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Xiao Yu didn't get up. He looked at Luo Zhenniang and said, "Auntie, I've been hiding it from everyone for so long, and I've gone through many wrong paths over the years. Seeing you makes me feel uncomfortable... I'd better let me kneel down to feel better."

Why did she say that, Luo Zhenniang turned to look at Old Madam Yang, but Old Madam Yang didn't say a word, she asked her man for help again.

Zhao Xueli couldn't help but said, "If you have anything to say, say it well, and you can still kneel? If you are injured, you have to take care of it again. This is... when is it? Isn't there still a lot to do?"

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "Auntie, I'm fine, I can't kneel badly, I'll get up after I finish talking about these years."

After Xiao Yu said that, Luo Zhenniang couldn't do anything about it.

Xiao Yu intermittently talked about what happened after he returned to the palace. He didn't complain about the concubine's coldness in secret, nor did he say that after he went to the army, he was deliberately thrown in the forward battalion, but these words were also hidden inside. Think carefully I can figure out a thing or two.

Xiao Yu explained carefully the changes in his state of mind, killing people, scheming, and almost getting lost in it. He thought about the village and searched everywhere, but he found it later, but he didn't enter the village to recognize each other.Firstly, he felt that he had changed too much, so he might not be accepted by the Zhao family. Secondly, he had indeed become cold and numb, wrapped up in power and killing, and had no time to miss and examine himself.

This time he didn't find the Zhao family on purpose, he didn't want to deceive the seniors of the Zhao family, it should be said that they met again by coincidence, he was badly injured, fortunately Luo Yang talked to him, and he came out of the haze, It was Luo Yang who saved him again.He is now the little mute in the village back then. He can come to see Zhao's elders, and he can tell all his mistakes.

Luo Zhenniang also understood that this child did make a mistake, but she also felt sorry for him. If he was in the village back then, this would not have happened.

Who would have expected it?I thought that I would be able to live a good life after I went back, but who knew that it was always intriguing and unsettled, and almost went the wrong way. Fortunately, it didn't cause a catastrophe.

After listening to everything, Mrs. Yang said, "It's all over, let's get up and talk!"

Zhao Xueli had to admire his old lady, who seemed to really regard Prince Yu as the little mute from before. He secretly glanced at Luo Zhenniang, and Luo Zhenniang secretly wiped the corner of his eyes again. After such a comparison, he seemed to be okay. At least no tears were shed.

Xiao Yu stood up, but did not sit down, still standing in front of everyone.

Old Madam Yang said: "Aside from talking about these things, do you have other meanings when you come to the house?"

Xiao Yu saluted again: "I have a crush on Luo Yang, I beg all the elders to help me."

When I said this, it was different from reminiscing about the past, but fortunately, there was a foreshadowing before, and everyone was prepared, so that people would not be beaten to death with a stick.

Before Mrs. Yang could speak, Xiao Yu continued, "My current situation may worry the elders. I dare not promise anything else, but with me here, I will definitely protect Luo Yang."

Luo Zhenniang couldn't help thinking of when Zhao Qikun beat Luo Yang when she was a child, and the little mute rushed over to protect her. The child was beaten upright and bled a lot, but she still looked at Zhao Qikun stubbornly, but refused Step aside.So she more or less believed what she said.

Old Madam Yang looked at Zhao Xueli, Zhao Xueli kept looking at Xiao Yu, not intending to speak, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart, what she told him before, he just took it easy.

If the parents don't talk, then her grandma will.

Mrs. Yang said: "We can't agree now, we will wait until your illness is completely cured."

Zhao Luoyang, who has been silent for a long time, doesn't know what to say. The little mute has figured out the thoughts of everyone in the family. He didn't expect to get the grandma and the others to agree when he came this time, but it was like knocking on the door. Now that there is a response, it is not far to leave the door.

Sure enough, when Xiao Yu heard this, he immediately said: "I remember what Grandma said. When I recover, I will invite the elders in my family to come and propose."

This matter is now settled.

Mr. Song shook his head secretly, the Zhao family is still easy to talk, it is so easy to talk people, if it is him...

"Sir," Xiao Yu said, "Mr. has worked hard these days. Without Mr., things in Taozhou would not be so smooth."

Grandpa Song blushed. He had heard about King Yu and Wu Weijun before... He admired it from the bottom of his heart. Zhao Jingyun and Nie Shuang were both from King Yu, and what they did was obvious to all. Mr. Song was very uncomfortable with being respectful to him.

In fact, he hasn't recovered from the beginning until now.

Grandpa Song was about to open his mouth to be courteous to King Yu, but luckily he came back to his senses quickly, he is the little fox's master, well, he has to fight for his apprentice...not his master.

"I also know that my husband is very worried about the situation in Taozhou," Xiao Yu said, "I will discuss some inside information with my husband in detail. If there is anything I didn't expect, I hope my husband can point it out."

Song Taiye was so happy that he couldn't control the beard on the corner of his mouth.

Song Taiye said: "Your Majesty, I'm just doing my best. Some things I can't see clearly, that's because I can't see far enough." You can't show your admiration for King Yu, and you can't rely on being a little fox. Mr. Wang is self-proclaimed, he can only stand in the middle, and everything has to be decided by the Zhao family.

However, these few words made the atmosphere in the room better, at least Xiao Yu took care of everyone.

Mrs. Yang glanced at her little granddaughter whose cheeks were a little flushed, and the little granddaughter was right.

Leaving the men to talk in the house, Mrs. Yang took the female relatives to the kitchen to get busy, but in fact she took the opportunity to avoid it.After several people entered the kitchen, Mrs. Yang looked at Luo Zhenniang: "How is it? What do you think?"

Luo Zhenniang pursed her lips, she really couldn't harden her heart, she looked outside, Sister Luo was outside with Yuan Rang and Yuan Ji, so she lowered her voice: "I don't know what's going on, I just feel... that my child was wronged outside, and finally got back home."

"I'm always thinking in my heart, it's really not easy for that child these years."

Mrs. Yang had expected it a long time ago: "You are just soft-hearted."

Ge Shi said: "Mother, do you think this marriage is not good?"

"What's the use of me talking?" Old Madam Yang said, "Sister Luo is happy." That's why she said such a thing.

Ge Shi said with a smile: "What a happy event, how could we have imagined that our sister Luo has a prince following behind her ass since she was a child."

After speaking, Ge Shi was a little worried: "Even if the prince has been harmed to this extent, I don't know if those bad guys can think of other bad ways?"

Luo Zhenniang said: "Then how can it stop, even a Taozhou, they are not willing to let go."

"Whether it's King Yu or Sister Luo is thoughtful," Old Madam Yang said, "I don't know anything else, but I know those evil-hearted people, no matter how they pretend, they have to reveal their secrets. Our family The two children, can they still lose to them?"

(End of this chapter)

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