Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 479 Laughing

Chapter 479 Laughing
Feng Fengzhi was surprised by the appearance of Huaiguang, and some of the generals and soldiers in the army he led were stunned when they heard the news.

Feng Feng knew that there were many disrupted Wuwei troops in this army.

What the imperial court wanted to clean up was the Wu Wei Army, not the officers who were incorporated into the Wu Wei Army.

Especially those military leaders and soldiers. In their view, low-level officers and soldiers have little to do with the commander-in-chief Xiao Yu. Moreover, they are soft-spoken and can only obey the orders of the court. It is the same no matter where they are placed. But Feng Fengzhi forgot. Okay, anyone who has been with the Wuwei Army knows what Daqi's soldiers should be like. As long as there is a comparison and the superiority is obvious, people's hearts will also be unstable.

Facing the reorganization of the military order at that time, these people had to take care of their families, and had no choice. King Yu was dead, and the lieutenants in charge of them all went their separate ways, so what could they do?Anyway, no matter where you are, you are fighting for Daqi, and it is no different.

But when they went out with Feng Fengzhi, they found it was too different. Not to mention that the army had one order a day, they were all lieutenants who came and went. They didn't know who to listen to if they did one thing today and another tomorrow.

After walking to Jiezhou, it was even more strange.

The flag on the wall of Jiezhou City was said to belong to Princess Changle. They also heard some rumors in the army that Princess Changle was still alive, and that the eldest son of the Feng family was defeated in Taozhou and almost surrendered to Fanzhou. When people broke through the pass, it was Princess Changle who led the people to defend the city.

Others saw Lord Nie Shuang and General Zhou on the tower.

These two are admirable beings in the Da Qi army. With them here, this battle should not be fought.Even if they want to fight, they must first deal with the Tubo people who are leading troops to suppress the border.

Who would have known that the first military order they received was to massacre Mian County and arrest officials of all sizes in Mian County. Before this matter could be understood, Feng Guojiu ordered another attack on Jiezhou.

From then on, there was a voice of resistance among them.

Not to mention that the flag of Princess Changle was planted on the Jiezhou city wall, but that the people on the city wall had prevented the Fan people from invading Daqi. Shouldn't they figure it out before starting a war?
They would gather together in private and could not resist openly, but everyone did not work so hard when attacking the city. The defenders on the city tower seemed to understand this and would not kill them.

It would be good if things go on like this. No one wants their own people to beat up their own people.

But later, the generals of the Feng family began to kill people, forcing them to fight for their lives, and also used the soldiers and horses raised by the Feng family. As a result, Jiezhou City was full of corpses.

The city was captured, and most of the army was actually in a state of confusion. Many people felt that their lives were not worth dying for, but again, no one dared to resist. The bright knife was placed on their necks. Whoever moved, their heads would be killed first. It fell off, so I had to endure it.

Until I heard the news that Tubo destroyed the city...

This time, Uncle Feng did not lead them to fight, but fled all the way.

Fleeing when encountering the enemy is a capital offense in the Wuwei Army. The ridiculous thing is that it was Uncle Feng Guo who made the decision this time.

An inexplicable atmosphere spread among the soldiers.

What a loser.

Fight bloody battles with your own people, and run away from the enemy?How are they going to face their wives, children, and children at home?

So when they were attacked by the cavalry that suddenly appeared, many of them lost their morale.

This negative mood spread among them, but the cavalry in the background was particularly heroic.

Some people began to give up resistance, dropped their weapons and fled in both directions, not because they were afraid of death, but because they were killed like this on the way to escape, which was really not the result they wanted.

Just when everyone was at a loss, a voice suddenly sounded.

"It was passed down to the order of King Yu that all the soldiers and horses of Daqi belonged to the King Yu. They obeyed the order of King Yu and fought against Tubo together. Those who disobeyed the order would be punished as rebels and beheaded immediately."

"Those who obey the military order and resist the Fanren will be spared the crime of fleeing just now."


Then someone recognized Huaiguang.

"It's General Huaiguang."

The news came from the mouths of those soldiers who had served in the military guards. Everyone believed it, because before that, everyone's emotions had been suppressed to a critical point. This sudden change seemed to give them hope.

At this moment, the soldiers around Huaiguang waved their flags vigorously.When the Wuwei Army trains its soldiers to form formations, they use the flag to command.

"General Huaiguang asked us to go to the right and go down to the woods." Among the troops under Feng Fengzhi, those who recognized Huaiguang naturally also recognized the flag message. Without hesitation, the man immediately walked to the right, and the people surrounding him The soldiers also went with him.

Not just these people, but those who came out of the armed guards were like sparks, starting to burn out the flames in Feng Fengzhi's army.

In just a few moments, they gathered together into a force, causing a new commotion in Feng Fengzhi's army. A gap appeared on the right side of the army, and a large number of soldiers walked out from there.

Such a large fluctuation also attracted Feng Liu's attention. He immediately looked at the deputy general beside him: "What are they doing?"

The lieutenant general only thought that someone had escaped, but he never expected that those people were going to join the armed guards.

Huaiguang waved his hand, the soldiers around him put away their flags, and the second round of attacks began.

It was still a simultaneous attack at the end. A group of cavalry led by Huaiguang crushed them back and forth, killing countless people.

The Feng family tried hard to adjust the army, but with little success.

Half an hour later, Huaiguang asked people to wave the flag again, and the previous shouting continued again.

This time after the flag was played, a large number of people moved to the right side. They had not been able to make a decision in time just now, and they could not miss it again this time.

At this time, Feng Liu and others also figured out the situation. These soldiers actually listened to King Yu's military orders.

Huaiguang's two words made their military morale collapse, and the soldiers and horses in the army also moved according to the flag.

Feng Liu and others could hardly believe it, but this happened right under their noses.

"Stop them." Feng Liu shouted.

The generals of the Feng family led their soldiers to stop him, and the two sides soon started fighting.

Internal disputes broke out, and the soldiers and horses who were about to lose their combat power became even more vulnerable.

Huaiguang once again ordered people to wave the flag: "Listen to my order and join me in taking down Feng Fengzhi."


Feng Fengzhi looked at the chaos in front of him. Under Huaiguang's instigation, someone in his army actually turned around and came to kill him.If he hadn't been surrounded by Feng family generals and thousands of guards, he might have been overwhelmed by the chaotic troops and horses.

He did not underestimate the enemy, but he did not expect Xiao Yu and Huaiguang to be here.

Xiao Yu actually had such prestige in the army that the soldiers were willing to join him without him even standing here.

"Master, let's protect you and leave first."

Feng Fengzhi didn't hesitate, and followed Feng Liu along the official road.

But soon the cavalry who opened the way ahead stopped.

Feng Fengzhi had a guess. He ignored people's obstruction and moved forward slowly. Then he saw the figure standing not far away.

Still so arrogant, so rebellious, as if he didn't take anyone seriously.


It's him.

Feng Fengzhi suddenly burst out laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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