Feng Fengzhi saw a flash of fire, followed by a heat wave flying toward him with gravel and debris. He only had time to swing his sword to defend his vital points, but the horse under his crotch was frightened, and he was inevitably overturned and fell to the ground.

Everyone has not recovered from the first explosion.

There was another "boom" in his ears. Feng Fengzhi grabbed a soldier, quickly turned over, and used the soldier's flesh and blood as a human shield.

But even so, he still felt cutting pain from everywhere in his body.

The firearm exploded too suddenly and too close to them. Feng Fengzhi's personal guards were seriously injured, and the well-trained horses fled in panic. They could not tell the difference between friend and foe, and trampled several soldiers mercilessly with their hooves.

Feng Liuxian came to his senses, found Feng Fengzhi, and eagerly checked Feng Fengzhi's injuries.

"Arrest people," Feng Fengzhi said angrily, "and then let them throw firearms?"

As long as the attacker is not found, they are still in danger.

After hearing this, Feng Liu's mind became clearer. He raised his head and searched in the smoke, but the thick smoke had not completely dissipated, limiting their sight.

They had just left the camp, and were still within the inspection and exploration range of their scouts, but they had unknowingly buried firearms. Based on this alone, all the scouts should be beheaded.

Feng Liu ordered Feng Wu to lead a few people to search to the side. At this moment, shouts seemed to be heard not far away. Feng Liu was about to search carefully, but the shouts stopped suddenly, and the strange movement was interrupted by the noisy screams around him. Submerged, Feng Liu had the illusion that he had heard wrong just now.

But many years of combat experience made Feng Liu keenly aware of the danger. He looked towards the thick fog and raised his head towards Feng Wu and others.

Feng Wu and his men slowly approached to check. A gust of wind blew away the rising smoke. Feng Wu squinted his eyes. After a moment, he found a figure revealed where the smoke dispersed. There was a ring around the head of the man. There are blades of grass and some delicate branches on the back. From a distance, it looks like a weird big tree, but it is obviously not a tree.

At this moment, Feng Wu couldn't even understand what kind of thing he saw, and that thing obviously didn't expect to suddenly come face to face with them.

The two groups of people just stood there, but the thing came to its senses first. Like a child playing with mud, he suddenly threw two lumps of mud in his hand towards Feng Wu and others, and then dragged the clumsy leaves and The branches fled to the distance.


Before the word "thing" could be said, Feng Wu realized something was wrong. The thing fell to the ground and the pottery on the outside broke. The next moment there was a "boom" and they were swallowed up by firearms again.

Feng Fengzhi and others once again felt the power of firearms. Feng Wu and the others were rolled up and fell heavily to the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Feng Fengzhi and Feng Liu, who were not far away, also experienced the baptism of firearms. Feng Liu stretched out his hand to protect Feng Fengzhi, but they were still hit and fell to the ground. The smoke made everyone breathless.

Feng Fengzhi's forehead was cut by flying pieces of porcelain and patches, and blood quickly filled his eyes.

"He's over there." Feng Liu roughly saw what had just happened and immediately stretched out his hand to order people to hunt him down.

The deputy general not far away got up and led dozens of people in pursuit.

Feng Fengzhi spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Master." Feng Liu supported Feng Fengzhi worriedly.

Feng Fengzhi gritted his teeth: "Is he from Princess Changle?"

Feng Liu nodded: "It doesn't look like a Tubo person."

Feng Fengzhi never expected to suffer a loss here. He lost his manpower just after leaving the camp. Feng Wu's life and death were unknown. The 1000-man guard lost a lot. The horses were frightened and fled. They were trapped here.How many people set up an ambush?
Feng Fengzhi looked at Feng Liu, and Feng Liu understood and said: "I only saw one just now, there should be... there are others around." No matter what, he would not believe that he was attacked by one person.

In fact, the Feng family soldiers and horses were chasing one person.

The only person lying in ambush nearby was Shi Ping.

Shi Ping ran forward, and the branches stuck on his body fell to the ground with his movements. He may be the only big tree nearby that can run and lose leaves, but his way of hiding his figure has been discovered by others. See, even if you hide it, you will be found.

Shi Ping felt a little regretful, not because he should have hidden the firearm after it exploded or should have taken action again, but because he regretted that he had moved too slowly. If he had taken a few more steps forward and thrown it further, he might have been able to directly hit Feng Guo. If the uncle is killed in the explosion, the soldiers and horses of the Feng family will not be able to chase the princess and Uncle Zhao.

Shi Ping left the road and ran into the woods. Only in this way could he get away from those people, but it was obvious that the Feng family was completely angered and would not give up so easily.

When those people rested and mounted their horses again, more people would catch up with him.

Shi Ping was prepared. If he was caught... no, he would not be caught. There was also a firearm in his pocket. Uncle Zhao called it a "big rooster". This thing was not as powerful as ordinary firearms, but it made a huge noise. , can only bluff people, in short, it is a firearm that was discarded by the fourth uncle, but this time Shi Ping brought it all.

No matter how powerful it was, it was still a firearm. If he was cornered, he would bring a big rooster and blast the Feng family members who were chasing him into the sky.


the other side.

Feng Fengzhi had just cleaned the wounds on his body when he heard a noise behind him. The scout jumped off his horse in panic: "General Feng, the Tibetans are coming."

The Tubo people arrived, and while Feng Fengzhi was delaying, they had already defeated the soldiers and horses left by Feng Fengzhi and were approaching.

"Mount your horse." Feng Fengzhi ordered, and everyone immediately mounted their horses again and prepared to go on their way.

Feng Fengzhi's life was not in danger, but most of his energy and energy were dispersed by the firearms. He looked very embarrassed. Just now, he would not conflict with Tubo head-on, but now he would avoid their sharp edges.

Even if they didn't stop them, and there would be interrogations from various states and prefectures behind him, Feng Fengzhi was not worried about what would happen to Daqi. As for the fate of those people, Feng Fengzhi would not even care.How can the lives of the people compare with him?
Feng Fengzhi urged the horses forward, and the cavalry who lost their mounts stayed in the rear. Now they have no other choice, let alone feel apologetic.

Without resistance, the Tubo army was overwhelming. They seemed to be able to imagine how much gold, silver, property and fair women would be waiting for them after the city was broken.

This is the army of Da Qi, and this is their general.

Seeing the Feng family soldiers fleeing in panic, the Tubo general smiled, and his wild laughter was gradually mixed with contempt and ridicule.

"Let's go," the general raised the long sword in his hand, "My sons, the soldiers and horses of the Qi people have been scared away. They gave us everything in the city, so we don't have to be polite. Just go with whatever you like. Pick."

I don’t know how long it has been since I won a game so happily. Everyone’s face was full of excitement.

They knew that the fleeing soldiers of the Feng family would never come back, and no one would stop them.

The Tubo general waved his hand and was about to organize his troops to move forward again when suddenly they heard the sound of horse hooves.

The sound of horse hooves came closer and closer, bringing up bursts of dust from the sky.

Soon their figures stood under the skyline, and a large flag floated in the vast sky and earth.

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