Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 399 Chapter Family

Chapter 399
The old lady Yang who was waiting at the door of the house coughed, and Zhao Xueli came back to his senses, and hurriedly walked a few steps and entered the door.

Mrs. Yang told her son that no matter who the little mute is, when he comes to our house, he is a junior, and an elder must look like an elder.

That is to say, the shelf cannot fall down.

Zhao Xueli was ignorant, why is the prince not the prince when he comes to the door?Then he was beaten on the head by the old lady alive.Mrs. Yang pinched her waist: "Why, do you look like a father?"

"If you are an official at home and have a family background, you dare not support your daughter? After your daughter gets married in the future, you will not dare to say anything if she is wronged, right?"

"Why did I give birth to you such a useless person? Let me tell you, let alone a prince, what can an emperor do? If you bully your daughter, you will have to kick his door, and the stick will hit him. No matter how bad it is, mother!" You keep a hatchet, and use the hatchet to strike in front of you to see if he dares to make a fuss?"

It was at that time that Zhao Xueli heard the truth. It turned out that the little mute was thinking about his daughter. He recovered and chased his mother and asked, "When did it happen? How did you know, mother? You agreed?"

As soon as she said this, Mrs. Yang felt a little bit wrong, but relying on the coercion of being a mother, she gave her son a look: "Could it be that the whole family is like you, and the eyes are venting? Such a grown-up man is always on his eyelids." You didn't notice it, you didn't know to think about your own mistakes, and you blamed your mother? With our family, whoever is smart will be blamed, whoever does more work and who makes more mistakes?"

Zhao Xueli was depressed all of a sudden, because what the old lady said was right, but... King Yu didn't seem to be swaying under their noses!
Mrs. Yang subdued her son easily, so she began to teach by example: "When the time comes, the whole family will be there. Be sure, before his injury heals, he can't agree to this marriage."

"It's not that I'm cruel. His illness is really strange. Last time I asked him, he said it honestly, so we don't have to hide it. I don't care about anything else, but I can't let Sister Luo It's going to be a bad day."

Zhao Xueli followed suit and nodded.

Mrs. Yang went on to say: "We don't want to be rich, we don't need him to get a lot of dowry, anyway, we can't treat Sister Luo poorly."

Zhao Xueli responded again: "Mother, my son has already remembered it, and I didn't even think about getting a dowry at first. It's not okay to bully my daughter."

Mrs. Yang pointed at Zhao Xueli's forehead again: "Why don't you want a betrothal gift? Let him marry Sister Luo away for nothing? Can you take it to heart so easily? You have to have a betrothal gift, but it's all about Sister Luo We will not keep the money, and we have to be thorough inside and out to make us nod."

What the mother and son said really encouraged Zhao Xueli, so Zhao Xueli was able to straighten his back in front of Xiao Yu now.

Everyone entered the house together.

Luo Zhenniang, Zhao Xuejing, Zhao Xueyi, Ge Shi and others in the room all looked towards the door.Several people were more or less uncomfortable, after all, they saw the prince.

Especially Ge Shi, they are looking for Sister Luo, and for the face of the second elder brother's family, no matter how they count, they should not accept this gift.

So Ge Shi hid back, Zhao Xuejing was okay, he looked very natural, but he also stood aside, although Zhao Xueyi was simple, he was unambiguous at this time, and followed behind Zhao Xuejing.

As soon as everyone backed down, Mr. Song was left sitting there, with Luo Zhenniang by his side.

Grandpa Song didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, everyone dispersed, and he was left to face King Yu. He felt a thorn growing under his buttocks and almost couldn't hold on. Fortunately, he still had a beard to squeeze.

Grandpa Song stroked his beard, as steady as Mount Tai.His eyes fell on Xiao Yu. When he was the prince, Grandpa Song felt that this son of the Wang family would definitely do something in the future. Now that he knows his identity, he can see more things.It is not easy to suppress the edge, but now he is humble and polite, neither humble nor overbearing, which shows that he does not take his identity seriously.Being able to kill decisively and keep a low profile, what can you do?

Zhao Xueli invited Mrs. Yang to sit next to Mrs. Song. Mrs. Song was the husband of Sister Luo, and Mrs. Yang was the most respected elder by the Zhao family.

After the elders were seated, Ge Shi moved a chair and asked Prince Yu to sit down. We can't let him stand when we talk together.

Just as Ge Shi was about to greet Xiao Yu, unexpectedly King Yu lifted up his robe and knelt down in front of everyone.

Ge Shi was startled, and almost couldn't help but stepped forward to help, but King Yu's movements were really too fast, and before everyone could react, he had already bowed upright.

Luo Zhenniang's eyes widened, and Zhao Xueli gasped. Among the many possibilities he thought of, this didn't happen. Didn't this catch him off guard?

Old Madam Yang said, "Get up, what are you doing? I can't stand this."

Mr. Song stopped stroking his beard. After a while, he looked at the little fox at the door. King Yu was trying to marry the little fox, so he used all his energy to feed the little fox, right?

"Should be," Xiao Yu said, "I always wanted to salute the elders in my dreams, but I didn't have this opportunity. If it wasn't for Grandma's wild vegetable cakes, I would have starved to death. I still remember that the clothes on my body were all given by Grandma. What’s more, I might freeze to death without Auntie, and... Uncle still carried me and Luo Yang to fish in the river, and there was meat to eat every day.”

As he spoke, Xiao Yu took out a small cloth bag from his bosom, which contained a handful of dried flowers.

"This is the locust tree flower in front of our house. I still remember that Auntie asked me and Sister Luo to pick it up and steam it. Unfortunately, when I went back, you had already moved away."

Luo Zhenniang immediately remembered those things from the past.

Luo Zhenniang couldn't help but said: "I didn't expect you to go back and watch it?"

Xiao Yu nodded: "Someone else lives in that house, but the mopan is still the same as before, and the bird's nest under the eaves is still there, but I don't know if there are still the original two inside."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yu couldn't help laughing: "The mallet used by Fourth Aunt is still there."

This made Ge Shi also exclaim: "They didn't lose it?"

"No," Xiao Yu said with a smile, "fourth uncle did a good job, they have been using it all the time."

Ge Shi murmured: "It's rare that it hasn't worn out after so many years."

After being told by Xiao Yu, the Zhao family returned to their previous home.

Xiao Yu continued: "In fact, I always dream about those things in the past, but later... in the dream several times, I can't always find my home."

Luo Zhenniang couldn't help rubbing the corners of her eyes with her sleeve.

"You child, since you have found Taozhou, why didn't you tell us clearly at the beginning?" Luo Zhenniang said, "It has been hidden for so long."

"I'm afraid grandma, uncle and aunt are worried about me," Xiao Yu said, "I'm a little seriously injured, and I'm being watched secretly. If I don't do it, it will implicate everyone."

Luo Zhenniang immediately remembered this, and immediately stepped forward: "Get up, get up, the injury is not healed yet, how can you kneel on the ground."

(End of this chapter)

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