"Why hasn't the sun set here yet!!"

The iceberg was lingering with thin cold air, and the wind that blew past was accompanied by shouts. Qiaoer stood on the top of the iceberg, from morning to evening, watching the sun come from the east, spun once, and then turned back.

The woman in the fluttering white skirt was not surprised, as if she knew it long ago, "There is no night, but there is a different feeling, Qiaoer, let's go down."


Although she has reached the age of seventy, now that she has returned to her girlhood, Qiaoer still has the same mentality as she did back then, she doesn't have to worry about anything, and she doesn't have to worry about it every day.

There is no road to the iceberg, she followed behind Bai Susu, twitching a few times while stroking her dress, her figure stepped on the protruding rocks and ice, and quickly descended to the foot of the mountain, muttering He said: "There is no night, and I can't sleep well. It's daytime every time I open and close my eyes. It's so hard. By the way, didn't the elder brother say that he would go outside to have a look? Why hasn't there been any movement?"

"Sir, this is to stabilize the Taoist temple and rearrange it. He is actually not used to it in this icy and snowy place." Bai Susu stopped, waiting for the girl to catch up, and walked side by side to the iceberg wall without holes.

"But it shouldn't take long... I heard from my husband last night."

"last night?"

The girl leaned forward and looked at the woman next to her. The words were deliberately drawn so long that Bai Susu's face turned red, she squeezed her fist and lightly hit the girl on the shoulder, and said coquettishly, "Qiaoer!!"

The light of the ice wall diffused over the big and small figures, and the white ice and snow world turned into a spacious ice cave in the eyes of the two of them in an instant, but it was quite different from the past.

Most of the criss-crossed ice cones have been removed, leaving only a few large icicles to support the inner space. In the cleared space, large and small igloos have been built. On the ice floor, there are also people who are casting spells to renovate the original appearance and change it into an ancient attic...

On the ice outside, a bonfire was lit, making it look like a village. Qingxu, Yuchen, Yunlong, Feihe... and other former cultivators came out of the murals. Although they are no longer physical, they are still alive. Maintaining the habits of his life, he has great plans to live here.

Someone saw a big and a small coming in, and quickly put down their work and ran over to pay respects.

"Duan Yinglong pays respects to Master Uncle!"

Qiaoer glanced at the head teacher of the Celestial Master, and quickly waved her hands: "Don't call me that in the future, I am still a girl now, not as old as before, do you hear me?"

"Yes master uncle, good master uncle."

The girl's veins bulged and swelled, and she clenched her small fists. At this time, Bai Susu, who was next to her, smiled slightly, and quickly covered the girl in front of her, and asked Duan Yinglong, "Mr. is out yet?"

"Half an hour ago, he came out of the hall."

"Well, the headmaster was busy during that period, so Qiaoer and I will go back to the observation room first." Bai Susu pulled the girl short and gave a blessing. such a habit.

You can't feel the cold wind blowing on your body. The two girls greeted the old cow who pushed out the outline of the snowman with his hooves at the door. When they entered the Taoist temple, several people came out of the main hall and saw Chen Yuan waiting outside. Go up one by one to greet them.

Qiao'er didn't recognize everyone, but one of them, an old man with white beard and hair, was familiar, and he cried out in surprise.


A few people over there, the celestial master Zhang Shuangbai, the dead Yu Feihong, his junior sister, and the old Taoist Yun He, all raised their hands together: "Greetings to the True Monarch Lingxian—"

"You're so polite." Chen Yuan took two steps forward, holding both hands to let them stand up and talk all the time, her eyes fell on Zhang Shuangbai, the leader of the Celestial Master, and the smile on her face was even wider, "I thought I would never see the Celestial Master again, Unexpectedly, I tried again to see if I could find the celestial master from the torrent of time and space, it seems that I always have to try something when I do anything."

"Ha ha."

Zhang Shuangbai followed suit and looked around, with a slightly sad expression on his face, "I also thought that I would be lost in that chaos until Daoxiao died... In it, I watched like a horse and a horse watching flowers for a long time. Everything that happened here, I also saw what Zhenjun did for the people of the world."

When the old man's voice came here, he was a little choked up. He arched his hands and bowed down again. This time, he was not thanking himself, but grateful for the Tianshifu and the morality that the Tianshifu had upheld.

"And I!"

Seeing the celestial master bowing down, Yu Feihong knelt down directly on the ground, "The true king doesn't think that I want to steal the view that day, and bring me and my junior sister back to the world. This kind of kindness, Yu can never repay it!"

After finishing speaking, he kowtowed heavily on the ground three times, and the junior sister beside him burst into tears, and followed him to kowtow three times to Chen Yuan.

"Get up." Chen Yuan helped the two of them up, and said with a smile: "Everyone goes the wrong way, and besides, you are complaining about your junior sister, not really having evil thoughts. The two elders, Crane and Turtle, are also outside, Feihong , you go and apologize to them and ask for forgiveness."

"The two uncles...are you here too?"

Yu Feihong became excited, but the junior sister next to him didn't understand what was going on. Yu Feihong wanted to explain, but Chen Yuan stopped him.

"I'll explain it later, and ask for forgiveness first."


Without hesitation, Yu Feihong arched his hands to say goodbye, then took his junior sister and rushed to the gate, passing by Bai Susu and Qiaoer who came in, and ignored them. Completely solve the matter of killing the second elder.

Bai Susu walked up to Chen Yuan, and asked, "Sir, why did that Yu Shaoxia come in such a hurry?"

"Do what he has to do."

Chen Yuan said, looking at the old Taoist Yun He, Zhang Shuangbai, the celestial master, also looked over, and the latter laughed twice, "Today is a good day for reunion, just say something happy, and don't do it if you are a poor Taoist who is crying." Why don't you find some drinks first, let's all sit down and get drunk?"

"Well, I think so too." Zhang Shuangbai nodded in agreement, "On such an important day, you should be happy when you get together with everyone, and those things in the past should be used as conversation materials and memories."

He glanced around, Yun He saw this and asked: "What is the Celestial Master looking for?"

"Looking for... Zhenjun, where is your master?"

Just as he was puzzled and asked Chen Yuan, outside the Taoist temple, there was a loud noise, and some people cheered loudly.

"Senior Yin, where did you get it!"

"This is the first time this old man has seen such a big fish."

"...It is so big, it will take a lot of mana to capture and kill it."

"Nonsense, it's your cultivation level? Senior Yin...has become a fairy."


There was a sudden noise. Chen Yuan, Tianshi Zhang Shuangbai, Yunhe Laodao, Qiaoer, and Bai Susu walked out of the Taoist temple, and saw Yin Xuanling holding a whale in one hand on the open space where many igloos were built in front of them. The onlookers giggled in appreciation.

The corners of Zhang Shuangbai's mouth twitched: "...the sixth generation patriarch is still the same as before."

"My master's madness is basically cured, but occasionally he will let out his crazy temper. He probably thinks that kind of temper is also good." Chen Yuan explained with a smile.

Looking at this cold place filled with noise and bustle, the feeling from before came back.

"Zhenjun, let's go, let's join in the fun." After Zhang Shuangbai sighed, he stretched out his hand and invited Chen Yuan to go with him. After a long time in the river, he no longer had the airs of a celestial master. Outside the black Taoist robe, he looks like an ordinary old man.


Chen Yuan also stretched out her hand, and when the people at the door passed by, Chen Yuan suddenly stopped, and Tianshi, Yun He, Bai Susu, and Qiao'er also stopped, looking towards the direction of the entrance.

Everyone around the whale also stopped making noise one by one, and all looked at the same place.

"Lu Liangsheng from Qixia Mountain, come to visit Zhenjun Lingxian!"

A Dharma sound came in.


Beyond the iceberg, cold air curled around the ground and was blown by the wind in front of several figures.

Dongfang Xu, Hongyu, and Chen Chen stood together in winter clothes and gloves, looking at the two people in front of them, talking in a low voice.

"right here?"

"I don't see any way out."

Dongfang Xu scanned the surroundings and lowered his voice: "...There are traces of fighting, it should be here. Then Habel should have used heavy weapons."

During the conversation, the two people and one donkey in front of the three of them had a relatively simple body, what they looked like before they came, and what they looked like when they came here.


Toad in the compartment of the bookshelf was wrapped in two cotton-padded jackets, still shivering from the cold, rubbing his arms and complaining tremblingly.

"The teacher said he couldn't come, but he insisted on coming here. Don't you know that the teacher is afraid of the cold?"

"You're afraid of the cold, but you're still shivering despite the warming spell. I'm afraid you're afraid of seeing the people inside." Sun Yingxian laughed. He patted the bookshelf, and then asked the scholar in front of him.

"Old Lu, how is it? Is there a response from inside?"

"There are... strong... and more than one..."

The cold wind was blowing on his face, while the hair was flying, Lu Liangsheng had a serious expression on his face. He only said that there was one, but he didn't expect that there were many inside. Terrifying, especially the strongest aura, he can obviously feel that the other party can change the day and change the day as long as he wants to.

"Here we come." Lu Liangsheng said again in a low voice, and the three of Dongfang Xu over there also immediately showed nervousness. As warriors, they naturally sensed it, but what they felt was just a huge aura, which seemed to be coming from the top of Mount Tai. The iceberg rushed towards us.

next moment.

The eyes of the three of them froze, as if the majestic mountain had come alive in the cold wind. Before they could figure out what happened, they saw a figure standing at the foot of the iceberg with their hands behind their hands. There were also dozens of figures floating around. In the eyes of ordinary people, all kinds of Dharma lights are shining, and their faces cannot be seen clearly at all.

"In Qixia Mountain, Lu Liangsheng, where is Your Immortal Homeland?" Here, Lu Liangsheng arched his hands and opened his mouth first.

However, the words spoken on the other side were not an answer to him, but a voice: "Lu Yuan, long time no see."

Lu Liangsheng and Sun Yingxian next to him were stunned, and the toad on the bookshelf covered his face with his webbed and murmured: "It really is them..."

The three of Dongfang Xu looked at each other a little further away, "Who is Lu Yuan?"

"Could it be Lu Guoshi?"

At this moment, Lu Liangsheng's eyes darkened in front of him, "How do you know Lu Yuan?"

"You're not him...but he's you."

In the light, Chen Yuan slowly descended. The moment they met, he had indeed misunderstood the other party. Looking at it now, he laughed, "It seems that his path has been cleared."

Rao Lu Liangsheng, a fairy who ascended from the sky, was obviously taken aback by what the other party said. You must know that Lu Yuan is another him. This was only known later. I didn't expect to meet someone who was at the same time as Lu Yuan here. generations of people.

I'm afraid he will use the Kunlun mirror to go back and see if there is such a person beside Lu Yuan of that era.

"Don't think about using the Kunlun mirror to go back. When I saw Lu Yuan, there were two of him. One came from the shuttle, settled in Wusezhuang, and was trapped by me in the village for five years. The other, when I saw him, was already a fluttering young man. I traveled and practiced with his master Qin Xu's family, and I gave him the Kunlun Mirror at that time.

And that sword on your bookshelf, Yue Hao. "

"It's my old mother..." Sun Yingxian was obviously frightened, and gently nudged Lu Liangsheng with his elbow, "Old Lu... this is probably an old guy who has lived for so many years."

Seeing the old Taoist's movements, Chen Yuan's eyes flashed, and the appearance of the old man changed rapidly in his eyes, and finally returned to the appearance of the little Taoist boy when he was a child, and laughed: "Sun Yingxian... I have seen you."

At this moment, Sun Yingxian was dumbfounded. He started his hands stiffly and stared blankly at the figure walking out of the light. Lu Liangsheng at the side looked slightly surprised: "Old Sun, he knows you?"

"I don't know the way!" Sun Yingxian rubbed his eyes hard, and when he looked carefully, Chen Yuan's voice continued to come from the other side: "When I first met you, I was still a little Taoist boy, and I followed your master, Sun Zhengde. Digging out loaches and stealing bird eggs everywhere behind you... It's a pity, a disaster in the northwest made you poisonous, and your master ran around for you, trapping your age and body, and the long years have made your memory appear deviation……"

"You...you..." Sun Yingxian seemed to have been stimulated by something, and squatted on the ground covering his head, yelling out with a splitting headache.

Lu Liangsheng hurriedly cast a spell to relieve him, but suddenly found that the cast spell was bounced back.

"Let him recover by himself." Chen Yuan withdrew her hand, apparently he had blocked the opponent's spell just now, and he was almost invincible near the Taoist temple.

For a moment, the distorted expression of the old Taoist priest squatting on the ground suddenly stopped, blinking his eyes and looking at Chen Yuan in front of him, and then his mouth gradually became an O shape.

"True Lord...Uncle Chen."

"I thought you brat wouldn't be able to recover." From the light behind Chen Yuan, a chubby figure stepped out, with a sparse beard hanging on his mouth, and his round figure and round face were looking at it with a smile. come over.


Sun Yingxian's old face suddenly showed surprise, like a rabbit, he swished over, the fat Taoist also opened his arms, and gave him a hug like he did when he was a child, and Sun Yingxian who rushed over suddenly stopped and said, "Master, you Isn't it dead? I buried you with my own hands..."

"Fake death, otherwise how can I let you grow up alone? Besides, the number of years of being a teacher has indeed come to an end." The fat Taoist's eyes were also red when he could meet his former lover again, and he turned his head to the old donkey next to Lu Liangsheng and yelled: "Toad, do you think so? Are you familiar with the recipe that Pindao gave you?!"

Lu Liangsheng was completely dazed, the moment he turned his head, Master's voice rang out.

"The old man is not only familiar with it, but also created a lot of it himself, and recorded it together, and now I will return it to you!"

Taoist Toad stood on the old donkey's head at some point, his cotton jacket was opened and flew in the wind, Toad closed his eyes and groaned twice, and the frog webbed randomly threw something, and it fell directly to the fat Taoist.

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