Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 433 Persecution

Chapter 433 Persecution
The grand master didn't plan to speak for the Changle princess at this time, it was not the time yet, he had arranged for Cao Ben to go to Taozhou to investigate the situation, so he wanted to stand aside and watch how the Feng family and the Changle princess fought.

No matter who wins, he can make a move at that time. Unexpectedly, someone really knows about this past.

Jiang Yu lifted up her official uniform and knelt down: "I request the Holy Majesty to welcome back Princess Changle, find out who harmed the princess back then, and give justice to those who died that year."

It was quiet at first, and then someone scolded Jiang Yu.

"A bunch of nonsense."

"It happened a few years ago. I knew that Jiang Wei was dead, so I said such things on purpose."

"It's Princess Changle, what if it's from Tubo? Open the city gate and let the Tubo people in. It's the people of Daqi who will suffer."

A mocking smile appeared on Jiang Yu's face: "My lords may have forgotten that without the princess, Luqu City would have been breached."

Another person said: "What if it's the Tubo people's plan?"

Jiang Yu said: "According to what my lord said, the land of the six states is not enough? Could it be that Tubo wants to fight all the way to Kyoto?" Tubo didn't have so many soldiers and horses, and they won so many states and cities in Daqi.

The little emperor looked bewildered, looked at Jiang Yu and at a few impassioned courtiers, not knowing what to do.

"Teacher," the little emperor said suddenly, "what should I do?"

After all, the emperor was young, so he could only ask the grand master for help when encountering such a thing.

The grand master said: "This minister thinks that this matter is not trivial, and we should wait for Xie Chen's memorial to come to Beijing."

Jiang Yu suddenly smiled when he heard this.

"Is the grand master waiting for the memorial of thanking Chen, or the news from the uncle of the country?" Jiang Yu said with a smile, "It has been a few years since the late emperor passed away. Could it be that the big decision must involve party disputes? Is it the empress dowager or the grand master?" , I went to the Taishi Party’s banquet today, and tomorrow I will be on the roster of the Feng family. Have you had enough of this kind of life? Jiang Mou is enough, so I will offend him once and for all.”

Jiang Yu said and looked at the emperor: "Your Majesty, what the grand master said is not unreasonable. The second prince of Tubo was stopped from attacking Daqi. The Tubo Wangting will definitely not let it go. Probably before there is news from the uncle of the country, he will go When war breaks out, we will know at that time whether it is really Princess Changle who occupies the land of the six states."

Jiang Yu turned around and looked around. Man Chao Wenwu stood there with flickering eyes, wondering what he was thinking. As Jiang Yu turned around and around, everyone's eyes were attracted again.

Jiang Yu stared at the crowd and said, "Do you still want to continue watching the show?"

Anger appeared in the eyes of many officials.

Jiang Yu smiled and said, "I don't want to watch it, it's too unbearable, it's too unbearable..."

Jiang Yu's smile completely subsided after speaking, and the whole person suddenly slammed into the golden pillar of the dragon on the main hall.Everyone was caught off guard, only Champion Hou next to him stretched out his hand and pulled it.

But the old champion Hou had white beard and hair, and he had no strength at all, so he just couldn't hold him back.

With a sound of "bang", Jiang Yu fell on the main hall. On the bright gold bricks, bits and pieces were splashed. The little emperor on the dragon chair opened his mouth wide, with a look of astonishment on his face. At that moment, he even forgot The grand master taught him that he forgot the majesty of the emperor, and shrank back. The servant next to him stepped forward and covered the emperor's eyes.

After a while, the emperor slowly pulled down the hand tremblingly, and the fallen man appeared again in his vision. He was lifted up, his face completely covered in blood.

" is he?" the emperor asked the servant in a trembling voice.

The servant stepped forward to check it, then returned and whispered: "I still have energy, I still have energy."

This is the first time since the founding of the Daqi Dynasty that civil servants have died.If it hadn't been for Champion Hou reaching out his hand, Jiang Yushi would really die of anger.

The few remaining censors in the court hall were all full of anger.

Jiang Yu was carried down for treatment, and the old champion Hou couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead. When that kid from King Yu wrote him a letter, there was nothing like this. , Thanks to his old bones, he still practiced his fists and kicks diligently, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to explain to King Yu.

Now that the matter of the eldest princess of Changle has been exposed, the public will believe that it is true when they hear that there is a censor who has touched the pillar for the sake of the eldest princess.

How to deal with this matter?The grand master had to think carefully, he would rather help the princess secretly than stand with the Feng family, mutilate the emperor concubine, betray Zhongliang, with so many civil servants under the grand master, once the grand master party is charged with such a crime, it will shake its foundation.

This is the first step in persecuting the Grand Master.

Champion Hou sighed in his heart. As for the second depends on how good the generals of Daqi are. They can go to Taozhou for a try, where they will meet unexpected people.

Champion Hou didn't want to see this scene. In fact, he preferred Uncle Feng Guo to meet the Tubo people. Cannibalism is not as good as foreign enemies on the battlefield. The same is for Daqi to see clearly. Civil strife and party struggle will eventually drag down this country. Dynasty, so that they will bow their heads willingly.

Jiang Yu's blood was splashed on the spot, and the court meeting ended just like that. Feng Dang wanted to imprison Jiang Yushi, but he dared not mention it now.Daqi's censors are all around Jiang Yu, whoever dares to make a move will become the target of public criticism.

The censors were not ready to let it go, they knelt outside the palace gate and asked the court to find out about the Changle princess.

That is, on this day, more than 100 people were killed by Nie Shuang's military guards in Lizhou's defenders, and their corpses were hung high on the city wall.

Because these people passed around the books, which showed the princess Changle, some people in the army even took the pills and attacked the women in the village.

Nie Shuang will peel off the skins of the leaders.

"Anyone who rapes female relatives will be punished like this," Nie Shuang said loudly, "Since they are animals, they don't need to wear human skin."

Cao Zheng and Wei Shan looked at Nie Shuang with reverence and yearning in their eyes. After this incident, they made up their minds to join the army, so they went to the Wuwei Army, so they followed Nie Shuang every step of the way.

Zhao Luoyang and Mrs. Bai stood on the city tower of Jiezhou, and they were temporarily stabilized. Those people in the south of Jiezhou could only train in the distance, and told everyone about their existence, not daring to take any real action.

The white woman looked at Zhao Luoyang with a smile: "Awei told me that many people still praise the food you brought, saying that eating one piece will fill you up, and there are some black things that are extra sweet. Let Mrs. Yang come and make some for them."

Zhao Luoyang couldn't help laughing: "When I was in a hurry, the food was boiled, and now I ask my grandma to do it again, I'm afraid I can't do it."

It's really gone. After that time, the wealth value of the system was basically spent, and the food in the wealth area was also exchanged by her. The remaining small amount is really useless and can only be used Send the little ones away.

After accumulating so many things, I opened the gate to release the water with a "wow", and all was gone in a blink of an eye.

Zhao Luoyang secretly sighed many times, it was really irresistible.

(End of this chapter)

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