkgo in the courtyard swayed gently in the wind, and the sunlight cast by the lush branches and leaves dotted into dense light spots, which shone in the eyes of the woman.

The edge of the morning light is pushed to the window lattice, and the courtyard is already noisy.

Pushing open the courtyard door, the crazy old man laughed loudly, swaggered in with the rattle in his hand, and ran wildly around the small courtyard.

Amidst the noise, the old cow flicked its tail, chewed the forage, and looked curiously at the old man running around.

The noisy and lively courtyard made the woman smile. She walked out of the door, and the owner of the opposite room had already left early, so she walked out of the eaves with her magic sword in her hand, and walked to the market in the town in a white skirt.

The stalls that opened the steamer are full of aromas, the hawkers are shouting, the peddlers with windmills are walking around the streets, the women flapping their clothes are swearing in the room, and the naughty children push the door out, chasing with their friends. slapstick.

The street, the morning light, and the cool wind blowing, blowing the skirt of the woman, watching the children frolicking away from her, a different emotion appeared on her cold face.

With the long sword in her hand behind her back, she actually liked this kind of fireworks in the world.

When we came to the open space of the theater troupe, we walked past the outer fence. The chubby Taoist was like a bookkeeper, with a big belly and a flushed face, weighing silver taels, and occasionally digging out copper coins to make up.

Outside the crowd, an old man who looked like a student sat there obediently. Opposite him, a man in green clothes was holding a pen and ink to draw on the paper, gesticulating, clicking on the content, and talking about something with a smile.

Seemingly aware of the gaze, Chen Yuan turned her head and smiled at the woman who walked past the fence. Soon, after finishing the matter here, Chen Yuan took the fat Taoist and walked back to the small courtyard with the woman.

Passing by a street stall, I bought a beautiful mask and a fun windmill for the master, which made the old man jump up and down in the courtyard happily.

Sometimes there are unpleasant scenes.

Flocks of chickens and ducks were imprisoned in the backyard. Amidst the screams of panic, they turned into streaks of blood and flew into Chen Yuan's hands, revealing a trace of evil, which made her frown.

In the evening, the head of the theater troupe came over.

Jingshu was sitting in the magic sword room with her arms in her arms. The oil lamp shone on her frosty side face, and she would move occasionally. Through the gap in the door, she looked at the figure talking under the light. The man focused on writing What, the mouth is also telling some stories that have never been heard before.

"...It is said that during the end of the Sui Dynasty, wars were everywhere in Kyushu, and heroes came forth in large numbers. There is a hero Qin Qiong, named Shubao, who served in the Sui Dynasty first, and then went to several masters. A pair of double maces are brave and unparalleled..."

"There is also a man named Yuchi Gong, who is invincible with two whips..."

The light shone on Chen Yuan, turning the long story into short and easy-to-understand paragraphs, and annotated songs such as "Rushing to the Battle" and "Loyalty", telling an old man to listen and discussing suitable lines.

From the corner of the eye, I caught a glimpse of the slightly opened door. When Chen Yuan mentioned the exciting part, she couldn't help raising her voice, as if she wanted the woman inside to hear clearly. , with a cold pretty face parted.

It wasn't until it was dark that the old man who was listening to the story left with a stack of papers in his arms. He heard the courtyard door creaking shut, and the monotonous footsteps came to the door.

"Rest early, and I will leave in a few days."

The sound fell, and the shadow of the person walked away from the gap under the door, and then the lights outside were extinguished, followed by the sound of opening and closing the door.

All is quiet in the courtyard.

The woman opened the window quietly, and the cold moonlight was pouring down on the small courtyard, shining a silvery white and soft beauty on the ginkgo biloba and bluestone tables and stools swaying in the wind.

Thinking of those interesting stories just now, the man deliberately raised his voice and thought carefully, Zhu Jingshu couldn't help but twitch a small smile.

This person does not know how many stories there are...

How do you look like a person who cultivates Taoism?

Listening to the Taoist's intermittent snoring in the other two rooms, and the crazy old man's dream drifting in the courtyard, the woman thought with emotion.


Bright stars and moons pave the night sky, and the illuminated Canglan River stretches westward.

In the sound of the water waves crashing, two figures staggered and walked in the moonlight. In the direction of the river, the outline of the mountain appeared in the night, shrouded in misty clouds, and occasionally stars could be seen The light of the fire is shining on the stone path in the forest.

The two staggered up the fallen leaves on the stone steps, while Fei Xuan supported his brother, and the sound of mana drumming spread.


The forest swayed, and two figures floated down with their swords. They were both young disciples in the mountain. They hurriedly stepped forward to inquire about the situation, and used spells to lighten the night air.

In a moment, the air was distorted, and a towering mountain gate appeared out of thin air in the ordinary mountain road.

Soon after.

The clear bells echoed in the night in the mountains, and the figures of the four halls in the east, west, north, and south flew out one after another, rushing to the tower in the middle one after another.

Hold the sword hall.

The head of the sect, Wang Xuanyi, sat in the middle, and the sword head of the Fourth Court who rushed over led his disciples to the left and right, and looked at Fei Xuanze in the hall with unison.

"Master, what's the matter?" The sword head of the North Court looked at Fei Xuanze over there, he was his inner sect disciple, he hurried over when he heard the bell ringing, but he didn't know what happened.

Wang Xuanyi lowered his eyebrows, pressed his hands on the armrest, and was silent for a moment: "The three returned from exorcising demons. When they passed through Qingshan County, they found that the outer disciple Li Yuanshan had been killed... Shouyan, Xuanze, and Jingshu made inquiries along the way. Only then did I realize that there are monsters causing trouble in the city, and it is really arrogance to harm Li Yuanshan first and then the magistrate of the city."

Hearing this, the sword head of the North Academy saw Fei Xuanze alone there, and his face darkened. Qin Shouyan is also one of the disciples with outstanding aptitude. If he wasn't here, could he have been...

He stood up abruptly: "Xuanze, where's your brother?"

The woman in the white dress and long skirt with the sword head in the west courtyard also stood up, and all the seats were women, and Zhu Jingshu was her disciple.However, the woman looked at the head of the first seat, waiting for the other party to reply.

The hall was quiet for a while.

Then Fei Xuanze recounted the matter tremblingly, but he concealed the fact that the demon took revenge for Li and Liu's two houses, and only said that the three were looking for each other, and what they saw along the way was that the other party was instigating evil methods and harming ordinary people. After some fighting, they were not as good as the opponent, the senior brother was injured, and the whereabouts of the senior sister was unknown, presumably, she was kidnapped by the opponent.

"Presumptuous! Bold!"

The sword head of the North Academy slammed on the table, "Senior brother, please allow me to go down the mountain."

In the area of ​​the Canglan River in the south, the Canglan Sword Gate can be regarded as a leader in cultivating Taoism. The monsters in the mountains and waters are almost killed, let alone the evil cultivators.Wang Xuanyi nodded with a sullen face, and before he could speak, Jiantou of the South Court also stood up, stroking his long beard and speaking to dissuade him.

"It's a bit arbitrary for me to only listen to one side of the story."

"Junior Brother Qingfeng, it's not your disciple who has an accident, so there's no rush!" The sword head of the North Academy snorted and shook his head away.

Xu Qingfeng smiled and cupped his hands towards the head of the door, and said slowly: "The following disciples can say whatever they want, which is too childish. The emperor sits in the world, and in the palace, a few eunuchs say what to listen to, the whole story, and finally It’s better to find out clearly, so as not to misunderstand good people.”

The insinuation of these words made the heads of the swordsmen of the two courtyards blush and glared at him angrily.

The three courts each said that they had their own reasons, but the East Court watched them argue and was too lazy to get involved.Over there, Sect Leader Wang Xuanyi deliberated for a long time, and finally nodded in agreement with Xu Qingfeng's words.

"Then Junior Brother Qingfeng will go down the mountain tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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