It is not difficult to go to Changbai Mountain before the season when the mountains are covered by heavy snow.

The mountain was meandering and undulating from north to south. A few cars from afar stopped at the foot of the mountain. After leaving behind the guards, Dongfang Xu took Chen Chen, Hongyu, and four staff members under his command to look for Go to the forest farm guard in this mountain, show your ID, ask the other party to assist, and walk through this lush mountain together.

Most of the guards in the forest farm are elderly local old people, who may not be able to keep up with them physically, but Shengzai is quite familiar with this mountain. After walking for a while, he couldn't help asking Dongfang Xu, the leader.

"Comrade, what are we going to do up the mountain? As we go up, the wilderness will become worse, and there will be many wild animals infesting. If we encounter the Northeast Orange Cat, it is not a joke. If we accidentally step into its territory, the few of us will I'm afraid it will be strangled to death..."

The old man has guarded the mountain forest for a long time, and he will go down the mountain a few days a month, but more often, he stays alone in the hut in the forest. .

"The friend you are looking for, why did you come up to the mountain? It's still on the top of the mountain... It's a long way away. When we get there, I'm afraid it will be dark, and the signal here is not good..."

The old man muttered non-stop along the way, but he still had good eyesight. He observed the surrounding environment while walking, where the shrubs could not pass through, which tree was a protected tree, and he had to go around it. It can be said that he was very dedicated. .

After approaching the top of the mountain along a small road, Dongfang Xu raised his right hand, looked at the watch on his wrist, and asked four staff members and the old man of the forest farm to wait for them here.They walked up the path with Hongyu and Chen Chen, and the watch on their wrist just now had an energy reaction, obviously the person they were looking for was indeed nearby.

The sharp leaves of the shrubs passed through the sleeves of the three of them. While shaking, Dongfang Xu walked up the steep slope, and his vision became wider. There is a relatively large flat place on the top of the mountain, surrounded by lush trees. No one was found.

"Lu Liangsheng!!"

His voice echoed nearby, and after waiting for a while, no one came out to respond.

"Master Lu!!"

Hongyu also yelled from behind, and then said: "Could you not be here?"

As soon as the word "edge" fell, there was a sudden rustling in the woods not far from the three of them, and then there was a "haha" laughter, the three of them turned their heads, and a short figure stepped on two frog webs , rushed out of the grass quickly.

It was a toad wearing a shirt and suspenders, only the height of a human calf, with bi-fins holding ginseng and spreading its flippers as it galloped.

Opening the toad's mouth excitedly, the tongue hung from the mouth and floated to the back of the head. Just like that, he ran in front of the three of them, and then hit a tree stump in front with a 'bang', and fell to the ground.

Toad picked up the fallen ginseng, raised it above his head and laughed loudly, and continued to run forward. The next second, the grass was rustling, and an old donkey with red hair rushed out. He stared at the toad in front of him with squinting eyes, and crackling electric arcs burst out all over his body.

hum ah hum --

The old donkey neighed, kicked his limbs on the ground, and rushed out with a gust of wind. The hair and robes of the three were fluttering in a mess. When he regained his sight, the old donkey covered in electric arcs had rushed Entering the forest in front, it seemed that he had chased the toad, and then there was a frenzied flash of lightning.

Soon, the old donkey came out with its hoofs up and its head held high, chewing slowly with the ginseng in its mouth, then stopped, glanced at the three of them, neighed, and walked back and forth When the woods.

"It's Lu Liangsheng's donkey, follow it."

Dongfang Xu had seen this old donkey before, and the other side's glance just now seemed to be signaling the three of them to follow.Hongyu walked aside, looking back at the forest where the lights were flashing just now, and asked in a low voice, "Then the bastard who ran past just now? It's so weird...a donkey that can emit electricity, and a toad that runs on two legs ..."

In front of him, the old donkey hooved forward, showing disdain for the woman's words, sniffing his nose deliberately.

"Hey, this old donkey actually looks down on me!"

The woman is impatient and has martial arts skills. She rolled up her sleeves and was about to fight that donkey, but she was stopped by Chen Chen next to her, and said with a smile, "You're such a big man, what are you fussing about with a donkey? Don't want to Think about it, no matter how old a donkey is, it is still a child compared to you..."

"This donkey... may add up to several dynasties... it will be much bigger." Dongfang Xu reminded.

Chen Chen and Hongyu: "..."

The two fell into silence, and the old donkey leading the way got into a bush. The three of them went around and came out of the forest. Suddenly, they saw a pool of water in front of them. The pool was paved with green grass. After setting off a bonfire, a skinny old Taoist priest with a small knife was skillfully disemboweling a wild boar, peeling off its skin and hooves, and putting a layer of secret spices on it to grill it on the fire.

"Daozhang Sun!"

Seeing the old Taoist priest with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, Dongfang Xu hurried forward and handed him over. This is a veteran in another department of theirs, so he dare not neglect.

The old Taoist over there just raised his eyelids, but didn't even look at them. He sat cross-legged by the fire, and while reading the yellowed book, he stared at the wild boar to spread a layer of grease on it.

"Over there!" He seemed to know who Dongfang Xu and the others were looking for, and the yellowed book pointed to the pool not far away in his hand.

A figure in a black-edged white robe, dressed like an ancient scholar, was sitting on a small stool, holding a fishing rod and closing his eyes to rest his mind, but he was pecking his head bit by bit, seeming to be dozing off.

Aware of the three people coming over, the scholar named Lu Liangsheng opened his eyes, yawned, and lifted it casually, a herring was pulled down with a splash of water, the fishing line was thrown casually, and the herring on the hook was swiped. After crossing an arc, it landed directly at the feet of the old Taoist priest.

"Old Sun, grill it!"

Immediately, he put down his fishing rod and came over with a smile, and bowed his hands to the three people who also raised their hands in salute, "Director Dongfang, why did you find this place? I'm too lazy to take a break. Let's rest here for a while."

"If you have nothing to do, go to the Three Treasures Hall." Dongfang Xu talked to the other party after some politeness, and then talked about the purpose of his visit, "I have encountered something, and I need to ask Lu Guoshi to come out of the mountain to help."

Everyone in the Commuter Bureau knew that the young man in ancient costumes in front of him was not deliberately dressed like a modern person, but a real ancient person who traveled through time, and it is said that he came here by ascension.

"Let's wait two days. I'm still preparing what you asked for before." At this time, Lu Liangsheng waved his hands, and waved his robe sleeves to the ground. A few wisps of smoke floated from a shelf beside the fire. What? There is no ground, and four chairs appear out of thin air.

"It happened to be a roast wild boar together. I haven't tasted this kind of wild game for a long time."

"Private hunting is illegal." Dongfang Xu reminded, but seeing the eyes of the old Taoist over there, he quickly shut his mouth and sat down with Lu Liangsheng.

"By the way, Lu Guoshi...don't rush to refuse what I said just now, it might interest you."

"what's up?"

The woman who hadn't sat down all this time spoke first and said, "One of your colleagues has appeared in Antarctica."


Lu Liangsheng was stunned for a moment, looked at the three serious faces in front of him, and immediately realized, "The three of them are talking about walking together, but are they cultivators of Taoism and immortality?"

"He doesn't need to cultivate, just like you, I'm afraid he is a god."

Hearing this, Lu Liangsheng frowned. Could it be that those gods had descended to the realm again?
"Can you tell me in detail."

"The reason for this is this." Dongfang Xu nodded, and then he started talking about an intelligence agent from Xu Maoyang on Wandao, "... Later his daughter came back, but it seemed that he had received such a warning, so he dared not say anything. In detail, it was only after I used a little hypnosis method that I learned some clues, but at this moment, the warning from the gods fell on the three of us. From Antarctica to here, I am afraid that the energy is very large, otherwise how could it be possible? Just a second or two."

Opposite him, the scholar sitting on the chair closed his eyes, and the hands on his sleeves were pinching his fingers.

"Responsive to every request... What an arrogant tone." The old Taoist who roasted wild boar over there wiped the grease from his mouth and walked over, "Lao Lu, this can't be left alone. If an evil cultivator comes here, just let him The behavior of a country's people falling into a deep sleep seems to be unscrupulous, if you use the people to practice, I am afraid that there are not many living people on this earth."

At this moment, Lu Liangsheng stopped suddenly and sighed in a low voice.


"No matter how powerful you are, you can't beat it?" The old Taoist's serious face suddenly collapsed, and he quietly pulled the corner of Lu Liangsheng's robe, "You are a god, don't lose your chain!"

Dongfang Xu, Hongyu, and Chen Chen also looked nervously at the opposite scholar.The latter smiled, "The other party is really powerful, and it's normal to be ashamed. I'm just using the power of heaven and earth for my own use, but the other party has mastered the power of heaven and earth."

"What do you mean, I don't understand." Hongyu asked anxiously.

"It means that I am under the rules, and the other party has its own rules." Lu Liangsheng seemed to have noticed a little bit of the other party's details, and said with a smile: "But the other party's Taoist temple, the magic of the gods, seems weak, but for For people in this world, it is still as easy as killing an ant, so Director Dongfang, you'd better not go."

"That's why I came to see you."

"You are looking for him to fulfill a wish, to save that person, right?" Lu Liangsheng revealed the secret in the hearts of the three, "You came here to find me without going through the commuter office."

The identities of the three belonged to the Commuter Bureau, but the other identity did belong to another organization - Huanmen.

This is a secret that many people know, and it doesn't seem taboo. The person they want to save is the leader of the eunuch, a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. In a crisis, for the safety of everyone and the stability of the world, Or for the sake of his family, at the expense of himself, trapped a thing that caused the crisis with his body, and flew into the sky on a rocket.

It has been more than half a month now, and the eunuchs are looking around like crazy for a way to bring people back from the sky.

Naturally, he also asked Lu Liangsheng, but the scholar also felt that it was quite tricky. This was outside the earth, and besides the aura of heaven and earth, the magic power he could use seemed meager. He brought back the rocket and people who had drifted to nowhere. That was difficult.

"The Taoist temple has a saying that it will respond to every request. We have no choice but to try our luck. It would be best if we can bring back the governor, but the other party's behavior is a bit wicked, so I hope the national teacher will come with us and make a Peace of mind."

Lu Liangsheng fell silent.

When two gods meet, if they are both kind, everyone will be happy. If the other party is really evil, should he do it or not?The two gods fought in the mortal world, and the noise they made would only harm the mortals and the surrounding environment, but not benefit them.

"Don't go!"

A sudden majestic voice startled the three of Dongfang Xu, and turned their heads quickly, but they couldn't see anyone, so they couldn't help showing doubts.

"Master Lu, who was talking just now?"

"Below you!" the voice said again.

Sunshine walked through the forest, and in the breeze, Dongfang Xu and the three quickly lowered their heads. It was the stupid toad they had seen before, staring at the big green eyes with red eyes, and stretched their short legs. I was a little excited, and every pimple on my back was shaking slightly.

The three looked at the toad for a while, and Lu Liangsheng coughed dryly twice, then interrupted: "Master, you..."

"Don't go."

"I think……"

"I can't even think about it. Don't think that the teacher doesn't know what your plan is." Toad hugged his fins, stared at the... calf of the three people next to him, turned around and walked to a small stone, jumped on it and sat down, drooping. With two short legs, he snorted: "It's very dangerous there. I don't want you to take this risk as a teacher... Besides, if there is a fight, it will hurt tens of thousands of creatures."

"Old Toad, this doesn't sound like what you said..." The old Taoist knew Toad very well, and he twirled the tip of his beard with a smile, "Hey, he must have bullied you, right?"


Toad stared at the bean-sized toad eyes and jumped up angrily, and stamped his flippers on the stone a few times, "This old man roams the world, and thousands of cultivators can't do anything to me. Back then, in order to encircle and suppress this old man, there was a sea of ​​people..."

"...The magic weapon covers the sky and the sun." Lu Liangsheng continued the rest of the sentence for him, and suddenly clapped his hands, "Master won't let you go, so you have to go even more. If you are an enemy of the master, as a disciple, I will avenge you ,if……"

"Hey, why don't you, your disciple, listen to persuasion so much?"

The toad became anxious, and jumped off the stone with a slap, and walked up to the apprentice with the flippers, raised his head and wanted to reprimand, but the puffed cheeks suddenly disappeared, and then he sighed, and put the flippers on his back. Behind him, he nodded slightly and looked at the swaying branches.

"Being a teacher is really for your own good... That Taoist temple... hey..."

Toad was talking vigorously, when he suddenly noticed that there was no movement, he hurriedly turned his head, the scholar hung the bookshelf behind the old donkey, called the old Taoist priest, and the three of them, Dongfang Xu, walked down the mountain while talking.

"Hey, I don't care about being a teacher anymore? I haven't finished talking about being a teacher, and I haven't talked about the main point... This evil disciple should have eaten you straight away!!"

The toad's cheeks puffed up, and the next moment, it let go of its frog webs and started to gallop.

"Sinister, wait to be a teacher!!"

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