Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 432 What is the reason

Chapter 432 What is the reason

As the battle reports kept being sent from Taozhou to Beijing, Beijing was like a frying pan.

After several days, many officials still haven't figured out whether the news is true or not. After all, Feng Chenghai's going to Taozhou to resist Tubo is the Feng family's intentional campaign.

Luqu didn't fight much at all, and it was so serious that Mr. Feng was going to pick up some military exploits. The Feng family's intentions are well known, and some generals were worried about the pass situation when discussing affairs, so they would inevitably be ridiculed. He was called a fool behind his back.

If something really needs to happen, can you not send generals who are familiar with the northern military?

Speaking of worry, Taozhou officials, such as Zhao Jingyun and his like, think carefully about whether the official hats on their heads will still be there after the Feng family is gone.

Clearly against the Feng family, the Feng family simply stopped covering up and sent troops directly to Taozhou. Since there was a war, Taozhou officials were negligent.

This battle, in the final analysis, is still a party struggle between the queen mother and the grand master, and it will only be brought up during the after-tea conversation. Therefore, when the battle report said that Feng Chenghai was arrested, half of the people thought that it was the Feng family themselves. Holiday news, there must be twists and turns to show that this battle is not easy?
Later, the Feng family began to mobilize troops to Taozhou. Some officials began to think that the accident might be true, but some optimistic officials still felt that it was all fake. Maybe the Feng family took the opportunity to control the military power.

Since one of them thinks this way, they will gather in a bunch soon, so the Feng family's deployment of troops is not going well, and the Grand Master's party obstructs them, and all kinds of eyes and ears are released again, trying to prove whether it is true or not.

It took a lot of time to go back and forth like this.

When the news came back, it was Princess Changle who was guarding Luqu Pass alone.The Wuwei army defeated Tubo and captured the second prince of Tubo alive.

The Feng family and the Taishi Party were not surprised, because they had heard that Princess Changle was in Taozhou before, but the subsequent turn of the war was beyond their expectations.

While the court officials were still guessing which drama this was about to be sung, several states in the northwest had already begun to respond to Princess Changle, just because the court officials wanted the princess to be taken down as a traitor.

As a result of this military chaos, Zhou Liangzhen escorted the princess, and Vice General Yin took the remnant soldiers back to Beijing to report the news.

This time everyone believed it.

No matter how much the Feng family struggled, they would not dare to bring out Princess Changle, let alone let their officials lose their lives.But when everyone came back to their senses, the gates of the six states had been closed.

This is Princess Changle. If the Tubo army came to Daqi at this time, the consequences would be disastrous.

In the court hall, the courtiers gathered together to discuss whether to send troops to several states, fearing that this battle would give the Tubo people a chance.The little emperor, who had been sitting on the throne without speaking, suddenly asked, "Is my aunt back?"

At first the childish voice was suppressed, but soon the servant next to him coughed, and the courtiers remembered that they still had an emperor.

The little emperor looked at these familiar faces, most of the time he just sat and looked down, everything was dealt with by the grand master, because he really couldn't understand those things.

But today is different, he heard the name of Princess Changle, that is his aunt, the servants around him often tell him some stories, mentioned his aunt, from the bottom of his heart he thinks that aunt is very powerful, And he had seen a portrait of his aunt, who smiled very kindly.

The hall was quiet, the grand master was about to speak, the little emperor moved his buttocks, and glanced at the grand master, not daring to look deeply, afraid that he might say something wrong, but...he still opened his mouth again: "Why did you beat your aunt?"

Now the hall became even more silent.

"Didn't my aunt marry to Tubo for the sake of Daqi?" the little emperor asked.

No one dared to answer the little emperor's words, so the grand master stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, you forgot that Princess Changle died. Now this one in Taozhou, I don't know if it is true or not."

The little emperor thought for a while, and then said to the grand master, "Why did the grand master say that he didn't know if it was true or not?"

Just as the grand master wanted to speak, he was stunned and stopped. The little emperor's words should have been unintentional, but it sounded like a pun.

If it can be confirmed that Princess Changle is dead, how can it be impossible to determine whether it is true or not?
"Because the eldest princess Changle died in Tubo, no body was sent back to Daqi."

These words came from behind the grand master.

The Grand Master looked over and saw Yu Shi Jiang Yu took a step forward, and said in a low voice: "The mausoleum that Da Qi built for Princess Changle is just a clothes tomb. Since there is no body, how can we say with certainty that the princess is dead?"

Jiang Yu's voice trembled, but he was not afraid but excited.

"After Tubo Zanpu Usong Festival passed away, I sent envoys to Tubo to welcome the princess, but failed to bring the princess back," Jiang Yu continued, "among them was my mentor, the Minister of Rites Yuan Wei, my mentor He also died in the Tubo rebellion army and failed to return, but his teacher once asked a shepherd to send back news that there were spies among the envoys who greeted the princess. The princess appears."

"The princess no longer trusts Daqi's envoys, and she took the rest of her troops to rescue the child. My mentor led the troops to help, but was intercepted on the way, and the mentor finally wrote down the truth. delivered to me."

The grand master looked over: "Then why did you say it now?"

Jiang Yu's voice was difficult: "When I received the letter from my mentor, the imperial court received news that the princess and all the officials who were envoys to Tubo were killed."

"What's the use of me just holding a handwritten letter? Since all the envoys are dead, how can there be spies?"

Jiang Yu's words caused another discussion in the court.

Uncle Feng Fengzhi led the troops to Taozhou. The queen mother's party lost the person in charge, but they also sensed the danger and came out to refute.

"Just a few words, how can you guess the situation at that time?" Hubu Shilang said, "Jiang Yushi didn't know the truth at the time, but now he can know it?"

Jiang Yu shook her head: "No, I already knew that the handwriting was real, but of course I didn't entrust it to anyone. I have been kept in the dark, and I only recently found out the truth."

Without waiting for others to question, Jiang Yu said: "I once showed the manuscript to a person, and he helped to find the truth."

"That person is Jiang Wei, the prefect of Taozhou."

The name Jiang Wei was familiar to everyone in the court, and it was thanks to Jiang Zhizhou that he was able to retake Taozhou and Minzhou from the Tubo people.

It was reasonable for Jiang Yu to entrust Jiang Wei to help. After all, Taozhou is adjacent to Tubo, so it is easier to get news.

Jiang Yu said: "Jiang Wei told me that Princess Changle passed away, and no one can find out what happened back then, so let me stop being obsessed with it, but Jiang Wei has stayed in Taozhou, and even He was willing to be promoted, and he also set aside a piece of land in Taozhou for Tubo immigrants to build a village."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yu couldn't help laughing: "Then you guess, did Princess Changle suddenly appear in Taozhou? No, she is not, she has always been there, she is in that stockade, imprisoned in it, Why did she not take a step outside? Because she is useless. A princess married far away was abandoned by her mother country after the death of her two husbands. She has completed her mission and no one will I want her to live on."

"So it was the Daqi court who imprisoned her, Jiang Wei imprisoned her, and we imprisoned her. Now we have to send troops to attack her and kill her."

Jiang Yu suddenly pointed at the crowd: "What's the point?"

(End of this chapter)

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