Lingxian Zhenjun

Chapter 28 Betting on dogs is worth...

Chapter 28 Betting on dogs is worth...

The morning sun pierced through the gaps in the clouds, and in the leafy courtyard, dewdrops reflected the morning sun and dripped into the water tank along the leaf tips, creating a circle of ripples.

In the smoke from the kitchen, the old cow peeked at the door, heard a "creak" of the door not far away, and stomped briskly to the backyard.

The door opened over there, and Chen Yuan stood in the morning sun and yawned. For several days in a row, she was locked in the room and made up the stories of the opera performances one by one. She was very tired.

Go to the water tank, scoop up a scoop of clean water and pour it into the wooden basin to wash. Perhaps hearing the movement, the door of another room is also opened at this time. The woman came out wearing a floral dress, still cold. , a few drops of water poured by Chen Yuan fell on his face, and only then did he have other expressions, and stared angrily.

After the crazy old man came out of the room with a stretched waist, the woman regained her indifferent demeanor.

"Boss, it's time for breakfast. Look, it's flax porridge this morning. I made it specially." The fat Taoist came out of the kitchen with his sleeves rolled up, with a rag on his shoulder. There were four bowls in the wooden plate. The porridge was sticky and mixed with a lot of sesame seeds. "Millet nourishes people, sesame seeds strengthen color and moisturize skin. I went out to buy them this morning. They are very fresh."

Sun Zhengde divided the four bowls and took the bowl himself. Just as he was about to sit down, the crazy old man pulled him back to the eaves and squatted side by side. Fat Taoist next to him.

"...Don't bother them. If the old man can't hug his disciple, I'll kill you."

"It's okay to kill me, just return the porridge to me first."


"...What are you doing spit in my bowl?!"

The crazy old man spit the porridge into the Taoist bowl, and Sun Zhengde was so angry that he threw away the bowl and chopsticks and chased the old man all over the courtyard, and got into the backyard.A moment later, the Taoist rushed out from the other side in panic, his feet quickly ran out of the afterimage, and he saw the crazy old man chasing after fiercely with the green bull in his hands.

The old cow was lifted high above its head, blinked its eyes quite innocently and cried out: "Moo!"

In the noisy courtyard, while eating breakfast, Chen Yuan and Zhu Jingshu smiled and watched the two fight in the courtyard. They looked at each other, and the woman quickly suppressed her smile, and buried her head in her porridge with a cold face.

"I'll go out later and hand over the finished writing to the theater troupe." After finishing her porridge, Chen Yuan said slowly, "...what are you going to do next?"

The work here has been done, and the opera program is handed over to the troupe. How they sing and perform will be beneficial to Qianshentai. After that, he will walk around according to the previous plan, travel around the mountains and rivers, and search for them while performing. There are no formulas recorded in "Huang Chuan Miscellaneous Questions".

It doesn't matter if they are vicious and harm people, or they are kind and save people.

There are too many skills, and they will always come in handy when the time comes.

What I said just now, the implication is that I want to ask the woman, he is leaving, and then she will go back to the mountain gate, or follow him?

Zhu Jingshu ate her breakfast with her eyebrows lowered, and when she heard the man's words, she didn't seem to understand the meaning inside, so she simply replied, "I'm going out to visit the market."

Chen Yuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled, not intending to correct her.

After breakfast, I told the master not to run around, be careful not to find the way back, and immediately went out with the fat Taoist with the manuscript.

Funiu Town is not big, and two streets stretch from north to south. Standing on one side, you can see through the other side. Today, when there is a market, most people from the surrounding villages flock to the town, and there are people everywhere.

The two of Chen Yuan just passed by.

Suddenly there was a bang, which came from a building with the word "gambling" not far away, startling the passers-by, and saw a figure breaking through the blue curtain and being beaten out, billowing dust in the After rolling a few times on the ground, several thugs rushed out, punching and kicking the man on the ground again.

"You have two days to spare, plus today's credit, a total of 37 pennies with interest... If you don't pay it after two days, we are not so polite today. At that time, your wife and children will have to use it to pay off the debt."

The man on the ground with a disheveled bun, got up from the ground covering his bruises, nodded and bowed repeatedly to the burly man who scolded him and promised to pay back the money, and then turned around and went in for a few days.

"Where can I get so much money?"

The man sat down on the side of the street in embarrassment, and slapped his hands hard. If his hands were not itchy, how could he be where he is today? Relying on the income from the theater troupe, not to mention going to the city, he can support his family at will in Funiu Town, and he still has a lot of money to spare. money for tea and drink.

But if you run away with your family and your mouth, let alone run away, how can you live if you run out?Encountering trail-shearing bandits and wild beasts in the forest, he would have died a long time ago.

Liang Cui held his head, his eyes were bloodshot, racking his brains to think of a way to raise money, the master had it, but the old man took the money very closely, and there were too many people in the theater troupe, so it didn't work at all.

He looked at the passers-by, and from the corner of his vision, he suddenly saw two familiar figures disappearing at the intersection, and there was a flash of emotion in their eyes.

'Chen much's hard to tell if there are a few ingots missing. '

'No, no, no...he knows spells...if he's not good for me. '

'...At least, my brother, even if he knew, he wouldn't kill me, at most he would give me a beating, but I bet he would really beat me to death...'

Different thoughts were tangled in his mind, after a while, he gritted his teeth, got up and walked towards the small courtyard of the master.

He knew that Chen Yuan and the Taoist leader were going to the troupe today, and there might only be a crazy old man and a weak woman left in the courtyard. He heard San'er come back and said how beautiful the woman was, and it should be Chen Yuan who made a fortune. Then bought it outside.

If he is really going to be discovered, forgive an old man and a woman, how can I stop him.

As long as Chen Yuan is not here.

Thinking about it, he walked faster and faster. When he reached the small courtyard, he still hesitated at the door and watched for a while. Seeing that there was no sound in the courtyard, he hurriedly followed the courtyard wall and chose a hidden place to climb up.

After observing for a while, he slowly lowered the wall, and tiptoed to the nearest room, which was furnished simply, with only one bed. After looking under the bed, he backed out, and then went to other rooms to see When I went to the room where there were pens and ink on display, I realized that this was Chen Yuan's bedroom.

I rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find, except for a dagger and a piece of black talisman paper, there was no silver ingot here at all.

Soon, he went out to the adjoining room.

Because the side faces the east, only a little sunlight shines in, and the room looks dark. It can be seen that there are a lot of sundries piled up, and there are more than 20 dolls sitting on top of the sundries.

What the man who came in carefully didn't notice was that in the darkness, those puppets turned their heads silently, and looked at him with lifeless eyes.

'Ha... Sure enough, it's here. '

The man bent over to rummage finally touched the texture of the silver ingots, he quickly took seven or eight ingots and stuffed them to the skirt of his clothes without looking at how many were in the box, and then gave up only when he couldn't fit any more.

'How does it feel to be watched all the time? '

Whispering, he got up and was about to leave, when he heard footsteps in the yard, the man quickly poked open the window paper and saw an old man with disheveled hair was squatting in the yard, digging something.

There is no way out.

Thinking about it this way, Liang Cui hugged Yin Liang and slowly retreated to the back window under the intertwined line of sight. He was about to open the window when he suddenly thought of something and looked back at the puppet placed there, revealing an evil spirit.

In my impression, didn't these wood carvings face the window over there just now, why did they face this side?

Thinking of the feeling of being stared at just now, Liang Cui shook his hand, and some of the silver ingots in his arms fell to the ground, his body couldn't help shaking.

He hurriedly pushed away the window lattice behind him, and when he moved his legs tremblingly to ride up, the eyes of those dolls looking at him suddenly glowed red, and they slowly stood up.

Liang Cui's eyes widened, and he almost yelled out in fright, his body tilted weightlessly, and he fell straight out, falling heavily into the dirt pit outside the window.

He got up in a panic, and went to pick up the leftover silver ingots, his outstretched hands froze, and he saw a thick layer of shriveled remains of chickens and ducks in the pit, which made his heart shudder.

At this time, there were footsteps coming towards this side, the man didn't have time to think, he quickly crawled out of the pit, grabbed a shovel inserted into the soil next to him, jumped to a nearby tree and crawled down on the weeds.


A big, strong green cow came here slowly with hooves, flicked its tail, glanced at the dirt pit and the scattered silver ingots inside, turned its horns to look at the grass, wagged its long tail leisurely, turned around and left, grinding When she moved her lips, there was a faint sound coming out.

'We'll be buried together later. '

In the grass, the prostrate figure covered his mouth tightly, staring at the blue cow that was slowly leaving with puffy eyes, his hands and feet trembling with numbness.

"Mother... the cows are talking."

However, before he got up, his thigh suddenly felt a pain. Looking back, he saw a wooden sculpture lying on his leg, biting the fabric and sucking blood.

As if knowing that the man saw him, he raised his dull wooden face, and opened and closed his bloody tone strangely, as if smiling.


The moment he rushed away with a wave of his hand, more wooden figures jumped down from the open window lattice, and one after another got into the grass and swarmed towards the man...


The sun rises above the clouds, and the market is lively and noisy.

A woman in a floral dress walked through the market, looked at the street stalls, and when she was picking up a small clay figurine, her heart throbbed suddenly. Outside, in the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the crowd.

Acres of fertile fields outside the town were covered with golden ripples. Zhu Jingshu was stepping on the hard mud on the ridge of the field, looking in the direction she looked, a figure in a blue shirt and white robe was bathed in the sky with her hands behind her back.

"Jingshu, I have met my uncle!"

The woman stepped forward, holding a sword and arching her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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