Chapter 510

Zhongshu Provincial officials discussed with Princess Changle and prepared to go down and write a memorial to the court.

Da Zongzheng stood up and sent away the officials from the Zhongshu Provincial Department and the Ministry of Rites, then turned and returned to the main room.Princess Changle obviously guessed that Da Zong would turn back and was sitting there drinking tea.

Da Zongzheng saluted Princess Changle again.

Princess Changle raised her eyes: "You are Da Zongzheng. Logically speaking, I should pay tribute to you."

Da Zong was busy taking off the official hat on his head: "My brother is not Da Zongzheng now, he is just your cousin... In fact... when you went to Tubo, I also followed my uncle to get married..."

Da Zongzheng did not continue. At that time, they saw with their own eyes that the Tubo people came to pick up the bride and took away the most noble princess of Daqi, the daughter of their Xiao family. At that time, he felt unfair.

How powerful is Xiao?Don't you want to give your daughter to someone else in the end?

How noble is Di Ji?Ultimately unable to control one's own life.

But he had no shame to say this, because he was just sad at the time and didn't make any efforts to change later.

He was particularly lucky that he could see the princess again in his lifetime.

Da Zong was thinking of this and became more sincere: "It is my honor to come to welcome the eldest princess."

Princess Changle believed that Da Zongzheng was telling the truth, but although she returned to Daqi, she had no intention of renewing any kinship ties with her clan members.

Princess Changle said: "You turned back specifically just to say this?"

Da Zong was looking at Princess Changle: "Actually, this time I came to Xingyuan Mansion, the Grand Master has one more thing to ask my brother to do."

Princess Changle waved her hand and signaled Da Zong to sit down.

Da Zongzheng then continued: "The Grand Master asked my younger brother to check the whereabouts of King Xiao Yu of Yu."

The Grand Master talked about Xiao Yu’s whereabouts rather than his life and death.Princess Changle thought about Da Zongzheng's words and suddenly smiled.

Da Zongzheng immediately found the answer from the smile, and he breathed a sigh of relief almost subconsciously. Apparently, this fell into the eyes of Princess Changle.

Princess Changle said: "How are you going to report to the Grand Master?"

Da Zongzheng did not hesitate: "Actually, before I came here, I had already thought about it. No matter what the outcome, I would report it to the Grand Master. I didn't hear any news. I also wrote a secret letter sent to the capital on the way."

Why write letters on the road?Because as long as he really doesn't know the truth, the secret letter returned to the court will not reveal any clues.

Princess Changle nodded: "Now that you've thought about it, are you going to ask me what I mean before you send the letter?"

Da Zongzheng shook his head: "My brother knows how to deal with it, but... I want to know what else needs my brother to do?"

Princess Changle thought for a moment: "There is really something."

Da Zongzheng immediately sat up straight.

Princess Changle said: "I have been away from Daqi for a long time. Now what should we, the descendants of the Xiao family, do if we ask for marriage? Is there anything that can bring more face to our descendants?"

Da Zongzheng was startled, and for a moment he couldn't figure out which disciple the eldest princess was referring to.He has been a Da Zongzheng for many years. The Xiao family is a member of the royal family. Whichever family you want to marry, it will generally go smoothly. If you really want to gain face, you can ask the Queen Mother to issue a marriage document...

“It’s not enough to use force to overwhelm others.”

Da Zongzheng immediately changed his mind and either promised to give more betrothal gifts...

Princess Changle continued: "Using property... is even more unpleasant."

Da Zongzheng thought about it again, if power or property is not enough, then he should hire someone with high moral character and respect...

"I went to help propose marriage, but I was afraid that she wouldn't agree."

Da Zong looked at Princess Changle blankly: "What can we do?"

Princess Changle looked at him: "Aren't you asking this?"

Da Zong was still dizzy when he walked out of the main room. His mind was filled with the things that the eldest princess had asked him to do. It could be seen that the eldest princess took it very seriously and was really worried that the other party would reject it.

"Who is he?" Da Zongzheng couldn't help but murmured.

In fact, it may not even be used to save the eldest princess’s face...

After much thought, he figured out that unless the Xiao family's child was ignorant and incompetent, his qualifications were not as good as ordinary people.Or he is a side branch or a concubine, born weak and seriously ill.

Maybe there is a congenital defect.But in his mind, he couldn't find such a person.

Da Zongzheng didn't know what he came to Xingyuan Mansion for a moment, but since he couldn't do anything else, just like the eldest princess said, he should do something he is good at.

Da Zongzheng ordered the steward: "We can't find out the news from the Grand Master, but if there is any movement among the royal family members recently, please report it to me immediately."

The steward responded.

The eldest princess's intention is very clear. The royal family members cannot get involved. Of course, if there are people who have evil intentions and want to take advantage of the opportunity, they should be restrained now.


Xiao Yu has never been as at ease as he is now.

He gently held Zhao Luoyang in his arms and slowly wandered with her outside the city, first to the camp and then to the school ground under construction.

Princess Changle would gather troops and horses here and order an expedition against Tibet.

Of course, the person who actually ordered the troops was Xiao Yu.

"Is it cold?"

Xiao Yu asked in a low voice.

Zhao Luoyang shook his head: "It's just autumn, and there's your cloak again."

Someone in the field has begun to harvest grain.

Xiao Yu did not take action against Tubo, but was also waiting for the autumn harvest.He would have thought about these things when he led troops to fight in the past, but mostly it was because the autumn harvest affected migrant workers and food.This time he was thinking about the hard-working farmers and wanted to protect their harvest for the year.

In the city west of Xingyuan Mansion that was captured by the Tubo, they had already harvested crops in advance. During these days, Nie Shuang and the others had been leading troops to engage in small-scale wars with the Tubo, so that the farmers could bring back all the grain that had not been harvested in time.

Xiao Yu wanted to minimize the damage caused by Feng Fengzhi's defeat.If it were in the past, he might pursue Feng Fengzhi at all costs.

"I always think of a lot of things I haven't done recently," Xiao Yu hugged Zhao Luoyang, "It was also on the northwest battlefield, but it was different from now. Remember I told you this before."

Zhao Luoyang nodded.

Xiao Yu said: "If it's all true, then I must have made many mistakes in the past." The sudden appearance of that scene in his mind would wake him up suddenly from his dream, and he would be sweating profusely when he woke up.

This was something that didn't happen when he was in the system. He thought it might be because it stayed in the body for a long time and gradually integrated into it, and some of the past memories became clearer.

Xiao Yu was afraid that Xiao Hui would be worried, so he never mentioned it.

Zhao Luoyang said: "You also said that it is different now."

Xiao Yu nodded.

"If you still feel you owe something," Zhao Luoyang said, "then make up for it slowly, and I will be with you."

Xiao Yu hugged Xiao Hui Hui tighter: "Okay."

Nie Shuang rode all the way over to report the news to his master.The soldiers and horses of Prince Yu's Mansion will soon enter the southwestern road of Beijing. They probably want to appear suddenly when Princess Changle orders troops.

This is an important matter and cannot be delayed.

Seeing Huaiguang not far away, Nie Shuang rushed over: "Where is the young master? I have something important to do."

Huaiguang's eyes flickered: "If you are not in a hurry, I think you should wait."

Nie Shuang couldn't help but be startled. The master should never delay handling affairs. Why did Huaiguang say this?He thought and looked around, the young master should be not far away.

Wherever he looked, he vaguely saw a figure riding a horse. Just as he was about to take a closer look, his eyes suddenly went dark and had been covered by the light.

Nie Shuang struggled subconsciously: "What are you doing?"

He only heard Huai Guang's voice in his ear: "Do you still want to stay in the Wuwei Army? Do you still want to be with the Young Master? I am doing this for your own good."

Huaiguang dragged Nie Shuang backwards. If Nie Shuang resisted again, he might really kill someone and silence him.

Alas, who calls him the prince's bodyguard?Not only do you have to be blind yourself, but you also have to make others blind too.

(End of this chapter)

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