Chapter 441
Uncle Feng Guo put away the letter and ordered, "Go back to the camp."

At this time, it is impossible to attack the city. Uncle Feng's life and death are uncertain, and the situation in the six states is unknown. No matter who comes, he must first find out the details.

No matter how anxious Feng Fengzhi was, he would not do anything rash.

Back in the military tent, Feng Fengzhi took off the hairpin, and then took out the letter in his arms. The cronies and staff beside him did not dare to make a sound, and stayed by the side, quietly waiting for Feng Fengzhi to read the letter.

There were not a few words written on that letter, Feng Fengzhi read it several times in a blink of an eye.

"Master," the staff member whispered, "Is there any news about the eldest son?"

Feng Fengzhi shook his head: "The letter said that Cheng Hai fell into the hands of the Tubo people early in the morning. They captured the Tubo people, but they did not find Cheng Hai's whereabouts."

This is the same message sent by the eyeliner.

The staff member whispered: "Dare to ask the master, who wrote this letter?"

Feng Fengzhi handed the letter to his staff: "Compare your handwriting."

The staff immediately understood that it was written by Princess Changle.Since the news that Changle Princess is alive has spread to the capital, Feng Fengzhi will naturally be prepared when he comes, including looking for the pen and ink left by Changle Princess.

The staff did not dare to neglect, and immediately pressed the letter on the table, and then leaned over.The two staff members got together, and one of them was good at judging the brushwork. The two went back and forth, looked at it carefully several times, and then looked at each other, and there was a result.

Feng Fengzhi saw it in his eyes and said: "How is it? But it was written by one person?"

The staff stepped forward and said: "Actually, it looks... a little different, but it is precisely because of this that it looks more like it was made by one person."

Human handwriting is always changing, and it is impossible to make it exactly the same, only some subtle habits will not change, such as the habitual force of a stroke, these cannot be faked.

"Is it really her?" Feng Fengzhi seemed to be asking two staff members, but also seemed to be asking himself.

This is the result?
He didn't want to believe it, but these things were in front of his eyes, and there was news from the imperial censor in Beijing, and Jiang Wei's various actions back then had a reasonable explanation now.

Back then, they did a great thing without telling everyone, that is, they hid Changle and let her live until now.

Feng Fengzhi clenched his hands.

It turned out that the Feng family had always had such a big worry, but they knew nothing about it.

Feng Fengzhi took a deep breath.Princess Changle has endured it for so many years, why did she suddenly stand up at this moment?Is it the eldest princess's own arrangement, or is someone helping her behind the scenes?
The land of the six states was lost in the blink of an eye, and the soldiers and horses of the imperial court were kicked out suddenly. Is this all planned by the eldest princess herself?

What happened in Taozhou before, from Sun Ji being arrested to defending the city in Luqu, how did she do it?Didn't it mean that the people in the village don't come out easily?

Feng Fengzhi felt a pain between his brows, some things were clear, but some things were strange.

It seemed that the answer was right in front of my eyes, but separated by a layer of veil.

The staff knew what Feng Fengzhi was thinking, and he said, "Could it be that King Yu and the eldest princess are really joining forces?"

Recently, the spies placed by various parties have inquired about a piece of news that King Yu once appeared in Jiezhou.Either Jiezhou was spreading the wind, or Jiezhou deliberately released the news.

Now it looks more like the former.

Because Jiezhou is indeed not well protected, merchants can bring out goods at a high price, and the defenders at the city gate even accept bribes in private.

But this is what makes people feel different.

If King Yu really exists, what will happen to Jiezhou?

Really muddy water.

Feng Fengzhi asked again: "Where are those caravans? Can they be detained?"

Now it's the lieutenant's turn to report: "Two caravans have been seized. We have checked carefully. The people who escorted the goods are all from the caravans themselves. No one from the six states has mixed in. Those things... are really six State property."

While talking, the deputy general arranged for someone to bring up several boxes of things and open them for Feng Fengzhi to check.

One box is mostly fur, and there are some tea and medicinal materials, and the other box is full of felt.

The deputy general said in a low voice: "The women in the six states are all making felt. This kind of felt can keep out the wind and rain, and it is very useful. They also said that it was made by the immigrants. They traveled long distances, relying on this Right now this kind of felt is selling very well in Chengzhou and Lizhou.”

Feng Fengzhi said coldly: "They are all prepared in case you run for your life?"

The lieutenant general's face changed: "It's just common people who don't understand this."

The felt is not only useful when moving, it is extra solid to the touch, what can't be done for laying and covering?Feng Fengzhi is angry with the customs of the two states.

The six states now only have soldiers and horses assembled by Zhao Jingyun and the scattered military guards. The people of the six states seem to have never thought that they will lose this battle, so they sell what they have in their hands. Lizhou bought these items at a high price.

Is this a business?It was slapping him in the face.

Feng Feng knew: "The people in Liuzhou did this on purpose."

The deputy general wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to speak. He asked those merchants, and the merchants said that there are many people in the six states who do this, especially in Taozhou. This makes money.At that time, when the merchants received the goods, the farmers did not spare even a penny.

So, could it be that Uncle Guo is thinking too much?
If you think too much, it is easy to trap yourself, and you will not easily believe the news from the six states in the future.

Sure enough, Feng Feng knew: "Don't attack Jiezhou first." It would be better if someone can help them find out the truth.

As soon as Feng Fengzhi finished speaking, the guard at the door walked in: "Master, there are people coming from the west."

Most of the people in the west were sent by Tubo.

In the absence of a war, it was normal for both sides to send people around, not to mention that Feng Chenghai fell into the hands of Tubo.

Feng Fengzhi ordered: "Bring the person here."

Unlike Jiezhou, the Tubo people took the initiative to bring Feng Chenghai's belongings.His robe, purse, and sword.

Feng Fengzhi stabilized his emotions, but when he saw the imprint on the saber, his fingers still trembled a little, it was Cheng Hai's fault.

"Uncle Guo," said the Tubo envoy, "my Zanpu said that everything is easy to discuss. If my second prince can return to Tubo smoothly, I believe that General Feng will also be safe and sound."

It is very clear that the Tubo people want Feng Fengzhi to help them deal with it so that the second Tubo prince can return to the Tubo royal court smoothly.

Feng Fengzhi's face was gloomy: "If I can't see my son, how can I believe it? These clothes can be obtained in the melee, but after so long, we don't know what the person is like. If I help you, I can't make it in the end." My son is going home, am I at a loss?"

The Tubo envoy saluted again: "Zanpu said, you will agree. The person facing you is not Tubo, but Princess Changle, the King of Yu."

(End of this chapter)

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