Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 477 Military Prestige

Chapter 477 Military Prestige
The Tubo general kept looking at the oncoming cavalry. The soldiers around him also stopped. The big flag became clearer and clearer, and a big "Xiao" character came into everyone's eyes.

The Tubo general's eyes tightened. He did not see the general leading the army clearly. In fact, he did not need to use his eyes to see at all to tell that they were not the banner imperial troops led by Feng Fengzhi.

Running towards them were the cavalry who had been fighting tough battles.

They kept approaching at a relatively fast speed and did not have any scouts to stand in front of them. That was because they were very confident that they would win this battle. Tubo and Daqi were constantly colliding with each other on the border, and there was only one person whose troops had such military prowess.

It was the Wuwei Army led by King Yu.

"Isn't King Yu fake?" the Tubo general said suddenly.

They had already gotten the news that King Yu was pretending to be a member of the Wuwei Army, and none of them had ever looked directly at King Yu.

Even if King Yu is real, King Yu's troops are also in Taozhou at this moment. In the past half month, there have been at least a dozen small-scale wars in Taozhou.

In order to test the strength of Taozhou's troops, they actually lost a lot of men and horses. The royal court made a decision after weighing the balance. After Feng Fengzhi attacked the Jiezhou city gate, they took advantage of Feng Fengzhi's troops and horses to be exhausted, and headed east. Beijing West.This would make it easier to attack Da Qi and achieve their goal of conquest, and Feng Fengzhi would also weigh the pros and cons and not dare to directly block it.

Now that the strategy was decided, the royal court in Taozhou also sent troops and horses to pretend to attack, while holding Feng Fengzhi in place while keeping Taozhou's troops in place.

When Taozhou came to report, everything went smoothly.

So where did this army come from?

"Formation." The Tubo general shouted, and the surrounding soldiers and horses immediately gathered in a formation to face the enemy. Unwilling to be disrupted by the sudden arrival of soldiers and horses, he raised the long sword in his hand to boost the morale of the army: "Kill."

When the two armies were about to collide, the Tubo general could finally clearly see the men and horses rushing in front.

The man held a spear in his hand, and the armor on his body glowed with a faint cold light. He exuded a strong smell of blood and power, and he was rushing towards him, making people almost breathless.

Although he still couldn't see his appearance clearly, his figure was enough to remind him of someone.

The Tubo general suddenly felt fear in his heart.

King Yu.

This magnanimity belongs to him alone.

Especially when the man slightly raised the spear in his hand, the Tubo general couldn't help but slow down the speed of the impact, obviously there was still some distance between the two of them.

Wu Enjiang gritted his teeth and held on. He was the younger brother of the current prince and the uncle of the prince's son. This time he finally convinced his sister to let the royal court send him here so that he could do his best to find the second prince.

After the soldiers came to Qidi, he did not try to save his nephew like he promised his sister. In his heart, the nephew was really useless. With the help of Wang Zeng, he would be caught and lost to the Tubo people. face.

Especially when he faced Feng Fengzhi, he felt that Qi Ren had nothing to fear.

He came here to wash away the shame of this defeat, how could he back down at the critical moment?
Wu Enjiang tightened his grip on the long knife.

At this moment, the two cavalrymen immediately gathered together, the sound of flesh and blood hitting each other was heard, and blood splashed everywhere.

Obviously the attacking Qi soldiers and horses were superior. They drove their horses and ruthlessly trampled the bodies of the Tubo people. The spears that retreated behind the first row of cavalry also showed their sharpness, and they had no time to stop. The Tubo cavalry hit the spear.

Wu Enjiang felt blood splattering on his face.

These soldiers and horses of Daqi had obviously been prepared for a long time, and their hasty response would inevitably lead to this result.

Wu Enjiang originally wanted to use enough troops and horses and the bravery of the soldiers to defeat the enemy at a disadvantage, but he still underestimated this army.

"King Yu." "It's King Yu."

Someone has already recognized the general leading this army.

Wu Enjiang wanted to retort, but the spear in Xiao Yu's hand was already aimed at him. He concentrated all his strength on his shoulders, hoping to at least withstand the confrontation, so that he could stabilize their military morale.

The two sharp weapons collided together, causing Wu Enjiang's jaw to hurt. The long knife almost came out of his hand, but he finally managed to hold the handle tightly.

But it didn't end there, the spear slid down his blade, and he was powerless to stop it, watching the gun body shake and hit his arm.

Wu Enjiang heard the sound of his own bones breaking, followed by heart-piercing pain, and his mind was also in a trance for a moment. When he wanted to cheer up again, only the shining light was left in his vision. Spear tip.

Wu Enjiang's whole body froze, and he felt something hot dripping from his forehead and falling on his hanging arm.

With a "buzz" sound, the tip of the gun was pulled out of his head, and the tail of the gun trembled, as if shouting with joy.

In that person's hands.

That is a real murder weapon.

"General Wu."

This was the last cry Wu Enjiang heard.

Leading the troops to invade Daqi, Wu Enjiang was the former army. Now the leader of this former army was killed, and most of the army's morale was gone, even if it was not dispersed.Huaiguang stood in front of Xiao Yu: "Master, leave the rest to us."

Xiao Yu was unwilling to stop. Every time he would kill the enemy with the guards, but it was different now. He had just fought in Taozhou and came galloping with his soldiers and horses. His body was inevitably worn out. Usually he He probably wouldn't care about it, and would support it to the end, but he couldn't ignore Xiao Jiajia's exhortation.

Xiao Yu withdrew his spear and slowly regained his composure.A person who often fights always kills, and the spear in his hand does not drink blood and is unhappy. Before he was injured, he was already contaminated with hostility, but after being with Xiao Jia for a long time, those things have gradually faded from him.

Xiao Yu turned his head to look at the direction Feng Fengzhi was leaving. In addition to stopping the Tubo troops, he could not miss Feng Fengzhi.

"Pass my military order," Xiao Yu said, "all the Qi soldiers and horses will come under my command and join me in fighting against Tibet."

Xiao Yu's voice fell, and the ordering soldiers beside him immediately responded. More than a hundred people from the army quickly separated and ran in the direction where Feng Fengzhi left.


Shi Ping was already trapped in a forest. He raised his head and looked at the tall tree. Even if he climbed up, he would not be able to escape for long.

He exhaled softly and tightened his grip on the firearm.

It seems that he will not be able to return to Taozhou. I hope that everyone in his family is well, and I believe that the second uncle of the Zhao family will help take care of him.

With this thought in mind, Shi Ping drew out the sharp weapon from his waist again, preparing for a final fight.

Feng Fengzhi looked at the forest not far away, and it was hard for him to imagine that the sneak attack was just an ordinary soldier.

No matter what, this time he must arrest him.

Feng Liu waved his hand, the Feng family still tightened the encirclement, but at this moment, all the birds in the forest behind Feng Fengzhi took off.

Feng Liu's expression suddenly changed and he shouted: "There is someone."

(End of this chapter)

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