Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 426 Unworthy

Chapter 426 Unworthy
Knowing the truth, but still laughing and praising with others?
Xie Chen couldn't do it, and Jiang Wei couldn't do it back then, so Jiang Wei didn't really kill Princess Changle, and even concealed the truth from the court, making the court think that only the remnants of the tribe who had followed Princess Changle were in Taozhou.

The merits of Taozhou and Minzhou were used to exchange the peace of the village for several years, but this peace was also a prison, confining himself within the gate.

Maybe it was because of the guilt in my heart that Jiang Wei died of illness early on. Before he died of illness, he wrote a letter asking Xie Chen: Am I wrong?
Xie Chen never understood the answer.

But the Zhao family girl said: "He is wrong." A person who thinks he is right will not have such doubts.

People will die, and everything will dissipate, but they still cannot pass the barrier of conscience.

Zhao Luoyang didn't feel that Jiang Wei was pitiful at all. He should have risen to the top, but chose to stay in Taozhou.She knew Jiang Wei and Xie Chen's concerns, they were just afraid that there would be another dispute in Daqin, but in her opinion, it was extremely ridiculous.

"Master Xie must feel that after Master Jiang died, this matter will be on your shoulders. If you don't handle it properly, it will bring disaster to Daqi."

Xie Chen clearly remembered the contemptuous expression on the girl's face. Seeing this girl was like seeing Princess Changle, but Princess Changle's face was now destroyed, and what people could see was distortion.

Zhao Luoyang said: "You think too highly of yourself."

"The one who got married is the princess, the one who endured the humiliation for Daqi outside is the princess, the one who was betrayed by others is the princess, and the one who was murdered was the princess, what does it have to do with you, my lord?"

"You are nothing more than holding on to a secret. You want to make yourself look like a loyal minister and general who cares about the country and the people. You are dedicated to the people and the world, and you can gain a good name after you die."

"Whether it's Mr. Jiang or you, we haven't done any grand events in this life. The only thing we can reveal is the secret of the princess. Every time you think about it in the dead of night, don't you feel joy and excitement in your heart? Feel like you are the hand that stirs up the general trend? Da Qi can have today's prosperity because of you, an unknown hero?"

When the girl from the Zhao family said this, there was even a smile on her face, and Xie Chen's blood was surging for a moment, how could he be so unbearable?He never thought about it that way.

"Master Xie doesn't need to help the princess," Zhao Luoyang said, "I don't think the princess needs your help either, because you are not someone worthy of entrustment."

"Just keep your secret and keep hiding it. Maybe you can pass on the secret from generation to generation. After a hundred years, future generations will rely on this to win a little bit of glory."

After the girl from the Zhao family finished speaking, she turned around and left. She heard that she was going to escort the people in the village to deliver food and grass, so she didn't even want to listen to Xie Chen's explanation.

Xie Chen felt as if he had been stripped clean, what he could see and what he couldn't see were all exposed in front of others.

He is not like that, but what the girl from the Zhao family said is not entirely wrong.

They knew that the Daqi court was sorry for the princess, but they still suppressed the princess in exchange for a moment of peace.Are you actually at peace?Didn't Taozhou usher in a war, or someone killed tens of thousands of soldiers?
If people’s hearts are not righteous, they will have no basis for doing things. Whatever they do is wrong, they will be looked down upon by others, and they will have no face to reason with others.

In the final analysis, they were all accomplices in this matter, just because Princess Changle would not betray Daqi. If Princess Changle wanted revenge and turned to Tubo, would Tubo and Daqi still have peace?

Xie Chen and Old General Zhou didn't speak for a while.

Finally, Old General Zhou nodded: "I see."

After saying this, he asked Xie Chen: "Leave first, so as not to be seen by the people of the Feng family. I don't know what else to do in the future. You have to protect yourself first."

Xie Chen looked at Old General Zhou: "Luqu City..."

General Zhou nodded.

Xie Chen didn't know what Old General Zhou would do, but having said that, the next step was his personal choice. He kind of understood why the girl from the Zhao family left after saying this.

There are still a lot of things to do in the future. If you are like-minded, you can walk on a path, if you can''s useless to say more.

When Xie Chen walked out of the military tent, he heard thunder in the distance. He turned his head and looked in the direction of Tubo. He knew that Taozhou had some firearms, and those firearms might be used to defend against the Tubo people, but he never thought that they would be used on the Tubo people.

He walked out of the barracks cautiously, and was relieved to find that no one was following him.Xie Chen has never been so nervous, just like General Zhou said, he has to live because he is still useful to the princess.


The soldiers and horses of the second prince disappeared under the city of Luqu, and the white lady smiled. He knew that Zha Shuo and the others should have been rescued, otherwise the second prince and others would not have left in such a hurry.

Song Guangyan heaved a sigh of relief. If Tubo didn't retreat, they might not be able to sustain the siege several times. Most of the people on the tower had already been killed or injured.

The white lady said: "It's already very fast." She knew that Xiao Yu's injury was still not healed, and it was not easy to rush to rescue Zha Shuo and lead the second prince's army away, and now she only hoped that they would be safe.

Nie Shuang and You Rongyan couldn't help but said: "My son has never been defeated in a battle, only once... was also plotted by someone."

For King Yu's plan, besides the Feng family, there are also the Grand Master and Princess Yu. If enough military guards were mobilized that day, King Yu would have escaped safely. However, the military guards were guarding two cities. If soldiers and horses leave, the checkpoints must be lost. King Yu also issued a death order, so the soldiers did not go to the rescue.

When they heard the news that King Yu had "died in battle", Nie Shuang and the others wished to turn against the court to avenge the prince. Why did they sacrifice their lives to fight for Daqi, but were calculated to die in the end?What else is there to guard against Daqi?

As soon as he thought of this, Nie Shuang lowered his head and saw people stalking up from under the city wall, he immediately sneered: "Here we go again."

Repeat the old trick.It was no different from dealing with the prince. Waiting for most of them to be killed or injured before coming to attack them. If they didn't die in the hands of the second prince, they would be tricked by their own people.

Nie Shuang withdrew his gaze, and the remaining soldiers on the tower didn't show any special expressions on their faces. They had experienced this kind of thing before, and they had already thought about it when they came to Taozhou. It might be like this.

"I won't sleep tonight," Nie Shuang said, "One will kill one, and two will kill one pair."

The soldiers on the tower responded.

Nie Shuang looked at Song Guangyan, and Song Guangyan nodded accordingly. Today's No. [-] scholar is not the same as before. He will not persuade Nie Shuang. They are all soldiers and horses of Daqi, and they must not fight each other.

Those who can deal with the defenders at this time are not worthy of being Qi people.

Deputy General Yin at the bottom of the city has roughly checked the situation on the tower, and there are only a few hundred people up there, and these people have long been exhausted.

"Siege the city," Commander Yin ordered, "capture the woman above alive."

As soon as Deputy General Yin finished speaking, he saw another army of soldiers rushing towards him, and these people stood in front of Deputy General Yin's men.

Deputy General Yin looked over and saw Old General Zhou walking over.

"General Zhou," Deputy General Yin said, "What does this mean?"

Old General Zhou said indifferently: "What is Vice General Yin going to do? Why did he suddenly attack Luqu City? Could it be that it was negotiated with the Tubo people? Let's jointly take down the Luqu pass?"

(End of this chapter)

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