Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 442 1 Great Achievement

Feng Fengzhi drove away the Tubo envoys, and ordered the Chinese military secretary to write down clearly what the envoys said, so as to submit them to the imperial court for inspection later, so as not to be charged with collaborating with the enemy.

The words spoken by the Tubo people are false and true, and no one knows how many of them are true. Naturally, Feng Fengzhi would not take it seriously.

When everyone in the military tent had left, Feng Fengzhi's eyes still fell on Feng Chenghai's clothes. He took a deep breath, as if a heavy stone had been pressed on his chest.

What the Tibetans said was false, but the clothes were true.

After a while, the staff members returned to the central army tent again: "Sir, do you want someone to go to Tubo alone? See if you can bring back news of your uncle?"

Feng Fengzhi hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

In the war between the two countries, Feng Chenghai may become a proton, but the proton will not die easily. Such news to Tubo may save Chenghai's life.

Feng Fengzhi looked in the direction of Jiezhou again, if Chenghai fell into the hands of those people, he could only wait until the Tubo people made their move, and the six states asked him for help, so they had to send Chenghai back.

"Master, don't worry," the staff said, "The Feng family is here, they won't easily hurt you."

The status of Feng's parents is precious, and no matter who they fall into, they will not be easily killed. This is why they always thought that Feng Chenghai would be safe and sound.

Even if Princess Changle wants to seek revenge, in the current situation, she has to think about whether she should cut off her way out.

"Send a letter to Jiezhou as well," Feng Fengzhi ordered. "It's really the eldest princess. We will escort her to Beijing. If there is anything the eldest princess needs, just say it."

People cheated out, as to whether they can go to the capital, it is up to them to decide.


In the city of Jiezhou.

Nie Shen asked people to unload the food and grass. The food and grass were not easy to come by. Only by avoiding the Feng family's soldiers and eyeliners could they reach Jiezhou smoothly.

The 2000 people he promised have now received more than 1000 people one after another.

Nie Shuang reached out and patted Nie Shen on the shoulder: "There is a lot of food, and the manpower is just enough to be used. I can help repair the fortification tomorrow."

The Tubo army was approaching, and the fortifications outside the city hadn't been completed yet. Nie Shuang and the others were so busy that they couldn't see anyone all day long, but this was also good. It was easier for Nie Shen to take over some work and walk around the city as a military guard.

The people in the city had nothing to say. Nie Shen mainly paid attention to the group of people from Taozhou. These people would always gather together to talk. small talk.

Gradually, Nie Shen could also hear some news.

It's just that the more I listen, the more I feel that these people have brain problems.

"The last time the girl borrowed food from the sky, the food was really hungry. Some people ate two yuan more and drank half a pot of water in the middle of the night, and their stomachs were bloated."

Having said that, Bai Ah Qi patted his head in embarrassment. His injury had healed a lot, so he followed the grain transport team to Jiezhou. Even if he couldn't go to war with Zha Shuo, it would be prudent to do something here.

He was the one who said he ate two extra pieces of dry food.

He couldn't eat for a few days after he was injured. After he recovered, he suddenly had a big appetite, so he got greedy. The dry food was okay to eat, but when he drank water, his stomach swelled, and he couldn't close his eyes all night.

Nie Shen said, "What dry food? Wild vegetable cake?"

Bai Ah Qi smiled and said: "No, can I steal wild vegetable pancakes with my mouth open?"

Bai Ah Qi said and pointed to the sky: "It's borrowed, but it's different. It tastes... It's dry food, but it smells like meat. It's hard and crispy, fragrant and salty. If you don't pay attention to it, a piece of it will taste like meat. I went in, and the girl told me not to eat more, but I don’t believe it, can you still have cubs in your stomach?”

"But it's really a cub."

Everyone laughed, and those who hadn't eaten beside them couldn't help licking their lips: "You don't have a piece left?"

"Girls are not called leftovers," Bai Ah Qi said, "In the end, everyone finished eating."

"And that black thing, it's sweet," Bai Ah Qi smiled, "Only injured people can eat it."

Bai Ah Qi seemed to have picked up a huge bargain, the black caramel was the one he ate the most.There is another thing that he didn't tell others. When he was in a daze, he seemed to see the girl take a long needle and stick it in his waist.He still doesn't know if it's a dream or real.

Nie Shen didn't eat anything, he didn't believe it, and felt that "borrowing food from the sky" was extremely absurd, and it was nothing more than a way for girls from the Zhao family to recruit people.

"I don't know when I can borrow food from the sky," said a person in the village, "I want to eat again."

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Bai Ahqi looked at Nie Shen: "Where can we always borrow, this time Master Nie brought us food, we can't go hungry anymore, no matter who comes from Tubo, we are not afraid. Blow them up to the sky."

Everyone chatted and laughed for a while and separated to go to work. When Nie Shen saw Nie Shuang leading people to patrol the city, he couldn't help mentioning these things: "Is what they said true?"

Nie Shuang looked at Nie Shen with a complicated expression: "If someone asks you, you should say the same."

Nie Shen frowned: "This...does anyone believe it?"

"Princess Changle is of royal blood. She was raped several times by traitors for the sake of Princess Daqi's marriage to Tubo. Thanks to the protection of heaven, the princess is safe. Now, what's wrong with borrowing food from heaven to avenge the princess?"

The voice came from behind Nie Shen, and Nie Shen turned to see Zhao Luoyang.

Zhao Luoyang carried a bamboo basket on her back and shuttled around the city every day. She said that she took care of all the affairs in the city, but in Nie Shen's view, it was just to look at the crops and sell the products.

Nie Shen saluted Zhao Luoyang: "Is the eldest princess Changle real?"

Zhao Luoyang didn't say it clearly but said: "If the grievances are not cleared, the eldest princess can't pay back the court. I have something to entrust to you."

Nie Shen responded, "Young lady, just give orders."

Zhao Luoyang said: "You have people outside, it's easier than us to do these things, it's better to leave it to you."

Nie Shen listened carefully.

Zhao Luoyang said: "Among the people who went to Xifan to welcome the princess back then, there was a deputy lieutenant who is now serving in Fengzhou. This person has always been in contact with the Feng family. He must be aware of the Feng family's harm to the eldest princess. You bring someone and bring this person first to prevent the Feng family from attacking him first."

"Evidence must be obtained from him no matter what."

Nie Shen was astonished. He didn't expect that the girls from the Zhao family had already found out these things secretly. Isn't this a ready-made bargain for him to pick it up?

Expose the Feng family, and then use the Feng family to deal with the eldest princess...

He doesn't need to figure it out, the girl from the Zhao family has already paved the way for them.

Zhao Luoyang continued: "When the time comes, you will bring this person to Beijing with the second prince of Tubo, and there will be a censor to meet you. With these two people, the grievances of the eldest princess can be cleared."

Nie Shen understood that this was a truly great achievement.

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