Chapter 495
Xiao Qi didn't hear Qin Tongpan's response, but he wasn't impatient either. He still bowed slightly, but Grandma Jiang next to him couldn't stand it anymore.

"Master Qin," Mother Jiang immediately told Xiao Qi's contribution, "my young master buried Wang Zeng and his guards in the tunnel." If it hadn't been for her young master, Qin Tong's sentence would not have been so easy. Victory?

Qin Tongpan knew that Xiao Qi had used some tricks. It turned out that the sounds of firearms exploding that he heard were caused by Xiao Qi.So, this Prince Yu's young master does have some abilities.

But that's all. If King Yu were here, he would definitely lead his people to quell the war, instead of hiding in a pigsty to survive.

The white cloth on the wooden pole should have been taken out after learning that they had entered the city.

Before that, if he had not succeeded, Xiao Qi would have pretended to share the same hatred with Wang Zeng and others.He could tell Xiao Qi's thoughts at a glance. Who is not a turtle and a grassroots?

Qin Tongpan suddenly felt that his self-evaluation was a little inappropriate, and he couldn't help but pursed his lips: "Where are Wang Zeng and those people? Mr. Xiao will take us over to have a look."

Aunt Jiang frowned slightly. If she heard correctly, the leader of the army should be called "Master Xiao" instead of "Young Master" or "Shiziye". In other words, this person has not yet agreed. The identity of the prince.

Does this also show the attitude of Princess Changle?It seems that everything is not as simple as they thought.

Xiao Qi's expression was very natural. He straightened up and immediately led Qin Tongpan and others forward.

Xiao Qi said: "I only exchanged news with the girls of the Zhao family before. I didn't know who would lead the troops to attack the Iron Castle. But when I saw the banner with the word 'Qin' in the distance, I knew it must be Master Tongpan."

Hearing the words "girl from the Zhao family", Qin Tongpan's heart moved slightly. Maybe Xiao Qi would think that mentioning this would make him look at her differently. After all, it is not easy to get a girl from the Zhao family.But Xiao Qi didn't know that trying to get hold of the Zhao girl would anger that person. As for who that person was... he didn't dare to say.

Even when he was eating, he had to ask for money from the Zhao girl, and even when he was injured, he had to come all the way to Taozhou to look for the man.

Judge Qin Tong asked: "Master Xiao knows about Qin?"

Xiao Qi nodded: "When Sun Ji made a rebellion, it was Qin Tongpan who led the troops to suppress it. The news had already reached Mian County. Although I was not allowed to go out, I also thought that it would be great if I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Qin. Except for my deceased brother, there are not many generals in Qi who can lead troops to fight, and Master Qin is the only one in my heart."

The elder brother is yes, but he is not the "passed" elder brother.

Xiao Qi is using his brother's reputation to win people's hearts for himself

Qin Tongpan did not dare to appreciate Xiao Qi's praise in the slightest, so he said: "That time was not my fault, it was all arranged by Zhao Jingyun and the Zhao family girl."

Xiao Qi didn't expect that the Zhao family girl would get involved in Sun Ji's case.

Qin Tongpan continued: "At the beginning, I turned away the Zhao family girl and her husband, and even wanted to drive them away. Now that I think about it, I am thankful I didn't do that."

Xiao Qi couldn't help but said: "In the end, my lord was convinced. It can be seen that your lord..."

"I was deceived," Qin Tongpan pointed at his head, "I won't go into details with Mr. Xiao for various reasons, but I understand one thing.

Xiao Qi listened carefully.

Qin Tongpan said: "Serve the court and the people wholeheartedly, and don't have to think about other things. This official does a practical job and lives an easy life."

Xiao Qi didn't quite understand what Qin Tongpan meant. Was he trying to remind him?What can you tell him?Down-to-earth?Single-minded?
Xiao Qi responded: "My lord is right."

The two people were talking and had already reached the entrance of the tunnel. The surrounding area had collapsed due to the bombing, and it was impossible to see what was going on inside.

"Dig the tunnel," Qin Tongpan ordered, "Wang Zeng is a very important person. He wants to see people when he is alive, and he wants to see corpses when he dies." The soldiers immediately stepped forward. After all, there were so many people, and it didn't take a moment to open up one of them. Immediately after the exit, someone ran out. Those people had been in the tunnel for a long time and were already dizzy. They couldn't care less about identifying who was standing outside at this moment.

Qin Tongpan was also unambiguous and ordered: "Kill."

The people who followed Wang Zeng in the end must be Wang Zeng's confidants. They found out exactly what Wang Zeng had done in these years. They killed people, sold women and children, and colluded with the Tibetan people. These people who were the backbone of the tiger had committed extremely heinous crimes. Even being sent to court is a dead end.

Nowadays, the affairs of the six states are complicated, so there is no need to spend time on these people. It is better to take the lives of these people to frighten the remaining soldiers under Wang Zeng's command.

The people guarding the tunnel entrance slashed one at a time, just like chopping melons and vegetables, and quickly killed many people.

Until two figures appeared together, it was not that easy to solve this time. The steel knife dropped by the general was blocked, allowing the two people to leave the tunnel smoothly.

When the two figures completely appeared in front of people, everyone finally saw clearly that it was not two people but three people who came out, one of whom was carrying Wang Zeng, who had fainted.

Qin Tongpan said coldly: "Get them."

The two guards were injured when the firearm exploded. They wanted to escape with Wang Zeng, but unexpectedly the firearm blew up both exits leading to the outside. They finally saw the light of day again, but they were faced with the soldiers and horses of the imperial court.

The two could only try their best to fight, but in the end they were unable to defeat the four hands with two fists, and they were quickly tied up.

Qin Tongpan went to check Wang Zeng's condition in person, and found that Wang Zeng was still alive.It seems that this person has done too many evil things, and God is not willing to let him die so easily.

After the soldiers thoroughly searched the tunnel and confirmed that no one was hiding in it, Qin Tong ordered the prisoners to be imprisoned. He looked at Xiao Qi and said, "Master Xiao, please come back to the government office with me!"

When Xiao Qi heard this, he thought for a moment: "I want to see my aunt. I wonder if the Zhao family girl has told you."

Judge Qin Tong shook his head: "The Zhao family girl will arrange this herself."

Aunt Jiang, who was following Xiao Qi, was surprised. She never expected that the Zhao family girl was really so powerful. She seemed to be taking care of all the affairs of Princess Changle.No wonder the young master is cautious about making friends with her.

Xiao Qi then asked: "Is the girl here?"

Qin Tongpan wanted to cover his ears with his hands and listen to what he said. He changed from "girl of the Zhao family" to "girl". He wondered if the person who heard it would be blamed if he didn't refute it.

Qin Tongpan was still not ready to take this risk, so he cleared his throat: "Young Master Xiao, it is better to address the Zhao family girl appropriately."

Xiao Qi was startled, and his face turned slightly red: "I know that the Zhao family girl is my brother's benefactor, so I feel closer to her in my heart. I made a mistake."

Qin Tongpan did not follow Xiao Qi's words. The two walked out of the iron castle, and Qin Tongpan looked towards the mountains not far away.

"The lady has important arrangements, Mr. Xiao, just wait and see with peace of mind!"

Xiao Qi followed Qin Tongpan's gaze, and his slightly relaxed mood suddenly tightened at this moment, and he suddenly had a bad feeling. He looked around. Just in case, he arranged for people to stand on the iron Outside the castle, if he failed to design King Zeng, those people would risk rushing into the city to rescue him.

Everything is going well now, so are those people hiding or leaving?
Or maybe someone discovered his whereabouts...

(End of this chapter)

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