Lady forced to seek prince

Chapter 525 Here Comes

Chapter 525 Here Comes
When Mr. Song was stunned, Mrs. Yang had returned to normal and comforted the nervous Luo Zhenniang.

"We have just arrived. If you continue like this, you will scare yourself to death before Sister Luo comes back." Mrs. Yang said, waving her hands, "Those are all people who have lost the battle, how much anger can they still have?" , thinking that our Xingyuan Mansion is easy to bully because the women are in charge, based on this thinking, it can be seen that the defeat of the Feng family has not made him wake up, and he will suffer in the future."

Luo Zhenniang thought about it.

Old Mrs. Yang continued: "Don't think so much, just do what Sister Luo has given you. Our eldest princess has seen big things, and everything is done by her own eldest princess."

Luo Zhenniang responded: "After listening to what mother said, my wife won't worry anymore."

People have to be busy. As soon as Zhao Luoyang moves like this, Xingyuan Mansion will also follow suit.

Because Sister Luo had already expected that the Feng family would be targeting them at this time, she simply found out roughly where the Feng family was and asked people to keep watch.

But I didn't expect that the first person to show up would be Zhao Qikun.

After seeing off her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Yang hurried to the kitchen, and this time Mr. Song followed her.

"Why are you following me, sir?" Old Mrs. Song asked.

Mr. Song pointed to the stove fire: "I'll help light the fire."

"How can you, sir, have time to do this?" Old Mrs. Yang said, "Someone will be here soon, so hurry up and do your work. After eating, I have to go see the eldest princess."

Mr. Song wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth but closed it again. He could only turn around and leave, but after taking a few steps, he turned back to look at Mrs. Yang.

Old Mrs. Yang was squatting to light the fire, and the firelight and smoke enveloped her.

Thinking of Mrs. Yang's worried look, she must be thinking about Sister Luo and Zhao Xueyi. She can't miss Zhao Qikun, right?

Mr. Song suddenly felt a little irritable, which made him even more anxious than the war in front of him.


Zhao Qikun thought that after finishing his errands, he could wait for the news of the Feng family's victory.

Following Zhao Xueyi to Xingyuan Mansion is asking for death. When Feng Fengzhi puts down the chaos in Xingyuan Mansion and rides into the city together, he will reach the sky in one step.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he slipped away from Zhao Xueyi, he was caught by Feng Liu's people and thrown on the horse. After a bumpy ride, his stomach was churning and he wanted to vomit everything out. Finally, he got there. I found myself back in the woods again.

Zhao Qikun's eyes widened, and he looked at Feng Liu with difficulty: "Sir, why is this? The grassroots have already done what you asked. You said you would let the grassroots go."

"That's right," Feng Liu pointed at Zhao Qikun, "I didn't tie you up, why would I let you go?"

Zhao Qikun didn't know what to say, and after a while he said: "It's wet and cold in the forest. My little old man can't bear it. Can you go to the nearest city and wait for news?"

Feng Liu stared at Zhao Qikun, as if he had heard something particularly ridiculous. He looked at the soldiers around him: "This man said that he was going to the city to find a warm place..."

Feng Liu laughed twice, and the people around him also laughed.

Then Feng Liu suddenly raised his hand, and Zhao Qikun was so frightened that he dodged, but then he brought his face closer and let Feng Liu slap him in the face a few times.

Feng Liudao: "You guys haven't enjoyed the blessing yet, so it's your turn? Your granddaughter is here. Once she's captured, I'll give you a better place."

After Feng Liu finished speaking, he ordered his generals to pull their horses and leave traces around, so that Zhao Luoyang and others could be lured over.

When Zhao Luoyang arrives, he will find that he is surrounded by people ambushing him.

"Capture those people as soon as possible, so that we can meet up with Uncle Guo earlier, otherwise we will not be able to catch up with the battle in Xingyuan Mansion."

Feng Liuyue became more and more excited as he talked, and so did the soldiers around him. The anger he had been feeling these days finally had a chance to vent.

Traps were set in the forest, and they would disperse and hide. After Zhao Luoyang and the others lost their troops, they would come again to harvest these heads.

Feng Liu's face was full of ferocious expressions. Princess Changle and Prince Yu were fine. How could they be afraid of a peasant woman?If you say it out loud, you will laugh to death.

Feng Liu took Zhao Qikun to find a place to hide. Zhao Qikun listened to the noise outside, fearing that Zhao Luoyang would not come and the lunatic next to him would take it out on him.A group of people waited for another two days until it started to rain.

The autumn rain fell coldly on his body, and Zhao Qikun had already been soaked. If it continued like this, he felt that he would not be able to survive tomorrow.

"Sir, why don't we find a place to take shelter from the rain first?" the Feng family's deputy general asked Feng Liu.

Feng Liu shook his head: "It's already foggy. They might use the fog to make a sneak attack." The more times this happens, the more we can't retreat, otherwise our success will be in vain.

After waiting for the rain to fall for another half day, Zhao Qikun felt that the breath he exhaled began to become hot. He really hated the mute. Ever since she arrived at his house, she had not brought back anything good, and she has not come back until now.

Finally, the spies brought back the news: "Here he comes. Zhao ordered someone to tie a cloth on the horse's hoof and touch it quietly."

This was also due to their people acting "sneakily" around, allowing Zhao Luoyang to determine their location.

Feng Liu wiped the rain off his face: "Get ready to kill."

A smile appeared on Zhao Qikun's face. He finally came to an end. Just when he wanted to take advantage of this joy to ask for a cloak from Feng Liu, Feng Liu also turned his head.

Their eyes met, Zhao Qikun opened his mouth and before he could make a sound, he heard Feng Liudao: "Tie this old guy up. If you see the Zhao family, use him as a blackmail."

Zhao Qikun was immediately frightened out of his wits: "Sir...sir...why is this...sir..."

Feng Liu smiled and said, "We've already caught Zhao Luoyang, so why do we need an old guy like you?"

As soon as Feng Liu finished speaking, two soldiers had already blocked Zhao Qikun's mouth and tied him up tightly.

The rain was still falling, and the people huddled in the fog could only rely on the sounds to tell where Zhao Luoyang and others were.

But when I was in the forest, I felt like I heard the sound of horse hooves, and if I looked carefully, it sounded like thousands of raindrops falling on the leaves.

Until the first trap was triggered, the Feng family who were not far away saw the rocks hanging on the trap falling.

When the rocks fall, someone steps on the trap, and then the surrounding traps are triggered one after another.

"Coming." The Feng family's scouts shouted, and the archers lying in wait immediately shot arrows.

"There is an ambush," someone shouted in the heavy fog, "Hurry, protect my wife and leave."

How could Feng Liu let them go?Take advantage of the chaos to kill them.

"They ran southwest."

The Feng family vaguely saw a large number of people retreating to the southwest.


Feng Liu got on his horse and ran over with his men.

The Feng family's scouts also followed, leaving only a dozen or so people to go into the forest to clean up the mess.

After Feng Liu took the people away, the surrounding area gradually became quiet. The soldiers of the Feng family carefully went to explore the forest. The first group of people had already found the trap left in advance.

The soldier who arrived first put his head out to check the situation in the trap. He leaned over and looked for a long time, then couldn't help but stretched out his hand to rub his eyes, and then showed an expression of disbelief, because there was nothing in the trap.

The falling rocks did not hit anyone.

Why is that?
They clearly heard the screams, were they all fake?

He was about to open his mouth to speak when he suddenly felt the rain above his head stopped. He raised his head to look and saw an additional figure above his head.

The man quickly slid down from the tree and scratched his hand with the sharp weapon. The soldier felt warmth on his neck, and then he fell headlong into the trap in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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