Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 478 Deception

Chapter 478 Deception

Shi Ping saw the pursuers who were rounding up. He carefully adjusted the position of his feet, preparing to pounce on those people when they came over.

Even at the last moment, you have to change from passive to active. This is what Mr. Song said. Shi Ping likes this sentence very much. Since the war started, he will think of it from time to time and slowly think about it in his heart. Now is the time to realize it. It's time.

Several figures were getting closer and closer. Shi Ping calculated the distance between them and looked at the soldiers behind them. There were about a dozen.

Killing three or five people and injuring six or seven people is enough.

Shi Ping made up his calculations and made up his mind to rush over. The moment he raised his foot, a "chuckle" sound came from the forest not far away. Shi Ping subconsciously withdrew his foot, and everyone raised Start looking at the sky.

Before everyone could investigate why the "birds startled in the forest" suddenly, the sound of horseshoes came.

"Enemy attack."

"Enemy attack."

Hearing the shout, the soldiers all turned their heads and returned to the army without caring about hunting in the forest.

Shi Ping looked at the pursuers disappearing like a tide, and his tense body finally relaxed a little at this moment. He couldn't believe that there was still a chance of improvement in such a situation. Originally, he was determined to die, but now he couldn't believe it. Found a way out.

Being alive is naturally better than dying.

Shi Ping was happy in his heart, but he still didn't dare to put down the firearm in his hand, because he hadn't figured out what happened outside.

There was a lot of noise outside the forest. Shi Ping raised his head and took a look. He decisively climbed up the tallest tree and finally saw clearly what was happening outside the forest through the gaps in the leaves.

Although Shi Ping was prepared, he was still surprised.

On the official road are the court soldiers and horses brought by Feng Fengzhi. They can't be seen at a glance, and I don't know how many people there are.

So many people turned around and ran away when they heard that the Tubo people were coming. It is because of such defenders that the people of Daqi will suffer.

Not far away from this troop, there was another troop approaching. Their number was obviously smaller than that of the imperial court, but their momentum was extraordinary, and judging from their attire, they were not Tubo people.

Shi Ping couldn't help but feel happy. He was not from Tubo or the Feng family, so he was probably King Yu.


Feng Fengzhi didn't know who was coming. Could it be that the defenders of Jiezhou didn't go far and stayed here to ambush him?But the momentum was not that of exhausted soldiers who had been fighting for many days.

On the contrary, these people are even more menacing than the Tubo soldiers, because these people chose to attack them head-on.

Feng Fengzhi actually missed the days of fighting with the late emperor, leading thousands of people to fight together. The momentum, the feeling of crushing everything with force, made people very obsessed and happy.

When he attacked Jiezhou, he experienced the blood again, and he also discovered the looseness of his soldiers and horses. The soldiers and horses gathered here and there, on the surface, respectfully surrendered to him, but in fact there was no cohesion. In the end, He had to use his own generals.

The people he brought were like this, let alone Feng Chenghai's situation at that time.

Therefore, how stupid was his decision to let Feng Chenghai come to Taozhou.

"Arrow suppression." Feng Fengzhi gave an order, and Feng Liu immediately responded.

They brought a lot of soldiers and horses, but unfortunately there were woods on both sides, which really restricted their ability to stretch their arms and legs. They had to change their military formation on the spot, with the shield soldiers in front and the archers in the back. After getting into position, they started shooting arrows into the forest.

Feng Fengzhi's choice was correct, this was an excellent defensive formation, but because of the sudden encounter with the enemy, he couldn't help being a little flustered.

In addition, there were too many soldiers and horses, and it took a lot of effort to form an array on the spot. Although we tried our best to complete it, we also missed the best range of the arrows.

The Feng family soldiers and horses fired two rounds of arrows, but the enemy army was already approaching.

The moment the two armies encountered each other, Feng Fengzhi felt the trouble that the terrain here brought to them. They had too many troops and horses, and the distance between them was too long to see each other. When the enemy attacked at the same time, they became head and tail together. They were piled up in the middle like a bead curtain, unable to take advantage of their numerical advantage at all, and instead became a liability.

The soldiers and horses who were crushed in the middle gradually lost their room to move. Some soldiers were in a panic and didn't even know where to attack.The attacking soldiers and horses were not prepared to give them a chance to adjust, but continued to crush them with all their strength.

Just when Feng Fengzhi's troops and horses were in chaos, another cavalry team joined the attacking team. There were more than 100 cavalrymen in total. They saw the right opportunity to penetrate Feng Fengzhi's troops and horses from the rear.

They came and went, killing everyone, and then withdrew under cover. After doing this several times, Feng Fengzhi's rear army suffered heavy losses. Soon the soldiers and horses at the rear were in turmoil. They either fled to both sides or accelerated their retreat.

Feng Fengzhi's army, which was assembled from various state capitals, was shattered at this moment. He was thinking about escaping for his own life, and had long forgotten to take care of his comrades. The collapse of this small group immediately caused a chain reaction, and soldiers fled one after another. With fewer and fewer soldiers and horses resisting, the lieutenants in the team began to kill deserters in the hope of stabilizing the situation.

But this is just the beginning.


The familiar horn sounded.

Feng Fengzhi's soldiers and horses couldn't help but be stunned. This was the horn sound of the Qi soldiers and horses attacking. It came from the Wuwei Army. Anyone who had fought with the Wuwei Army had heard this sound.

"It's the Wuwei Army."

"It's the Wuwei Army."

Some people in Feng Fengzhi's army, which was already in chaos, began to shout.Now they finally figured out who they were fighting. It was not the soldiers and horses of the six-state rebels, let alone the Tubo people, but the armed guards.

Just as the soldiers were panicking, another voice came.

"It was passed down to the order of King Yu that all the soldiers and horses of Daqi belonged to the King Yu. They obeyed the order of King Yu and fought against Tubo together. Those who disobeyed the order would be punished as rebels and beheaded immediately."

When the voice fell, the soldiers looked at each other in confusion.

"Did you hear that?"

"King Yu."

"He's talking about King Yu."

"King Yu is still alive."

Feng Fengzhi's eyes narrowed. Although he stood a little farther away, he still heard the man's shouts intermittently.

It's Xiao Yu.

Feng Fengzhi suddenly wanted to laugh, what the hell kind of place is Jiezhou?Fengdu of the King of Hell?First it was Princess Changle, and now it’s Xiao Yu.

The two damn people are now said to be still alive.

He didn't want to believe it, but he had to doubt that it was true.

He saw the elite soldiers and horses attacking him. This seemed to be Xiao Yu's best attack method.

"Master," Feng Liu said eagerly, "the man who leads the army is Huai Guang."

The Huaiguang who died in the battle with Xiao Yu and disappeared from the crowd.

If Nie Shuang's appearance could not represent the Wuwei Army, but Huai Guang would definitely be able to, Feng Fengzhi had suspected for a long time that even if Xiao Yu died in battle, he would order Huai Guang to do something secretly.

Now that the truth is revealed, Xiao Yu may not be dead, he took Huai Guang and others to hide.

And they were all deceived.

(End of this chapter)

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