Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 481 New Opportunities

Chapter 481 New Opportunities
In the Iron Castle, Xiao Qi had just come out of the shower and changed into a sky-blue robe. The maid next to him helped him tie up his hair, then took a look in the bronze mirror, and immediately carefully averted his eyes.

Who would have thought that the person picked up by General Wang would really have a graceful and noble temperament after cleaning up.People in the fort have been talking recently that the man who is lame in one leg and looks as dirty as a beggar is actually the brother of the deceased King Yu.

There was a knock on the door, and the maid hurriedly looked at Xiao Qi. Xiao Qi nodded and said, "Go and open the door!"

The maid promised.

The door opened and Wang Zeng stood outside with a smile on his face. Xiao Qi stepped forward and saluted Wang Zeng.

"My young prince," Wang Zeng said hurriedly, "This is impossible. How can the general endure this?"

Wang Zeng said and bowed to Xiao Qi in a polite manner.

Xiao Qi showed a bitter expression: "General Wang, don't do this. I am just a commoner now and I don't deserve this title."

The two people walked into the house and sat down. Wang Zeng said: "I already know about the affairs of Prince Yu's Mansion. The old Prince is gone and Prince Yu also died in the battle. The burden of the Prince's Mansion falls on the shoulders of the young prince alone. If it weren't for the traitorous ministers now in power, the young prince would He has returned to the capital long ago to inherit the throne."

Xiao Qi shook his head: "Now I am a rebel being pursued by the imperial court. If I had not met the general, I would have been beheaded long ago." As he spoke, he moved his injured leg.

"I'm lucky enough to escape now, but the Feng family won't let it go. If we really catch up here, the general will just hand me over. I am a cripple and cannot harm the general."

Wang Zeng glanced at Xiao Qi's legs and immediately said: "Young prince, don't worry about this. Feng Chenghai and I fought against Tubo, but Feng Chenghai left us behind and fled with his cronies, almost causing me and all my brothers to be killed." Taozhou, fortunately, the Tubo people were determined to capture Feng Chenghai, so we were able to save our lives. At that time, I made a decision not to serve the Feng family anymore."

As he spoke, Wang Zeng sneered: "It's not that we can't fight to the death. Feng Chenghai clearly said that we would die for him. We are willing to go. When we charged into the battle, he stabbed us in the back. To put it bluntly, he didn't treat us as human beings at all." , The young prince probably doesn’t know that I have worked for the Feng family for many years, but in the hearts of the Feng family, I am just a dog slave. Every time they come, they ask me to call themselves 'slave'. I have endured humiliation and heavy burdens for these soldiers and horses for many years, and I always feel that If you make military exploits in the future, you can earn some respect."

"Now I can see clearly that the Feng family is a treacherous villain and really not worth following. I am lucky to meet the young prince. We will follow the young prince from now on. If we can leave here and reach the capital, I will let Feng Chenghai escape from the battlefield. Report the destruction of tens of thousands of troops to the emperor, expose all the Feng family’s deeds, and once the Feng family falls, things will naturally be set right, and the young prince’s identity will be revealed to the world.”

After saying these words, Wang Zeng hesitated for a moment and looked at Xiao Qi deeply: "I only have one request."

Xiao Qi said: "General Wang, please speak."

Wang Zeng stood up and bowed again: "I have followed the Feng family for many years. I know that my sins are serious and I do not ask the court to forgive me. However, the soldiers under my command are innocent. I also ask the prince to protect them after restoring their status and keep them in Prince Yu's Mansion. In the future, They will definitely be loyal to the prince."

Xiao Qi said: "General Wang, get up quickly."

But Wang Zeng did not move: "If the young prince does not agree, the general will not get up."

Xiao Qi had no choice but to limp forward: "General Wang, please get up quickly. One day, I will swear on my life that I will do my best to advise the court on behalf of the general and soldiers. You are all loyal ministers and good generals of Da Qi." , this is what happens when someone is framed, I believe that the emperor and the court will find out the matter and will not punish him hastily."

Wang Zeng felt something in his heart when he heard this, and he straightened up with the help of Xiao Qi's hand: "What do you think we should do now, young prince?"

Xiao Qi thought for a while: "After all, we are in the land of six states. There is currently a war in the six states. As a general, the general cannot stay in a corner to protect himself. When the court investigates in the future, someone may catch this person. If we don’t let go of this matter, no matter what the general and I say, it will be useless.”

Wang Zeng nodded.

Xiao Qi continued: "So we have to find a way to join the war. Of course we must avoid the Feng family. It is best to join forces with Princess Changle to resist the Tubo people. With the help of my aunt, we will not be in trouble when we return to Beijing." Isolated."

This is what Xiao Yu thinks.

Wang Zeng thought for a moment and nodded: "My young prince, what you said makes sense." Xiao Qi continued: "What news have you heard? How is the war outside now?"

Wang Zeng frowned: "The spies just came back today and said that the Feng family is attacking Jiezhou City. Feng Fengzhi has led tens of thousands of troops. I'm afraid the troops stationed in Jiezhou City are no match."

Xiao Qi lowered his eyes and thought: "Then we have to help my aunt. We can't let the Feng family succeed. However, the general doesn't have many soldiers and horses, so we have to take action at the critical moment."

Wang Zeng nodded: "Without further delay, I will immediately send people to find out the news, and also make people ready. As long as there are changes in Jiezhou, we can leave at any time."

Xiao Qi said: "Then it's hard work, General."

Wang Zeng stood up and said goodbye, and Xiao Qi walked to the door. The two seemed to hate each other for a long time, and on the surface they actually developed some friendship.

However, after Wang Zeng left the courtyard, his expression changed. This teenage boy should not be underestimated. After all, he was the child of King Yu, and he was very powerful at a young age.

Xiao Qi's meaning is very clear. If he wants to help Princess Changle when she is in trouble, it is best if Princess Changle is killed by Feng Fengzhi. When the six states are in chaos, Xiao Qi will come out to cheer up. Those groups are leaderless and at a loss. All the armed guards will surrender to his command.

Wang Zeng also nodded repeatedly. It was a good idea, and that was exactly what he meant.

This time they suffered a big loss in Taozhou and lost their second prince. The Tubo people had an unclear attitude towards him and seemed to regard him as an abandoned son. Do they think he is no longer useful?

Fortunately, he accidentally rescued Xiao Qi. With Xiao Qi here, he had another chess piece in his hand. Whether he used Xiao Qi to go to Tubo in exchange for meritorious service, or stayed in Daqi, he had a new chess piece. choose.

Even if he doesn't choose either path, when Xiao Qi takes down the Wuwei Army, he can take the opportunity to replace him.

Wang Zeng laughed, hoping that this little King of Yu would be able to fight for him and get more soldiers and horses, so that he could completely become the talker of the six states.

Wang Zeng went to the military camp. The servants in the backyard kitchen were reprimanding a handyman. The handyman was called here a few days ago. Wang Zeng needed to take good care of the young prince now. Naturally, he could not let the young prince live like him. As rough as it is, there must be no shortage of people to serve. You can use your own people to do the personal work, and use local farmers to do rough work outside.

The farmer was a mute. He was usually honest and quick at work, but today he sent the wrong vegetables. The not-so-good vegetables were supposed to be for the army officers, but he was asked to move them here.

After he realized his mistake, he chased him straight into the inner courtyard, where he was chased and beaten by his mother-in-law with a fire stick.

"Is this where you can come?"

"And your food, if it spoils my master, it will kill your whole family."

The mute was shouting "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaoooooooooooooooo... You are lucky to have bumped into your master, but you will not be allowed to do this again?"

The mute nodded repeatedly.

The cook waved her hand: "Deduct one day's wages from you, go ahead!"

The mute then turned and left. After walking out of the yard, the mute picked up the cart and walked all the way to the military camp. When he reached a place where no one was around, a basket in his cart moved slightly, and then a man moved his hands and feet neatly. Got out of it.

Seeing this, the mute quickly put down the car: "Girl, slow down."

(End of this chapter)

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