Chapter 509

In Xingyuanfu City.

The courtyard where Xiao Qi lived was deserted. Aunt Jiang listened to the noise outside. Princess Changle received the imperial edict and led a group of people out of the city.

From beginning to end, no one came to inform them that they were accompanying the eldest princess.

When Aunt Jiang brought the news back, Zhou's face became more and more ugly. Princess Changle even picked up the Bai family. I heard that the Bai family was just a servant. Even if she had served Wusong Festival, she had not I have no reputation, I can’t get on the stage, and I won’t be able to help in the future.

The eldest princess was willing to keep such a person by her side, but she didn't think about Xiao Qi at all.

Xiao Qi is her nephew. If they can give her some face on this day, they will definitely think of the interests of the eldest princess.She doesn't understand what's going on?

Princess Changle is not even willing to accept such a favorable favor?

What on earth is Princess Changle thinking?
Zhou took a deep breath. She had even arranged her clothes for Xiao Qi, but the result was that she was sitting here in a deserted manner, with no one paying attention.

Zhou became more and more anxious thinking about this. After arriving at Xingyuan Mansion, she asked people to inquire about the whereabouts of Mr. Wen and his men, but there was no news at all. It was unknown whether Mr. Wen and his men were killed by Feng Fengzhi or escaped from the northwest.

It is said that Feng Fengzhi was forced to flee in all directions like a lost dog, and he might be captured by Princess Changle's army at some point.Could it be that just because of this, Changle thought that he could handle everything by himself without the help of others?
Since he couldn't follow Chang Le out to meet the emperor's orders, he couldn't find out the news about the coming of the imperial court. He didn't know how the imperial court came to Prince Yu's palace.

"Mother," Xiao Qi looked at Zhou, "it's possible that the court's handling of Prince Yu's Mansion was not very good."

Zhou was shocked: "Why? The confessions I took out made it very clear that those things had nothing to do with your father, and were all secretly caused by Princess Yu."

Xiao Qi shook his head: "Some things are not just what we say. Maybe the court has other evidence. If we can suppress Prince Yu's palace in one fell swoop, it will be good for the court."

Zhou became even more panicked when she heard this: "What should we do?"

Xiao Qi said: "Fortunately, the court still has some use for us. As long as we can find the opportunity to make contributions, even if the previous one is written off, we can get back the Prince Yu's Mansion with this."

Zhou nodded repeatedly.

Xiao Qi continued: "We still have some hope of getting out of Princess Yu's ship as soon as possible." He is still young and can come step by step. Even if he temporarily loses his title, as long as he is still a member of the royal family, he will have no future.

There is another reason why Xiao Qi is so confident. He feels that the court will not let the eldest princess Changle grow bigger, and needs others to split the power in the hands of the eldest princess.

If he can take some of it away, it will be of use to the court.

"If I have the chance, I will go to meet the officials of Zhongshu Province and pay homage to Da Zongzheng," Xiao Qi looked at Zhou, "I may have to aggrieve my mother a little and cannot take my mother there."

Zhou was startled and remembered her identity. She was not the wife of the old Yu Wang Ming Yuan, and her appearance could only lower Qi Geer's background.

Xiao Qi's eyes were full of earnestness: "When they recognize my identity, I will find ways to earn a life for my mother."

Zhou's eyes were sore. She felt aggrieved just now, but now she felt distressed for Brother Qi.Brother Qi has endured too much at a young age, how could she still blame him?Think he dislikes her as a mother?
"There is no need to think about mother," Mrs. Zhou said, "As long as my son is well, mother will be just as happy if she doesn't enter Prince Yu's palace."

Xiao Qi shook his head: "My son is doing this to seek justice for his mother. My mother has been suppressed for many years and has been living in hiding. In the future, I will let my mother enjoy the rest of her life."

Zhou's tears immediately fell down, and she reached out to hold Xiao Qi: "Mother's good son."

Xiao Qi comforted Mrs. Zhou for a while, and then said: "Mom has to take care of the Zhao family girl, but our side is weak and needs help."

"I know how disrespectful she is to her mother, but now I can only endure it." Mrs. Zhou knew what her son meant. If it weren't for her son, she really didn't want to deal with Zhao Luoyang anymore, let alone persuade Zhao Luoyang to be with Qi. My brother got married.

But Zhou could understand why her son did this.Zhou said: "Perhaps Zhao Luoyang is not that important. Princess Changle did not take her with her when she received the order."

Xiao Qi said: "No matter what, the girls from the Zhao family have made a lot of contributions."

Zhou's eyes lit up, yes, why didn't she think of it?In the end, the court will reward according to merit, and Zhao Luoyang's merits can be equal to the faults of Prince Yu's palace.

Mrs. Zhou said: "Then I will send some food to Sister Luo later. No matter what she says this time, I will not be angry."

The mother and son talked for a long time, and Mrs. Zhou went to inquire about the news again. The soldiers guarding the door did not let her go to see Princess Changle, but they did not say that she could not go to find Zhao Luoyang. Mrs. Zhou picked out a few gifts. Together with the snacks I made myself, I planned to send them to Zhao Luoyang in the evening.


Princess Changle returned to her residence. She and Cha Shuo first settled down with the Bai family to rest, and then went to see Da Zongzheng and others.

Princess Changle sat on the chair, raised her head and said, "I understand what the imperial court means. Now I also want to know how many soldiers and horses and armaments the imperial court is planning to send?"

Princess Changle suddenly hit the point, making Da Zong tense up. He looked at the Zhongshu Provincial official on the side, and the official handed over the document in his hand.

Princess Changle unfolded it and saw that the troops and horses sent by the court were only ten thousand, and the food and grass were only enough to feed twenty to thirty thousand soldiers for half a month.

Before Da Zongzheng and the others could speak, Princess Changle sneered: "The imperial court doesn't want me to come back to Beijing to have a look."

The purpose of not letting her return to Beijing is to let her die in the northwest.

Da Zongzheng immediately said: "The imperial court definitely does not mean this. It's just that the current political situation is turbulent and wars are raging. The Feng family and his son have suffered too many losses, so this is all they can take out now."

Princess Changle thought of the look on Luo Jie'er's face last night when she was planning to help her with her accounts, and she felt very... calculating and extremely certain.It is true that these officials cannot be compared at the moment.

Princess Changle took out the paper and pushed it forward: "How can we fight without food and grass? We need 12 troops, and a year's worth of food and grass must be delivered to Xingyuan Mansion within two months."

The Zhongshu Provincial Official's face changed slightly: "How can we get so much in these two months?"

Princess Changle leaned back and said, "The imperial court can also find someone to take over my command of the army. How much food and grass is needed is none of my business."

If the imperial court could be replaced by a general, Princess Changle would not be used.

The Zhongshu Provincial official stood up and saluted: "Princess, please do the calculation again. These are really too many."

"At least half a year's worth of food and grass," Princess Changle stood up. "It will be delivered in two months. The court does not have it. We can temporarily borrow it from the people of the six states, but the court must return it in the future."

How could the imperial court return food to the people?Princess Changle wants the court to reduce taxes for the people in the northwest.

They had to go back and calculate carefully how much tax the northwest states had, and then reported it to the court, who then asked the court to figure out how much grain and grass could be converted.

Zhongshu Provincial officials think there is nothing wrong. Anyway, the harvests in these states cannot suddenly increase!

(End of this chapter)

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