Chapter 496
Xiao Qi wanted to ask Judge Qin Tong for some more information, but Judge Qin Tong kept his mouth tightly shut, especially not mentioning anything related to the girl from the Zhao family.

Xiao Qi inquired about Qin Tongpan, but did not think he was very smart. He heard that Qin Tongpan was even deceived by his son into mourning in Taozhou, and all the wealth he had saved over the years was completely lost to his son.

One of the reasons why he dealt with Wang Zeng in the Iron Castle was that Xiao Qi felt that it would not be difficult to persuade Qin Tongpan to side with him. Even if he could not succeed immediately, he could at least win over this person.

No matter how you say it, his relationship with Princess Changle is closer than that of Zhao Luoyang. In the past, when there were no royal relatives, Princess Changle had to rely on Zhao Luoyang. Now that he is here, if she can truly join her, wouldn't it be better than Zhao Luoyang? Is the Zhao girl better to use?He himself is also a chess piece. He is the chess piece that his aunt used to invade the capital and return to the court. I believe that anyone who is thoughtful can make a choice between him and Zhao Luoyang.

Xiao Qi took a deep breath, but Qin Tongpan looked like he couldn't get enough of it. It was really difficult to handle. He really couldn't think of any reason. Could it be that Qin Tongpan fell in love with Zhao Luoyang? Want to marry your son?

Qin Tongpan, who was riding in front, shuddered inexplicably, as if something terrible was coming. He couldn't help but swallow, and looked at the sky above his head with fear.

Everything was fine, but why did he feel like the sky was about to collapse?


Zhao Luoyang was walking on a path leading into the mountains.

Most of the men Xiao Qi sent to ambush the Iron Castle were taken down by Huaien and Qin Gao, deliberately leaving a few fish that slipped through the net. He was now leading the way, leading them to their usual hiding place.

Just like Wang Zeng kept manpower outside, so did Xiao Qi.Same thing, using the same method, but targeting different people.

Zhao Luoyang didn't pay attention to Wang Zeng's group from the beginning. When Wang Zeng was at Guzang Fort, she and the little mute arranged for people to pretend to be tea merchants and interact with Wang Zeng. The details are very clear.So even without Xiao Qi, they could still take down Wang Zeng.

For Zhao Luoyang, what is more important is Xiao Qi who has not yet revealed all his secrets.Once she knows what she wants to do, she can follow the clues as long as she gets Xiao Qi to move.

"Girl," Wynn came over to report, "there is a village in the mountains ahead."

It seemed like that was the place they were looking for.

Wynn said: "What are we going to do? Lead people to surround the village?"

Zhao Luoyang said: "Let someone send a message to them. Just say that I am here and want to see their boss." Sometimes, there is no need to use a knife or a gun. Xiao Qi helped them take down Wang Zeng, who was also responsible for He chose his own camp. Since Xiao Qi had no escape route, he would not fall out with her at this time, so the initiative was in her hands.

Wynn responded.

Qin Gao was a little worried: "Are you going to the village soon? It's better to select more people to accompany you."

Zhao Luoyang said: "Only a few dozen people will go with me, while the rest will wait outside the village."

After speaking, she pointed to the mountain peak: "Let the messenger go there and use the flag language to convey the message. If we make any mistakes, it can be spread immediately."

Xiao Qi is now in the hands of Qin Tongpan, and she is sure that those in the village will not disregard Xiao Qi's safety.

About two moments later, a group of people rode out of the village. Zhao Luoyang looked from a distance and saw that the leader was a woman in her 40s or [-]s.

She was not surprised at all when she saw this woman, and her previous guesses were all logical.

The woman got off her horse and immediately walked towards Zhao Luoyang. The person behind her looked wary and wanted to step forward to stop him, but was ordered by the woman to step back.The woman was dressed like an ordinary peasant woman in a coarse cloth dress, but her eyes were exceptionally clear.

Zhao Luoyang got off his horse and waited until the woman came to him. The two of them greeted her.

The woman said: "Mr. Zhou is paying homage to the girl from the Zhao family. I didn't know that the girl would come. Please forgive me for any inconvenience."

Zhao Luoyang looked at the woman and said without any extra words: "I don't know how to call Mrs. Zhou?"

Zhou was a little surprised, thinking that the Zhao girl wanted to be polite, but she asked about her identity as soon as she came up. If she didn't tell her now, would the Zhao girl let the soldiers behind her go straight into the village?
If Zhao Luoyang had found this place the day before, the Zhou family might have had other choices, but today was different. Qi Geer helped the imperial soldiers capture Wang Zeng. Now that they had made a choice, they could not fight with Zhao Luoyang. There is any conflict between Luoyang, at least not openly.

After thinking for a moment, Mrs. Zhou said, "I am Xiao Qi's biological mother."

As Zhou spoke, she looked carefully at Zhao Luoyang's expression. She was pleased to see a flash of surprise in the girl's eyes.Since she dared to come to see Zhao Luoyang, she was prepared and confident that she could convince Zhao Luoyang.

But Zhao Luoyang's next words made Zhou's heart tighten, and the wounds that had been there for many years were opened.

Zhao Luoyang said: "So, Aunt Zhou is the concubine of King Yu? Xiao Qi is the bastard of King Yu?"

Zhou's throat moved, and she could clearly hear the contempt in Zhao Luoyang's words.

Yes, in terms of status, this is indeed the case. She is not even considered a concubine. After all, she has never had a clear path, but Xiao Qi cannot be just a concubine.

Zhao Luoyang only cares about this because Xiao Yu is the eldest son.But Zhao Luoyang didn't know that she still had a secret in her hand, which could subvert everything in front of her and make Zhao Luoyang willingly accept Xiao Qi.

Zhou showed a decent smile: "What the girl said is both right and wrong. In fact, Brother Qi is the prince's only heir."

Zhao Luoyang frowned and his expression became obviously gloomy: "What did you say?"

This is what Ms. Zhou wanted. She said, "Young lady, you might as well come into the village with me. I will explain it to you carefully."

Zhou led the way, and Zhao Luoyang looked around.

This village looks like a gathering place for ordinary hunters. Even if someone passes by and sees it, they will never think that the people hiding here are actually related to Prince Yu's palace.

After entering the house and sitting down, Mrs. Zhou poured hot water for Zhao Luoyang with her own hands: "I haven't had time to buy tea this year. I'm neglecting my lady."

Zhao Luoyang was obviously not interested in this. She stared at Zhou: "What did you mean by what you just said? If you meant to slander Xiao Yu..."

"A woman never dares to do this," Mrs. Zhou said, "I say this not because of Brother Qi's identity as the only heir apparent, but because I want to tell the girl that whether it is the deceased Prince Yu or Brother Qi, They were all killed by the concubine of Prince Yu. They were all not born by the concubine of Prince Yu, but they were plotted by the concubine to take away their biological mother. Not only that, the concubine even killed their biological mother. I can survive until now, It’s because Old Yu Wang secretly rescued me.”

Zhao Luoyang was still puzzled: "Speak clearly."

Zhou then pursed her lips and said, "Girl, do you know that Young Prince Yu is not the heir of the old Prince Yu, but the biological flesh and blood of the late Emperor and the First Empress Zhang."

(End of this chapter)

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