Chapter 425

When Old General Zhou was staring at the big flag in a daze, a man appeared on the city tower. The man had the usual bun of a Daqi woman, and was also wearing a coarse cloth dress. His face looked blurry. But because a scar became distorted, she stood by the flag and looked up at General Zhou and the soldiers of Daqi behind him. There were rows of soldiers in armor, standing there majestically, showing their great strength. No matter who takes a look at Qi's majesty, he should be in awe from the bottom of his heart.

But the woman just glanced at it, turned around and walked towards the other side of the tower. She didn't show any expression. There was a hint of contempt.

People who don't know how to defend the frontier and defend the country are not worthy of showing off their armor, standing still, and watching the enemy attack the city, they are not worthy of saying that they have a passion.

On the tower, women are not even allowed to step in, because women are too weak and will only bring bad luck in battle.

But what about boys?There are so many men here, but they are all just watching, watching people attack the city, watching their comrades die in battle, and the one who stands there and does not retreat is a woman.

At this moment, Old General Zhou was so ashamed that he didn't dare to look at the tower again, as if a fire was nestled in his chest, trying to burn himself to death.

what are they doing?
Having fought wars all my life, and held my head up in front of people all my life, at this moment I can't wait to get into the mud, and dying in battle has become a luxury.


The confidant who had been following Old General Zhou whispered, "Are we really waiting like this?" It wasn't just General Zhou who suffered all night?
In the morning, some soldiers couldn't eat at all, even if the generals loyal to the Feng family intended to reward them, the more they were like this, the harder it was to swallow.

There is a war ahead, and they are so close to the city, so they just watch helplessly.

If they all rushed over, how could those people attack the tower?
In the past, when someone came to invade, they just defeated them, but now they are asked to stand by when they see the enemy.

They are not without weapons, nor are they without men.

It turns out that being besieged and fighting alone is not the worst thing, but seeing the city being besieged by a strong soldier is the worst.

Deputy General Yin next to him couldn't help coughing when he heard it, and Uncle Guo told him to be optimistic about Old General Zhou, he couldn't make a mistake at this time.

Vice General Yin said: "Isn't it all right? Besides, it sounded like the battle was fierce last night. Maybe it was just for us to watch. Those people who fell from the tower don't look like Tubo people to me. Don't you know the cunning of those people?" You know, if you are really fooled, it will be too late to regret.”

Old General Zhou frowned and looked at Vice General Yin: "If it's not from Tubo, then it's our Daqi soldiers, no matter how bad it is, they are Daqi people, shouldn't they be saved?"

Deputy General Yin didn't think there was anything wrong, he wiped his shiny lips with a handkerchief: "People who dare to pretend to be princesses, don't dare to treat them as ordinary people. If there are a group of death row prisoners on it, the general will rescue them? The lives of our soldiers are not comparable to the lives of our soldiers."

Speaking of this, he lowered his voice: "When the court's decree arrives, they will be death row prisoners. At that time, the old general will understand that it is wrong to go to war."

Hearing this, Old General Zhou suddenly turned his eyes up and laughed loudly.

The laughter made Lieutenant Yin next to him tremble, and then he saw the gray-haired old general turn his head to look at him. There was no pride in the old general's majestic eyes, only decadence, anger and disappointment. .

The two looked at each other like this, Vice General Yin reached out and grabbed the hilt of the sword beside him, and after a long time, Old General Zhou said: "Taizu has only been gone for a few decades."

Taizu has only been gone for a few decades, but Daqi has become like this. They haven't even ushered in prosperity. Is the fate of the country going to decline?
"Vice General Yin," Old General Zhou said, "You should be lucky."

Deputy General Yin listened carefully, but Old General Zhou didn't continue.

You should be thankful that the soldiers standing here are still aggrieved and can't eat. If they watch all this with peace of mind like you and treat it as a drama...then Da Qi will die.

War and death are terrible things, but they can be used as a stage show. Then one day the enemy's iron cavalry steps into the territory of Daqi, and there will be no one to defend the country.

General Zhou turned around and walked into the big tent, he was ashamed to watch the battle there again.Deputy General Yin breathed a sigh of relief, reached out to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, and continued to stand there, but the next few days were calm, as if the Tubo people retreated all of a sudden.

Vice General Yin felt that it was impossible, the Tubo people captured Uncle Feng's family without even discussing the terms, how could they just retreat like this?

Deputy General Yin couldn't sit still, and immediately sent someone to inquire about the news. If the Tibetans couldn't take down the fake princess, they had to be prepared.

Old General Zhou got the news that Deputy General Yin had ordered people to surround Luqu City, obviously wanting to cut off the food and grass in the city.

"It's not really a thing."

All the people in the tent were old general Zhou's cronies, and everyone discussed in low voices.

"During the war, they refused to step forward. Now, when the Fanren retreat, they go to besiege the city."

Old General Zhou looked at the map in front of him and kept silent. After returning to the military tent that day, he sent people to Taozhou to inquire about the situation, wanting to know more information.

After this incident, he didn't want to be influenced by the Feng family anymore. The reason why he stood here and didn't leave was because he was afraid that the Feng family would still have a trick behind them. Old General Zhou didn't even know that if the Feng family continued to act recklessly, Can he still stand on the Feng family's side?

Just as everyone was whispering, the curtain of the military tent was lifted, and two people walked in. One of them lowered his head, covered his face with dust, and covered his face a little. When he first entered the door, no one paid attention to him, but after two glances, he immediately Found clues.

The man walked up to Old General Zhou and bowed in salute.

Old General Zhou tentatively asked, "Are you Xie Chen?"

Xie Chen responded: "How is General Zhou?"

Old General Zhou looked at his personal guards, who immediately put down the curtain of the military tent and stood guard in front of the tent.

This greeting made Old General Zhou feel ashamed.

Xie Chen looked at everyone in the tent.

General Zhou said: "These three people are all my confidantes."

Xie Chen then said: "Originally, I have nothing to fear, but this life is still useful for now." Until the situation in Taozhou is stabilized, he can't afford to lose.

General Zhou nodded.

Xie Chen continued: "General Zhou saw the battle in Luqu, what do you think?"

Old General Zhou sighed.

Xie Chen went on to say: "I saw people from the Feng family besieging Luqu City, and the food and grass sent from Taozhou tomorrow will definitely be stopped. I don't ask General Zhou to take care of it, just ask a question..."

"If there is a chance to fight for the country in the future, will General Zhou dare to hand over his back to the Feng family?"

These words resounded loudly, and there was a moment of silence in the military tent.

Old General Zhou said after a while: "Is the one on the tower really Princess Changle?"

Xie Chen didn't answer, but just asked with a smile: "Didn't General Zhou see it all?"

The meaning of Xie Chen is already very clear, even though Old General Zhou thought of the result, he still showed a surprised expression.

Xie Chen said: "Hasn't it been like this since the princess got married? She got married twice, lost her son several times, and even risked her own life. In the end, even her own identity was discarded. The world was blinded by the truth, and General Zhou couldn't see it. Do you think that many years of truce can be exchanged for a marriage contract?"

"In the past, Daqi didn't have soldiers and horses, so he had to use the method of making peace. Now the soldiers are strong and horses are strong, why don't they watch a woman struggling to support her?"

When Xie Chen said this, a person appeared in his mind: "A girl once asked me a word, and I also gave it to the general."

General Zhou listened quietly.

Xie Chen said: "Now, do you dare to listen to the story of Princess Daqi and the young hero Wu Songjie?"

(End of this chapter)

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