Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 427 Ordered to Guard

Chapter 427 Ordered to Guard
It's not that Vice General Yin has never thought that Zhou Liangzhen might change. Zhou Liangzhen is a military general, but she is somewhat pedantic as a civil servant.

Soldiers are also tricky, as long as they can win, what does it matter what happens in the middle?Who will remember?Even the common people in the market only wanted to hear the word "Great Victory".

"General Zhou," said Deputy General Yin, "We must focus on the overall situation. No matter what, this level cannot be handed over to someone who does not know the details."

Vice-General Yin said meaningfully and pointed behind Old General Zhou: "This is all for the people of Daqi. I also want to take my time. I am afraid that another large army will come to the city and we will be caught off guard."

Vice General Yin didn't know what happened, which caused Zhou Liangzhen's attitude to change suddenly, and he wanted to fight him wholeheartedly.

Old General Zhou ignored Deputy General Yin and said instead, "Anyone who wants to attack the city should run over us first."

Vice-General Yin's face was ugly. With such a good opportunity to do meritorious service, he didn't want to kill Zhou Liangzhen halfway... Seeing that the situation was out of control, he gritted his teeth.

"Zhou Liangzhen," said Deputy General Yin, "you think the one above is Princess Changle? Why don't you understand? A princess is dead when she dies, and it is impossible to come back to life."

"When the first emperor was alive, Princess Changle didn't survive. Who can protect her now? With your little army? Hundreds of people on the tower?"

Vice General Yin felt that General Zhou was extremely ridiculous, and he couldn't understand such a simple matter.

"If you lose, you will risk the lives of your entire clan," Deputy General Yin said with deep eyes. "I can pretend that this incident never happened. As long as you go up the tower first and take down the princess, I will still ask for credit for you."

After taking down the princess, the credit will naturally not be credited to General Zhou, and Deputy Yin will inform the Feng family of everything.

Old General Zhou couldn't help laughing again, then his eyes became cold, he stared at Vice General Yin and said, "Little man."

As soon as Old General Zhou finished speaking, the soldiers behind him also laughed.

Lieutenant General Yin's complexion turned livid, and the veins on his forehead were throbbing. He looked around, then stepped back a few steps, letting the soldiers surround him in the center, and then he raised his arms and shouted: "Zhou Liangzhen is rebellious, take him down."

Song Guangyan looked down the tower, and the sound of fighting came, and the soldiers and horses sent by the imperial court actually broke out.

The white lady said: "It seems that Zhou Liangzhen has been persuaded."

When Feng Chenghai came, they knew that Zhou Liangzhen would follow. Zhou Liangzhen, a veteran, was different from the Feng family. The girl from the Zhao family handed over the persuasion to Xie Chen, and it seemed to go smoothly.

The white lady said: "We will be able to go out from here soon."

After the white lady finished speaking, she took a deep breath, and suddenly felt that the air was extremely clear, and it was slowly being sent into her chest. It hadn't been this comfortable for a long time.

This is the atmosphere of my hometown, Daqi.


Deputy General Yin sat in Zhou Liangzhen's big tent, and there were only more than 1000 people following Zhou Liangzhen. If he gave him another two days of effort, he would kill those people and get rid of Zhou Liangzhen, and he would be able to take the credit for it.

"Quickly go and ask when the reinforcements will arrive. Immediately send a message to Uncle Guo, saying that Zhou Liangzhen led the troops to rebel."

As long as they can last until the reinforcements arrive, everything will be solved.

Deputy General Yin did not dare to rest, for fear that Zhou Liangzhen would lead troops to attack the camp. After all, Zhou Liangzhen was a seasoned veteran, and if there was a surprise attack, he might not be able to handle it.

Finally, it was dawn, and Vice General Yin lay down to rest for a while, but just as he closed his eyes, he heard the shouts of his subordinates.

"My lord, a soldier has come from the east. I don't know if it is a reinforcement."

Vice-General Yin regained his energy immediately, he straightened his armor, and led his people to greet him immediately. Sure enough, he saw a soldier and horse approaching from a distance.

Vice General Yin didn't know what it was like in his heart. At first glance, he was happy, but soon he became worried again.

Why so fast?

Someone arrived just after sending out the news. Could it be that Uncle Guo had expected it a long time ago and dispatched troops in advance?
The older the team was, the more advanced it was. Deputy General Yin also saw clearly the big flag with the word "Xue" written on it.

Is it Xue Ding's soldiers in Gongling City?Vice General Yin heaved a sigh of relief. Gongling City was not far from here. It seemed that the Feng family had mobilized the nearby troops. With Xue Ding's help, it would be much easier to take down Zhou Liangzhen and the princess.

However, what Vice General Yin didn't expect was that Xue Ding didn't seem to have seen him at all, instead of coming towards his army tent, he passed by him and went straight to Luqu City.

Deputy General Yin had no choice but to chase after him: "General Xue, I came here on the order of the court, and the situation in Luqu changed again. General Xue told me about entering the army tent first." He didn't want Xue Ding to take the credit.

No matter how Vice General Yin yelled, Xue Ding still galloped all the way, alarming General Zhou who was guarding in front of the tower.

The soldiers behind Old General Zhou formed formation immediately, staring at Xue Ding and others.

Xue Ding jumped off his horse, and the soldiers behind him stopped following him. He walked to the tower alone, looked up, then straightened his armor, bent down and knelt down on one knee: "The last general, Xue Ding, the guard of Gongling City, see Princess Changle."

There was a sudden silence all around.

The old general Zhou who was not far away was stunned, and subconsciously raised his head to look up the tower.

Deputy General Yin who was following behind immediately stopped his horse and looked at the people around him in surprise: "What... is he talking about?"

See Princess Changle?
The court didn't admit it yet, but he actually said to see the eldest princess?

On the tower, the woman with the long scar on her face came into everyone's sight again. She lowered her head to look at Xue Ding, and said calmly after a while: "Thanks for your hard work, General Xue."

Xue Ding continued: "The last general is ordered to protect the eldest princess, and everything is under the command of the eldest princess."

Old General Zhou frowned slightly. He subconsciously pondered the meaning of Xue Ding's words. Whose order was he "ordered"?It can't be the Feng family and the grand master, so who else can drive the generals on the border?Could it be... the little emperor?

No, there is another person behind Princess Changle.

Before Old General Zhou could figure it out, Princess Changle on the tower said, "Expel those people out of Taozhou, and you and Song Guangyan will take over the defense of Taozhou together."


Xue Ding got up and turned to look at Vice General Yin and the others.

Deputy General Yin stepped back, his face was full of panic: "You... you are against it, you are all against it." I don't know if he was too panicked, but he seemed to feel the whole earth trembling.

Immediately afterwards, he saw billowing smoke and dust coming from the northeast.

Vice General Yin just wanted to be happy, but he thought that Xue Ding also came so suddenly. Could the soldiers who came this time be the same as Xue Ding...

The banner with the word "Wang" fluttered in the wind, and the soldiers and horses of Jishi Army looked like tens of thousands. The leader Wang Feng, like Xue Ding, went to the front of the tower and knelt down: "The last general Wang Feng was ordered to protect the eldest princess and obey her orders."

Another order.

This time, even the flustered Deputy General Yin could hear the clues.

It was true that someone came to save Princess Changle, so many soldiers and horses were dispatched, but he still didn't know who that person was.

(End of this chapter)

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