Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 434 Revealed

Chapter 434 Revealed
The white lady looked into the distance.

"How do you think the court is negotiating now?" Bai Po asked, "They sure don't want to recognize a princess like me, right?"

Some gossip reached the ears of the white lady, and the people in the village almost got into a fight with the officers and soldiers.

In fact, before Nie Shuang killed those Lizhou defenders, he had already arrested many people in the six states.For a woman, not many people may want to hear about the good things she has done, but many people definitely want to hear about some of her private affairs.

Zhao Luoyang said: "What kind of person are you, don't need others to tell."

The white lady was taken aback.

Zhao Luoyang and Bai Pozi looked at each other: "You are here, let them take care of you."

The white lady couldn't help showing a smile. No matter how clearly she saw it before, she would inevitably feel uncomfortable. With such a child by her side, her life was much easier.

Zhao Luoyang said: "We have found the first person who spread those words." Even if Princess Changle doesn't care about these things, they will take those people down to see who they are.

The white lady said: "Then I have to guess, it will belong to the Feng family, or the Taishi party."

Zhao Luoyang didn't speak.

The white lady was a little surprised: "Could it be that there are others?"

Zhao Luoyang said: "I'll show you after I catch someone."

The white lady shook her head: "No need, you just deal with it." Now she entrusts many things to Zhao Luoyang, and after all, it will depend on Brother Yu and Sister Luo in the future.

When Zhao Luoyang came down from the tower, Shi Ping was already waiting beside him.

Zhao Luoyang said: "Did that group of people settle down nearby?"

Shi Ping was very excited, he whispered: "I found a small village outside the city, and a few people gathered there."

Zhao Luoyang was a little surprised. According to her guess, these people heard that those who spread obscenities in the army have been punished. They should leave here immediately. Why did they enter the city instead?

Shi Ping said: "Now I can bring a few people to hold them down." He stretched out five fingers, indicating that five people are enough.

Zhao Luoyang shook her head: "Let's see what they want to do." She felt that these people came here not just to discredit the eldest princess.

Because of this, Zhao Luoyang felt that these people might not have been sent by the Feng family.

Shi Ping is quite familiar with this kind of stalking work. He recently found a few people in the village, and he takes them around on weekdays.

This is Mr. Song's idea. It is not good for all the people in Fengxia Village to gather together. If they can all disperse and bring a group of people each, Fengxia Village will grow stronger in the future.

Just like the elder sister of the Zhao family brought people from several villages in Taozhou to farm together, relying on these people in Fengxia Village alone can't do much. Many, when the Wu Weijun passed by, no one dared to make irresponsible remarks, but people from peasant households like Shi Ping had to listen to what was really going on.

Shi Ping ordered five people to go with him. Among them were people from the East Village of Fengxia Village. The oldest was 19 years old. They all really admired Shi Ping, and they were willing to listen to what Shi Ping said.Several people followed Shi Ping to sharpen their footsteps, among other things, they acted really fast.

A few people rushed to the outside of the Zhuangzi very quickly, Shi Ping said: "The people in the Zhuangzi go out, they must follow, remember not to let them notice. What these people said and did, they all have to be with you. I know."

The crowd responded.

Shi Ping had other things to do, he reached out his hand and took out a black object from his pocket, the sister of the Zhao family asked him to find a way to hide the object in the Zhuangzi, and then retrieve it after leaving it overnight.

Shi Ping looked at the object carefully, only felt that it was a little strange, it felt like a stone, but it was light and fluffy.The elder sister of the Zhao family said that it came out of the North and South workshops, so he didn't dare to ask any more, and he was careful not to damage it when she took it.

The North and South workshops are Daqi's weapon workshops, and the things produced there can be imagined, no wonder he has never seen them.In the future, when he has the ability, he must go to the North and South Workshop to have a look.

Shi Ping put the things back into his bosom, stepped on the tree with his toes, almost didn't stop his body, stepped on the tree trunk and climbed over the high wall.


Zhuangzi is not big, the lights are on in the main house, and two people are drinking tea. Although they are wearing peasant clothes, their actions are out of tune with their attire.

"I walked around the city and didn't dare to get too close, but I saw a familiar face."

Mr. Wen asked, "Is it Nie or Huai?"

Luo Zhen didn't hesitate: "Huai, if I remember correctly, it should be Huai Cheng."

The people with the word "Huai" all left with Huaiguang. The palace has been looking for them for a long time, but they didn't expect them to appear here.

Mr. Wen frowned even tighter: "Could it be that the prince is really still alive?"

News came from Tubo that it was King Yu who took down the second prince.

Luo Zhen shook his head: "Impossible. I saw the body of the prince with my own eyes. There is a scar on the back of the prince's hand. I remember it very clearly. Although the body was chopped off, some marks can still be seen."

King Yu's body has been looked at many times, but it's a pity that there is no woman around King Yu, and some details cannot be confirmed. As for the personal servant girl, King Yu arranged for the concubine right after he returned to the palace. When the girl came to identify the corpse, It was definitely King Yu.

People grow up and their bodies change, but some things don't change. This is why the concubine is sure that King Yu is dead.

Luo Zhen looked outside: "Why don't you call Liang'er over and ask?"

Liang'er also followed this time, because Mr. Wen needed someone to serve him.After the prince died, Mother Chen and others ran out of the palace, and some people were sent away. Liang'er made a contribution in identifying the body, and should have a good place to go, but Miss Feng looked at her very much. , Stretched out his hand casually, and gave Lianger to Mr. Wen, who is in his 50s.

Liang'er was reluctant at first, but her arms couldn't twist her thighs, so she complied aggrievedly.

After Luo Zhen finished speaking, Liang'er just came to refill his tea. Mr. Wen looked at Liang'er: "Did you hear those words from outside?"

Liang'er responded, and then said with a smile: "This is also a way to deceive the Tubo people. We don't know whether the prince is dead or not?"

After becoming a woman, Liang'er was more relaxed than before: "I know exactly how many moles there are on the prince's thigh. They really have changed bodies, and others can be faked. Can they look exactly the same?"

Luo Zhen smiled meaningfully when he heard this, and glanced at Liang'er.

Mr. Wen said: "Wu Weijun is here."

"Most likely they were deceived, or someone gathered them on purpose," Liang'er thought, "This is to snatch people from our palace."

Mr. Wen was still skeptical before, but after listening to Liang'er's words, he felt that it was what they thought before, that someone was using the banner of the prince to gather the military guards.

It seems that they have to find a way to win over these people.Even Liang'er didn't know about the old King Yu's blood, so Mr. Wen naturally wouldn't tell Liang'er, but he felt that if the interests were big enough, it's time to disclose it to the generals of the Wuwei Army.

(End of this chapter)

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