Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 482 Calculation

Chapter 482 Calculation
Zhao Luoyang jumped out of the car and looked at Qin Gao, who was pretending to be mute: "Let's go first."

The two of them had a foothold outside the Iron Castle. If they walked a few steps further, they would see Wynn.

Qin Gao nodded. Although he looked safe now, he would feel more at ease after joining everyone.

Huai'en saw Qin Gao and the girl from the Zhao family from a distance, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief. The girl from the Zhao family wanted to see Xiao Qi, and he couldn't stop him. After the two left, he was not too anxious. For a moment, he was thinking wildly. If something happened to the girl, how could he explain it to the prince?
Fortunately, he came back smoothly, and Wynn wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Girl," Wynn said, "next time something happens, just tell us to do it."

Zhao Luoyang responded, "Okay."

Wynn didn't expect the girl to agree so readily.

Zhao Luoyang said: "I just want to take a look at him."

In addition to doing something with her own hands, she also had to see with her own eyes what kind of child the old Prince Yu and his wife, Prince Yu and his wife, would raise. Strictly speaking, she was not curious about this child. She just thought about the source of the harm to the little mute. It's right in front of me, and I want to see it clearly with my own eyes.

The three of them walked out. Zhao Luoyang thought about it and put in five recorders, which should be enough. When she returned, she told Wynn to pick them up in two days.

When he returned to the courtyard where he settled, there were people guarding him outside, so Qin Gao could safely draw the layout of the courtyard.

"Wang Zeng's Guzang Fort was captured by us. He was defeated outside, but he didn't know where he got a lot of things from. There were four houses in the yard where they settled that were full of things. Others There may be room.”

Qin Gao saw these with his own eyes. There were soldiers coming and going carrying boxes, and there were heavy soldiers guarding the rooms. It was obvious that they were all valuable things.

Zhao Luoyang said: "It should be that he has hoarded it over the years. When he left Guzang Fort to follow Feng Chenghai to fight, he had arranged an escape route."

Qin Gao was quite excited: "It seems that we will gain a lot this time." Since arriving in Taozhou, he has discovered that he has some talent in raising money.

Although in order to get some money, he defrauded some coffin books from his father, but after harvesting the cotton and selling it, wouldn't it be easy to get back the money?

Later, he stayed in Taozhou and followed others to burn Guzang Fort. He dug out all the jars that Wang had hidden in the ground. He didn't know why his nose was so sharp. Maybe it was Quan Xia Youzhi, the Kong family's sister, who was helping him.

Zhao Luoyang looked at Qin Gao.

Qin Gao said hurriedly: "I'll leave those to you."

Qin Gao knew this very well. Before he came, he and King Yu went out for a drink, but when it came time to give the money, King Yu remained unmoved.

He didn't have enough money in his pocket, so he finally asked his clerk to deliver a letter to the Zhao girl so that they could escape from the wine shop.

The dignified King Yu was not embarrassed at all, he just said: "I forgot, all the money was given to Luoyang, and Huaiguang didn't follow him today."

It was the first time that Qin Gao met someone who could express his love even if he had no money. King Yu was indeed different.

After that time, he knew that when it came to money, he didn't need to ask anyone else, just leave it to the Zhao girl.

Zhao Luoyang looked at Wynn: "Has everyone made arrangements?"

Wynn nodded.

They arranged for people from Jiezhou to pass the news of Feng Fengzhi's defeat to Wang Zeng and the court. Of course, the news released was not completely true. At least they concealed the news about the prince, so as to attract these people to come forward.

Zhao Luoyang said: "Xiao Qi should have guessed that I have been there."


Not long after Wang Zeng left, Xiao Qi noticed something strange. When it was time to take medicine, Grandma Jiang never came.Even though there are people serving him now, Grandma Jiang still does these important things personally.Xiao Qi sent someone to see her, and the maid came back and reported, "Mama Jiang fell asleep. I called her several times before she woke up."

Hearing this, Xiao Qi limped to Aunt Jiang's residence.

Aunt Jiang was boiling medicine for Xiao Qi. When she saw Xiao Qi, she immediately stood up and saluted, with regret on her face: "I fell asleep for some reason, and I am still dizzy. Maybe it is because I am old and the medicine is no longer effective." It's also overcooked. Fortunately, the young master sent someone over to take a look, otherwise it would have delayed the young master's business."

Aunt Jiang was rubbing her neck as she spoke, feeling a little uncomfortable there.

Xiao Qi looked at Aunt Jiang carefully. Aunt Jiang was much thinner than when she was in Mian County. Everyone in Mian County was captured. Aunt Jiang's family also fell into the hands of Feng Fengzhi. Xiao Qi could understand Jiang. Nanny, but he still felt that something was not right...

Xiao Qi's eyes suddenly froze, and he found a little dried blood on the back of Nanny Jiang's neck. He immediately grabbed Nanny Jiang and looked carefully. There was a trace of a needle pricking above the blood.

"Mommy," Xiao Qi asked, "What were you doing before you fell asleep? Did you feel anything strange?"

When Xiao Qi said this, Grandma Jiang remembered: "I am boiling medicine, and it seems that there is some pain in my neck..."

Xiao Qi looked at Aunt Jiang's house: "Maybe someone has come in."

Xiao Qi's eyes were downcast, and Grandma Jiang shuddered: "Young Master is saying..."

Xiao Qi nodded: "Someone poisoned grandma."

Grandma Jiang's legs went weak and she immediately sat on the ground.

Xiao Qi did not say anything, but asked the people around him to inquire about the news. When Grandma Jiang was sleeping, a man broke into the backyard. Although he was discovered by the steward in time, it was really noisy for a while. The woman who was guarding the door went to take a look. lively.

Aunt Jiang asked: "At that time did people come in?"

Xiao Qi nodded.

Aunt Jiang looked outside warily: "Could it be that Wang Zeng sent someone to search?"

Xiao Qi shook his head: "I live here with him. He has many opportunities. There is no need to poison grandma."

Grandma Jiang really couldn't think of anyone else who would do this.

Xiao Qi said: "Maybe it's Princess Changle's people. The fact that they didn't kill grandma is proof."

Aunt Jiang knew that the young master was always smart, so she did not interrupt and listened to the young master continue to speak.

Xiao Qi said: "They came to search in grandma's house because they wanted to find something that could prove my identity."

Aunt Jiang didn't know whether this matter was a joy or a worry for them: "Then what should we do?"

Xiao Qi thought for a while: "Send a message to the people my father and mother left for me, asking them to come here to see me. Since Princess Changle is looking at me, I should be like the heir apparent of Prince Yu's Mansion and at least let her know that I have usefulness."

Aunt Jiang nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes."

Xiao Qi felt that this was a good opportunity for him, and he thought of Zhao Luoyang again: "I would also like to meet that girl from the Zhao family. I heard that she is 17 years old this year."

Aunt Jiang didn't know why the young master suddenly mentioned the Zhao family girl.

Xiao Qi said: "She is not much older than me. If I grant her the title of Princess Yu, do you think she would be willing to follow me?"

(End of this chapter)

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